NorthShore Slavery


Ebenezer, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1775.

Rebecah, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, July 24, 1797.

Hannah, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, July 24, 1799.

Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1800.

Ebenezer Phillip, s. Ebenezer and Hannah, May 3, 1802.

Sally, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1804.

Squires, s. Ebenezer and Hannah, Nov. 12, 1805.

OLIVER (Olive, Olliver)

Henry, s. Henry and Ruth, Oct. 22, 1771.

Sarah, 1st., w. Henry, June 14, 1772.

_____, s. Henry and Ruth, bet. 1774 and 1779. CR1

William, s. Henry and Ruth, Apr. 4, 1774.

William, Apr. 27, 1774.

Peace, d. William, May 20, 1778.

David, s. Henry and Ruth, Apr. 5, 1779.

Benjamin, s. Henry and Ruth, May 16, 1782.

Stephen, s. Henry and Ruth, Mar. 29, 1785.

David, s. Henry and Ruth, Oct. 4, 1787.

Ruthy, d. Henry and Ruth, June 3, 1790.

Hannah, d. Henry and Ruth, Dec. 26, 1792.

James, s. Henry and Ruth, May 20, 1794.

Joshua Collins, s. Henry, jr. and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1795.

Sarah Collins, d. William and Peace, Nov. 18, 1801.

Abigail Purinton, d. William and Peace, July 13, 1803.

Mary, d. Benjamin P. and Susen, May 30, 1804.

William B. William and Peace, June 4, 1805.

Benjamin P., s. Benjamin P. and Susen, July 4, 1806.

George, s. William and Peace, Mar. 17, 1807.

Susanna Sigourney, d. Daniel S. and Sukey, Mar. 18, 1807.

Susen, d. Benjamin P. and Susan, Apr. 15, 1808.

William, s. Gamaliell W., Aug. 8, 1808.

William Breed., s. Gamaliell [W. CR1] and Charolote, Aug. 8, 1808.

Daniel Wilson, s. Daniel S. and Sukey, Nov. 13, 1808.

Clarissa Lummus, d. William and Peace, Dec. 23, 1808.

William Farrington, s. Stephen and Sarah, Sept. 5, 1809.

James, s. Benjamin P. and Susan, Apr. 25, 1810.

Joanna R.T., d. Daniel S. and Sukey, June 27, 1810.

Edwin Henry, s. Stephen and Sarah, May 26, 1812.

Benjamin, s. William and Peace. July 25, 1812.

Elisha Sigorny, s. Daniel S. and Sukey, Aug. 24, 1812.

Catharin, d. Benjamin P. and Susen, Dec. 15, 1812.

Lydia, d. William and Peace [aft. 1812.]

Theodate Breed, d. Gamaliell [W. CR1] and Charolote, Feb. 23, 1813.

Mary Ann Signey, d. Daniel S. and Sukey, June 12, 1814.

Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin and Lydia. B., Jan. 5, 1815.

Harriet Agustia, d. Stephen and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1815.

Sally Merium, d. David and Huldah, Mar. 7, 1815.

George, s. Benjamin P. and Susen, Oct. 4, 1815.

Mary Brown, d. Benjamin and Lydia B., Oct. 29, 1816.

Elizebeth, d. David and Huldah, Jan. 21, 1817.

Stephen, s. Stephen and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1817.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Mar. 2, 1819.

Huldah, d. Benjamin P. and Susen, June 6, 1819.

Maria, d. David and Huldah, Feb. 14, 1820.

Benjamin Franklin, s. Stephen and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1820.

Willard, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Nov. 30, 1820.

William, s. Benjamin P. and Susan, Sept. 14, 1821.

Lydia Maria, d. James and Eliza, Mar. 18, 1822.

Love, d. David and Huldah, May 28, 1822.

Charles, s. Stephen and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1822.

Samuel Warren, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Nov. 18, 1822.

Samuel Warren, s. David and Huldah, Aug. 21, 1823.

Elizabeth Brown, d. James and Eliza, Oct. 7, 1823.

Susan Newhall, d. Stephen and Sarah, July 1, 1824.

Willard Franklin, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., July 6, 1824.

_____, ch. stillborn, Stephen and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1825.

Martha C., d. James and Olivia, C., 22: 9m: 1826. CR1

Jonathan Bacheller, s. twin, Benjamin and Lydia B., Nov. 21, 1826.

Silvester Bradley, s. twin, Benjamin and Lydia. B., Nov. 21, 1826.

Thomas Clarkson, s. Stephen and Sarah, July 19, 1827.

James Edward, s. James and Olivia C., 1: 3m: 1828. CR1

John Luther, s. John B. and Sally, Oct. 4, 1829.

Susan Catharine, d. Stephen and Sarah, Nov. 24, 1829.

Clarissa, d. George aod Sophia, Dec. 12, 1829.

George Warren, s. George and Sophia, Oct. 24, 1830.

Aaron Lummus, s. Benjamin and Lydia B., Dec. 24, 1830.

Benjamin Phillip, s. John B. and Sally, Apr. 17, 1833.

Clara Ann, d. Benjamin and Lydia B., May 15, 1833.

Edward Alborn, s. Alborn C. and Eliza W., Apr. 30, 1836.

Sarah Elizabeth, d. John B. and Sally, Aug. 8, 1836.

Louisa P., d. James and Olivia, 29: 1m: 1838. CR1

Stephen Augustus, s. Edwin H. and Mary Eliza, Feb. 24, 1838.

Angelia, d. Edwin H. and Mary Eliza, Mar. 2, 1840.

Nancy Rand d. John B. and Sally. Apr. 20, 1840.

Mary Ellen, d. James and Olivia, 28: 2m: 1841. CR1

Sarah Ellen, d. George and Valeria O.B., Oct. 9, 1841.

William Henry, s. Edwin H. and Mary Eliza, Jan. 15, 1842.

Frank W., s. Albourn, morocco dresser, Jan. 15, 1844.

Rowland Green, s. John E., morocco dresser, Jan. 31, 1844.

Priscilla Louisiana, d. John B., cordwainer, and Sally, May 13, 1844.

Roland Edward, s. John, morocco dresser, and Mary, Mar. 3, 1845.

James Wallis, s. William and Sarah J., 7: 4m: 1845. CR1

_____, s. William B., shoe manufacturer, and Sarah J., Apr. 7, 1845.

William Theodore, s. William P., shoe manufacturer, and Sarah J., Jan. 30, 1847.

Emma Louisa, d. Stephen, jr., shoe merchant, and Jane B., June 3, 1847.

Frank Howard, s. Edwin, shoe cutter, and Mary Eliza, Jan. 23, 1848.

Georgiana Augusta Sophia, d. George, cordwainer, and Valeria, b. Salisbury, June 16, 1848.

George Dana, s. Charles A., cordwainer, b. Saugus, and Antionette, Oct. 11, 1848.

Ella, d. Benjamin Franklin, shoe manufacturer, and Sarah A., Nov. 4, 1848.

Charlotte Huldah, d. William B., shoe manufacturer, and Sarah J., b. Berwick, ME, Dec. 11, 1848.

Alice, d. Albourne, morocco manufacturer, b. Charlestowm., and Eliza W., Dec. 12, 1848.

OLLIVER (Oliver)

Samuel, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, May 4, 1788.

Elisebeth, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Oct. 17, 1790.

George Worin, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Jan. 14, 1792.

John Ballard, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Jan. 13, 1796.

Edward, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Apr. 20, 1804.


Ann Eaton, d. Consider, at Boston, Jan. 4, 1801.

Charles Bradford, s. Consider, at Boston, Dec. 15, 1802.

Eliza Downing, d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], Aug. 28, 1804.

Mary Chapman, d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], Sept. 30, 1806.

Adeline, d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], Feb. 5, 1808.

Lydia [Lydia Bradford. PR144], d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], Apr. 18, 1810.

Sarah Ann, d. Levi and Sally, May 20, 1812.

Emilia, d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], June 5, 1812.

Caroline Ann, d. Pelham, Oct. 3, 1812.

Sophia Ann, d. Pelham, Nov. 1, 1813.

Mary Jane, d. Levi and Sally, Mar. 19, 1814.

Rebeckah Adams, d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144] June 1, 1814

William Augustus, s. Pelham, July 18, 1815.

Consider Nelson, s. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], Sept. 22, 1820.

Consider, s. Consider and Rebecca, Feb. 7, 1823. PR144

Emele Agusta, d. Consider [and Rebecca. PR144], Aug. 19, 1826.

William Henry, s. William, farmer, Jan. 14, 1844.

Frank Stoughton, s. Nelson and Mary Ann, Aug. 1, 1845. PR72

John Nelson, s. Consider, carpenter, and Mary A[nn. PR72], Oct. 10, 1846. [Nov. PR72]

ORGAN (Orgin)

Elizanet, d. Isaac and Ruthey, Nov. 24, 1817.

_____, ch. Isaac and Ruthey [bet. 1819 and 1821.]

Mary Ann, d. Isaac and Ruthey, Jan. 3, 1819.

ORGIN (Organ)

Eliza C, d. Isaac and Elisebeth, July 20, 1793. [1794. PR83]

Isaac, s. Isaac and Elisebeth, Feb. 15, 1795.

Isaac, s. Isaac and Elisebeth, June 13, 1796.

Harriet, d. Isaac and Elisebeth, Jan. 25, 1798.

Martha, d. Isaac and Elisebeth, July 26, 1800.

ORN (Orne)

Rebecca, d. Simond and Mary, Mar. 7, 1730-31.


Mary, d. John L., Dec. 11, 1817.

Daniel, s. John L., Dec. 7, 1819.

Charles, s. John L, Mar. 30, 1821.

Henry, s. John L., Feb. 24, 1823.

Charles Henry, s. William and Mary, Feb. 24, 1838.

William Standley, s. William and Mary, Jan. 11, 1841.

Sarah Ellen, d. Charles, tanner, and Rachel, July 4, 1844.

James Bickford, s. William, morocco dresser, and Mary, Sept. 15, 1844.

Benjamin, s. Charles, laborer, and Rachel, Sept. 30, 1846.

Edward, s. William, morocco dresser, and Mary, Aug. 20, 1847.

George Warren, s. Charles, cordwainer, and Mary, b. Thomaston, ME, June 8, 1848.


Thomas Walton, s. Thomas, at Northboro, Apr. 21, 1838.

Henry William, s. Thomas, at Northboro, Mar. 28, 1840.

George Leonard, s. Michael, calico printer, and Paulina, May 23, 1845.

_____, d. Michael, calico printer, and Paulina, Apr. 30, 1846.

George Herbert, s. Michael, machine printer, and Paulina, Apr. 14, 1848.


Sarah, Dec. 1, 1809. GR5

Lucretia, d. Samuel B., tanner, and Betsey, Mar. 8, 1846.


Barberry, d. Georg and Ruth, Nov. 15, 1725.


Ann Maria, d. Augustus, May 3, 1831.

_____, ch. Augustus, June 11, 1834.

Elizabeth Richardson, d. George, Feb. 29, 1836.

Ann Maria, d. Augustus, July 14, 1836.

Georgia Ellen, d. George, Dec. 25, 1840.

OWEN (Owens)

Joseph, s. Joseph, tobacconist, and Mahala Ann, Nov. 3, 1844.

Frances Ann, d. Joseph. morocco dresser, and Mahala, Oct. 6, 1845.

Dallas P., s. Joseph, morocco dresser, and Mahala, Dec. 9, 1845.

Joseph Gilbert, s. Joseph, cordwainer, b. Boston, and Ann, b. ME, July 3, 1848.

OWENS (Owen)

Georgiannia Frances, d. Joseph, morocco dresser, b. Boston, and Ann G., b. Portland ME, Nov. 13, 1849.