Sylvanus, and Jane Meake, "both residents of Saugus," int. Feb. 25, 1827.
Marchal, and Mariah Burrill, int. Nov. 4, 1848.
Lucy, of Reading, and William Nelson, "resident of Saugus," int. Mar. 19, 1815.
Mariam, and Jeremiah Paul of Lynn, int. July 7, 1849.
Cyntha, and Isaac Lewis, int. Aug. 19, 1827.
Edward, and Lucreita A. Cheever, Jan. 1, 1840.*
Abby F., of Boston, and Benjamin [Fernald. PR1 ] Parker, int. Jan. 24, 1841.
Sally, and Joseph Dampney, Dec. 3, 1820.*
Hezekiah, of South Reading, and Susan BRown, int. Nov. 3, 1822.
David, and Aurela Huntoon, int. Oct. 25, 1845.
Hannah, and John Gillman, "residents of Saugus," int. Dec. 5, 1819.
Elliot F., a. 19 y., tanner, s. Joseph and Rachal, and Lucy Ann Hooke, a. 34 y., d. Samuel L. and Persis, of Malden, b. at Malden, Dec. 9, 1847.*
Susan, and Danforth C. May, "resident of Saugus," int. Apr. 28, 1822.
Ira, and Eliza Hollis of Charlestown, Nov. 23, 1828.*
Eliza, and Amos Wait of Malden, int. Jan. 17, 1830.
Eliza H. [Mrs. int.], and Samuel Fisk, Oct. 16, 1831.*
Emma, d. John and Seba S. Webber, blacksmith, both of Lynn, Dec. 1, 1844.
Nathaniel, "resident of Saugus," and Adaline Newhall of Lynnfield, int. July 7, 1822.
James M., of Reading, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, s. Edward and Mary, and Emery H. Kidder, a. 21 y., d. Daniel and Nancy, Jan. 21, 1849.*
Sarah L., and John Burditt, jr. of South Reading, int. Apr. 7, 1849.
Martin L., of Lynn, and Sarah W. [N. int.] Sargent, Dec. 28, 1828.*
Sylvanus, and Mary Ann Towner, Mar. 23, 1844.*
Abner A., of South Reading, a. 29 y., butcher, s. Abner and Hannah B., and Hannah Gould of South Reading, a. 20 y., d. William and Sally, May 5, 1849.
Mary Ann, of Malden, and Alfred Proctor, int. Oct. 3, 1846.
Rachel, and Nathaniel R. Leaman of Charlestown, int. Jan. 26, 1817.
Henry, and Lucy Foster, "resident of Saugus," Apr. 19, 1820.*
Mary, and Samuel Fisk, "resident of Saugus," int. Jan. 6, 1822.
William W., and Julia David, int. Sept. 18, 1825.
William W., and Sabrina Brown, Jan. 1, 1833.*
James, jr., see Roots, James, jr.
Jonathan, "resident of Saugus," and Sally Raddin, of Lynn, int. Aug. 17, 1817.
Lydia, of Hampstead, NH, and John Sweetser, int. Nov. 29, 1817.
Charles W.M. ["resident of Saugus. " int.], and Sally Sweetser, Oct. 19, 1818.*
Sally S. [Mrs. int.], of Lynn, and Charles Sweetser, Mar. 14, 1836.*
Charles M., jr. and Mrs. Mary Odiorne, int. Nov. 5, 1842.
John H., a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. wid., of Royalston, b. at Royalston, and Mary A. Newhall, a. 21 y., shoe binder, d. wid., Dec. 3, 1846.*
Eliss, and Lucy Torry of Scituate, int. June 2, 1816.
Lucy, Mrs. and Cornelius C. Felton, of Chelsea, int. Oct. 9, 1825.
Ephraim, jr., of Lynn, a. 22 y., trader, s. Joseph, of Lynn, and Jane Elizabeth Sweetser, a. 20 y., d. Charles and Mary, June 19, 1845.*
Alice, and John Whitehead, "both residents of Saugus," Feb. 16, 1830.*
Joshua, of Lynnfield, and Alice Roberts, Jan. 23, 1832.*
Jane B., and John Sweetser, int. Aug. 3, 1844.
Samuel, of Lynn, and Mrs. Nelly Copp, int. May 18, 1817.
Edmund, and Sally Yell, "residents of Saugus," int. June 20, 1819.
Mary, "resident of Saugus," and Samuel Tuttle, jr., July 24, 1821.*
Susan, and Hezekiah Ballard of South Reading, int. Nov. 3, 1822.
Harriett, and Fales Newhall, int. Nov. 28, 1824.
George, and Susan Haley, of Lynn, Aug. 9, 1829.*
Rebekah, of Danvers, and Samuel Raddin, int. Apr. 18, 1830.
Lucy, and Stephen Brown of Danvers, Oct. --, 1830.*
Stephen of Danvers, and Lucy Brown, Oct. --, 1830.*
Mary S., and James Oliver, jr. of Lynn, Oct. 16, 1832.*
Sobrina, and William W. Boardman, Jan. 1, 1833.*
Emma, and Darius Mugridge [of Lynn. int.], Feb. 9, 1835.*
Hannah B., and John C. Rohdes, int. Apr. 8, 1838.
George W., and Mrs. Hannah J. Haskell of Lynn, int. July 17, 1840.
Emerline M., of Lynn, and Amos Stocker, jr., int. June 7, 1841.
Martin W., and Pamelia E. Prentiss, Oct. 9, 1842.* [Oct. 19. CR2 ]
Silas, and Betsey Bullard [of Charlestown. int.], Sept. 21, 1843.*
Almira, a. 36 y., dressmaker, d. Benjamin and Mary, and Henry P. Nichols, widr., a. 35 y., painter, s. James and Rebeca, of Cambridge, b. Cambridge, July 24, 1845.*
Benjamin B., jr., and Amanda Tufts, int. Oct. 23, 1847.
Sarath, shoe binder, d. Solomon and Mary, and Lewis B[rainard. CR2 ] George, cordwainer, Nov. 26, 1848.*
Charles, and Agnus J.E. Meinardus of Boston, int. May 11, 1848.
Betsy [of Charlestown. int.], and Silas Brown, Sept. 21, 1843.*
Mary B., and James M. Stickney of North Reading, int. Oct. 9, 1836.
Mary Elizabeth, and Samuel C. Child, int. Sept. 4, 1841.
John, jr., of South Reading, and Sarah L. Blair, int. Apr. 7, 1849.
John, and Mrs. Ruth Curby, int. Sept. 28, 1817.
Samuel, and Lois Grover, int. Sept. 28, 1817.
John, jr., and Azubeth Rogers, "both residents of Saugus," int. Sept. 5, 1819.
Sally, and Asa Grover, jr., Sept. 5, 1819.
James [2d, of Providence, RI. int.], and Purces N. Makepeace, June 16, 1822. CR2 *
William, and Lydia Newhall, int. Oct. 17, 1824.
John T., and Ann Maria Makepeace, int. May 8, 1825.
Eliza M., and James Cheever, Dec. 31, 1828.*
George [of Lynn. CR1 ], and Sophia Tufts, May 15, 1834.
Isaac, of Lynn, and Huldah B. Howard, int. Apr. 20, 1839.
Belinda, of Malden, and Frances Ameridge, Mar. 14, 1841.*
Louisa, and Robert B. Walch of South Reading, int. Apr. 28, 1842.
Sarah, and Benjamin Straw, Nov. 20, 1842.*
Warren, and Hannah Maria Grover, int. Aug. 3, 1845.
Mariah, and Marchal Babb, int. Nov. 4, 1848.
Sally, and Alfred Adams Dager, int. Jan. 13, 1849.
Ebenezer, and Sally Johnson, "both residents of Saugus," Apr. 20, 1817.
Sarah E., and Henry Walton, int. Sept. 17, 1844.
William J[ohnson. int.], cordwainer, and Sarah Jewett Hobson [Holsom. CR2 ] of Lynnfield, b. at Lynnfield, Feb. 18, 1849.*
Harriet A., shoe binder, and Melzer L. Avery, cordwainer, Mar. 22, 1849.*
Stephen, and Mrs. Patty Gates, "both residents of Saugus," int. Jan. 19, 1823.