NorthShore Slavery


_____, youngest d. William, Jan. 25, 1795, a. abt. 2 y. CR

Norrise, s. William, Feb. 1, 1795, a. abt. 8 y. CR

_____, s. Smith, water in brain, buried June 14, 1807, a. 2 w. CR

Charles, Oct. 23, 1821, a. 12 y. CR

Enos, Dec. 8, 1834, a. 73 y. CR

_____, wid., Enos, Dec. 19, 1834, a. 82 y. CR


John, Capt., paralytic, buried Oct. 30, 1805, a. 74 y. CR [d. Oct. 27. GR1]

Elizabeth, wid., Oct. 12, 1823, a. 86 y. CR

GENTLEE (Gentle, Gently)

_____, inf. ch. Capt., Sept. 16, 1782. CR

_____, inf. twin chn. Capt. Thomas, May 19, 1783. CR

Thomas, Capt., consumption, June 11, 1790. CR

Gabriel ["drowned in a creek. CR], Sept. 9, 1812, a. 25 y.

_____, wid., "very suddenly," May 12, 1824, a. 70 y. CR

James, Dec. 29, 1827, a. 43 y. CR

Gabriel, s. Downing G., lung fever, buried Apr. 28, 1839, a. 18½ y. CR

Richard, widr., shoe manufacturer, s. Downing and Elizabeth, consumption, buried Beverly, d. Nov. [29. CR], 1849.

GERRISH (Gerish)

Joseph, Rev., "ordaiened pastor 46 years, in Wenham on this month, 16th daye," Jan. 6, 1719-20, in his 70th y.

Paul [Capt. CR], s. Rev. Josiph and Anna, Feb. 20, 1729-30. [a. 50 y. CR]

Anna, wid. Rev. Josiph, Jan. 27, 1730-31. [a. 78 y. CR]


Mercy, d. Isaac, and Elisabeth, Sept. 30, 1752. [ Sept. 29. CR]

Isaac, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Oct. 10, 1752.

Zaccheus, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Oct. 10, 1752.


Abigall, d. John and Martha, Oct. 1, 1703.

GOLDSMITH (Gouldsmith)

John, s. Zacheas and Martha, Nov. 21, 1695.

Tabitha, w. Zacheas, jr., d. William and rudence Dodge, Nov. 8, 1726.

Mary, d. Richard and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1735. CR

_____, inf. d. Zacheus, Oct. 17, 1741. CR

Martha, w. Zacheas, Nov. 15, 1744. [a. 82 y. CR]

_____, twin sons, Zacheus, Aug. --, 1747. CR

Zacheus, Oct. 30, 1747, a. 85 y. CR


Hannah, June 2, 1795. CR

Hannah, June 9, 1796, a. 54 y. GR1


Bethia, d. Charles, Nov. 21, 1661. CTR

Sarah, d. Charles, Jan. 4, 1663. CTR

Sarah, w. Charles, Aug. 8, 1665. CTR

Charles, 15: 11m: 1667. CTR

William, s. Charles, jr. and Elizabeth, June 12, 1695.

Sarah, d. Charles, jr. and Elizabeth, May 7, 1698.

Hannah, d. Charles, jr. and Elizabeth, Apr. 24, 1699.

Elizabeth, d. Charles, jr. and Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1701-2.

John, s. Charles, jr. and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1702-3.

Charls, s. Charls, sr. and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1707-8.

Elizabeth, d. Charles and Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1707.

Susanah, d. Charls and Elisabeth, May 13, 1708.

Lidia, wid., Feb. 20, 1717-18.

John, Lieut., s. Lieut. Charles [John. GR1], Jan. 25, 1722-3. [a. 54 y. CR]

Lydia, d. Samuell and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1728. [in her 2d y. G.R. 1]

Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, July 27, 1736, a. 4 y. CR

Nathaniel, s. John and Martha, Oct. 29, 1737, in his 15th y.

Rebekah, d. John and Martha, Nov. 14, 1737, in her 13th y.

Martha, d. John and Martha, Nov. 15, 1737, in her 9th y.

John, s. John and Martha, Nov. 29, 1737, in his 22d y.

Josiah, s. John and Martha, Dec. 5, 1737, in his 18th y.

_____, inf. s. Samuel, June 3, 1740. CR

Martha, w. John, June 30, 1750, in her 58th y. GR1

Samuel [Ens. GR1], Aug. 22, 1752, a. 47 y. CR [a. 57 y. GR1]

Daniel, Sept. 5, 1758. CR [Oct. 5, in his 5th y. GR1]

John, June 5, 1761. CR [a. 67 y. GR1]

John [s. John. GR1], Oct. 19, 1775. CR [Oct. 15, a. 23 y. GR1]


Mark, s. John and Mary, July 26, 1722. CR

Levina, w. Amos, Feb. 13, 1835, a. 38 y. CR

Edward E., only ch. John, buried Aug. 6, 1842, a. 8½ m.