NorthShore Slavery

FAIRFIELD (Faierfeild, Faierfield, Faierfild, Fairefield, Fayerfield, Fayerfild, Fearfeald)

Joseph, s. Walter, Aug. 3, 1665. CTR

Benjamin, s. Walter, 14: 7m: 1668. CTR

William, Oct. 24, 1691, a. 7 d. G.R. 2.

Sarah, d. William and Ester, Feb. 6, 1705. [in her 18th y. G.R. 2.]

Sarah, w. Walter, Dec. 18, 1710. [in her 71st y. GR1]

Sarah, w. Walter, Nov. 18, 1713.

Joseph, s. Walter and Juda, Jan. 29, 1714-15.

Joseph, s. Walter and Juda, June 17, 1717.

Tabatha, Oct. 7, 1717, a. 21 y. G.R. 2.

Abigal, d. Walter [jr. CR] and Juda, Feb. 6, 1721-2.

Ester, w. William, Jan. 21, 1722-3. [a. abt. 55 y. G.R. 2.]

Walter, Ens., July 20, 1723, in his 92d y.

Ester, d. Josiah and Eunice, Sept. 28, 1727. [ Sept. 27. CR]

Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Remember, July 19, 1728. CR

William, s. Josiah and Eunis. Sept. 14, 1729.

Abigall, d. Daniel and Remember, Oct. 12, 1729. CR

Euniss, w. Josiah, July 25, 1730. [in her 27th y. G.R. 2.]

Eunis, d. Josiah [and Euniss], Sept. 12, 1730. [ Sept. 18 or 19. G.R. 2.]

Marah, w. Nathanill, Sept. 9, 1731. [in her 60th y. GR1]

Hanah, w. Nathanill, Feb. 4, 1732-3.

Presilah, d. Josiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1736, in her 5th y.

Matthew, s. Josiah and Eunice [at the Hamlet. CR], July 20, 1737, in his 11th y.

Isaac, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, June 15, 1738, in his 4th y.

Skipper, July 26, 1742. CR

William, Dea., Dec. 18, 1742, a. 80 y. CR

Elijah, May 6, 1745. CR

Lydia, d. Benjamin [and Lydia. G.R. 2.], Aug. 15, 1748. [a. 5 y. G.R. 2.]

Elizabeth, d. Josiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1751. CR

Lydia, w. Benjamin, Sept. 17, 1752. CR [ Sept. 6, in her 40th y. G.R. 2.]

John, s. Josiah, Oct. 16, 1753. CR

Eunic, d. Elijah and Lois, Sept. 18, 1754, a. 1 y. CR

Joseph, s. Elijah and Lois, Sept. 10, 1758. CR

Elijah, Oct. --, 1758. CR

Priscilla, d. Josiah and Elisabeth, Aug. 20, 1760. CR

Mary, w. Nathaniell, Dec. 3, 1765. CR

Nathaniell, Apr. 8, 1771, a. 87 y.

William, at sea, Sept. 21, 1777. CR

Josiah, Esq., Oct. 5, 1777. CR

_____, inf. ch. Mathew, Oct. 20, 1777. CR

Benjamin, jr., at sea, --- --, 1781. CR

_____, ch. Capt. Nathaniel, Feb. 10, 1782. CR

_____, w. Benjamin, Mar. 24, 1787, a. 71 y. CR

Benjamin, Jan. 12, 1788, a. 80 y. CR

Josiah, Dr. [s. Josiah and Elisabeth. dup.], at Pepperrellboro, ME, June 23, 1794, a. 47 y.

Joseph, fever and mortification, buried Nov. 14, 1808, a. 50 y. CR

Nathaniel, "alone, of a fit," buried Jan. 7, 1810, a. 43 y. CR

Sarah, wid. Dr. William, Feb. 7, 1814, a. 81 y. GR1

FISK (Fiske)

Sarah, w. Thomas, Sept. 10, 1659. CTR

Josiah, s. Thomas, Apr. 30, 1662. CTR

Amos, s. Thomas, May 12, 1662. CTR

Elieazar, s. Thomas, 25: 9m: 1668. CTR

Phinias, 7: 2m: 1673. CTR

Ebenezer, s. William, 7: 6m: 1678. CTR

Phebee, w. Samuel, sr., Oct. 1, 1696.

Hannah, d. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 3, 1699-1700.

Ruth, d. William, jr. and Mary, Apr. 14, 1704.

Jonathon, s. William, sr. and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1705.

Sarah, d. William, jr. and Marrah, June 14, 1706.

Thomas, Capt., s. Finius, Aug. 15, 1707.

Sarah, d. Danill and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1719-20.

Benjemin, Sept. 16, 1719.

Hannah, wid. Samuell, Jan. 30, 1722-3. [a. "above" 60 y. CR]

Thomas, Capt., s. Capt., Feb. 5, 1722-3. [in his 70th y. CR]

Sarah, d. Danill and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1723.

Phebe, d. Daniel andSarah, Nov. 18, 1726. CR

William, Dea., Feb. 4, 1727-8, "being 85 years ould wanting 18 days. " [Feb. 5. CR]

Benjamin, s. Theophilus and Pheby, Aug. "last," 1731. [Aug. 25. CR]

Elisabeth, w. Ebenezur, Aug. 25, 1732. [Aug. 26, a. 46 y. GR1]

Sarah, wid., Dea. William, Jan. 26, 1737-8, in her 98th y.

Jonathan, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1737, in his 24th y.

Benjamin, June 18, 1742. CR [June 6, a. 67 y. GR1]

Mary, w. Benjamin, Jan. 11, 1744-5. [in her 67th y. GR1]

Jonathan, [inf. CR] s. Jacob and Elisabeth, May 22, 1747.

_____, w. Theophilus, May 23, 1753. CR

_____, w. Thomas, May 17, 1755. CR

Theophilus, Sept. 6, 1759. CR

Mary, [inf. CR] d. Thomas and Peggis, Nov. 23, 1760.

Martha, w. Dea. Ebenezer, Mar. 28, 1764. CR

Ebenezer, Dea., Sept. 30, 1771, a. 93 y.

_____, d. S., sore throat, May 1, 1788, a. 7 y. CR

_____, wid., "at Capt. Kimballs," June --, 1795. CR

William, scarlet fever, July 11, 1821, a. 19 y. CR [a. 17 y. G.R. 1]

Sarah, w. Samuel, consumption, Mar. 1, 1833, a. 55 y. CR

Martha, d. Samuel, consumption, Mar. 10, 1833. CR [a. 34 y. GR1]

Samuel B., m., shoemaker, s. Samuel and Sarah, consumption, Nov. 5, 1845, a. 32 y. 3 m. 24 d.

Samuel, widr., shoemaker, consumption, May 7, 1846, a. 73 y.


Abigail, --- --, 1818. CR

Moses, s. Moses, Esq. and Abigail, measles, Jan. 1, 1826, a. 19 m. CR

Virginai, w. Aaron, consumption, Sept. 16, 1847, a. 22 y. 3 m. [ Sept. 18. CR]

FRIEND (Frind)

Jeames, Dea., Feb. 10, 1717-18.

John, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 14, 1717.

John, Dea., June 14, 1718.

Nathaniel, s. James, Feb. 2, 1748-9, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Sarah, wid. [Dea. John. GR1], Jan. 28, 1763. CR [in her 78th y. GR1]

[Bethia. G.R. 1], d. John, Jan. 28, 1765. CR [in her 10th y. GR1]

Sarah, w. John, jr. May 4, 1766. [a. 22 y. G.R. 1]

Naby, Mrs., d. James, July 31, 1773.

James, Aug. 17, 1773.

Edith, d. the late James, Sept. 4, 1773.

_____, young ch. Richard, Sept. 30, 1777. CR

Daniel, drowned at sea, --- --, 1782. CR

John, Dea., Feb. 25, 1785. CR [a. 67 y. GR1]

Edeth, wid., Mar. 25, 1787, a. 68 y. CR

Richard, Nov. 4, 1787, in his 64th y. [Nov. 3, 1788. CR; Nov. 4, 1788, in his 47th y. GR1]

John, Nov. 20, 1793, in his 55th y. GR1

_____, youngest d. Israel, Oct. 9, 1795. CR

Joanna, d. Joseph and Sally, Oct. 7, 1802.

Hannah, wid. Richard, Feb. 14, 1807, in her 62d y. GR1

Anna, w. James, Nov. 2, 1815, a. 75 y. GR1

Hannah, wid., Jan. 22, 1829, a. 84 y. CR

Susanna, w. James, Feb. 16, 1831, a. 77 y. GR1

_____, w. James, buried Feb. 18, 1831, a. 77 y. CR

James, Mar. 4, 1831, a. 89 y. 11 m. CR

Priscilla, Jan. 28, 1834, a. 81 y. GR1

Mary Elisabeth, eldest d. Simeon and Hannah, buried Dec. 17, 1839, a. 23 y. CR [Dec. 14. GR1]

Edith, unm., consumption, Jan. 8, 1844, a. 64 y. 9 m. 20 d.