NorthShore Slavery

WALDRON (Walderne, Waldren, Woldren)

Edward, s. Nathaniell and Abbigail, Dec. 18, 1695.

Nathanill, s. Nathanil and Abigall, Oct. 9, 1709.

Abigail, d. Edward and Ruth, May 28, 1729. CR

Abigall, w. Natthanill, Apr. 21, 1733. [a. 73 y. CR]

Nathanil, s. Ebenezer and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1734-5. [in his 4th y. GR1]

Edward, Jan. 4, 1745-6, in his 49th y.

Sarah, Oct. 14, 1745. CR

Hannah, May 14, 1748.

Naomi, May 14, 1748.

Ebenezer, s. posthumous, Edward and Ruth, May 18, 1748.

Hannah, w. Ebenezer, Oct. 5, 1749.

Ruth, wid. Edward, May 18, 1750. in her 45th y.

Nathanael, Sept. 2, 1751, a. 91½ y.

Nathaniell, at sea, Sept. 7, 1751, in his 22d y.

Sarah, w. Ebenezer, Jan. 2, 1756. CR

Nathaniell, s. Edward and Abigail, Apr. 12, 1759.

Naomi, d. Edward and Abigail, Apr. 18, 1759, a. 56 y. [Apr. 20. CR]

Abigail, d. Edward and Abigail, May 10, 1759.

Ebenezer, Dea., Oct. 28, 1760, in his 57th y.

Abigail, [young. CR] d. Edward and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1765.

Tabitha, May 8, 1848. [should be 1748.]

WALKER (Waker)

Sarah, wid., June 27, 1706.


Priscilla, w. Rev. Robert, d. Hon. Col. John Appleton of Ipswich, July 22, 1724. [in her 28th y. CR]

Robert, Rev., July 19, 1732, a. 38 y. CR

Margret, wid. Rev. Robart [d. Daniel Rogers, Esq., late of Ipswich. GR1], Feb. 7, 1742-3, in her 45th y.


John, Rev. [b. Roxbury, Sept. 18, 1704. GR1], July 19, 1749, in his 45th y.

John, s. late Rev. John, June 21, 1776.

WEBBER (Weber)

Edward, s. Edward, July 26, 1758. CR

Joanna, d. Edward and Rose, Apr. 18, 1759. CR

Benjamin, at Matineco, July --, 1762. CR

Edward, June 10, 1764. CR

_____, young ch. Thomas, Nov. 29, 1777. CR

_____, young ch. William, Dec. 5, 1777. CR

_____, s. Thomas, bilious colic, Jan. 26, 1787, a. 5 y. CR

_____, ch. Thomas, Feb. 12, 1795. CR

Thomas, Aug. 18, 1799. CR

Experance, wid., Jan. 12, 1820, in her 88th y.

Hannah, w. John W., June 16, 1834. CR

Nancy P., w. Morris, inflammation of the bowels, bur. Mar. 29, 1843, a. 23 y.


John, Sept. 15, 1716, a. 18 m. G.R. 2.


David, s. David and Mary, July 26, 1722. CR

Hannah, wid. [town pauper. CR], apoplexy, July 27, 1843, a. 68 y.


Thomas, Oct. 1, 1672. CTR

Ruth, wid. [Capt. Thomas. GR1], Dec. 10, 1713, in her 80th y.

Thomas, s. Thomas and Martha, "at his uncles, Samuel Fiske, at Rehobeth," June 8, 1717-8, in his 19th y.

Elizabeth, w. Josiah, d. Lt. Samuel Kimball, June 7, 1728, a. abt. 19 y. CR

Elizabeth, d. Josiah and Elizabeth, June 19, 1728. CR [a. abt. 19 d. GR1]

Abigail, w. Josiah, July 2, 1730, a. 24 y. CR

Thomas, Jan. 27, 1739-40, in his 76th y.

Mary, w. John, Nov. 30, 1745. [Nov. 29, a. 30 y. CR]

Josiah, at Beverly, Feb. 7, 1761.

Martha, wid., Apr. 22, 1763, a. 95 y. CR

Pelitiah, [inf. CR] s. Haffield and Lydia, Feb. 27, 1766. [Mar. 3. CR]

John [of Salem. GR1], Jan. 11, 1781. CR [in his 85th y. GR1]

Lydia, [young. CR] d. Haffield and Lydia, Jan. 28, 1785.

_____, inf. ch. Amos, July 23, 1821. CR

Henery Potter, s. Joseph, dysentery, Aug. 20, 1828, a. 21 m. CR

Charles, s. Joseph, dysentery, Aug. 27, 1828, a. abt. 4 y. CR

Paul Porter, s. Amos and Lydia, --- --, 1834. CR

Rachel, w. Joseph, Mar. 1, 1836, a. 78 y. 10 m. CR


George, Rev., at Newburyport, Sept. 30, 1770.


Mary [Whittredge. GR1] Mar. 3, 1827, a. 22 y. CR [Mar. 10, a. 21 y. GR1]

WOODBURY (Woodberry, Woodbery)

Jemima, Mar. 29, 1704.

Zebulon, s. Mrs. Ruth, Apr. 23, 1759. CR

Maria, May 25, 1802, a. 10 m. G.R. 2.

Sally P., Mar. 24, 1816, a. 9 m. G.R. 2.

Charlotte, d. David, Mar. 2, 1817, a. 19 y.

George, May 25, 1819. CR

Anna, d. James and Betsey, Dec. 8, 1827, a 16 m. CR

Betsy, w. David, June 5, 1832, a. 57 y. CR [June 4. G.R. 2.]


Elizabeth, 3: 12m: 1678. CTR

Ezekiel, sr., Jan. 29, 1698-9.

WYATT (Wyat)

_____, ch. Mr., Apr. 25, 1773. CR

_____, inf. ch. Jane, Feb. 12, 1782. CR

_____, d. _____, burnt, Jan. 9, 1789. a. abt. 4 y. CR

Abraham, old age, buried Nov. 16, 1810, a. abt. 90 y. CR

_____, s. William, buried Mar. --, 1814. CR

Jane, Apr. --, 1818. CR

Nancy, Apr. --, 1818. CR

Abraham, July 18, 1818. CR

Sophia, "pauper," Feb. 7, 1822, a. 22 y. CR

Simon, Nov. 23, 1822, a. 73 y. CR

Jonathan, buried Oct. 22, 1825, a. 60 y. CR

George, Sept. 5, 1827, a. abt. 60 y. CR

Richard, at sea, July 1, 1830, a. 25 y. CR

Eleanor, w. Simon, May 14, 1831. CR

Betsy, Dec. 30, 1831. CR

Lucy, Dec. 30, 1831. CR

Charles, at sea, June --, 1833, a. 16 y. CR

Emma, w. Andrew, June 19, 1834. CR

Jemima, wid., at Salem, buried ["fromMr. Jos. Cook's". CR], Dec. 20, 1842, a. abt. 70 y.

William ["town pauper, at Mr. Lakeman's." CR], buried Apr. 3, 1843, a. 77 y.

Lydia, wid. George [pauper. CR], Jan. 26, 1849, a. 68 y.