NorthShore Slavery

QUAIN (Quane)

James [Quanu. int.], and Elizabeth Marble, Sept. 17, 1826.*

QUANE (Quain)

James, and Mrs. Sally Curwin, int. July 24, 1824.


Sarah, and William Parsons of Gloucester, Dec. 29, 1805.*

Mary, and Benjamin Parson, Dec. 4, 1809.*

Nancy, and William Bright, Dec. 1, 1811.*

Esther, and Charles Davis, Feb. 4, 1816.*

Samuel, and Eliza Daland, Sept. [14. in pencil], 1831.*


Benjamin, and Anne Plumer of Rowley, at Rowley, Nov. 4, 1742.*

Ebenezer, and Priscilla Teague, Nov. 6, 1808.*

Elisha, Dr., and Mary Flint, Aug. 10, 1826.*

Harriet G., and William C. Hammond, June 17, 1839.*

Maria [of Sandwich, NH. int.], and Amos L. Vincent, seaman, Jan. 23, 1848.


Mary, of Beverly, and Uriah Russell, int. Sept. 16, 1799. (Dead. written in the margin.)

Priscilla E., of Beverly, and Ephraim G. Symonds, Nov. 28, 1834.*


Peter [Gwin, of Boston. int.], and Sally Patty, Dec. 30, 1811.*

George, and Ann Hogan, int. Aug. 23, 1846.

James, and Ann Lynch, both of Manchester, both b. Ireland, Feb. 9, 1847.

Mary, and James McGuire, Aug. 25, 1847.*

Patrick, and Ellen Donevan, both b. Ireland, Aug. 4, 1849.*


George M. [W. int.], and Margaret Gardner, Feb. 13, 1848.*