NorthShore Slavery


_____, s. Ezra m. and Ruth, lung fever, Feb. 27, 1843, a. 1 y.

Abigill, d. James, jr. and Abigill, July 12, 1759.

Adeline, d. Ezra, Mar. 30, 1836.

Benjamin E., ch. Levi, jr., Apr. 30, 1836.

Daniel, Sept. 31, 1794.

Elizebeth, w. Enoch, May 6, 1776. [a. 23 y. 11 d. GR1]

Enoch, s. James and Mary, May 21, 1749.

James, May 27, 1779, in his 91st y.

James, Dea, Mar. 8, 1789.

Joseph, Dec. 16, 1812. [a. 23 y. GR3]

Levi, s. Daniel and Eleanor, old age, Nov. 5, 1849, a. 85 y. [a. 84 y. GR1]

Martha, d. Levi and Rachel (Evans), Dec. --, 1802. PR23

Mary, w. James, jr. Aug. 29, 1758.

Mary, w. Dea. James, July 28, 1772.

Miriam, b. Seabrook, wid. James consumptiion, bur. at the Mills, d. Mar. 30, 1847, a. 55 y.

Peter E., s. Levi and Jemima P. (Jackman), Apr. 11, 1819. PR23

Rachel, d. Levi and Rachel (Evans), Dec. --, 1802. PR23

Rachael, w. Lt. Levi, Sept. 11, 1805. [ Sept. 12, 1804. PR23; a. 32 y. GR1; a. 34 y. CR3]


Emily a. [of Tuftonborough, NH. PR1], d. William w. and Elizabeth [dysentery, at Natick. PR1], Aug. 10, 1848, a. 3 y. 1 m. 6 d. GR8

George R., b. England s. Aaron and Allice, teething, bur. Amesbury, d. Sept. 1, 1849, a. 8 m.

Lovina R., d. William w. and Elizabeth, Mar. 14, 1843, a. 1 y. 8 m. GR8


_____, Mr., July 20, 1723. NCTBK


Mary, w. John, Mar. 30, 1738. NCTBK


Jediah, Aug. 21, 1845. CR5

JEWEL (Jewell)

_____, ch. _____, fits, bur. [bet. July 2 and 18], 1798, a. 2 w. CR2

JEWELL (Jewel)

Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin, drowned, Aug. 29, 1836.

Clara A., d. James m. and Louisa, Aug. 24, 1847, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR6

Joseph, m., tanner, old age, bur. at the Mills, d. Mar. 29, 1846, a. 79 y. 3 m.

Orin, s. Benjamin, July 20, 1836.

Sally, w. Joseph [consumption. CR2], July 2, 1798. [a. 31 y. CR2]


Sally B., wid. [Thomas. GR6], inflammation on the bowels, Dec. 13, 1842, a. 55 y.


Thomas, Apr. 2, 1731. NCTBK


_____, ch. Mr., of Pelham, bur. [bef. June 1797.] CR2

Eliza, Dec. 7, 1833. CR4

Mary E., d. John h., Nov. 23, 1846. GR8


Elizabeth, w. James, Dec. 6, 1833, a. 22 y. GR6

John, Jan. 9, 1829, a. 45 y. 6 m. GR6

Robert B., s. John and Agnes, Apr. 11, 1839, a. 23 y. GR6


Hannah Elizabeth, d. Abel, Oct. 24, 1834.

John, s. John, May 24, 1818.

Miriam, w. Simon, Mar. 9, 1822.

Moses, s. Richard, June 4, 1826.

Nancy, d. Simon, Feb. 9, 1820.

Rebecca, w. Richard, Aug. 10, 1837.

Robert, Capt., drowned, Sept. 29, 1766.

Samuel, s. Simon, May 9, 1817.

Samuel, July 18, 1826.

Sarah, w. Simon, May 6, 1817. [a. 32 y. GR4]


Abigail, July 28, 1834.

Benjamin, Nov. 27, 1809.

Benjamin, Mar. 21, 1830.

David, Jan. 3, 1815, a. 88 y.

Edmond, Jan. 20, 1770.

Betty, Jan. 29, 1810.

Hannah, d. Benjamin, Dec. 22, 1785.

Hannah, at the almshouse, June 29, 1832.

Huldah, w. Edmond, June 17, 1765.

James, Nov. 20, 1833.

Jeremiah, Jan. 12, 1782.

Marah, w. Samuell, Dec. 18, 1728. NCTBK

Moses, s. Samuell and Marah, Feb. 1, 1729-39. NCTBK

Moses, s. Benjamin, Apr. 27, 1825.

Phebe, wid. Benjamin, June 18, 1812.

Sarah, w. Ens. Benjamin, Nov. 23, 1781.


Moses, s. Moses and Ruhamah, Jan. 6, 1778.


John, Aug. --, 1837. CR4