NorthShore Slavery


Sophia P., d. Henry and Nancy, May 25, 1838, a. 2 y. 3 m. GR7

James E., s. Henry and Nancy, lung fever, July 30, 1846, a. 4 m.


_____, Mr., of Beverly, bur. Oct. --, 1822, a. abt. 70 y. CR11

_____, s. William, convulsions, Aug. 28, 1825, a. 1 1-8 y.

NAY (Nye)

Phillip S., b. Danvers, s. Joshua and Sarah E., dropsy in head, Oct. 17, 1845, a. 10 m.

Perley R., s. Joshua and Sarah E., canker, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 5 m.

NEAL (Neale)

_____, Mrs., bur. May 27, 1757. CR1

Mehetable, Sept. 29, 1786, a. 25 y. GR7

Robert, drowned at Alexandria. Issue of Feb. 10, 1789. NR8

Joseph, s. Jonathan, a. 19 y. Issue of May 12, 1789. NR8

Elizabeth, wid., a. 20 y. Issue of Mar. 9, 1790. NR9

Jonathan, fell off a wharf and drowned. Issue of Nov. 9, 1790. NR9

Benjamin, "late from Calcutta," a. 34 y. Issue of Aug. 18, 1801. NR9

Betsey, d. Benjamin, a. 13 y. Issue of Dec. 1, 1807. NR9

Jonathan, sr., suddenly, July 6, 1811. NR9

[Hannah, w. Capt. Jonathan. NR9], suddenly, Jan. 14, 1814. PR79 [a. 39 y. NR9]

Mary, Mrs., bur. May 2, 1815, a. 56 y. NR9

Sarah, Mrs., a. 91 y. Issue of July 8, 1817. NR9

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan, jr. Issue of Oct. 29, 1819. NR9

Theodore Frederick, s. Jonathan, Esq. at Havanna, a. 18 y. Issue of July 10, 1821. NR9

David, pneumonia, Nov. 28, 1823, a. 61 y.

Sally, d. Joseph, lung fever, Dec. 3, 1823, a. 17 m.

A.M.O., a. 6 w. Issue of Jan. 30, 1827. NR9

Mary, consumption, May 7, 1827, a. 70 y.

Harriet C[harlotte. NR9], d. David A. and Harriet C., Mar. 17, 1837. [a. 6 y. NR9]

Jonathan, Capt., an officer and commander in the Revolutionary war, Oct. 9, 1837. NR9 [a. 78 y. GR7]

Eunice (Buffum), w. Jonathan, mason, erysipelas, Dec. 24, 1842, a. 50 y.

NEALE (Neal)

Mary, d. John and Mary, 6: 5m: 1658. CTR

Sara, d. John, 22: 5m: 1658. CTR

John, "the elder," May 12, 1672. CTR

Sara (Hart), w. Jeremiah, 28: 7m: 1672. CTR

Judath, d. Joseph and Judath, Feb. 25, 1697-8, a. 15 y. GR1

NEEDHAM (Nedham)

Edmond, 5: 12m: 1735-6. PR5

Mary, bur. May 12, 1759, a. 19 y. CR1

_____, w. Isaac, Jan. 11, 1781. NR11

Polly, w. Benjamin, Dec. 6, 1785, a. 31 y. GR7

Sarah, wid. Daniel, a. 84 y. Issue of Oct. 7, 1788. NR8

James, at Philadelphia, smallpox. Issue of Jan. 8, 1793. NR9

Bathseba, d. Daniel and Hannah, 3: 5m: 1793. CR7

Mary, w. Capt. Daniel, a. 37 y. Issue of June 4, 1793. NR9

Nathaniel, "son in law" of Capt. William Jenkins, a. 15 y. Issue of Nov. 25, 1796. NR9

Robert, a. 12 y. Issue of June 20, 1797. NR9

Hannah, w. Daniel, 26: 7m: 1798. CR7

_____, w. Benjamin. Issue of Aug. 20, 1799. NR9

Elizabeth, w. Isaac, Oct. 3, 1800, in her 53d y. NR9

Nathaniel, a. 45 y. Issue of May 4, 1802. NR9

Daniel, s. Daniel and Hannah, 11: 1m: 1803. CR7

John, s. Isaac, at New Orleans. Issue of July 12, 1805. NR9

Lydia. Issue of Dec. 11, 1807. NR9

Mary, w. Thomas, a. 33 y. Issue of June 7, 1808. NR9

_____, ch. Thomas. Issue of Aug. 26, 1808. NR9

Olive, w. J. Issue of Jan. 20, 1815. NR9

Daniel, 15: 5m: 1815. CR7 [a. 74 y. NR9]

Edmund, numb palsy, Sept. 8, 1819, a. 83 y.

_____, s. Daniel, pneumonia after measles, Sept. 6, 1821, a. 1 1-2 y.

Daniel, s. James, a. 1 y. Issue of Sept. 11, 1821. NR9

Hannah, wid. [Daniel. NR9], peripneumonia, Feb. 16, 1825, a. 72 y.

Sarah [w. Edmund. CR7], old age, June 1, 1829, a. 88 y.

Isaac, chronic bronchitis, Feb. 19, 1830, a. 84 y.

Hannah, 2d, w. Daniel, and, d. Thomas and Sarah Buxton, 3: 2m: 1832. CR7

Daniel, Esq., of Lynnfield, a Revolutionary soldier, a. 83 y., Feb. 16, 1844. NR9


Richard, consumption, Aug. 6, 1823, a. 28 y.

Sarah A[nn. NR9], d. wid., cholera infantum, Sept. 22, 1824, a. 1 y.

Nancy, d. Peleg, scarlet fever, Oct. 11, 1841, a. 18 m.

Samuel A., s. Samuel F., heart complaint, bur. at Danvers, d. Sept. 25, 1843, a. 2 y.

Margaret, d. Alexander and Margaret, fits, Apr. 9, 1848, a. 1 y. [a. 7 m. 10 d. NR9]

Peter, a native of Denmark, seaman, on board brig Potomac, on the passage from Zanzibar, Apr. 23, 1849, a. 24 y. NR9


John, m., West India flux, at Port au Prince, Oct. 14, 1790, a. 48 y. CR4

Abigail, consumption, Mar. 12, 1791, a. 28 y. CR4

Henry, s. John and Abigail, deceased, atrophy, Aug. 20, 1791, a. 8 m. CR4


Hannah, Sept. 29, 1796, a. abt 79 y. [a. 70 y. NR9]

Seth, "a vender of oysters," suddenly at Wellfleet, Capt Cod, a. 45 y. Issue of Mar. 26, 1816. NR9

William, s. Bryant, typhus fever, Apr. 13, 1818, a. 8 y.

Eliza Ann, d. Bryant, consumption, Oct. 4, 1819, a. 20 m.

_____, d. _____, putrid fever, Aug. 13, 1821, a. 3 y.

_____, d. Bryant, June --, 1824, a. 3 d.

NEWELL (Newhall)

George Wade, s. George, from Bowdoin, Kennebec, and Abigail (March of Ipswich), fever, Feb. 8, 1804, a. 16 m. CR4

_____, d. George, from Bowdoin, Kennebec, truckman, and Abigail (March of Ipswich), June 17, 1804, a. 6 h. CR4

Joseph, s. Jospeh [jr. NR9], and Sara (Dunckley), atrophia infantilis, Sept. 24, 1817, a. 4 y. 4 m. CR4

_____, ch. _____, bur. Nov. 4, 1838, a. 8 Y. CR5

Mary [Foote. NR9], d. Gorham [and Rebecca. NR9], bur. Dec. 1, 1840, a. 2 y. CR5

Ellen M[aria. NR9], d. Joseph and Sarah, lung fever, May 10, 1846, a. 5 m.

NEWHALL (Nehall, Newell)

David, consumption, Apr. 25, 1785, a. 45 y. CR4

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Susannah, lately from Lynn, vomiting and purging, Sept. 6, 1788, a. 21 m. CR4

Mary [Polly. NR9], fever, Aug. 16, 1795, a. 14 y. CR4

Lydia (Clary), w. David, fever, Dec. 19, 1795, a. 25 y. CR4

David, fever, at Hispaniola, [bef. Dec. 31], 1795, a. 27 y. CR4

[Ezra. GR1], Col., carbuncle, Apr. [7. GR1], 1798, a. 66 y. CR1

Rachel, w. Samuel, a. 24 y. Issue of Nov. 24, 1801. NR9

Oliver, at Havanna. Issue of Aug. 16, 1803. NR9

_____, ch. Gilbert, bur. Oct. 11, 1809. PR61

Mary, d. David and Sara (Dunckly of Danvers), quincy, Nov. 1, 1809, a. 2½ y. CR4

_____, ch. Isaac, bur. May 2, 1812. PR61

Gustavus, s. Isaac and Sarah, May 4, 1812, a. 21 m. GR8

_____, w. Rev. _____, missionary, "who sailed from Salem on the Caravan," at the Isle of France. Issue of July 23, 1813. NR9

Elizabeth, w. Gilbert, a. 38 y. Issue of Aug. 18, 1815. NR9

_____, ch. Isaac, bur. Sept. 2, 1818. PR61

Isaac, s. Isaac and Sarah, Sept. 14, 1818, a. 7 m. GR8

Horatio Kirkland, s. Isaac [and Sarah. GR8], dysentery, Sept. 18, 1818, a. 20 m.

Rebecca, wid. [John. GR8], consumption, Jan. 30, 1819, a. 70 y.

Samuel, dysentery, Sept. 18, 1819, a. 58 y.

[Louisa. GR8], d. Isaac [and Sarah. GR8], May 5, 1821, a. 3 d. [a. 7 d. GR8]

Sarah C. [w. Isaac. GR8], childbirth, May 17, 1821, a. 33 y.

Joseph, jr. [2nd officer on the brig Leander, on her passage from Batavia for Antwerp. NR9], on ship James, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 42 y.

Rachel, wid., phthisis pulmonalis, Nov. 2, 1824, a. 59 y.

George E. [s. Samuel. NR9], accident, bur. at Lynn, d. July 13, 1825, a. 25 y.

Joseph, tinman, pneumonia, Dec. 14, 1827, a. 59 y.

Gilbert, --- --, 1828. tomb. GR8

Mary, organic disease of the heart, Apr. 2, 1829, a. 18 y.

Joseph H., s. Gilbert, dropsy, June 27, 1829, a. 18 y.

Mehitable, w. Thomas, peripneumonia, Jan. 13, 1830, a. 78 y.

Thomas, Jan. 1, 1832, a. 77 y. NR9

John, s. Gilbert G., a. 4 m. Issue of Mar. 7, 1837. NR9

Caleb Foote, only, s. William, a. 8 y. Issue of Nov. 13, 1838. NR9

Caroline Gray, d. Benjamin S., Nov. 21, 1838, a. 2 y. 3 m. NR9

_____, ch. [inf., s. NR9], stillborn, William, Nov. 6, 1839.

George Henry Whitfield, s. Gorham and Rebecca, a. 4 y. 3 m. Issue of Nov. 24, 1840. NR9

Mary, of Lynn, b. Lynn, w. James, brain fever, at Lynn, Mar. 20, 1841, a. 21 y.

_____, inf. s. Gorham P. Issue of Apr. 8, 1842. NR9

Francis, ch. Gilbert G., scarlet fever, Aug. 17, 1842, a. 4 y.

Ezra F., at Boston, merchant, s. Gilbert, cancer, at Boston, Oct. 18, 1842, a. 38 y.

Mary E[lizabeth. NR9], d. Gorham P., canker, Sept. 9, 1843, a. 3½ m.

John, b. Danvers, s. John and Dolly, typhus fever, Sept. 9, 1844, a. 16 y.

Albert, s. Benjamin and Caroline, scarlet fever, Apr. 3, 1845, a. 4 y.

William, s. Gilbert G. and Eliza E., lung complaint, Jan. 19, 1847, a. 4 1-2 y.

_____, inf. s. James B. and Elizabeth, infantile, bur. at Danvers, d. July 23, 1847.

Thomas B[ancroft. NR9], of Lynn, b. Lynn, s. Thomas B. and Susan S., inflammation of bowels, Sept. 10, 1847, a. 9 m.

James E.G., s. Gilbert G. and Eliza E., dysentery, at Windsor, CT, Oct. 4, 1847, a. 14 y.

Hannah, w. William, dropsy, Apr. 4, 1848, a. 45 y.

Gorham P., b. Lynn, cordwainer, h. Rebecca (Horton), s. William and Mary, consumption, May 16, 1848, a 49 y.

Nancy, b. Tweksbury, w. William H., d. Samuel and Nancy Saunders, consumption, July 22, 1848, a. 36 y.


Thomas A[ndrew. CR11], s. Matthew, croup, June 24, 1825, a. 21 m.

John Andrew, s. Mathew, a. 11 m. 15 d. Issue of Aug. 2, 1833. NR9


Ruth, Oct. 10, 1796, a. abt. 70 y.

_____, s. Mary, alias Romiere, at the charity house, Mar. 16, 1798, a. a few, d. CR4

Mary, d. John and Ruth (Searle), May 28, 1816, a. 49 y. CR4

Mary, wid., chronic dysentery, at the Workhouse, Dec. 10, 1823, a. 88 y.

NEY (Nay)

NICHOLS (Nicholls, Nickols)

Stephen, s. Ichabod, jr., dropsy in the chest, Feb. 3, 1624, a. 12 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas and Hannah, 11: 7m: 1782. CR7

Mary, d. Thomas and Hannah, 4: 11m: 1796. CR7

John, s. Capt. Ichabod, at Guadaloupe, a. 21 y. Issue of July 13, 1798. NR9

Lydia, Mrs., a. 44 y. Issue of Oct. 26, 1798. NR9

Sarah, d. Thomas and Hannah, 26: 6m: 1799. CR7

Patience (Collins), w. Richard, formerly, w. _____ Stevely, fever, Nov. 15, 1801, a. 39 y. CR4

Ichabod, s. Ichabod and Cassander, 2: 7m: 1803. CR7

Phebe, d. John, bur. July 22, 1803, a. 16 y. NR9

Hannah, d. Thomas and Hannah, 28: 8m: 1803. CR7

Richard, from Rhode Island, baker, at the poor house, consumption, Feb. 17, 1805, a. 40 y. CR4

Thomas, 26: 12m: 1805. CR7 [a. 60 y. NR9]

Thomas, s. Thomas and Hannah, 12: 9m: 1808. CR7

_____, Mrs., bur. Sept. 14, 1808. PR61

David, s. Thomas and Hannah, at sea, --: 5m: 1810. CR7

_____, ch. Hero, a. 18 m. Issue of Aug. 28, 1810. NR9

Abigail, w. Stephen, 13: 10m: 1810. CR7

Henry, s. John, kicked by a horse, a. 13 y. Issue of Mar. 12, 1811. NR9

John, mate of the brig Success, Tobias Lear Porter master, lost in the shipreck on Brant Rock. Issue of Nov. 26, 1811. NR9

Phebe, wid., a. 82 y. Issue of Mar. 10, 1812. NR9

_____, ch. Benjamin R., bur. Apr. 4, 1814. PR61

David, s. [Capt. PR61] Ichabod, May 19, 1814, a. 20 y. PR24

John, mason, a. 52 y. Issue of June 17, 1814. NR9

[Betsy, wid. Capt. David, a. 49 y. NR9], sister of Mr. Briggs' w., bur. at Danvers, Nov. 13, 1815. PR61

Jonathan, s. Ichabod, jr. [and Cassander. CR7], dysentery, Sept. 21, 1819, a. 10 m.

Cassandra, w. Stephen, consumption, Dec. 29, 1819, a. 39 y.

_____, s. Jonathan, a. 6 m. Issue of May 12, 1820. NR9

Jonathan, lung fever, May 14, 1820, a. 6 m.

Anna, d. Ichabod and Cassander, 13: 9m: 1820. CR7

Lucy F. [d. Jonathan. NR9], consumption, Dec. 5, 1820, a. 2 y.

Lydia, Sept. 17, 1821. PR389

_____, ch. John, cholera, Oct. 10, 1821, a. 2 y.

Hero, consumption, Aug. 5, 1822, a. 44 y.

Phebe, w. Phineas, Oct. 13, 1822, a. 47 y.

Lydia, d. Thomas and Hannah, 5: 11m: 1822. CR7

Thomas, [formerly of Marblehead. NR9], Nov. 6, 1822, a. 66 y.

Mary Jane, d. John, dysentery, Nov. 30, 1823, a. 2 y.

Joseph Peirce, Harvard graduate, s. Capt. Ichabod, at Lima, [Dec. --. NR9], 1823, a. 28 y.

Philip, phthisis pulmonalis, June [17. CR10], 1824, a. 53 y. [a. 50 y. CR10]

_____, ch. John, Mar. 12, 1826, a. 3 w. CR10

Sarah Hardy, w. Henry, consumption, Mar. 17, 1826. a. 29 y.

James, --- --, 1828. tomb. GR7

Stephen, s. Stephen [and Cassandra, 2d w. CR7], consumption, Feb. [1. CR7], 1828, a. 12 y.

Mary, wid. [Hero. NR9], consumption, Feb. [9. NR9], 1828, a. 41 y.

Ichabod, s. Ichabod and Cassander, at sea, 6: 7m: 1828. CR7

William, consumption, Aug. 21, 1828, a. 38 y.

[Benjamin Franklin. NR9], s. Daniel F., cholera infantum, Sept. 4, 1828, a. 8 m.

Sarah [d. Ichabod, Jr. and Cassandra. CR7], phthisis pulmonalis, Nov. 29, 1830, a. 27 y.

_____, inf. ch. Miss _____, [aft. July 15], 1831. CR10

Elizabeth, w. Capt. John, jr., Oct. 21, 1831. GR8

Hannah, d. Ichabod and Cassander, 30: 6m: 1832. CR7 [a. 28 y. NR9]

Anna Graves, d. William and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1832, a. 4 y. 7 m. GR7

Lydia, w. Capt. Ichabod. Feb. 25, 1835, a. 80 y. NR9

Benjamin, s. John, on board the Sumatra, Apr. 9, 1835, a. 20 y. 6 m. NR9

Sarah, w. George, Esq., a. 55 y. Issue of June 26, 1835. NR9

Thomas, s. Thomas, Aug. 19, 1835, a. 8 m. NR9

Mary Ellen, d. John, a. 22 m. Issue of Oct. 11, 1836. NR9

Samuel, s. Samuel, a. 18 m. Issue of Dec. 13, 1836. NR9

Catherine S., w. Abel, d. Willard Peele, [bet. 1838 and 1841.]

Cassandra, w. Ichabod, Apr. 21, 1838. GR11 [a. 61 y. NR9]

Ellen Maria, d. Thomas, a. 15 m. Issue of Aug. 31, 1838. NR9

Hannah [d. Thomas. CR7], old age, May 21, 1839, a. 94 y.

Ichabod [Capt., shipmaster and merchant. NR9], palsy, July 12, 1839, a. 90 y.

_____, d. William F., lung fever, bur. at Danvers, Dec. 31, 1839, a. 7 y.

Sarah, d. W.F., a. 7 y. Issue of Jan. 3, 1840. NR9

Charlotte E., of Boston, d. Benjamin R., tumor, at Dorchester, July 28, 1840, a. 19 y.

John H[enry. NR9], s. John H., scarlet fever, Aug. 10, 1840, a. 4 y.

Mary A., d. Samuel B., cholera morbus, Aug. 28, 1840, a. 6 m.

William F., jr., s. William F., consumption, June 27, 1841, a. 2 y.

William J., youngest, s. William F., June 28, 1841, a. 5 y. NR9

Margaret E., d. James, jr., croup, Oct. 18, 1841, a. 7 y.

Benjamin P., s. John, jr., lung fever, Nov. 24, 1841, a. 1 1-2 y.

Abigail T., d. John, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Dec. 23, 1841, a. 30 y. [a. 20 y. NR9]

Lucy E[llen. NR9], d. Thomas, canker, Aug. 28, 1842, a. 1-2 m.

Samuel A., s Samuel B. and Betsey L., lung fever, Apr. 10, 1846, a. 19 m.

Mary, w. James, d. John and Mary Learock, lung fever, Apr. 11, 1846, a. 80 y.

Elizabeth M., wid. John, d. Samuel and Anna Foote, palsy, July 29, 1846, a. 69 y.

Lucy, b. Topsfield, wid. John, d. Bartholomew and Sarah Dwinell, age, Oct. 13, 1846, a. 85 y.

Stephen [P. CR7], b. Somersworth, NH, blacksmith, h. Abigail (Moulton), s. Thomas and Hannah, lung fever, Nov. 17, 1846, a. 76 y.

Ichabod, b. Somersworth, NH, currier, s. Thomas and Hannah, age, Mar. 1, 1847, a. 75 y.

Sarah E[lizabeth. NR9], d. John, jr. and Betsey, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. July 20, 1847, a. 25 y.

Charles S., s. Samuel B. and Elizabeth, lung fever, Dec. 31, 1847, a. 10 m.

Clara, d. John H. and Sarah A[ugusta. NR9], convulsions, Feb. 28, 1848, a. 1 1-4 y.

Jonathan, b. Somersworth, NH, tanner, s. Thomas and Hanah, Sept. 15, 1848, a. 67 y.

Jonathan, s. Daniel F. and Lydia F., liver complaint, Nov. 15, 1848, a. 6 y.

Betsey [w. John. NR9], d. James and Betsey Trask, dropsy, bur. at Danvers, d. Nov. 27, 1848, a. 72 y.

John, b. Andover, cordwainer, h. Betsey (Trask), s. John and Betsey, age, bur. at Danvers, d. May 1, 1849, a. 72 y.

Mary E[liza. NR9], d. William H. and Eliza, scarlet fever, Aug. 27, 1849, a. 1 10-12 y.


_____, ch. _____, chin cough, bur. Apr. 1, 1802. CR11

Jonathan [s. Jonathon and Sally. GR8], typhus fever, Apr. 2, 1819, a. 22 y.

Sarah, b. Gloucester, w. Jonathan, dropsy, Oct. 29, 1845, a 75 y.

Jonathan D., a. 78 y. Issue of Sept. 1, 1848. NR9


Augustus, s. Amos and Ann, lung fever, Jan. 19, 1849, a. 3 2-3 y.


John, accident, at sea, a. 22 y. Issue of July 15, 1803. NR9

Benjamin, a. 24 y. Issue of July 18, 1809. NR9

Hannah, wid. pneumonia, June 19, 1828, a. 77 y.

John K., bur. Feb. 26, 1836, a. 26 y. NR9

Lydia S., d. Benjamin and Lucy, croup, bur. at Danvers, d. May 28, 1848, a. 6 m.


Ann, d. Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 6, 1847, a. 8 1-2 y.


_____, Mrs., Oct. 26, 1813, a. 35 y. PR654

_____, w. Capt. Joseph. Issue of Nov. 16, 1813. NR9

Sarah, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Oct. 9, 1819, a. 69 y.

George [Freeman. CR10], s. Nathan, pneumonia, Nov. 2, 1821, a. 5 y.

[Nathan Henry, s. Capt. NR9], Nathan, measles, Nov. 6, 1821, a. 3 y.

[William Bowen, s. Capt. NR9], Nathan, pneumonia after measles, Nov. [23. CR10], 1821, a. 10 m.

Samuel Worcester, s. Nathan, dysentery, Aug. 30, 1825, a. 21 m.

Albert K., s. Richard S., fits, Nov. 6, 1843, a. 16 m.

Richard, at sea, on board barque Lucilla, on her passage from New York to Sumatra, Apr. 21, 1848. NR9

NOLAND (Nolan)

Mary, Nov. 18, 1838, a. 14 m. CR14

Margaret, d. Hugh, Jan. 30, 1849, a. 1¾ y.

NOLEN (Nolan)

Christopher, b. Ireland, laborer, consumption, July 8, 1846, a. 65 y.

Mary, d. Dennis and Margaret, infantile, Aug. 24, 1846, a. 10 d.


John, jr., a. 32 y. Issue of Oct. 9, 1810. NR9

John, a. 75 y. Issue of Apr. 29, 1817. NR9

_____, s. Thomas, jaundice, May 21, 1821, a. 1 y.

Hannah, wid., a. 84 y. Issue of Dec. 24, 1833. NR9

Mary L[ester. CR11], of Boston, b. Boston, d. Edward [L. and Sarah M. CR11], fits, at Boston, Dec. 6, 1843, a. 16 m.

NORICE (Norris)

Edward, 23: 10m: 1659. CTR

Edward, postmaster, Sept. 7, 1769, in his 54th y. NR4


[Mary. CR14], Mrs., cholera morbus, Aug. 24, 1839, a. 35 y.


John, s. John and Mary (Ropes), 22: 9m: 1664. CTR

John, May 6, 1713, in his 77th y. GR7

Mary, Oct. 24, 1713, a. 68 y. GR7

Jacob, a Swede, h. _____ (Archer) Gunnison, drowned, Dec. 6, 1797, a. 42 y. CR4

Mary, d. Jacob, deceased and Mary (Archer), formerly, w. _____ Gunnison, now, w. _____ Peters, scarlet fever, Oct. 5, 1800, a. 4 y. CR4

NORRIS (Norice)

Edward, Rev., Dec. 23, 1659. CR1

E., "old," July 19, 1759. PR57

Elizabeth [Mrs. NR9], Nov. 7, 1796, a. abt. 86 y.

Edward, Esq., bur. Oct. 25, 1803, a. 58 y. NR9

John, Hon., Esq., one of the associate founders of The Theological College in Andover, Dec. 22, 1808, a. 57 y. GR7

Mary, wid. Hon. John, Esq., Mar. 21, 1811, a. 54 y. GR7

John, s. Edward and Ann C., May 12, 1812, a. 10 m. GR7 [a. 16 m. NR9]

Ann Churchill, w. Edward, Nov. 16, 1812, in her 35th y. GR7

Nancy, w. Edward, a. 35 y. Issue of Nov. 20, 1812. NR9

Charles, s. Henry L. and Elizabeth, May 30, 1814, a. 8 m. GR7

_____, ch. Henry, a. 8 m. Issue of May 31, 1814. NR9

Sarah [wid. Edward, Esq. NR9], age, Mar. 7, 1830, a. 74 y.

George Henry, s. George, jr., of Hamilton, a. 18 m. Issue of May 15, 1838. NR9

Thomas, Oct. 25, 1838, a. 1 y. 30 d. CR14

Margret, Nov. 5, 1838, a. 4 y. 9 m. CR14

NORTHEY (Northy)

William, jr., s. William, Nov. 25, 1788, in his 22d y. NR8

David, in his 21st y. Issue of Feb. 2, 1791. NR9

Meriam, wid., a. 80 y. Issue of Aug. 7, 1792. NR9

Abijah, --- --, 1802. tomb. GR7

William [suddenly, at Lynn. NR9], 13: 6m: 1804. CR7 [a. 70 y. NR9]

_____, s. Capt. Abijah, bur. Apr. 1, 1810. PR61

_____, d. Abijah, bur. Sept. 25, 1812. PR61

Abigail, w. Abijah, a. 69 y. Issue of Mar. 8, 1814. NR9

Abijah, bur. Oct. 20, 1816. PR61 [a 75 y. NR9]

Rebecca, wid. [William. CR7], age, Oct. 17, 1826, a. 86 y.

Lydia, w. Capt. Abijah, May 14, 1836, a. 58 y. NR9


Mary, d. John and Mary (Sharp), 4: 12m: 1661. CTR

William, suicide, Sept. --, 1820, a. 46 y. [Issue of Sept. 19. NR9]

George A., s. wid. [Susannah. NR9], pneumonia after measles, Feb. 9, 1822, a. 4 y.

Bridget, d. Patrick, consumption, Feb. 26, 1844, a. 11 m.


Eliza, w. David, sudden, Aug. 31, 1824, a. 27 y.

NOURSE (Nurse, Nurss)

Edward, s. Benjamin and Margaret, bloody flux, Oct. 28, 1786, a. 11 m. CR4

[Elizabeth. NR8], w. Benjamin, hectic, June 29, 1787, a. 57 y. CR1

John, s. Benjamin and Margaret, cough and convulsions, July 16, 1791, a. 3 y. CR4

Sarah, w. Samuel. Issue of Aug. 7, 1792. NR9

_____, s, _____, --- --, 1797. CR1

Benjamin [sexton, old age. CR1], Jan. 17, 1798, a. 77 y.

Samuel. Issue of Nov. 25, 1806. NR9

Margaret, d Benjamin and Margaret, d. _____ (Welcome), [at the poor house. NR9], complication of ills, Sept. 1, 1811, a. 27 y. CR4

Abigail, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 1, 1814, a. 70 y. GR1

Lydia, d. Nathaniel, consumption, Sept. 17, 1823, a. 35 y.

Mary, wid., age, bur. at Danvers, d. Jan. 10, 1825, a. 88 y.

Abigail, w. Calvin, a. 27 y. Issue of Dec. 20, 1833. NR9

Abner J., at Ambriz, Jan. 3, 1846. NR9

Mary G., d. Ebenezer and Abigail, inflammation of brain, bur. at North Danvers, d. Sept. 15, 1846, a. 24 y.

Rhoda Ann, w. Howes, d. Joel and Rhoda Powers, consumption, May 5, 1847, a. 30 y.

Sally P., of Danvers, d. Abner (?), at Danvers, typhus fever, Sept. 3, 1849, a. 35 y. GR9


Nicholas, Rev., Dec. 13, 1717, a. 70 y. wanting 8 days.

Belcher, A.M., master of the Latin school, at Savannah. Issue of Aug. 2, 1791. NR9

_____, wid., formerly of Newburyport, a. 80 y. Issue of May 5, 1807. NR9

Charles, Jan. 2, 1817. PR521

Edmund, s. Samuel, house joiner, cholera, Feb. 23, 1823, a. 6 y.

S.M. [Sarah Maria. CR10], d. John, Feb. 16, 1827, a. 18 m.

Simeon, cynanche, Nov. 27, 1827, a. 69 y.

George Rufus, s. John, May 15, 1834, a. 2 y. 3 m. NR9

Esther, --- --, 1836, a. 82 y. CR9

Mary, Mrs., family of Henry, consumption, Oct. 27, 1839, a. 45 y.

NURSE (Nourse)

Francis, Nov. 22, 1695, a. 77 y. CR2

Margaret, d. Samuell, Dec. 5, 1700, a. 20 y. CR2

Phebe, d. _____, jr. and Dorothy (Faulkner), Nov. 23, 1729.

Caleb, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mitchel), Oct. 7, 1732.

_____, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mitchel), Feb. 4, 1733.

Rebeckah, d. _____, jr. and Dorothy (Faulkner), Sept. 23, 1734.

Sally, d. B[enjamin. NR8], hectic, June 15, 1787, a. 18 y. CR1

John, printer, of Boston, hectic, Jan. 1, 1790, a. 28 y. CR1

Margaret (Welcome), wid. Benjamin, baker, at the charity house, fever, Nov. 7, 1815, a. 67 y. CR4

Aaron, killed by a fall from load of hay, bur. at Danvers, d. July 6, 1818, a. 66 y.

_____, ch. Calvin, choked to death. Issue of Jan. 31, 1834. NR9

Abigail (Coombs), wid. Samuel, consumption, Apr. 19, 1843, a. 75 y.

NUTREL (Nuttall)


William, b. Manchester, Eng., spinner, "suffocated at Naumkeag Factory," Aug. 6, 1847, a. 22 y.


Ann [Elizabeth. GR7], d. William [and Hannah. GR7], pneumonia after measles, Jan. 1, 1830, a. 1 y.


John, s. John and Ruth, June 20, 1720, a. 4 y. GR1

John, s. John and Ruth (Gardner), June 28, 1729.

Ruth (Gardner), w. John, Nov. 22, 1736. [a. 37 y. GR1]

Richard, s. Richard and Mehitable, Apr. 30, 1766.

Mehitable, d. Richard and Mehitable, Oct. 27, 1770.

John, s. John, Esq., at Jamaica. Issue of Mar. 9, 1773. NR4

Benjamin, s. Richard and Mehitable, Oct. 1, 1773.

Elizabeth [(Pickman). PR658], w. John [Esq. PR658], June 10, 1785, a. 71 y. GR1

John, Esq., influenza, May 20, 1790, a. 97 y.

_____, w. Ebenezer, bur. May 28, 1803, a. 65 y. CR11

Ebenezer, bur. Feb. 19, 1804, a. 75 y. CR11

Ebenezer, 2d, on board the ship Franklin. Issue of May 24, 1805. NR9

Joseph, intemperance, at the almshouse, Mar. 8, 1822, a. 28 y.

Betsy, paralysis, at the almshouse, June --, 1825, a. 49 y. [Issue of June 19. NR9]

_____, s. Philip [B. CR10], hydrocephalus, June 11, 1825, a. 15 m.

Mehitable, w. Philip B., consumption, Mar. 10, 1831, a. 30 y. CR10

Jacob Lord, s. P.B. [Philip B. NR9], dropsy, May --, 1831, a. 18 m. CR10 [Issue of May 6. NR9]

William, fisherman, suicide, Jan. 8, 1843, a. 69 y.

William F[rancis. NR9], b. North Yarmouth, s. William G. and Eliza A., consumption, Dec. 3, 1846, a. 713 y.

Eliza A[nn. NR9], (Marshall), w. Joseph G., typhus fever, Oct. 5, 1849, a. 28 y.

NYE (Nay)

Lydia [w. Joseph. NR9], congestion of brain, bur. at Danvers, d. Jan. 18, 1822, a. 29 y.

Abigail, d. Joseph, typhus fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Oct. 6, 1822, a. 15 y.