NorthShore Slavery

HACKET (Hackett)

Abigill, w. John, Apr. 18, 1775. [a. 36 y. 9 m. GR2]

Andrew, July 22, 1838. [a. 62 y. GR3]

Anna, wid. Joseph, Oct. 26, 1795.

Anna, wid. Dea. William, Oct. 2, 1821. [a. 83 y. GR3]

Eleanor, w. Richard, Oct. 23, 1779, in her 63d y. GR2

Elisabeth, w. William, Sept. 30, 1753, in her 45th y.

Hannah, Aug. 24, 1803.

James, s. John [and Betty. GR3], by a fall from a horse, Nov. 27, 1795. [a. 18 y. GR3]

John, Lt. [s. John and Betty. PR39], May 21, 1802. [in his 65th y. GR3]

John, June 25, 1802. [a. 35 y. GR3]

John, s. Richard [and Martha. GR3], Aug. 16, 1815. [a. 4 y. 9 m. GR3]

Joseph [colic. CR2], June 23, 1799.

Merriam, wid. John, jr., killed by lightning, Aug. 1, 1819. [a. 51 y. GR3]

Mary, d. William and Nanna, Apr. 25, 1777, a. 3 y. 6 m. GR2

Mary, d. Capt. William, Sept. 24, 1777.

Peter [s. John and Betty. PR39], Mar. 24, 1797. [a. 27 y. GR3]

Peter, s. John, jr., June 16, 1804.

Richard, s. John and Mary, Nov. 18, 1748.

Richard [Capt. GR3], Oct. 24, 1814. [Oct. 21, a 30 y. GR3]

Ruth, Jan. 21, 1784.

Sally O., d. Andrew, Aug. 28, 1805.

Timothy, at sea ["on his passing from Havana to Hamburg. " GR3], July 23, 1797. [a. 28 y. GR3]

William Osgood [at Guadaloupe. GR3], Oct. 16, 1782. [a. 22 y. GR3]

William, Dea., Nov. 20, 1808, a. 70 y. [a. 69 y. GR3]

HACKIT (Hackett)

Anna, w. Richard, June 18, 1794. [in her 47th y. GR3]

Benjamin, s. William and Ruth, Sept. 11, 1743. NCTBK

Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Hannah, June 10, 1724. NCTBK

Ebenezer, Oct. 19, 1741. NCTBK

Ezra, s. Ephraim and Dorothy, Jan. 17, 1736-7 NCTBK

Hannah, w. Judah, Feb. 8, 1720-21. NCTBK

Jude, Dea., Mar. 13, 1740-41. NCTBK [in his 57th y. GR2]

Mary, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, May 16, 1727. NCTBK

Mary, wid. John, Dec. 6, 1760.

Richard, Sept. 11, 1794. [in his 47th y. GR3]

Samuell, s. John and Mary, Jan. 28, 1748.

Sarah, wid., Sept. 10, 1717. NCTBK

William, Mar. 6, 1712-13. NCTBK

William, "at Sheeps Cut, at ye eastward at Caleb Boyintons house," Apr. 25, 1743. NCTBK

HACKITT (Hackett)

Joseph, Dec. 5, 1758.

Richard, Apr. 18, 1767. [Apr. 25, in his 53d y. GR2]

Theoplius, Sept. 2, 1757.

William, Aug. 12, 1753, in his 41st y. [1755. GR2]


_____, ch. Joseph, dropsy in head, bur. Apr. 11, 1800, a. 6 y. CR2

Elisabeth, w. Thomas, May 28, 1765.

Sally, d. Joseph, Nov. 17, 1793.


Amos [b. Rochester, NH, typhoid fever. PR1], Oct. 18, 1846, a. 33 y. GR8


Anna, Feb. 27, 1802.

Judith, Feb. 22, 1793.


Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah [consumption. PR1], Nov. 29, 1834, a. 1 y. 7 d. GR8

Benjamin [b. Dover, NH, consumption. PR1], May 25, 1838. [July 25, a. 37 y. GR8]

Sarah, d. Benjamin, deceased, and Sarah [consumption. PR1], Aug. 12, 1838. [a. 1 y. 3 m. GR8]

HARBART (Herbert)

John, Oct. 6, 1780.

HARBERT (Herbert)

James, fever, bur. July 11, 1799. CR2

James, Feb. 4, 1801. [bur. Feb. 3, a. above 80 y. CR2]

Reuben, July 11, 1799.

Sarah, w. James, June 4, 1793.


Ruth [w. Joseph J. GR3], Jan. 2, 1832. [a. 24 y. 6 m. GR3]


Martha, wid. Robert, Feb. 5, 1830, a. 81 y. GR1


Thomas, 8: 9m: 1642.


Susana, 17: 9m: 1655.

HEARD (Hearde)

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ruth, Mar. 8, 1705-6. NCTBK

John, s. Luke, 25: 12m: 1643.

HEARDE (Heard)

Benjamin, Jan. 22, 1709-10. NCTBK


Mary, d. William and Mary, Feb. 16, 1689.

William, s. William and Mary, Feb. 15, 1689.

HERBERT (Harbart, Harbert)

Alfred, at St. Josephs, FL, July 23, 1841. [a. 37 y. GR6]

Emily, d. John and Ruth, Mar. 26, 1833, a. 13 y. 10 m. GR6

John, at St. Josephs, Fla, July 26, 1841. [a. 62 y. GR6]

Mary Ann, d. John [and Ruth. GR6], June 22, 1824. [a. 14 y. GR6]

Miriam, d. John, Aug. 4, 1809.

Nancy, d. Reuben and Sarah, fits, bur. at the Mills, d. Nov. 8, 1845, a. 55 y.

Sarah, wid. Reuben, Feb. 28, 1838.

Susanna, d. James and Sarah, Feb. 5, 1748.

Susanna, wid., Dec. 26, 1754.


Anna, wid., old age, Sept. 2, 1842, a. 87 y.


Elizabeth Ann, d. William, Sept. 15, 1812.

Maranda Taylor, d. Aaron S. and Elizabeth, dysentery, Sept. 8, 1848, a. 2 y. 2 m. 10 d.


John, Nov. 20, 1836.


William, s. Michel and Susannah [Oct. ?], 1761, a. abt. 3 m.

HODGKINS (Hodkins)

Solomon, June 22, 1770.

HODKINS (Hodgkins)

Martha, wid., Dec. 19, 1789.

HOIT (Hoyt)

Molley, July 16, 1783.

Mary, d. Samuel [and Elizabeth. GR6], Oct. 3, 1821. [Oct. 4, a. 13 m. GR6]

Richard, Feb. 22, 1783.

HOITE (Hoyt)

Joanna, d. Enoch, Oct. --, 1768.


Phineas, jr., s. Phineas and Susan L., congestion of brain, July 8, 1846, a. 10 m. 9 d. PR1

Phinehas, m., manufacturer, b. Worcester, s. Lewis and Lucy [Phineas and Susan L. (Felch). PR8], consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Aug. 21, 1847, a. 36 y.

Phinette [Y. PR1], d. Phineas and Susan [L. PR1], consumption, May 3, 1848, a. 10 m. [June. PR1]


Mary, d. William, 31: 11m: 1641.

Sarah, d. William, --- --, 1641.

HOOK (Hooke)

Abigail, w. Stephen, May 10, 1738. NCTBK

Anna, w. Josiah, Dec. 2, 1770. [in her 67th y. GR1]

Anna, w. William [d. Amos and Sarah Coffin. GR1], July 20, 1774. [a. 19 y. 7 m. GR1]

Anna [(Mansfield). PR26], wid. [William GR1], May 16, 1840, a. 90 y. [a. 89 y. GR1]

Eleaner, d. Francis and Edeth, Dec. 23, 1736. NCTBK

Elisha, s. Jacob, jr. and Elisabeth, Sept. 8, 1736. NCTBK

Elizabeth, Mrs., Mar. 26, 1717. NCTBK

Elisabeth, d. Josiah and Ann, Oct. 17, 1736. NCTBK

Elizabeth, w. William, Oct. 14, 1764, in her 49th y. GR1

Elisabeth, w. Jacob, Mar. 8, 1773, in her 73d y. GR1

Francis, s. William, jr. and Elizebath, May 17, 1741.

Francis, Jan. 19, 1755.

George, s. William and Elizebath, Jan. 8, 1748.

Jacob, Sept. 7, 1773, a. 74 y. 10 m. 8 d. GR1

James, s. William and Annie (Mansfield), Oct. 23, 1793. PR26

Josiah, Aug. 9, 1790, in his 90th y.

Josiah, s. William and Annie (Mansfield), Oct. 23, 1793. PR26

Martha, d. William and Elizebath, Mar. 12, 1748.

Mary, d. Josiah and Ann, Oct. 2, 1736. NCTBK

Mary, w. William, Oct. 25, 1736. NCTBK

Mary, d. Francis and Edeth, Mar. 25, 1737-8. NCTBK

Moses, s. Josiah and Ann, Oct. 1, 1736. NCTBK

Moses, s. William and Anna, Oct. 22, 1788, a. 24 d. GR1 [1787. PR26]

Nancy, d. Capt., June 13, 1803.

Rachell, d. Francis and Edeth, Dec. 4, 1735. NCTBK

William, Sept. 3, 1721. NCTBK

William, s. Jacob and Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1736. NCTBK

William, Dec. 26, 1743. NCTBK

William, Lt., Sept. 8, 1796. [a. 57 y. GR1]

HOOKE (Hook)

Ann, d. William, jr. and Mary, Dec. 7, 1697. NCTBK

Josiah, s. William, --- --, 1683.

Mary, d. William, jr. and Mary, Nov. 24, 1697. NCTBK


Daniel, "a stranger at Ensign Daniell Morrills. " Dec. 28, 1737. NCTBK


George Edward, s. Charles and Sarah, inflammation of lungs, Mar. 26, 1847, a. 1 y. 1 m. 10 d.


Maria Helen, d. Henry and Harriet, whooping cough, bur. at the Mills, d. May 10, 1849, a. 10 m. 7 d.


_____, ch. stillborn, Moses A., minister, and Olive, Jan. 23, 1848.


Fanny, w. Robert, July 23, 1810.

HOYT (Hoit, Hoite)

_____, d. Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 24, 1739. NCTBK

_____, Mrs., cancer, bur. Jan. 19, 1799, a. 86 y. CR2

Benjamin, Jan. 10, 1748.

Betty, w. David, Jan. 10, 1793.

Enoch [dropsy and consumption. CR2], Jan. 7, 1798. [a. 54 y. CR2]

Ephraim, m., delirium tremens, bur. at the Mills, d. Dec. 24, 1846, a. 58 y.

Frances, w. John, 23: 12m: 1642.

Grigorie, s. John, 1: 11m: 1641.

Joseph, s. John, 19: 2m: 1648.

Joseph, s. John, 24: 11m: 1649.

Marah, d. John, 1: 10m: 1653.

Mary, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1819, a. 3 w. GR6

Marcy, Mrs., d. Daniel and Ruth Fitts, Nov. 1, 1817, a. 71 y. PR3

Philip, s. Moses, Mar. 2, 1791.

Samuel [s. Samuel and Elizabeth. GR6], consumption, Aug. 26, 1841. [a. 53 y. GR6]

Sarah, d. John, 26: 12m: 1644.

Saley, d. Moses [quinsy. CR2], Apr. 11, 1798. [a. 4 y. CR2]

Sarah A., w. Ebenezer, Nov. 26, 1824.

William, s. Thomas, 29: 8m: 1670.

HUBBARD (Hubber, Hubberd)

_____ [ch. ?] Richard, --- --, 1672.

_____, d. Eliazer and Dorchas, Dec. 7, 1729. NCTBK

Abra [Miss. GR6], Jan. 9, 1829. [a. 78 y. GR6]

Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1784.

Joseph, Mar. 16, 1800.

Richard, s. Richard [Jan. 20. CTR], 1687.

HUBBER (Hubbard)

Richard, June 26, 1719. NCTBK [a. 88 y. GR1]

HUBBERD (Hubbard)

Martha, w. Richard, Oct. 4, 1718. NCTBK


Betty, d. Joseph and Betty, Oct. 20, 1753.

Betty, w. Joseph, Nov. 20, 1753.

Rhoda, w. Joseph, Jan. 23, 1768.


Ruth, Aug. --, 1839. CR6


Daniel, June 20, 1839. [a. 63 y. GR6]

Jane, w. Daniel, Mar. 15, 1826. [a. 47 y. GR4]

Polley, wid. Daniel, June 27, 1840.


Ann, at William Hackit's, Sept. 20, 1735. NCTBK

Ann, Oct. 20, 1796.

Daniel G., s. John, Aug. 14, 1821.

John, m., farmer, b. Seabrook, NH, old age, June 26, 1845, a. 76 y.

Molly, w. John, Mar. 24, 1834.

Thomas Delly, Mar. 22, 1839.


Hanah, d. John, 17: 6m: 1666.

James, s. William, 5: 12m: 1646.


Ephraim, s. Sarah, Sept. 26, 1736. NCTBK

Sarah, Dec. 10, 1731. NCTBK