NorthShore Slavery


Apphia, and John Newton, int. Mar. 27, 1802.

Pierce, and Aphia French, Apr. 7, 1772.*


Benjamin [of Amesbury. int.], and Elizabeth Eastman, Oct. 26, 1780.*

Benjamin, and Sarah Wingate, "and the said Sarah declared that she had no Estate that was her late Husbands Jonathan Wingate and the cloathes She had on were borrowed cloths. " Apr. 13, 1788.*

Benjamin, and Nancy Waite of Amesbury, int. Nov. 24, 1821.

Dorothy, of Kingston, and Thomas Thompson, int. Dec. 15, 1759.

Hanah, and William Hacket, Dec. 9, 1708. NCTBK*

Hannah, and Simeon Brown, Mar. 13, 1729. NCTBK

Henry, and Ruth Morrill, Feb. 2, 1709-10. NCTBK*

Ichabod, of Kingston, and Betty Gatchel, int. Sept. 13, 1746.

Joseph, and Sally Carr, Feb. 12, 1833.*

Mary E[lizabeth PR51], a. 18 y., d. Thomas and Mary, and Orlando [Sargent. PR51] Morse of Amesbury, a. 21 y., cordwainer, b. Amesbury, s. John and Dolly of Amesbury, Oct. 10, 1849.*

Rebecca, and Benjamin Evans, jr., May 24, 1806.*

Richard, and Dorethy Hoyte, Jan. 1, 1718-19. NCTBK*

Ruth, and Rice Edwards, Dec. 12, 1720. NCTBK*

Thomas, of Newburyport, and Abigail Wadleigh, int. Sept. 22, 1778.

Thomas, and Mary Flanders, Jan. 27, 1822.*

Thomas, and Eliza Worthen, Aug. 25, 1840.*