NorthShore Slavery


Sarah A., w. Philander, consumption, Jan. 13, 1842, a. 27 y.

PAGE (Paige)

Abigaill, d. Nehemiah, June 17, 1752.

Abigaill, w. Joseph, July 9, 1756.

Benjamin, s. Quartermaster Joseph, Nov. 12, 1722.

Benjamin, s John and Mary, June 28, 1736. NCTBK

Benjamin, s. Lt. Joseph and Doroithy, Sept. 3, 1767.

Cornelious, s. Onesiphorus, --- --, 1683

Dorothy, wid. Maj. Joseph, July 5, 1817, a. 82 y.

Dolly [O. GR3], wid. True, consumption, May 29, 1848, a. 77 y. [May 31, 1849. GR3]

Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1735-6. NCTBK

Hannah, w. Amos, Apr. 4, 1740. NCTBK

Henry, s. Maj. Joseph, Feb. 18, 1782.

Jabez, s. Nehemiah, Oct. 30, 1748.

Jane, d. Joseph and Abigail, drowned, Oct. 23, 1728. NCTBK

Joseph, Maj., Jan. 9, 1793. [in his 60th y. GR3]

Joseph, at Gloucester, Aug. 26, 1796.

Joshua, m., laborer, old age, Dec. 3, 1847, a. 78 y.

Judeth, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Mar. 16, 1695-6. NCTBK

Mary, d. Onezephorus, 5: 8m: 1666.

Mary, w. Serg. Onesephorus, May 8, 1695. NCTBK

Mary, d. John and Mary, July 7, 1736. NCTBK

Mary, w. Nehemiah, Nov. 16, 1767.

Mary, w. John, Aug. 21, 1774, in her 77th y. GR2

Mary, w. Ens. Enoch, Mar. 6, 1775, in her 35th y. GR2

Nathaniel, s. True, July 12, 1806.

Obedidiah, s. Amos and Hannah, Apr. 17, 1706. NCTBK

Oneissaiphrous, June 28, 1706. NCTBK

Rhoda [consumption. CR2], Aug. 6, 1798. [a. 67 y. CR2]

Ruth, w. Onesiphorus, Jan. 29, 1710-11. NCTBK

Ruth, w. Joshua, Jan. 13, 1824.

Sarah, w. Joseph, Oct. 21, 1691.

True [d. in the army. GR3], Dec. 7, 1813. [a. 43 y. GR3]

PAIGE (Page)

Eleanor, w. Samuel, Jan. 29, 1770, a. 44 y. 5 m. 11 d. GR2

John, Mar. 11, 1767, in his 71st y. GR2

Mary, d. Samuel and Elnor, Mar. 10, 1760, in her 3d y. GR2

Onesephrious, July 19, 1746.


Mary J., d. S.D. and Lydia T., Aug. 20, 1848, a. 14 m. GR7

PANE (Payne)

Janne, May 13, 1806.


_____, wid., May 12, 1729. NCTBK

Josiah [of Lexington. GR2], Nov. 9, 1792. [a. 22 y. GR2]


John, s. Rev. Joseph and Elisabeth [late student of Harvard College. CR2], Oct. 28, 1740. NCTBK [a. 16 y. CR2]

Joseph, Rev. [A.M. GR2; Pastor of West Parish Church. CR2], Mar. 13, 1739-40. NCTBK [in his 69th y. and 21st y. of his ministry. CR2]


Rachell, d. William, 19: 2m: 1650.

William, 5: 5m: 1654.


Charles B., m., blacksmith, b. Amesbury, s. Willis and Rachel [consumption. GR8], Mar. 23, 1846, a. 51 y. [a. 52 y. GR8]

Nancy, d. Thomas [dysentery. CR2], Sept. 12, 1798. [a. 7 y. CR2]

PATTINGILL (Pettingell)

_____, Mrs., of Newbury, bur. [bef. June, 1797.] CR2

PAYNE (Pane)

Catharine [Frances C. GR6], d. Edward [and Mary. GR6], lung fever and measles, June 19, 1844, a. 2 y.

Mary Frances, d. Edward and Mary, May 30, 1834, a. 5 y. GR6

Richard [mal. fever. CR2], July 11, 1799.


Ebenezer, Jan. 21, 1837, a. 39 y. GR3

Ebenezer O., --- --, 1838. CR6

Ebenezer, m., b. Amesbury, old age, May 17, 1846, a. 85 y.

Edwin, s. Thomas, Oct. 30, 1812.

Eleanor, w. Ebenezer, Mar. 20, 1816, a. 53 y.

Eleanor S., d. Thomas, Aug. 5, 1825.

Hannah, w. Ebenezer, old age, Jan. 29, 1849.

Lucy, Mar. 8, 1831.

Lydia, wid. Ebenezer, jr., Dec. 8, 1840, a. 37 y. GR3

Thomas [consumption. CR2], Nov. 25, 1834.

Thomas Edwin, s. Ebenezer and Lydia, July 10, 1837, a. 11 m. 19 d. GR3

PEASLY (Pesley)

Joseph, 3: 10m: 1660.


Eleanor [Morrill. GR6], w. Jonathan d., consumption, Oct. 9, 1841, Oct. 9, 1841, a. 44 y.

Hannah, w. James, Sept. 29, 1838, a. 82 y. GR2

James, Feb. --, 1842. CR2 [a. 86 y. GR2]

Lucy, d. James, Aug. 30, 1814.


John, Aug. 10, 1795.


Abigail S., d. John [and Betsey S. GR3], June 17, 1811. [a. 1 y. 5 m. GR3]

Elizabeth, wid. John, June 11, 1821.

John [Capt. GR3], mariner, consumption, June 7, 1842, a. 70 y.

Mary F., d. John [and Betsey S. GR3], Oct. 7, 1812. [a. 8 y. 9 m. GR3]

PERKINS (Purkins)


Charles Christopher Columbus, s. Ebenezer, Nov. 25, 1813.

[Sucky. GR3], ch. Capt. [Ebenezer and Hannah. GR3], consumption, bur. Nov. 6, 1800, a. 15 m. CR2 [Nov. 5, a. 14 m. GR3]

PERVERE (Pervier)

Benjamin, Feb. 25, 1820.

PERVIER (Pervere)

Dorothy, wid., Feb. 9, 1837.

PESLEY (Peasly)

Hannah, wid. July 25, 1770.

PETTENGILL (Pettingell)

Amos, July --, 1837. CR6 [July 1, a. 86 y. GR3]

Huldah, w. John, Jan. 25, 1841. [a. 48 y. GR3]

John Q.A. [s. William m. and Mary (Stevens). PR17], in Calcutta, Aug. 18, 1845, a. 22 y. GR1

John [P. CR6], m., shipwright, s. Amos, consumption, Apr. 21, 1847, a. 65 y.

Joseph, Jan. 25, 1833. [a. 80 y. GR1]

Mary, w. Amos, Nov. 1, 1825, a. 72 y.

PETTINGELL (Pattingill, Pettengill, Pettingill)

Charlotte [Pecker. GR5], w. Joseph, cancer, Apr. 15, 1848, a. 59 y.

Matthew, jr., s. Matthew and Joannah, Sept. 2, 1736. NCTBK

Rhoda, w. Joseph, Nov. 26, 1824, a. 70 y. [1825. CR3]

Samuel, s. Joseph, Jan. 24, 1801, a. 22 y.

Sally, w. John, Sept. 16, 1821. [a. 29 y. GR3]

Sarah, w. Amos, Nov. 1, 1825, a. 72 y. GR3

PETTINGILL (Pettingell)

Amos, s. Amos and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1775.

Charles w., s. w. A. and Julia, measles, at Rochester, NH, June 23, 1847, a. 8 y. 3 m. 27 d. PR1

George R., s. George G. and Lucy, Jan. 4, 1843, a. 6 m.

Mathew, Nov. 24, 1756.


John, Oct. 6, 1843. CR5


Harriet R., d. Joseph, Sept. 7, 1828.


_____, ch. stillborn, Caleb, yeoman, at School District No. 2, May 5, 1844.

Abigail, w. Elias, Feb. 23, 1777, in her 38th y. GR1

Abygail m., d. Henry and Anna, May 26, 1817, a. 18 y. GR5

Anne, w. Jacob, May 7, 1754.

Caleb, s. Elias and Johanna, Nov. 10, 1729. NCTBK

Caleb, Nov. 8, 1824, a. 70 y.

Caleb, unm., yeoman, s. Moses, old age, Oct. 10, 1844, a. 81 y.

Charles [S. GR1], mariner [s. Jacob, jr. GR1], drowned at sea, Oct. --, 1841, a. 31 y. [Aug. 23. GR1]

Clarissa Ann [d. John, jr. and Miriam m. (Fitts). PR12], Feb. 19, 1827.

Edmund, s. Edmund N., Feb. 18, 1823.

Elbridge, s. John, jr., Apr. 3, 1835.

Elias, s. Elias and Abigail, Feb. 16, 1777, in his 15th y. GR1

Elias, jr., Apr. 20, 1790. [in his 40th y. GR1]

Elias, Sept. 15, 1810.

Elias [a volunteer at the battle of Bunker Hill. GR1], May 9, 1840, a. 83 y.

Eliza, d. Jacob, Feb. 1, 1821.

Betty, Feb. 2, 1798.

Betty [Elizabeth. CR3], d. Caleb [and Elizabeth. CR3], Sept. 19, 1800. [ Sept. 12. dup.; in her 17th y. CR3]

Elizabeth, w. Jacob, Sept. 24, 1822.

Betsey, wid. [Elias. GR1], Feb. 13, 1830. [Feb. 14, a. 82 y. GR1]

Elizabeth m., w. Alfred [d. Joshua m. Pike. GR5], consumption, Oct. 3, 1848, a. 35 y.

Eunice Worthen, d. Caleb, 3d, May 12, 1817.

Francis, Apr. 6, 1834.

Hannah, d. Elias and Abigail, Feb. 5, 1777, in her 17th y. GR1

Hannah, wid. [Jacob. GR1], Apr. 19, 1793. [a. 56 y. GR1]

Hannah, d. Caleb, Apr. 16, 1804.

Hannah, d. Maj., Apr. 16, 1807.

Hannah [True. GR4], w. Caleb, 3d, July 6, 1812. [a. 21 y. GR4]

Hannah [3 d. CR3], w. Samuel, Sept. 26, 1840, a. 57 y. [Oct. 26, 1840, a. 56 y. GR7]

Harriet, d. Joshua m., Sept. 24, 1805.

Harriet [A. PR22], d. Jacob, 3d [and Nabby m. (Davis). PR22], Aug. 3, 1839.

Henry, m., cooper, old age, Aug. 13, 1847, a. 82 y.

Hosea [s. John, jr. and Miriam m. (Fitts). PR12], Sept. 9, 1830.

Israel, s. Caleb and Mary (Pike), Jan. 5, 1817. PR24

Jacob, June 17, 1781. [a. 52 y. GR1]

Jacob Francis [s. Jacob and Nabby m. (Davis). PR22], May 15, 1833.

Jacob, widr., cooper, palsy, Sept. 19, 1844, a. 74 y.

James, s. Elias and Johanna, Jan. 3, 1720-21. NCTBK

James, Capt. [h. Mary (French). PR15], smallpox, Oct. 16, 1793. [Oct. 30. PR15]

James, at sea, July 11, 1798.

James, s. Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1818. [a. 13 y. GR7]

Jemima, w. Joseph, Dec. 3, 1735. NCTBK

John, --- --, [1654?]

John, s. Elias and Johannah, Nov. 23, 1729. NCTBK

John, jr., Dec. 25, 1770.

John, brother Robert, Mar. 22, 1782.

Joseph N., s. Silas, Sept. 4, 1816.

Joshua, Capt. [colic. CR2], Nov. 26, 1797. [in his 74th y. GR1]

Joshua m., s. Elias and Sarah A., consumption, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 6 m.

Judith G., w. Joshua [M. GR5], Oct. 28, 1827, a. 47 y.

Judith, w. Elias, and d. Rev. Edmund Noyes, Oct. 10, 1840, a. 81 y. GR1

Julia Ann, d. John, jr. and Miriam [M. (Fitts). PR12], diarrhoea, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 12 y.

Kinsley, s. Joshua m., jr. and Charlotte J., Dec. 5, 1842, a. 2 y. 7 1/2 m. GR5

Laura F., d. Moses, 3d and Susan, fever, May 28, 1842, a. 1 y. 9 m.

Leonard [s. John, jr. and Miriam m. (Fitts). PR12], Mar. 5, 1834.

Lydia, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1768.

Lidia, w. Moses, Oct. 8, 1796.

Lydia March, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1833, a. 13 y. GR1

Lydia Frances [d. Jacob and Nabby m. (Davis). PR22], Oct. 30, 1834. [Nov. 9. PR22]

Martha, wid., Feb. 26, 1712-13. NCTBK

Martha [W. GR5], b. Newbury, w. Jacob, consumption, Nov. 3, 1845, a. 58 y. [1846, a. 55 y. GR5]

Mary, d. Robert, 3: 2m: 1647.

Mary, wid. [Capt. James. GR9], May 24, 1829. [a. 80 y. GR9]

Mary [2 d. CR3], w. John, Aug. 10, 1836. [a. 59 y. 7 m. GR1]

Mary Moody, d. Timothy and Lucy, at Danville, VA, June 11, 1838. GR7

Mary, w. True, consumption, Feb. 1, 1846, a. 35 y.

Moses, jr., drowned, Dec. 18, 1716. NCTBK

Moses, Mar. 4, 1741-2. NCTBK

Moses, m., blacksmith, old age, Sept. 1, 1845, a. 94 y. 9 m.

Moses, m., mariner, July 7, 1847, a. 59 y.

Phebe, Apr. 11, 1762.

Rachel, d. Jacob, May 25, 1827, a. 25 y.

Robert, --- --, [1690 or 1691?]

Robert, Maj., Dec. 12, 1706. NCTBK

Robert, s. John, jr., deceased, Mar. 14, 1782.

Ruth, wid. [2d w. GR1] Moses, palsy, Apr. 12, 1847, a. 84 y. [May 11, a. 85 y. GR1]

Samuel, July 27, 1800.

Samuel P., s. John [and Mary, "in the City of St. Domingo. " CR1], July 23, 1821. [a. 20 y. GR1]

Samuel, s. Stillborn, James and Eliza (Fellows), Nov. 5, 1824. PR15

Samuel [A. GR1], s. Caleb, jr. [and Mary. GR1], drowned, July 19, 1839, a. 13 y.

Samuel w., s. Samuel w. and Abigail S., disease in throat, Dec. 14, 1848, a. 1 y. 10 m.

Sarah, w. Maj. Robert, Nov. 1, 1679.

Sarah, d. Moses and Susana, Oct. 30, 1701. NCTBK

Sarah, w. Joshua, Apr. 7, 1754.

Sarah, d. Elias, jr., Nov. 29, 1778.

Sarah, wid., Feb. 20, 1795.

Sarah, w. Lt. Moses, Apr. 18, 1808. [1809. CR3; a. 53 y. GR1]

Sarah, w. Jacob [jr. GR1], Dec. 12, 1817. [a. 34 y. GR1]

Sally, Apr. 3, 1831.

Sirena Tappan, d. John N. and Martha w., dysentery, Nov. 5, 1849, a. 4 y. 3 m.

Susanna, d. Jacob, Oct. 13, 1842, a. 34 y. GR1

Susanna F[rances. GR5], w. Elias, Nov. 17, 1847, a. 24 y.

Timothy, s. John, jr. and Sarah, May 5, 1758.

Timothy, s. Caleb, Oct. 23, 1810.

Timothy, lost overboard at sea, Nov. --, 1810.

Wesley, Feb. 16, 1835.

PILLSBURY (Pilsbury)

John, June 6, 1817. [a. 84 y. CR6]

Mary, wid. William, Dec. 28, 1740. NCTBK

Mary Eliza, d. James m. and Esther d. [French. GR7], dysentery, Sept. 14, 1848, a. 1 y. 11 m.

William, Oct. 12, 1734. NCTBK

PILSBURY (Pillsbury)

_____, ch. stillborn, John, cordwainer, at School District No. 2, Sept. 5, 1844.

Susannah, w. John, Aug. 1, 1805, a. 75 y. GR6

POOR (Poore)

Eleanor, w. Capt. Theophilus, May 3, 1828, a. 25 y. GR3

POORE (Poor)

Mary A[nn. GR8] Lamson, b. Andover, d. Nathan [d. adopted E.K. and Eliza Lamson. GR8], dysentery, Sept. 7, 1849, a. 13 y. 7 m.


Rachel, Nov. 26, 1795.

Rachel, wid., Aug. 26, 1799.


Ellen, d. Rufus and Hannah E., b. 1840, d. --- --, 1846. GR3

Harriet A., d. Rufus and Hannah E., b. 1845, d. --- --, 1845. GR3


Anna, d. Stephen and Joanna, Aug. 16, 1770, a. 1 y. 6 m. 16 d. GR2


Robert, Oct. 9, 1829.

PURINGTON (Purrington)

James, July 12, 1718. NCTBK


Rebekah, May --, 1842. CR4

PURRINGTON (Purington)

Lydia, wid. James, Dec. 3, 1737. NCTBK

Theodate, w. John, Dec. 17, 1738. NCTBK