NorthShore Slavery


Ruth, 21: 11m: 1737. PR5

_____, s. Henry and Ruth, bet. 1774 and 1779. CR1

David, s. Henry and Ruth, drowned, June --, 1785.

Hannah, d. Henry and Ruth, Oct. --, 1793.

Sarah, w. Henry, Jan. 19, 1795. [a. 22 y. 7 m. 5 d. CR1]

Deborah, 2d, w. Henry, June 2, 1801. [a. 25 y. 6 m. 10 d. CR1]

Abigail, 3d, w. Henry, July 23, 1803. [a. 25 y. 4 m. CR1]

_____, ch. David, Sept. 18, 1813, a. 4 w. CR5

Clarissa [Lummeus. CR1], d. William and Peace, May 23, 1816.

Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Oct. 10, 1816.

Peace, w. William, Feb. 27, 1818.

Henry [father Benjamin. dup.], Dec. 16, 1818, a. 70 y.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Nov. 1, 1819.

Huldah, d. Benjamin P. and Susen, Aug. 10, 1820.

Willard, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Sept. 12, 1822.

Love, d. David and Huldah, Nov. 28, 1822. [a. 6 m. CR5]

Samuel Warren, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Sept. 7, 1823.

Eliza, w. James, Nov. 20, 1823.

Huldah, w. David, Apr. 2, 1824. [a. 33 y. CR5]

Ruth, wid. Henry, Sept. 29, 1824.

Samuel Warren, s. David and Huldah, Nov. 7, 1824. [a. 18 m. CR5]

Susan Newhall, d. Stephen and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1825.

Jonathan Bacheller, s. twin, Benjamin and Lydia B., Sept. 16, 1827. [a. 10 m. PR1]

_____, ch. Benjamin, bur. Sept. 22, 1828. PR1

Lydia Maria, d. James and Elizabeth, 29: 11m: 1828. CR1

James Edward, s. James and Elizabeth, 9: 4m: 1829. CR1

Clarissa, d. George and Sophia, Dec. 25, 1829. [a. 1 w. PR1]

_____, ch. George, bur. Jan. 5, 1830, a. 3 m. PR1

William [s. Henry and Ruth. CR1], May 13, 1830.

George Warren, s. George and Sophia, Feb. 5, 1831.

Theodate Breed, d. Gamaliell and Charlotte, Dec. 31, 1832.

_____, ch. George, bur. Aug. 18, 1833. PR1

Lydia Maria, d. James and Eliza, Aug. 26, 1833.

Sophia, w. George, Feb. 2, 1834.

Aaron Lummus, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Apr. 20, 1834. [a. 3 1/2 y. PR1]

_____, s. Benjamin, of Saugus, bur. July 29, 1837, a. 20 m. PR1

Huldah A., w. William B., Feb. 26, 1838.

Sarah Collins, d. William and Peace, Dec. 2, 1842.

Sarah M., d. David, typhus fever, Nov. 23, 1844, a. 29 y.

Susan C., d. Stephen and Sally, fits, Jan. 31, 1845, a. 15 y. 2 m.

_____, ch. stillborn, Benjamin, May --, 1845. PR1

James W., s. William B. and Sarah J., consumption, Nov. 29, 1847, a. 2 y. 8 m.

William Theodore, s. William B. and Sarah J., dysentery, Oct. 8, 1848, a. 1 y. 8 m.

Frank H., s. Edwin H. and Mary, Dec. 11, 1848., a. 1 y.

Gamaliel W., old age, Jan. 21, 1849, a. 77 y.

Alice, d. Albourne and Eliza, lung fever, June 2, 1849, a. 5 m. 20 d.

Caroline N., w. David, congestion of the brain, Dec. 13, 1849, a. 49 y.


Frederick, s. Matthew and Frances M., Oct. 29, 1836, a. 10 d. GR1

Ellen Lucinda, d. Matthew and Frances M., Aug. 28, 1843, a. 8 m. GR1

Maria Ellis, d. Matthew and Frances M., Dec. 30, 1843, a. 2 y. 11 m. GR1 [a. 18 m. PR1]

Elizabeth, d. Matthew and Frances, consumption [at East Boston. PR1], Nov. 26, 1845, a. 27 y. 7 m.

James William, s. James B. and Eliza, croup, Jan. 12, 1846, a. 2 m. 5 d.


_____, ch. twin, Consider and Rebecca, May 1, 1817. PR144

Emily, d. Consider and Rebecca, Sept. 17, 1818. PR144

Consider, Feb. 13, 1823.

_____, ch. Charles, bur. Sept. 10, 1834. PR1

_____, ch. Charles, bur. Oct. 26, 1843, a. 2 y. PR1

_____, d. Charles, bur. Mar. 29, 1844, a. 13 y. PR1

ORGAN (Orgin)

Ruthey, w. Isaac, Feb. 19, 1821. [a. 20 y. CR5]

Isaac [a pensioner and drummer of the Revolution. PR53], May 29, 1831. [a. 70 y. GR1]

Elizabeth, wid. Isaac, consumption, Oct. 13, 1846, a. 81 y.


Hugh, Hon., --- --, 1798. GR9

Mary Bass, w. Hon. Hugh, --- --, 1804. GR9

Charles, s. John L, Apr. 17, 1818.

John Love, --- --, 1835. GR9

Sylvia Mitchell, w. Hugh, jr., --- --, 1847. GR9

Benjamin T., s. Charles and Rachel, inflammation of the lungs, June 8, 1847, a. 8 m.

Emily F., d. Daniel, scarlet fever, Apr. 29, 1849, a. 1 y. 4 m.

George B., s. Daniel, scarlet fever, May 16, 1849, a. 3 y. 2 m.

Henrietta E., d. Daniel, consumption, Sept. 1, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m.

OSBORN (Osbon)

Daniel, 26: 5m: 1827. CR1

John, [Aug. 29. CR1], 1834. [a. 40 y. CR1]

George Leonard, s. Michael and Paulina, disorder of the brain, Sept. 13, 1845, a. 3 y. 15 d.


_____, inf. ch. Joseph, bur. Feb. 8, 1835. PR1

Caroline Fisher, d. Edward, Sept. 8, 1835.

Edward, s. David, consumption, Sept. 3, 1845, a. 1 y.

Nelson, s. Samuel D. and Betsey, cholera infantum, Aug. 31, 1846, a. 8 m. 12 d.


Ann Maria, d. Augustus, May 3, 1831.

Ann Maria, d. Augustus and Ann, June 27, 1834, a. 3 y. 1 m. GR1

Nelson Augustus, s. Augustus and Ann, July 23, 1834, a. 6 w. 1 d. GR1

Fanny W., w. George W., consumption, Sept. 12, 1844, a. 29 y. 6 m.


Thomas, bur. Mar. 3, 1763. PR6

Frances Ann, d. Joseph and Mahala Ann, fits, Feb. 28, 1849, a. 3 y. 5 m.

Dallas Polk, s. Joseph, scarletina, at Danvers, Mar. 18, 1849, a. 2 y. 2 m.

Joseph G., s. Joseph, scarlet fever, at Danvers, Apr. 10, 1849, a. 4 y. 7 m.