NorthShore Slavery


William, of Salem, and Sally Kimball, int. Sept. 26, 1801.


Elizabeth, and Daniel Killum of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1702.*


Mary Porter, Mrs., and Israel Dodge Eliot of Topsfield, June 25, 1820.*


George, Capt., of Newburyport, and Betsey Dodge, int. Jan. 4, 1800.


Abigail, of Beverly, and Isaac Kimball, at Beverly, Nov. 9, 1762.*

George, of Beverly, and Mrs. Eunic Tarbox, Jan. 30, 1766.*

Paul, of Chelmsford, and Mrs. Margaret Ward, Mar. 5, 1758.*

Samuel, of Beverly, and Mrs. Susanna Tarbox, May 18, 1768.*

Sarah, Mrs., of Beverly, and Lt. John Dodge, int. July 2, 1791.


Caleb, Dr., of Gloucester, and Mrs. Ruth Porter, June 5, 1751.*

Lydia, Mrs., of Topsfield, and William B. Perkins, int. Mar. 18, 1838.

REDDINGTON (Readinton)

Adam, and Hannah Dodge, May 15, 1793.*

Adam, and Sally Knowlton, int. Nov. 22, 1800.

John, and Mary Patch of Beverly, int. Jan. 14, 1820.


Abigail, and William Burbank [formerly of Newbury Fall. int.] of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 28, 1799.*


Jabez, and Mary Ann Dwinell, Aug. 30, 1827.*

Joel, of Salem and Prudence Swett, int. Sept. 20, 1783.


Amos, widr., Middleton, a. 61 y., carpenter, s. Solomon and Mary, and Betsey Messer, wid. Middleton, a. 38 y., d. Loammi andSarah Saunders, Dec. 24, 1846.


James, a. 20 y., shoemaker, s. Joseph and Phebe, and Martha Merrill, a. 18 y., d. Daniel and Mary, June 10, 1847.

Mercy B. [of Beverly. int.], a. 17 y., d. Josepth and Phebe Ann, and Humphrey S. Clark, a. 22 y., cordwainer, s. Samuel and Ann, Nov. 28, 1848.*

Rufus, and Sarah A. Batchelder, Oct. 17, 1836.*

Simon, and Huldah Webber, Nov. 8, 1838.*


Elisabeth, and Micull Dwinill of Topsfield, int. June 6, 1730.

Hannah, "Ms.," and Samuell Poland of Ipswich, Dec. 5, 1733.*

John, of Hamilton, and Sarah Haley, May 26, 1842.*

Theophilos, and Hannah Foster of Boxford, int. Feb. 18, 1709-10.

Thomas, of Gloucester, and Ruth Dodge, Sept. 12, 1727.*


Elizabeth, and Ely Meservie, Oct. 9, 1753.*


Abigail, of Hamilton, and Benjamin Edwards, int. May 25, 1834.

Albert T., of Beverly, and Prudence E. Dodge, Apr. 8, 1841.*

Benjamin, of Boston, and Mary Wyett, int. July 23, 1808.

David P., of Beverly, and wid. Harriet M. Elliott of Beverly, Apr. 18, 1849.

Harriet N., and George H. Foss, June 10, 1841.*

Isaac W., and Charlott Kinsman, Jan. 15, 1824.*

Mary W., of Hamilton, and John L. Webber of Beverly, Nov. 13, 1842.

Mary, of Beverly, andGeorge A. Bowers of Beverly, yeoman, Nov. 8, 1849.

Sukey, of Hamilton, and Benjamin Edwards, 2d, int. Jan. 7, 1812.


Alfred, a. 23 y., pedler, s. Hulda, and Elizabeth Brown, a. 23 y., d. Nicholas and Mary, Jan. 4, 1846.


Abram, widr., of West Claremont, NH, and Caroline A. Gould, Apr. 19, 1849.

Benjeman, of Ipswich, and Susannah Haggitt, int. Oct. 30, 1714.

Daniel, and Martha Reed Tucker, int. Feb. 14, 1778.

Elizabeth, and Samuel Kimball [jr. int.], Nov. 4, 1736.*

Hannah, Mrs., and Daniel Lee of Manchester, Dec. 16, 1773.*

Jane, and Churchill Knowlton, int. July 4, 1741.

John, and Hannah Kimball, Feb. 4, 1729-30.*

John, and Elisabeth Killum, Feb. 13, 1748-9. CR*

Margaret, Mrs., of Plymouth, and Rev. Robert Ward, at Plymouth, Feb. 16, 1726-7.*

Margritt, and Benjamin Trow, Feb. 23, 1729-30.*

Mary, and Daniel Gott, Nov. 24, 1743.*

Mary R., Mrs., of Newburyport, and David Starrett, int. Aug. 23, 1840.

Nathaniel, and Elisabeth Hill of Manchester, at Manchester, Oct. 10, 1752.*

Samuel, and Mrs. Hannah Bartlet of Marblehead, int. Mar. 4, 1753.

William, and Elizabeth Pirkins, int. Apr. 15, 1698.

William, jr., and Deborah Dorman of Topsfield, int. Mar. 28, 1729.

William ["late of Topsfield. " int.], and wid. Elisabeth Patch ["late of Beverly. " int.], June 27, 1765.*


Samuel, and Mrs. Mary Quarles, int. Nov. 4, 1786.


Ruth, and Nathaniel Welch, both of Danvers, July 16, 1842.


Abraham, and Mary Brown of Hamilton, int. June 17, 1832.

Eliza, and Augustus Standley, int. Sept. 29, 1833.

William, a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Robert and Mary, and Mary E. Bickford, a. 18 y., d. Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1847.


Daniel, jr., and Mrs. Sally Potter, May 4, 1824.

Robert, of Ipswich, and Mehitable Fisk, at ipswich, Oct. 21, 1762.*