NorthShore Slavery

WADLEIGH (Wadligh)

_____, s. Joseph and Ann, Apr. --, 1718. NCTBK

John, s. Joseph and Abigall, Apr. 27, 1718. NCTBK

William, s. Joseph and Abegall, May 10, 1718. NCTBK

_____, ch. Joseph and Abigail, June 15, 1724. NCTBK

_____, ch. John, jr. and Mary, Feb. 13, 1726-7. NCTBK

John, Capt., Nov. 7, 1727. NCTBK

_____, wid. Capt. John, Nov. 21, 1727. NCTBK

Joseph, Nov. 25, 1727. NCTBK

Jonathan, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1735. NCTBK

Enoch, s. Ephraim and Sarah, May 30, 1736. NCTBK

Mary, w. John, June 10, 1736. NCTBK

Enoch, s. Ephraim and Sarah, June 27, 1738. NCTBK

Philip, s. Moses and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1753.

Sarah, d. Moses and Sarah, May 5, 1759.

Judith, d. Benjamin and Judith, June 1, 1760.

Abigill, wid., Apr. --, 1762.

Judith, w. Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1769.

John, Feb. 10, 1776.

Sarah, wid., Feb. 16, 1776.

Moses, Feb. 28, 1781. [a. 57 y. PR30]

Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1787, in his 75th y. GR2

Joseph, s. Capt. Joseph [and Elizabeth. GR3], Sept. 26, 1790. [in his 2d y. GR3]

Sarah, w. Adams, May 4, 1795.

Benjamin, s. Joseph and Anna, Nov. 16, 1795, in his 4th y. GR6

Molly [consumption. CR2], Mar. 25, 1798, [in her 55th y. GR6]

Joseph [asthma. CR2], Feb. 8, 1799. [in his 47th y. GR6]

Moses, s. Philip [and Hannah. PR30], Dec. 5, 1801, a. 24 y. GR6

Hannah, w. Benjamin, Oct. 15, 1807.

Joseph, Capt., June 21, 1808, a. 55 y.

Benjamin, jr., s. Benjamin, Dec. 24, 1809.

Ebenezer, s. Ephraim, Jan. 8, 1810.

Adams, s. Enoch, Oct. 25, 1810.

Elijah, s. Joseph, Dec. 6, 1811. [a. 31 y. GR3]

Sarah, Nov. 10, 1812.

Benjamin, June 3, 1813.

Sarah [ wid. Moses. PR30], June --, 1815, a. 90 y. [a. 88 y. PR30]

Peter, Oct. 23, 1815.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin d. and Lois, Mar. 12, 1816.

Mary, May 12, 1816, a. 96 y.

Hannah, w. Phillip, Dec. 12, 1820. [a. 67 y. GR6]

Philip, Jan. 9, 1822. [a. 68 y. GR6]

Adams, Feb. 3, 1822. [Jan. 28, in his 72d y. GR3]

Elizabeth, wid. [Capt. GR3] Joseph, Oct. 9, 1822, a. 67 y.

Ephraim, July 30, 1823.

Sophronia, d. Peter, deceased, Jan. 26, 1825.

Ephraim B. [Maj. GR6], s. Ephraim, Dec. 12, 1826, a. 38 y.

Eliza, d. Pauline, Sept. 22, 1827, a. 1 y. 11 m. GR6

Joseph, s. Elijah, deceased, at sea, Sept. 8, 1828.

Joseph [Dea. GR3], Mar. 29, 1829. [a. 38 y. GR3]

Joseph [Guest, s. Philip and Nancy. GR6], Aug. 5, 1831. [a. 2 y. 21 d. GR6]

Lois, Jan. 28, 1832.

Naomi [w. Adams. GR3], Sept. 27, 1832. [ Sept. 20, a. 72 y. GR3]

Lois [Mrs. GR1], Oct. 12, 1838, a. 83 y. [Oct. 11, a. 82 y. GR1]

Eleazer J., Dec. 12, 1840. [a. 33 y. GR6]

Joseph w., s. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, at New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1841, a. 23 y. PR1

Horace, s. Eleazer J. and Sarah, July 2, 1842, a. 4 y. GR6

Henry, Aug. --, 1842, a. 59 y. 8 m. GR6

Mary, b. Newbury, w. Joseph, Jan. 26, 1846, a. 67 y.

Sarah A., b. Clinton, ME, w. Benjamin, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. May 11, 1848, a. 25 y.

Philip, m., cordwainer, s. Philip and Hannah, dropsy, Sept. 22, 1849, a. 55 y. [ Sept. 27. PR30]

WADLIGH (Wadleigh)

Ephraim, Mar. 4, 1774.


Rebecca, d. Capt. Richard, Feb. 23, 1724-5. NCTBK

Patience, d. Capt. Richard, Mar. 22, 1724-5. NCTBK

Richard, s. Richard, June 22, 1724. NCTBK

Sarah, w. Capt. Richard, Jan. 12, 1739-40. NCTBK

Richard, July 2, 1745.


Hannah, w. Michael, June 19, 1803, a. 38 y. GR3

Michael, a native of Ireland Aug. 20, 1840, a. 77 y. GR3

John, s. Michael and Hannah, at St. Louis, MO, Dec. 3, 1845, a. 51 y. GR3


Sarah, w. William, May 28, 1765.

George, s. Col. Samuel [and Nancy. GR1], July 10, 1817. [a. 22 m. GR1]

George, s. Col. Samuel, Aug. 12, 1820.

Nancy, w. William, Nov. 5, 1827, a. 84 y. GR1

Sally Coffin, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1831, a. 3 y. 3 m. GR1

William, m., laborer, killed by a premature explosion blasting rocks, bur. Seabrook, NH, d. Mar. 24, 1846.

Samuel, m., mariner, cancer in the stomach, Aug. 7, 1847, a. 76 y.

Nancy, wid. Samuel, affection of the heart, Aug. 9, 1849, a. 71 y. [a. 70 y. GR1]


Hannah, m., consumption, Apr. 30, 1845, a. 44 y.


John, s. John, --- --, [1691?]

Hannah, d. John, Apr. 12, 1695. NCTBK

John, Apr. 25, 1710. NCTBK


Joseph, June 16, 1810.

Mary, wid. Joseph, Mar. 22, 1814.


Enoch, s. Israel and Susannah, Dec. 1, 1734. NCTBK

_____, s. Israel and Susannah, Apr. 3, 1737. NCTBK

John, Apr. 12, 1737. NCTBK

_____, w. Andrew, Jan. 30, 1741-2. NCTBK

Anne, d. Stephen and Hannah, May 5, 1747.

Israel, s. Israel and Susanna, Sept. 2, 1747.

Benjamin, s. Stephen and Hannah, May 13, 1750.

Israel, s. Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1751.

Daniel, Apr. 7, 1752.

Betty, d. [Capt. GR2] Stephen and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1753. [in her 18th y. GR2]

John, s. Grant and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1753, a. 5 y. 4 m. GR2

Hannah, d. Grant and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1753, a. 10 y. 6 m. GR2

John, s. Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 18, 1754.

Ruben, drowned, Sept. 29, 1766.

_____, w. Nathan, --- --, 1767.

Lucey, d. Rev. Samuell and Elizabeth, May 25, 1769.

Sarah, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, Apr. 17, 1770. [in her 22d y. GR2]

Elisabeth, d. Rev. Samuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 29, 1771. [Oct. 29, in her 27th y. GR2]

Abigill, d. Daniel and Abigill, Jan. --, 1772.

William, s. Rev. Samuell and Elisabeth, Jan. 4, 1775.

Susanna, wid., Feb. 26, 1776.

Samuel, Rev., jr., s. Rev. Samuel, Aug. 4, 1777, in his 34th y. PR37

Frances, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 4, 1781.

Dolley, d. Rev. _____, Dec. 21, 1781.

Nathanel, May 6, 1784. [in his 37th y. GR2]

Nabby, Apr. 2, 1790.

Dorothy, d. Samuel, Aug. 5, 1793.

Meriam [Mary. GR3], w. Enoch, Sept. 24, 1794. [in her 24th y. GR3]

Samuel, Rev., d. D. [Pastor of West Parish Church. CR2], July 18, 1796, in his 78th y. and 55th y. of his ministry.

_____, ch. En., bur. [bet. Aug. 21 and Nov. 10], 1797. CR2

Susann [consumption. CR2], Dec. 19, 1799. [bur. Dec. 28, a. 17 y. CR2]

Jonathan, s. Jonathan [and Betsy. GR3], Dec. 26, 1799, [a. 6 m. GR3]

Sally, d. Jonathan [and Betsey. GR3], Feb. 18, 1800. [Feb. 19. GR3; a. 3 y. CR2]

Betty, w. Jonathan [consumption. CR2], Apr. 29, 1800. [a. 35 y. GR3]

Luke, at sea, July 2, 1800.

Daniel, s. Daniel, jr. [and Anna. GR3], Feb. 25, 1801. [a. 5 m. 14 d. GR3]

Susannah, d. Moses, Apr. 14, 1801.

Susannah, d. Moses, Aug. 21, 1803.

Elisebeth, wid. Dr. [Rev. GR2] Samuel, May 28, 1804. [in her 80th y. GR2]

Lydia, d. Phillip, Sept. 18, 1807.

Jonathan, s. Philip, Oct. 12, 1807.

Sally [w. Isaac. GR6], d William Morrill, Nov. 6, 1807. [a. 22 y. GR6]

John, Nov. 13, 1807.

Benjamin, July 18, 1809.

Jonathan, s. Rev. Samuel, deceased, Aug. 21, 1811. [a. 50 y. GR3]

Daniel, Jan. 24, 1812, a. 67 y. Sept. 15, 1811.

Elbridge Gerry, s. Moses, May 12, 1812.

Stephen, Capt., at sea, --- --, 1814, a. 43 y. GR3

Moses, Feb. 8, 1816. [a. 44 y. GR3]

Sally, w. Philip, May 23, 1817.

Lydia, wid. Daniel, Oct. 6, 1817. [a. 72 y. GR3]

Phillip, inf. s. Phillip, Jan. 25, 1818.

Samuel, jr., Sept. 2, 1819, a. 25 y.

Nathaniel, Sept. 12, 1820. [a. 32 y. GR3]

Samuel, July 3, 1821.

Eliza Ann, d. Moses, July 27, 1833.

Mary, w. Jonathan B., Jan. 27, 1834.

Laura, w. Jonathan B., Mar. 5, 1836.

Judith [Wadleigh. GR3], wid. Nathaniel, Nov. 1, 1839, a. 48 y.

Moses [b. Amesbury. PR1], hemorrhage of the bowels, Apr. 8, 1842, a. 35 y.

Philip, shipwright, erysipelas, June 19, 1843, a. 61 y.

Judith, w. Moses, Aug. 10, 1844, a. 72 y. GR3

Betsey F., w. Benjamin N., consumption, Dec. 15, 1844, a. 24 y. [Dec. 13. GR3]

Cyrus, unm., s. Nathaniel and Judith, fever, June 6, 1846, a. 29 y.

Anna, d. Daniel and Anna, consumption, July 26, 1846, a. 38 y. 9 m.

Sally, wid. [Capt. GR3] Stephen, lung fever, May 11, 1848, a. 75 y.

Daniel, m., merchant, s. Daniel and Lydia, affection of the heart, Aug. 14, 1848, a. 76 y.

Stephen Henry, s. Jonathan B. and Abby, cholera Morbus, bur. Amesbury, d. Sept. 5, 1848, a. 5 y. 6 m.

William, --- --, 1849. CR4


Henry, s. Elisha and Sarah, at Samuell Adams', July 12, 1738. NCTBK

Anne, Mar. 19, 1743-4.


Olive, Apr. 4, 1814.


Richard, Dea., July 12, 1672.

Joseph, Feb. 23, 1808.

Dolly, w. Thomas, Apr. 16, 1812.

Anna, wid. Nathan, Dec. 8, 1813, a. 71 y.

Thomas, Aug. 16, 1815.

Samuel, May 10, 1831. [May 3, a. 47 y. GR8]

Mary S., Feb. 27, 1832.

Nathan, hatter, apoplexy, Mar. 4, 1844, a. 64 y.


Fitch, trader, killed by being thrown from a sleigh, Jan. 22, 1844, a. 47 y.

WHEELER (Wheler)

Mosis, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1705. NCTBK

William, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, June 26, 1716. NCTBK

Josiah, Dec. 21, 1734. NCTBK


John, Rev., "Pastor of ye Church of Salisbury," [2d minister in Salisbury, called from Wells, apoplectic fit. CR1], Nov. 15, 1679. [in an advanced age, and 17th y. of his ministry. CR1]

WHELER (Wheeler)

Henry, s. Jeremiah and Patience, Feb. 13, 1727-8. NCTBK

Abigail, d. Josiah and Elisabeth, Mar. 18, 1727-8. NCTBK

Henry, s. Jeremiah and Patience, May 17, 1736. NCTBK

WHICHER (Whitter)

Mary, wid. Nathaniell, July 19, 1742. NCTBK

William [Capt. GR3], mariner, apoplexy, Aug. 30, 1842, a. 75 y. [ Sept. 20. GR3]

Hannah, wid. William, dropsy, Nov. 26, 1843, a. 74 y. [Nov. 24, a. 73 y. GR3]

WHITCHER (Whitter)

Mary, w. Corp. Nathaniell, May 11, 1705. NCTBK


William A., s. Robert and Sally, Aug. 12, 1839, a. 20 y. GR6


Sarah, "Sister to the Revd. Mr. Webster's wife," Dec. 17, 1781.

WHITER (Whitter)

Nathaniell, Corp., July 18, 1722. NCTBK

Rubin, Nov. 18, 1722. NCTBK


Betsy, wid. Joshua, Oct. 30, 1828.

WHITTER (Whicher, Whitcher, Whiter, Witchier)

Sarah, d. Joseph and Martha, Dec. 29, 1748.

WHITTIER (Whitter)


Abraham, Apr. 25, 1736. NCTBK


_____, w. Stephen, Nov. 17, 1736. NCTBK


Samuel [s. William, very sudden. PR39], Oct. 8, 1839. [a. 53 y. GR3]


John, a foreigner, Jan. 21, 1839.


Joseph, May 19, 1823.

Peter, s. Joseph, Dec. 7, 1824.

Catharine, d. Joseph, June 7, 1826.

Esther I., d. Joseph, July 23, 1827.

Giles, s. James and Mary, Dec. 18, 1849. GR8


Mary, servant to Thomas Bradbury, Nov. 16, 1709. NCTBK


Bellshazer [Willix. CTR], 23: 11m: 1650.

Mary, wid., July --, 1675.


Sarah, at Lt. Caleb Cushing's, July 6, 1736. NCTBK


Nancy [Wells, Miss, consumption. CR2], Dec. 9, 1799. [a. 29 y. CR2]

Molley, July 1, 1803.


Hannah O., d. Joshua [and Lydia O. PR9], Mar. 7, 1837. [a. 23 y. GR6]

Osgood, s. Moses G. and Lydia [chickenpox. PR1], Nov. 15, 1843, a. 1 y. 3 m. 10 d. GR8

Lydia O., w. Joshua, Jan. 1, 1844, a. 65 y. GR6

Lydia, w. Moses G., Sept. 3, 1844, a. 33 y. PR9

Lydia Ann, d. Moses G. and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1844, a. 3 m. 10 d. PR9

Lorenzo, m., farmer, s. Joshua and Lydia, consumption, Apr. 6, 1846, a. 27 y. 10 m.

Joshua, Aug. 28, 1846, a. 65 y. GR6

James, m., wheelwright, b. Windham, NH. [b. Haverhill. PR1], affection of the heart, bur. at the Mills, d. June 11, 1847, a. 76 y.


George Francis, s. George, Jan. 27, 1838.


Anna, Mar. 27, 1806.

Thomas, Mar. 27, 1817.

WINGATE (Wingit)

Jonathan, "on board of a British Prison ship at New York," --- --, 1782.

WINGIT (Wingate)

John, s. Edmond and Elisabeth, Oct. 23, 1769.


Samuel, m., yeoman, consumption or cancer in the stomach, bur. at the MIlls, d. June 25, 1847, a. 65 y.

WINSLEY (Winsly)

Mary, w. Ephraim, Aug. 11, 1697. NCTBK

Martha, d. Ephraim and Mary, Aug. 22, 1697. NCTBK

Ephraim, sr., Oct. 8, 1709. NCTBK

Ephraim, jr., Nov. 27, 1709. NCTBK

Elisabeth, Apr. 25, 1742. NCTBK

WINSLY (Winsley)

Elizabeth, w. Samuell, 2: 4m: 1649.

Samuell, 2: 4m: 1663.

Ann, wid. [Mar. TC] 21, 1676-7

[Martha. TC], d. Ephraim, --- -- [4. TC], 1677.


_____, Mrs., bur. at Seabrook [after June, 1797.]CR2

WITCHIER (Whitter)

Richard, on board the prison ship, at Bermuda, --- --, 1783.


Tryall, June 11, 1678.

Sukey, w. Timothy, Dec. 21, 1810.

Elizabeth, May --, 1840. CR4


Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1832.


Nathaniel, Mar. 17, 1823.

Ellen, b. South Hampton, NH, d. Stephen [and Sally, watery head. PR45], at South Hampton, NH, Apr. 10, 1841, a. 3 m. 2 d. PR1 [1842. PR45]

Warren Augustus, s. John C. and Judith S., measles, bur. South Hampton, NH, d. Mar. --, 1847, a. 11 m.

James, s. James B. and Almira, convulsion fits, bur. South Hampton, d. Apr. 30, 1849, a. 8 d.


Sarah, d. William, 1: 2m: 1641.

Elizabeth, d. William, --- --, 1649.

Sarah, d. William, 9: 1m: 1649-50.

Sarah, w. William, 23: 2m: 1650.

William, Rev., "Pastor of ye Church of Salisbury" [1st minister in Salisbury. CR1], 28: 8m: 1662. [in an advanced age, abt. the 20th y. of his ministry. CR1]

Joanna, w. Daniel, Apr. 14, 1744.

WORTHEN (Worthin)

_____, wid., at her son Samuell Fowler's, June 29, 1730. NCTBK

John, Jan. 10, 1742-3. NCTBK

Jacob, Lt., Apr. 28, 1791.

Sarah, wid. Lt. Jacob, Feb. 4, 1794, in her 87th y.

William S., s. Amos [and Ruth, at Point Peter. GR3], July 18, 1811. [July 17, a. 17 y. 10 m. GR3]

Ann, Sept. 11, 1815, a. 67 y.

Ezekiel, Oct. 23, 1830. [a. 59 y. 6 m. GR3]

Stephen G., b. Sandford, ME, s. Ezra and Ruth, consumption, July 4, 1834, a. 9 m. PR1

Mary Ann [d. Amos and Ruth. GR3], Feb. 23, 1836. [a. 31 y. 7 m. GR3]

John Francis, s. James and Eliza, b. Feb. 28, 1838, d. Sept. 27, 1838. GR3

Herbert, s. Ezekiel [and Ruth. GR6], Apr. 4, 1840. [a. 2y. GR6]

Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel, May 16, 1840. [a. 34 y. GR6]

Ezra [h. Ruth (Tibbets). PR33], Jeweller, July 15, 1843. [a. 42 y. PR33]

Mary Agnes, d. Ezra and Ruth, consumption, Oct. 14, 1843, a. 1 y. 1 m. GR8

Ezra, s. Ezra and Ruth [(Tibbets). PR33], consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Aug. 28, 1844, a. 5 m. [Aug. 27. PR33]

Amos, m., shipwright, b. Amesbury, s. Barnard, consumption, Sept. 15, 1845, a. 77 y.

Ruth, Mar. 7, 1849, a. 51 y. GR3

WORTHIN (Worthen)

Dolly, d. Amos [and Ruth. GR3], Feb. 12, 1811. [a. 15 y. 5 m. GR3]