NorthShore Slavery

EASTEY (Estey)

Abigail, and Joseph Cummings, May 22, 1712.

Mary, and John Perkins, Sept. 10, 1713.

Sarah, and Joseph Cumings, Dec. 1, 1714.

EASTIE (Estey)

Hannah, of Ipswich, and Isaac Cummings, at Ipswich, Jan. 5, 1720-1.

Richard, and Ruth Fisk of Ipswich, at Ipswich, May 7, 1728.


Abigail, of Sanbornton, NH, and Capt. Elbridge S. Bixby. int. Dec. 16, 1838.

Ebenezer, 2d, and Harriet Lake, Jan. 21, 1844.*

Julia Ann, and Aaron P. Averell, Jan. 24, 1838.*

Martha, of Sanbornton, NH, and Frederick J. Merriam. int. Oct. 9, 1831.

Nancy, of Newburyport, and Henry T. Nichols of Lawrence, Oct. 18, 1847.

Sarah C., and Benjamin Very, July 26, 1841.*

EASTY (Estey)

Hannah, and George Abbott of Andover, at Andover, July 21, 1707.

John, and Mary Dorman, July 20, 1688. CTR

Joseph, and Jane Steward, June 2, 1682. CTR

Mary, and Benjamin Dwinell, Feb. 25, 1751.*


Andrew, of Salem, and Elizabeth Page. int. June 26, 1814.


Abigail, [Lydia. CR], wid. and Joseph Commings of Doglas [Douglas. int.], Nov. 20, 1759.*

Hannah, and Joseph Edwards. int. May 4, 1755.

Joseph [jr. int.], and Abigaill Perkins, July 14, 1752.*

Joseph, and Hannah Edwards. int. May 4, 1755.

Mary, and Jacob Foster of Ipswich, May 20, 1700.


Roger, of Middleton, and Sarah Balch, Nov. 4, 1790.*


Lydia, and Jacob Estey, Mar. 23, 1709-10.


John, of Middleton, and Martha Balch, Nov. 22, 1798.*

Mary, of Middleton, and John Balch, jr. int. July 22, 1798.


Anna D., and William Blodget, both of Middleton, May 3, 1848.

Charles A., and Abigail L. Gould, Oct. 29, 1814.*

Francis, of Boxford, and Margaritt Knight, Mar. 28, 1716.

Israel Dodge, and Mary Porter Ranlet of Wenham. int. Apr. 30, 1820.

William H., and Elizabeth C. Sumner, Nov. 27, 1845.*


Aaron, and Anna Hovey, Apr. 3, 1806.*

Benjamin, and Eunice Bradstreet, Mar. 25, 1783.*

Caroline, of Georgetown, and Daniel Bixby. int. Aug. 2, 1839.

Cynthia G., of Norwich, VT, and Thomas Porter Emerson. int. Mar. 4, 1827.

Daniel, of Middleton, and Elizabeth Batchelder, July 4, 1837.*

Darces [Dorcas. CR], and Tyler Porter [Dr. CR], of Wenham, Nov. 9, 1760.*

Dorathy, and Thomas Murray. int. Dec. 22, 1776.

Eliza P., and Gilbert Brownell of Boston, Aug. 16, 1827.*

Elizabeth, and Joseph Gould, jr., Dec. 19, 1751.*

Hannah, and Nathaniel How of Ipswich, Nov. 15, 1764.*

Harriet J., and Charles H. Holmes, Esq. of Cornishville, ME, Mar. 20, 1836.*

John, and Elizabeth Pratt of Malden, at Malden, Oct. 23, 1729.

Joseph, and Lydia Burrill of Salem. int. Dec. 30, 1810.

Lydia Porter, and James White Stearns of Salem, Aug. 29, 1809.*

Mary, and Lieut. John Baker, jr., Oct. 21, 1761.*

Mehetabel, of Ipswich, and Philip Kneeland jr. [Neeland. int.], Sept. 27, 1764.*

Rebeckah, and Thomas Hodgdon, of Glocester, Mar. 5, 1761.*

Ruth Bradstreet, and John Foster, Esq. of Salem, at Rowley, Apr. 22, 1819.*

Stephen, and Hannah Thomas of Middleton, Jan. 1, 1807.*

Thomas [Lieut. CR], and Lydia Porter of Wenham, Mar. 15, 1765.*

Thomas, jr., and Mehitabel Cummings of Andover, at Andover, Apr. 23, 1799.*

Thomas Porter, and Cynthia G. Emerson of Norwich, VT, int. Mar. 4, 1827.

Thomas P., and Caroline A. Bradstreet, Nov. 1, 1830.*

Thomas P., and Sarah Phillips, Mar. 26, 1837.*

Timothy, of Nottingham West, and Huldah Hovey. int. June 4, 1775.

Billy, and Ruth Bradstreet, May 8, 1791.*


Zecheriah, of Chelmsford, and Rebecca Reddington, at Ipswich, May 20, 1733.


Zerobabel, and Gras Grace Simonds of Boxford, at Boxford, July --, [bef. 1691.]

ESTEY (Eastey, Eastie, Easty, Esthey, Estie, Estye)

Aaron, jr., and Molly Hooper. int. June 8, 1766.

Abiagial, and William Pooll, Apr. 25, 1718.

Abigail, and William Homans, Nov. 10, 1808.*

Emos, and Eunice Kenney of Middleton. int. Dec. 1, 1799.

Debbe, and Benjamin Kimball. int. Mar. 18, 1798.

Esther, and David Balch, 3d, Nov. 12, 1761.*

Hannah, and George Abbott of Andover, July 21, 1707.

Hannah, and Elijah Gould, May 16, 1822.*

Isaac, and Hannah Smith of Boxford, Sept. 2, 1755.*

Jacob, and Lydia Eliott, Mar. 23, 1709-10.

Jacob, and Dorcas Hovey, Nov. 15, 1733.

John, and Sally Peabody of Boxford. int. July 29, 1804.

Lydia, and Isaac Towne, Jan. 7, 1737-8.

Rebecca [Estie. CR], and Preservit [Preserved. CR] Tucker, of Stoughton, Nov. 12, 1729.

Richard, and Wealthy Fox of Methuen. int. Aug. 13, 1820.

Sarah, and Oliver Peabody of Boxford, Nov. 27, 1800.*

ESTHEY (Estey)

Hannah [Estey. CR], and Enos Towne, Jan. 2, 1753.*


Walter, and Abigail Cummings, Sept. 9, 1766.*