NorthShore Slavery


Clara M[atilda. NR9], d. Andrew and Caroline M., dropsy, May 5, 1848, a. 1 y.

Daniel, consumption, June 29, 1819, a. 39 y. [a. 35 y. NR9]

William, s. William and Emily, infantile, Oct. 17, 1845, a. 5 d.


_____, ch. Edmund. Issue of Sept. 18, 1801. NR9

_____, ch. Samuel, scalded, a. 2 y. Issue of Aug. 22, 1806. NR9

_____, Capt., lost at sea. Issue of Nov. 13, 1807. NR9

_____, w. Ephraim, a. 78 y. Issue of Dec. 15, 1837. NR9

Abigail, d. Martha, consumption, May 5, 1841, a. 49 y.

Anna (Philpot), wid. Benjamin, palsy, May 23, 1806, a. 82 y. CR4

Benjamin, Jan. 15, 1750. PR57

Benjamin, m., consumption, Aug. 6, 1786, a. 24 y. CR4

Benjamin, s. Benjamin, deceased, and Martha (Crowninshield), now wid. Palfrey, nervous fever, Sept. 26, 1806, a. 21 y. CR4

Edmund, Dec. 3, 1831, a. 81 y. PR24

Edward Francis, s. Capt. Edward and Ann Maria, Nov. 18, 1833, a. 6 y. 6 m. GR8

Edward, Capt., of the ship Mariposa, from Boston to Batavia. Issue of Dec. 8, 1835. NR9

Eliza E[llen. NR9], d. Samuel, jr., convulsions, Oct. 30, 1824, a. 10 m.

George [bookbinder, b. at Maine, s. Capt. Noah. CR4], consumption, Mar. 2, 1819, a. 25 y.

George, mate, schr. Ceres, at sea, --- --, 1827, a 28 y.

Joanna C., d. Edmund, at Nantucket, a. 19 y. Issue of Apr. 11, 1817. NR9

Lidia, Mar. 2, 1750. PR57

Peggy, at Portsmouth, a. 20 y. Issue of Nov. 10, 1795. NR9

Martha (Lemon), w. Bartholomew, 23: 10m: 1662. CTR

Martha, w. Samuel, of Marblehead, age, Nov. 10, 1843, a. 95 y.

Mary, wid., bur. Mar. 5, 1814, a. 90 y. NR9

Mary, wid., June 5, 1820, a. 78 y.

Mary Ann, d. Capt. Samuel, deceased, Oct. 25, 1835, a. 21 y. NR9

Mary (Kire), w. Samuel, consumption, Mar. 1, 1842, a. 75 y.

Mary, w. Samuel, reinterred Nov. 24, 1845.

Rebeccah, d. B., epilepsy, May 3, 1794, a. 22 y. CR4

Richard, mate of brig Ann, at Bombay, --- --, 1825, a. 27 y.

Samuel, barber, heart complaint, Nov. 22, 1845, a. 81 y.

Sarah, Mrs., bur. Mar. 1, 1842, a. 75 y. CR5

William C., on ship Maine, at Batavia, --- --, 1825, a. 29 y. [Issue of Mar. 1. NR9]


Hugh, b. Ireland, laborer, bronchitis, Oct. 8, 1844, a. 73 y.

GALUCIA (Galeucia, Gallucia, Galusha)

Jacob, Apr. 8, 1849, a. 74 y. NR9

Jane, d. John N., Oct. 17, 1825, a. 19 m.

Sally, w. Jacob, Dec. 10, 1846, a. 72 y. NR9



Mary, d. John and Mary, dropsy, Feb. 18, 1848, a. 8 y.

GARDINER (Gardner)

John, Capt., bilious vomit, Jan. 15, 1784, a. 78 y. CR1

John, s. Mary (Collins), dysentery, Oct. 13, 1801, a. 4 y. CR4

Jonathan, Capt. [s. Abel and Sarah. GR1], old age, Nov. 27, 1783, a. 86 y. CR1

Jonathan, Capt. [Esq. GR1], gravel, Mar. 2, 1791, a. 63 y. CR1

Mary, d. Samuell and Mary, Apr. 3, 1661. CTR

Mary, d. Benjamin and Hannah, fever, Dec. 26, 1795, a. 10 m. CR4

GARDNER (Gardiner)

_____, w. John, Feb. 4, 1764. PR57

_____, d. John, jr., a. 6 y. Issue of June 16, 1801. NR9

_____, w. William, bur. Dec. 28, 1813. PR61

_____, inf. ch. Benjamin. Issue of Sept. 12, 1817. NR9

_____, ch. David, inflammation of bowels, Mar. 25, 1818, a. 1 m.

_____, s. David, cholera, Sept. 25, 1821, a. 13 m.

_____, d. John, jr., lung fever, Dec. 26, 1827, a. 2 y. CR1

_____, d. Charles, Apr. 5, 1829, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. John, jr., Feb. 15, 1833, a. 5 w. CR1

Abel, on board ship China, May --, 1822, a. 22 y. [Issue of May 7. NR9]

Abel, s. Benjamin, a. 5 y. Issue of Aug. 26, 1836. NR9

Abigail [w. John, 3d. NR9], childbirth, Mar. 16, 1821, a. 24 y.

Abigail, suddenly, June --, 1825. CR10

Abigail P., of Gloucester, w. Richard, d. Thomas and Elizabeth West, inflammatory fever, at Gloucester, Jan. 31, 1846, a. 37 y.

Alden B[urrill. NR9], s. Daniel B. and ELizabeth, dropsy in head, Mar. 28, 1846, a. 11 y.

Bartholomew, s. Ebenezer and Sarah (Bartholomew), Dec. 20, 1684, a. 2 y. 6 m. GR1

Benjamin, s. John and Priscilla, 23: 6m: 1662. CTR

Benjamin, --- --, 1808. CR13

Benjamin, at Boston, Sept. 18, 1825, a. 48 y. CR10

Benjamin B., cooper, s. Jonathan and Rachel, fits, July 16, 1845, a. 44 y.

Caroline Elizabeth, d. Benjamin B., a. 9 w. Issue of June 12, 1838. NR9

Caroline Lovett, Mar. 15, 1849, a. 31 y. PR220

Charles H., s. John, jr. and Hannah, dropsy in head, Jan. 14, 1846, a. 4 m.

Damories, d. Richard and Sara, 25: 9m: 1662 CTR

Damories, d. Richard and Sara, 25: 9m: 1662 CTR

Damaris, w. Thomas, 28: 9m: 1674. CTR

Daniel, bur. Sept. 8, 1759. PR22

David, --- --, 1825. tomb. GR7

Ebenezer, s. George, h. Sarah (Bartholomew), abt. May --, 1685.

Elizabeth, d. Samuell and Mary, Oct. 14, 1678. CTR

Elizabeth, Mrs., d. Capt. John and ELizabeth, Apr. 20, 1754, in her 21st y. GR7

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. John, Sept. 27, 1769, in her 88th y. NR4

Elizabeth, w. Capt. John, Oct. 23, 1772, in her 56th y. NR4

Elizabeth, w. Capt. Richard, Apr. 14, 1815, a. 40 y. NR9

Elizabeth [d. Capt. Jonathan and Elizabeth. GR1], [fever. CR1], May 5, 1818, a. 88 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Joseph, bur. Oct. 7, 1831, a. 58 y. NR9 [a. 56 y. dup.]

Eunice, d. Habbakkuk and Ruth (Gedney), Aug. 29, 1729.

Francis, s. Richard [and Abigail P. NR9], of Gloucester, heart affection, June 25, 1840, a. 5 m.

Georg, s. Georg and Elizbeth, 21: 6m: 1662. CTR

George, s. Samuell and Mary, 5: 7m: 1668. CTR

George, s. Samuell, jr. and ELizabeth, --- --, 1674. CTR

George A[ugustus. NR9], s. John, convulsions, Apr. 12, 1826, a. 2 y.

George, of Charlestown, s. John, consumption, at Charlestown, Dec. 6, 1843, a. 39 y.

Habbakkuk, h. Ruth (Gedney), Feb. 3, 1732-3.

Hannah, d. Capt. Jonathan and Elizabeth [hectic. CR1], Apr. 28, 1786, a. 43 y. GR1

Hannah, wid. Capt. Samuel, a. 34 y. Issue of Mar. 15, 1805. NR9

Hanah E., b. Newburyport, w. Charles, d. David and Mary Elwell, consumption, Jan. 11, 1849, a. 43 y.

James, Capt., of the sch. Powderpoint, suddenly, at sea. Issue of Oct. 27, 1807. NR9

Jane, w. David, pneumonia, Apr. 4, 1826, a. 33 y.

John, at New Orleans, Sept. 22, 1817, a. 28 y. Issue of Oct. 28, 1817. NR9

John, laborer, s. Joseph and Betsey, heart complaint, May 16, 1846, a. 49 y.

John [formerly a merchant. NR9], of Danvers, h. _____ (West), s. John and Sarah, typhus fever, at Danvers, Aug. 24, 1847, a. 77 y.

Jonathan, Dec. 19, 1783. PR84

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sally, Dec. 17, 1795, a. 3 y. 4 m. GR1

Jonathan, chronic diarrhea, Sept. 27, 1821, a. 66 y.

Jonathan, dysentery, at the almshouse, Nov. 25, 1839, a. 66 y.

Joseph, s. Habbakkuk and Ruth (Gedney), Aug. --, 1703.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Nancy, Jan. 31, 1815, a. 3 y. 9 m. CR7

Joseph P., mate on barque Patriot, Capt. Frye, lost overboard in a gale, Nov. 9, 1818. PR82

Joseph, apoplexy, Nov. 14, 1830, a. 64 y.

Joseph H[enry. NR9], s. Joseph and Caroline, disease of brain, Sept. 28, 1849, a. 20 m.

Louisa E., of Boston, b. Boston, d. Henry H., inflammation of lungs, at Boston, Mar. 15, 1847, a. 6 y.

[Margaret Ann. NR9], d. John [jr. CR10], Aug. 21, 1821, a. 6 m. [a. 9 m. NR9]

Mary, w. Samuell, 12: 7m: 1675. CTR

Mary, w. Lt. Thomas, Nov. 27, 1695. CTR

Mary, w. Capt. Jonathan, Apr. 20, 1755, a. 58 y. GR1

Mary, w. John [jr. PR57], May 24, 1755, in her 27th y. GR7

Mary (Briers), w. Benjamin, "former husbands were Ferguson and Basset," consumption, Apr. 6, 1787, a. 56 y. CR4

Mary, wid. Capt. Jonathan [old age. CR1], bur. Feb. 22, 1805, a. 90 y. NR9

Polly, w. Samuel, intemperance, July 3, 1825, a. 51 y.

Mary (Collins), wid. Simon, consumption, May 22, 1844, a. 80 y.

Hittabell, d. Georg and Elizabeth, May 8, 1659. CTR

Mercy, d. Habbakkuk and Ruth (Gedney), Jan. 7, 1732-3.

Nancy, old age, at the workhouse, Jan. 26, 1821, a. 69 y.

Newbury, Apr. 17, 1819. CR10

Rebecca, wid., a. 44 y. Issue of Feb. 17, 1787. NR8

Rebecca Knapp, May 10, 1830, a. 22 y. PR220

Reuben [Capt., master of the brig Daphne, died from injuries received in the wreck of his vessel. NR9], mortification, Oct. 14, 1819, a. 36 y. [a. 33 y. NR9]

Robert Elwell, inf. s. Charles. Issue of Dec. 7, 1839. NR9

Ruth, Aug. 23, 1737.

Samuel, s. Capt. _____, Mar. 16, 1733. PR83

Samuel, Esq., merchant, Apr. 7, 1769, a. 57 y. NR4

Samuel S., s. Benjamin, lung fever, Dec. 29, 1819, a. 15 m.

Samuel, jr., laborer, s. Samuel, sr., consumption, Feb. 27, 1842, a. 41 y.

Sarah (Bartholomew), w. Ebenezer, Sept. 5, 1682, a. 23 y. GR1

Sarah, w. [wid. CR1], Jonathan, Esq. [cachexy. CR1], Nov. 10, 1791, a. 63 y. GR1

Sally, w. Jonathan, d. Dr. Fairfield, deceased [typhus fever. CR1], Dec. 23, 1795, a. 30 y. GR1 [a. 29 y. CR1]

Sally, wid., a. 56 y. Issue of Oct. 1, 1816. NR9

Sarah, sister to Thomas Whittredge, Sept. --, 1819. PR172

Sarah, of Boston, wid. Benjamin, age, at Boston, Apr. 25, 1844, a. 91 y.

Sarah, w. John, d. William and Sarah West, deceased, rupture, Dec. 27, 1846, a. 75 y.

Simon W[arren. NR9], s. Simon, lung fever, June 4, 1840, a. 5 m.

Thomas, h. Damaris, 29: 10m: 1674 CTR

Thomas, Lt., Nov. 16, 1695. CTR

Thomas, s. Abell, Apr. 13, 1700. CTR

Thomas W., Capt., s. John, at Rio Janeiro, inflammatory, bilious fever, a. 47 y. Issue of May 6, 1845. NR9

Timothy, s. Joseph, a. 9 m. Issue of Oct. 1, 1833. NR9

Timothy T., s. Joseph and Eunice, accident, Apr. 28, 1849, a. 14¾ y.

Weld, merchant, s. Samuel, Esq., deceased, Nov. 2, 1801, in his 56th y. NR9

Wilson J., s. William F., jr. and Mary H., infantile, Sept. 7, 1848, a. 3 d.


John, Aug. 20, 1708, in his 77th y.

Lydia, of Baltimore, b. Danvers, d. Nathaniel, consumption, Aug. 14, 1841, a. 28 y.


Margaret, wid. Thomas, deceased, of Marblehead, consumption, Feb. 23, 1844, a. 86 y.

GARVIN (Garven)

Thomas, b. Ireland, laborer, inflammation of bowels, Sept. 7, 1849, a. 30 y.

GASGILL (Gaskell)

Arthur S. [Arthur Leslie. NR9], s. David O. and Rebecca E., dysentery, Feb. 8, 1849, a. 1 y.

GASKELL (Gasgill, Gasskell)

Jonathan, s. Samuel and Bethiah, 21: 9m: 1703. CR7

Sarath, d. Samuell and Provided (Southwick), Aug. 3, 1689. CR7

GATCHEL (Getchel)

Josiah Warren, s. Josiah, ship carpenter from Brunswick, ME, and ELizabeth (Lane), atrophia infantilis, Sept. 14, 1803, a. 14 m. CR4

Josiah, from Brunswick, ME, carpenter, h. Sarah Lane, d. Nicholas, cramp in the stomach, Apr. 11, 1805, a. 28 y. CR4


_____, Dr., "old," Apr. 2, 1751. PR57

Lydia, d. Dr. Francis and Lydia, July 20, 1716, a. 3 y. GR1

Lydia, d. Dr. Francis and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1719, a. 4 m. GR1

Rachel, d. Dr. Francis and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1716, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR1


GAVET (Gavett)

_____, s. Joseph and Mary (Williams), Mar. 14, 1725-6.

_____, s. Jos., jr., bur. June 20, 1757, a. 15 m. CR1

_____, mother Joseph, bur. Mar. 7, 1779. PR635

_____, Mrs., --- --, 1793. PR55

_____, ch. James, bur. Apr. 29, 1807. PR61

John, Capt. of schooner Lark, suddenly. Issue of June 8, 1784. NR7

John, bur. Aug. 31, 1807. PR61

Jonathan, bur. Aug. 1, 1806. PR61 [a. 75 y. NR9]

Jonathan, bur. Dec. 16, 1808. PR61

Joseph. Issue of July 6, 1790. NR9

Joseph, seaman, at the West Indies. Issue of July 28, 1795. NR9

Joseph, shot by a sentinel from the navy yard, as he was passing in a boat at Portsmouth, NH, Feb. 20, 1814. NR9

Mary, w. Joseph, June 11, 1743, a. 43 y. GR7

Sarah, w. Joseph, d. Peter Frye, Esq., a. 36 y. Issue of June 30, 1795. NR9

Susannah, Apr. 30, 1794. PR55

GAVETT (Gavet)

_____, wid., bur. Jan. 7, 1815. PR61

_____, w. Samuel, burns, Dec. 31, 1832, a. 67 y. NR9

Abigail, wid., consumption, Mar. 9, 1825, a. 47 y.

Abigail, age, Aug. 11, 1843, a. 88 y.

Brazer, s. Samuel, hydrocephalus, Feb. 14, 1825, a. 5 m.

Edward A., on board the brig Quill, July 10, 1837, a. 18 y. NR9

Elizabeth, consumption, Jan. 13, 1820, a. 48 y.

James, mate of the brig Welcome Return, at Havanna. Issue of Sept. 4, 1807. NR9

Lydia, disease of ye mesentery at the almshouse, Feb. --, 1828, a. 4 m.

Martha, Sept. 26, 1804, a. 1 y. PR465

Martha [Richardson. PR465], w. William, hectic fever, Nov. 9, 1823, a. 47 y.

Mary, d. John and Sarah, heart complaint, Dec. 13, 1848, a. 80 y.

Sarah Ellen, d. James, of Boston, consumption, July 11, 1836, a. 5 y. NR9

Sophia B., d. Philip, a. 6 y. 8 m. Issue of July 31, 1838. NR9

Susan [wid. NR9], dropsy, Aug. --, 1827, a. 72 y. [Issue of Aug. 3. NR9]

GAVOTT (Gavet)

GEBOW (Gebout)

George, s. John, infantile, Oct. 13, 1841, a. 17 d.

Sarah, b. Marblehead, w. John, d. Francis and Polly Bridge, consumption, Feb. 1, 1847, a. 33 y.

GEDNEY (Gidney)

Bartholomew, s. Bartholomew and Hana (Cleark), Aug. 12, 1664. CTR

Bartholomew, s. Bartholomew and Hana (Cleark), 20: 7m: 1666. CTR

Bartholomew, Col., h. Hannah, Feb. 28, 1697-8.

Hannah, w. Col. Bartholomew, Jan. 6, 1695-6.

Hannah (Gardner), w. William, Jan. 4, 1703-4. [a. 33 y. GR1]

Jonathan, s. Bartholomew and Hana (Cleark), 14: 6m: 1665. CTR

Margaret, d. William, Esq. and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1718, a. 24 y. 6 m. GR1

Mary, wid. Elic, Sept. 4, 1716.

Samuel, s. Col. Bartholomew and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1705.

Sara, d. John and Susana (Clearke), 19: 5m: 1662. CTR

Susanna, d. William, Esq. and Hannah, Dec. 17, 1712, a. 21 y. 8 m. GR1

William, s. William and Elizabeth (Andrew), Jan. 8, 1707-8.

William, Esq., Jan. 24, 1729-30, a. 62 y. GR1



Benjamin, --- --, 1826. tomb. GR8

Benjamin, Capt., delirium tremens, Nov. 25, 1832, a. 41 y. CR1 [a. 45 y. NR9], [a. 42 y. PR24]

Catherine E., of Boston, d. Benjamin, deceased, consumption, at Boston, May 9, 1842, a. 20 y.

Emeline A[ugusta. CR11], d. Benjamin, consumption, June 23, 1823, a. 5 y.

GERALD (Fitzgerald)

[Abigail. NR9], Mrs., lung fever, bur. Mar. 11, 1822, a. abt. 65 y. CR11 [a. 66 y. NR9]


John, s. John and Susan, infantile, Dec. 22, 1848, a. 2 d.


_____, d. still born, Benjamin and Ann (Paine), 2d w., Mar. 6, 1692-3. CTR

_____, d. John, --- --, 1761. CR1

_____, chn. twin [Samuel. NR8], consumption, Jan. 13, 1788, a. abt. 6 w. PR84

_____, s. James S., pertussis, July --, 1828, a. 1 m.

Abigail, d. Benjamin, jr. and Margaret (Cabot), Jan. 15, 1743.

Abigail (Holloway), w. Benjamin, Esq., Sept. 13, 1750.

Anna, d. Benjamin and Anna (Paine), 2d w., Mar. 1, 1689-90.

Benjamin, Apr. 24, 1713, a. abt. 61 y. GR1

Benjamin, Esq., Oct. 6, 1762. PR57

Benjamin, at Port Republican, a. 25 y. Issue of Jan. 22, 1802. NR9

Cabot, at Bilboa, received news, Sept. 3, 1777. PR84

Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth (Higginson), Aug. 2, 1710.

Eunice, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Turner), 3d w., Aug. 28, 1700.

Francis, Dr. [late of the U.S. Navy. NR9], consumption, Apr. 16, 1819, a. 26 y.

George, s. George, a. 3 y. Issue of Nov. 4, 1817. NR9

George P., on board the ship Science, of Portland, at sea, Nov. 3, 1837, a. 18 y. NR9

Hannah (Ruck), w. Benjamin, June 25, 1685.

James S., teacher, Aug. 5, 1833, a. 42 y. NR9

John, s. Benjamin and Anna (Paine) 2d w., Dec. 14, 1691.

[Margaret. NR9], Mrs. [wid. old age. CR11], Aug. 13, 1789. PR79

Margaret Elizabeth, d. George, deceased, niece and adopted d. Margaret Gerrish, Apr. 5, 1837. NR9

Mary, bur. Apr. 15, 1757, a. 22 y. CR1

Samuel, jr., bur. Sept. 18, 1838, a. 65 y. NR9

Sarah, w. Samuel, Feb. 9, 1827, a. 78 y.

William, Capt., Aug. 9, 1687. CTR

William, Capt., at Barcelona, Spain. Issue of Dec. 20, 1774. NR4


[Edward Augustus. NR9], s. Nathaniel pneumonia after measles, Nov. --, 1821, a. 2 y. [Issue of Nov. 13. NR9]

Eunice, w. Franklin, bur. Feb. 23, 1816, a. 23 y. NR9

Lydia, Feb. 17, 1798. PR79

GETCHEL (Gatchel)

Mary [Margaret NR9], consumption, Dec. 20, 1823, a. 18 y.


Abigail [(Yell). CR4], wid. Capt. John, [wid. Capt. Edward, formerly w. _____ Whittemore. CR4], consumption, Apr. 27, 1818, a. 74 y.

[Sarah (Crowninshield), w. Edward, dysentery. CR4]. Mrs., Oct. 8, 1793. PR79 [a. 63 y. CR4]


Henry, "Clerk of the General Court Belonging to Salem," at Boston, Feb. 17, 1759. PR5

Henry, s. Henry and Mercy (Prescott), Dec. 14, 1791. [a. 8 y. 7 m. GR7]

Henry [merchant. NR9], h. Mercy (Prescott), June 29, 1794 [a. 45 y. GR7]

Marcia, d. Henry and Mercy, Nov. 17, 1791, a. 4 y. 2 w. GR7

Margaret, Nov. 7, 1742. PR650

Mercy, d. Judge, bur. Sept. 14, 1756, a. 15 y. CR1

Mercy, d. Henry and Mercy (Prescott), Nov. 17, 1787.

Marcey [wid. Henry. GR9], bur. May 21, 1809. PR61 [a. 54 y. NR9]


Mary, w. John, jaundice, Aug. 14, 1841, a. 25 y.

Thomas, b. Ireland, laborer, lung fever, Apr. 2, 1844, a. 65 y.

GIDDINGS (Giddins)

Cynthia Maria, native of Vermont, Feb. 21, 1846, a. 17½ y. NR9

Joanna, d. Samuel, of Ipswich, cancer, bur. at Ipswich, d. Sept. 30, 1818, a. 20 y.

GIDNEY (Gedney)

Debora, d. Bartholomew and Hana, Dec. 9, 1674. CTR

Eliazer, Apr. 29, 1683. CTR

Jonathan, s. William and Hannah (Gardner), Nov. 12, 1696.

William, s. William and Hannah (Gardner), Nov. 28, 1696.

GIFFORD (Giffords)

Sally [Sarah. CR11], dropsy, Oct. 30, 1826, a. 65 y.

GIFFORDS (Gifford)

L.A.P. [Lydia Ann Putnam. NR9], d. Thomas, enteritis, Aug. 20, 1826, a. 1 y.


Catharine, Mrs., formerly of Beverly, Dec. 12, 1840, a. 70 y. NR9

T., --- --, 1813. tomb. GR7

George, s. James, d. abroad, --- --, 1831, a. 22 y. CR10

Hannah W., d. Daniel, Esq., of North Brookfield, grandd. Joseph Waters, Esq., a. 4 y. Issue of July 30, 1819. NR9

Harriet V[ery. NR9], d. James, fits, May 15, 1843, a. 7 y.

James B., s. James and Sarah E., dysentery, Oct. 3, 1849, a. 8 y.

Martha, d. Daniel and Mary (Waters), dysentery, July 27, 1819, a. 5 y. CR4

GILES (Gyles)

Elizabeth, wid [Capt. Samuel. NR9], of Marblehead, old age, bur. at Marblehead, Jan. 26, 1840, a. 75 y.

James [Gyles. GR6], s. Eliezer and Elizabeth (Bishop), May 20, 1689. [May 15. CTR], [a. abt. 10 y. GR6]

[Rebecca, wid. Eleazer, d. Capt. John White. NR4], "out in a two-mast boat called King, and in a thunder squall the boat was sunk near Black Rock, and all but two persons were drowned," June 17, 1773. PR36

Sara, w. Eleazer, May 9, 1676. CTR

GILFORD (Guilford)

_____, Mrs., "old," bur. Feb. 17, 1797. CR11

Mary, wid., a. 47 y. Issue of Sept. 30, 1834. NR9


_____, Mrs., at the poorhouse, bur. Dec. 8, 1814. PR61

Henry, on the wreck of the ship Margaret from Naples, wrecked May --, 1810, received news July 21, 1810. PR82

Mary, Mrs. Issue of Aug. 18, 1789. NR8

Priscilla, age, Apr. 24, 1826, a. 84 y.


Deborah, fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Aug. 19, 1821, a. 51 y.

GILLISON (Gellison)

GILMAN (Gillman)

Caroline Augusta [d. Mrs. A.H. NR9], hectic, Feb. --, 1807 [Mar. 3. NR9], a. 17 y. CR1

Dudley. Issue of June 29, 1810. NR9

GLADDEN (Gladding)

William H., s. Henry, infantile, Sept. 23, 1840, a. 3 w.


Anna, carcinoma, Mar. 27, 1830, a. 56 y.

Lucy, Dec. 10, 1827, a. 61 y.


Nathaniel White, supposed to have been washed overboard near Cape Cod from schr. Juno, Jan. 8, 1822, a. 25 y.


Eliza Ann, d. Joseph and Eliza Ann, lung fever, Dec. 13, 1846, a. 1 y.


_____, ch. Ephraim, bur. Oct. 21, 1773. PR655

_____, d. Ichabod, canker rash, Sept. 18, 1783, a. 6 y. CR1

_____, ch. Capt. John H. Issue of Oct. 11, 1814. NR9

Amanda H[ill. NR9], d. Jonathan and Nancy, bowel complaint, Sept. 11, 1845, a. 10 m.

Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Abigail, May 10, 1754, a. 50 y. GR1

Benjamin, Oct. 25, 1817, a. 59 y. GR8

Benjamin, painter, s. Jonathan and Priscilla, dysentery, Oct. 25, 1847, a. 59 y.

Cook O., inflammation of brain, at the almshouse, May 28, 1839, a. 41 y.

Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Rebecca, Aug. 20, 1712.

Elizabeth, w. Samuel N., Oct. 15, 1833, a. 24 y. NR9

Ephraim, consumption, Aug. 26, 1839, a. 60 y.

Eunice, w. Samuel, a. 47 y. Issue of Dec. 9, 1788. NR8

George, mate of the schooner Ann, at Guadaloupe. Issue of Feb. 22, 1811. NR9

George, a. 45 y. Issue of Dec. 5, 1837. NR9

Hannah, wid., bur. Aug. 2, 1803, a. 53 y. NR9

Hannah, d. Jonathan, deceased, brain fever, Aug. 16, 1842, a. 62 y.

Ichabod, a. 48 y. Issue of Dec. 21, 1830. NR9

James, seaman, on board ship Lotus, Capt. Jenks, Nov. 1, 1830, a. 30 y. Issue of Mar. 1, 1831. NR9

John, s. Ebenezer and Rebecca, Feb. 21, 1714-15.

John [s. Benjamin and Susanna. GR1], bur. July 31, 1758. CR1 [a. 22 y. GR1]

John. Issue of June 18, 1811. NR9

John, s. John, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1824, a. 12 y.

John F. [R. NR9], s. Ephraim, scrofula, Feb. 2, 1827, a. 7 y.

Jonathan, intemperance, Oct. 21, 1821, a. 54 y. [a. 52 y. NR9]

Joseph, suddenly, bur. Mar. 25, 1808, a. 41 y. NR9

Joseph, on board the ship Hope, Capt. Tate, at sea, smallpox, Issue of Dec. 28, 1821. NR9

Lucy, w. John [Capt. John H. GR7], Oct. 23, 1830, a. 50 y. [a. 59 y. NR9]

Lucy Ann, d. Benjamin, a. 22 m. Issue of May 10, 1833. NR9

Mary, d. Ichabod and Mary, Feb. 4, 1776, a. 3 y. 11 m. GR1

Mary, d. Ichabod and Mary, Sept. 18, 1784, a. 7 y. 3 m. GR1

Mary, wid. [Ichabod. NR9], paralysis, Jan. 21, 1825, a. 86 y.

Mary, wid., a. 72 y. Issue of Mar. 23, 1832. NR9

Peter, bur. at Beverly, d. Nov. 8, 1826, a. 56 y.

Phebe, w. Jonathan [d. Daniel Bancroft. NR9], Jan. 25, 1796, a. 19 y. GR7 [a. 18 y. NR9]

Priscilla [d. Benjamin. GR1], paraplegia, July 7, 1790, a. 43 y. CR1 [a. 40 y. NR9]

Priscilla, wid. [Jonathan. GR8], old age, Aug. 12, 1828, a. 82 y.

Samuel, s. Jonathan and Phebe, Oct. 25, 1795, a. 14 m. GR7

Samuel, at the poorhouse, bur. July 29, 1811. PR61

Samuel N., cabinet maker, s. Jonathan and Ann, hung himself under temporary derangement, Mar. 18, 1845, a. 37 y.

Sophronia [Chadbourne. NR9], d. [Capt. CR5] John, scarlet fever, June 24, 1840, a. 6 y.

Susanna, w. Benjamin, Dec. 16, 1761, a. 51 y. GR1

Susanna, d. Ichabod and Mary, Feb. 9, 1776, a. 2 y. 2 m. GR1

Susanna [d. Ichabod. NR9], hectic, Oct. --, 1801, a. 19 y. CR1 [Issue of Oct. 2. NR9]

William, seaman of the brig North Carolina, Capt. Hallet, lost overboard, July 22, 1826. Issue of Aug. 1, 1826. NR9



Mary B., d. Moses, cholera infantum, Oct. 4, 1828, a. 14 m.


Dorcas M., w. Simon, d. Samuel Cross, deceased, inflammation of bowels, Jan. 14, 1842, a. 30 y.


_____, ch. _____, bur. Mar. 6, 1794. CR11

_____, ch. Capt., bur. Nov. 15, 1795. CR11

_____, ch. Capt., scarletina, bur. Nov. 22, 1802. CR11

Dorcas, Mrs., a. 66 y. Issue of Dec. 8, 1835. NR9

William, Capt., at the Isle of France, a. 55 y. Issue of June 11, 1816. NR9


William, s. Timothy and Ellen, cholera infantum, Aug. 30, 1848, a. 4 m.


_____, Mrs., bur. Apr. 27, 1788. PR84

David, s. Joseph and Bethia, Apr. 21, 1694. CTR


_____, d. Thomas and Mary (Whitford), formerly w. _____ Hill, atrophia infantilis, Sept. 28, 1804, a. 9 m. CR4

G.W. [George. PR229], ch. Thomas, dropsy in the head, May 27, 1820, a. 13 m.

[Julia Ann. NR9], d. Nathaniel, croup after measles, Nov. 23, 1821, a. 13 m.

Lydia, w. Thomas, "had been insane for many years & finally committed suicide by hanging," Feb. 13, 1842, a. 59 y.

Mary, d. John and Mary Whitford, w. Thomas, formerly w. _____ Hill, nervous fever, Oct. 2, 1804, a. 41 y. CR4

Nathaniel, b. NH [formerly of Moultenborough, NH. NR9], mariner, dropsy, Oct. 14, 1845, a. 65 y.

Thomas, b. Ipswich, shipwright, paralysis, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 76 y. [a. 64 y. NR9]

William, s. Thomas, aptha infantum, Feb. 25, 1825, a. 3 w.

GOLDTHWAIT (Goldthwaite, Golthwrite)

Charles Henry, s. Samuel, a. 7 y. Issue of Nov. 28, 1837. NR9

Ezra, seaman on the Ladoga, taken prisoner by the Japanese, d. Jan. 24, 1849, bur. in Japan. NR9

Hannah V., Oct. 5, 1825, a. 27 y. PR183

John A., Aug. 16, 1825. PR183

Polly, consumption, Sept. 8, 1827, a. 48 y.

GOLDTHWAITE (Goldthwait)

Benjamin W[ormstead. NR9], s. Moses, jr. and Elizabeth B., dysentery, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 6 y.

Caroline A[ugusta. NR9], w. Joseph A., d. Joseph and Hannah Vincent, dysentery, Oct. 17, 1848, a. 42 y.

Charles A[ugustus. NR9], s. Moses, jr. and Elizabeth B., brain complaint, Aug. 31, 1849, a. 6½ m.

Ezekiel, b. Northbridge, farmer, s. Enoch and Ann, heart complaint, July 20, 1845, a. 71 y.

George, s. Aaron, a. 2 m. Issue of Nov. 13, 1838. NR9

Hannah, w. Samuel, chronic diarrhea, Oct. 31, 1825, a. 24 y.

James [a Revolutionary pensioner. NR9], dyspepsia, bur. at Danvers, d. Feb. 2, 1824, a. 77 y.

John, s. Daneil and Susan, diseased leg, bur. at Danvers, d. Sept. 20, 1847, a. 14 y.

Thomas H. Benton, s. Samuel, a. 6 y. 9 m. Issue of July 30, 1841. NR9

William V[incent. NR9], s. Joseph A. and Caroline A., cholera infantum, Sept. 5, 1846, a. 2 y.


Alfred, 2d officer of the brig Martha Sanger, at New Orleans, yellow fever, Sept. --, 1847, a. 26 y. NR9

Anstis, d. Manuel and Nancy, Apr. 20, 1811, a. 2 y. GR8

Emanuel, a. 72 y. Issue of Oct. 16, 1838. NR9

Nancy (Gill), wid. Emanuel, dysentery, Oct. 12, 1849, a. 72 y.

GOODALE (Goodell)

Anna, w. Joshua, a. 78 y. Issue of Nov. 17, 1789. NR8

Edward, s. _____ and Mary, June 1, 1709, in his 15th y.

Elizabeth --- --, 1833. CR13

Enoch, h. 1st _____ (Buxton), 2d _____ (Bell), at the charity house, aged, Apr. 12, 1815, a. 89 y. CR4 [a. 90 y. PR654]

Ezekiel, consumption, at the almshouse, bur. at Danvers, d. Jan. 29, 1825, a. 57 y.

Joseph, s. _____ and Mary, Feb. --, 1709-10, a. abt. 2 w.

Joshua, s. Joshua and Experience (Jud), Oct. 21, 1737.

Joshua, --- --, 1785. tomb. GR7

Joshua, a. 41 y. Issue of Aug. 4, 1795. NR9

Joshua, in his 90th y. Issue of May 22, 1798. NR9

Mary, wid. Samuel, a. 92 y. Issue of Jan. 27, 1787. NR8

Mary, apoplexy, July 17, 1821, a. 69 y.

Meriam, a. 51 y. Issue of Apr. 19, 1833. NR9

Samuell, s. Samuel, Dec. 29, 1700, a. 2 w. CR2

Samuel Page, s. Joshua, a. 1 y. Issue of Oct. 16, 1810. NR9

Samuel, old age, bur. at Danvers, d. Apr. 3, 1823, a. 70 y.

Sarah, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Sept. 23, 1822, a. 61 y.

Sarah C[ook. NR9], d. Joshua and Elizabeth C., dysentery, Aug. 28, 1849, a. 4 y.

GOODELL (Goodale)

_____, Mrs., fell into the fire and burnt to death, Jan. 4, 1801. NR9

Abraham, s. Isaack and Patience (Cooke), May 6, 1677. CTR

Eunice D., b. Cambridgeport, d. Abner C. and Sarah D., consumption, Sept. 1, 1847, a. 14 y.


_____, d. Abner, dysentery, Oct. 19, 1787, a. 1 y. 6 m. CR1

_____, w. Abner, hectic, Dec. 22, 1795, a. 29 y. CR1

_____, w. Hon. Benjamin, Jan. 28, 1801, a. 49 y.

_____, ch. Isaac, burnt to death, a. 2 y. Issue of Oct. 27, 1812. NR9

_____, w. Isaac. Issue of Aug. 30, 1816. NR9

_____, s. Moses, Dec. 6, 1826, a. 3 m.

_____, ch. Abner, reinterred --- --, 1841.

_____, ch. James B., reinterred --- --, 1841.

Abner, Nov. 13, 1795. PR500

Abner, Aug. 17, 1837, a. 75 y. NR9

Abner, Capt., master of the barque Merlin, of Boston, on his passage from Marseilles to Gibralter, a. abt. 47 y. Issue of Mar. 2, 1847. NR9

Augusta A., w. Charles B., of Boston, d. Perley Putnam, Esq., Jan. 9, 1838, a. 28 y. NR9

Benjamin, Capt., old age, Jan. 20, 1783, a. 75 y. CR1

Benjamin, Esq., --- --, 1789. tomb. GR7

Benjamin, June 7, 1797, a. 76 y.

Benjamin Kimball, s. Benjamin [ch. J. CR5], a. 6 y. Issue of May 22, 1838. NR9

[Charles Warren. NR9], s. Benjamin, jr., a. 3 m., Oct. 4, 1835. CR5

Charles B., jeweller, s. Abner and Frances, consumption, Sept. 22, 1844, a. 35 y.

Charles A., s. John B. and Lydia Ann, bowel complaint, Sept. 1, 1845, a. 9 w.

Charles H., s. William P. and Alice V., dysentery, Oct. 10, 1847, a. 10 m.

Daniel, s. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy), Sept. 4, 1747. PR46

Daniel R., s. William P. and Alice V., accident, June 26, 1847, a. 5½ y.

Edward A., of Ipswich, at the workhouse, Jan. 25, 1821, a. 6 m.

Edward C., s. Jonathan and Catharine Rutherfurd, at NY, Sept. 10, 1829.

Elizabeth, d. Capt. William, Jan. 30, 1782. NR7

Elizabeth, wid., heart complaint, June 25, 1842, a. 78 y.

[Frances. NR9], w. Hon. Benjamin [Esq. NR9], Jan. 28, 1801, a. 49 y.

Hannah, d. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy), May 20, 1766. PR46

Hannah [d. Benjamin and Frances. PR67], a. 47 y. Issue of Nov. 2, 1838. NR9

Harriet, d. Benjamin, jr., a. 5 m. Issue of Apr. 4, 1837. NR9

Isaac, s. Isaac, a. 13 y. Issue of July 14, 1815. NR9

Jane Gage, d. John and Lucy, June 11, 1813, a. 16 m. GR8

Jane Gage, d. John, bur. May 10, 1815, a. 14 m. NR9

Jeremiah, hepatitis, July 27, 1824, a. 35 y.

John N., --- --, 1839? CR5

Jonathan, s. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy), h. Dorothy (Ashton), Apr. 19, 1778. PR46

Jonathan, s. Benjamin and Frances, Nov. 24, 1848. PR67

Lydia Ann, w. John B., d. Benjamin and Lydia Cook, inflammation of bowels. July 3, 1845, a. 26 y.

Manassah, seaman, on board the ship George, Capt. Haskell, from Calcutta, at sea. Issue of June 14, 1816. NR9

Martha, d. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy), Nov. 21, 1736.

Martha, d. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy), Aug. 6, 1754. PR46

Martha, w. Benjamin, Sept. 9, 1762, a. 58 y. GR7

Martha (Hardy), w. Benjamin, Sept. 9, 1769. PR46

Martha [w. Stephen. PR67], [mother of Benjamin. NR9], dysentery, Oct. 26, 1828, a. 84 y. [a. abt. 90 y. NR9]

Martha [D. NR9], b. Beverly, w. Benjamin, jr., d. Thomas and Mary Dodge, cancer, Dec. 12, 1845, a. 38 y.

Mary, d. Moses, a. 2 y. Issue of Sept. 13, 1831. NR9

Mary, twin d. Benjamin, jr., a. 3 m. Issue of May 8, 1832. NR9

Mary, w. Benjamin, jr., consumption, Oct. 19, 1841, a. 40 y.

Mercy, w. William, May 22, 1772, a. 55 y. GR1

Perley P., bur. Sept. 2, 1815, a. 8 y. NR9

Ruth, wid. Benjamin, deceased, bur. Mar. 18, 1808, a. 91 y. NR9

Samuel, mate of the brig Republican, at Havanna, a. 20 y. Issue of Sept. 22, 1807. NR9

Sarah, d. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy), Mar. 23, 1732-3.

Sarah, w. Abner [hectic. CR1], a. 20 y. Issue of Mar. 25, 1788. NR8

Sarah [Sally. PR79], d. Benjamin [Esq. NR9] and Frances, Mar. 15, 1796. PR67

Sarah, wid., bur. June 14, 1808, a. 49 y. NR9

Sarah Irving, d. Capt. James B. [of fright by a dog. CR1], Oct. 8, 1834, a. 5 y. NR9

Stephen, s. Benjamin and Frances, May 31, 1790. PR67

Stephen [s. Benjamin and Martha (Hardy). PR46], bur. Feb. 25, 1809. PR61 [a. 70 y. NR9]

William, Dr., convulsions, July 10, 1782, a. 35 y. CR1

William, Capt., a. 84 y. Issue of Apr. 30, 1799. NR9

William, consumption, at the almshouse, Jan. 15, 1826, a. 47 y.

William P., --- --, 1838. tomb. GR7

William A., inf. s. Capt. Abner, Aug. 28, 1838. NR9

William, trader, cancer, Oct. 14, 1841, a. 58 y.

GOODISON (Goodeson)

Mary, fits, Oct. 4, 1819, a. 25 y.

GOODRICH (Goodridge)

Albert W., s. Charles R. and Abigail, heart complaint, Dec. 29, 1849, a. 7 w.

Clarissa, b. Schodiac, ME, d. Samuel, of Connecticut and Mary (Dutch of Ipswich), fever, July 5, 1811, a. 9 y. CR4

Salmon, Capt. [on board the ship Margaret, from New Orleans. NR9], from Berlin, CT, h. Mary (Dutch) of Ipswich, at sea, fever [Nov. 20, 1815. NR9], received news Jan. 7, 1816, a. 45 y. CR4

GOODRIDGE (Goodrich)

_____, ch. Capt. Samuel. Issue of May 10, 1814. NR9

Hannah [w. John. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Feb. 1, 1821, a. 31 y.

John, 1st mate, on brig Phenix, at sea, --- --, 1828, a. 37 y.


Francis A[ugustus. NR9], s. Elijah and Peace, scarlet fever, Aug. 16, 1849, a. 16½ m.

George E., s. Elijah and Persis, infantile, Dec. 31, 1845, a. 1 d.

Georgiana, d. Elijah and Racy, scarlet fever, Aug. 13, 1849, a. 2¼ y.

Hannah [Louisa. NR9], d. Enoch and Elizabeth, dropsy in head, June 10, 1845, a. 9½ m.

Harriet M[aria. NR9], d. Enoch and ELizabeth, dysentery, bur. at Newburyport, d. July 28, 1848, a. 8 m.

Hiram Alonzo, s. Thomas L., a. 9 m. Issue of Aug. 22, 1845. NR9

William A., b. Maine, s. Thomas L. and Betsey, bowel complaint, Aug. 21, 1845, a. 9 m.

GOOL (Gould)

GOOLL (Gould)

John, at St. Christophers, Mar. 23, 1776. GR7

Lois, wid. John, d. Timothy and Mary Pickering, deceased [sister Hon. T. Pickering. NR9], [dropsy. CR1], Feb. 4, 1815, a. 72 y. GR7


Charles, s. Rufus L., consumption, Feb. 9, 1842, a. 16 m.

William A., s. William, asthma, at the almshouse, Mar. 31, 1824, a. 19 m.

GORMAN (Goreman)

Jeremiah, s. John and Mary, lung fever, Mar. 6, 1849, a. 2 y.

Mary, d. John, marasmus, Sept. --, 1824, a. 5 m.

GOSS (Gauss)

_____, d. Francis, mariner, s. Thomas, and ELizabeth (Becket), d. James, atrophia infantilis, Dec. 11, 1817, a. 14 m. CR4

_____, s. Stephen, convulsions, Mar. 10, 1823, a. 6 m.

_____, Miss, consumption, Aug. 28, 1830, a. 60 y.

Abigail, w. Thomas, age, June 3, 1843, a. 87 y.

Charlotte S[ophia. NR9], d. Richard C. and Joanna [T. NR9], consumption, Aug. 31, 1846, a. 10 m.

Clara E., of Quincy, b. Boston, d. James and Mary P.V., dysentery, at Quincy, reinterred Oct. 31, 1849, a. 3 y.

Edward E., s. Ezekiel and Almira D., scarlet fever, Aug. 24, 1847, a. 7½ y.

Hallet Coit, s. Stephen and Martha, typhus fever, bur. Oct. 18, 1839, a. 10 y. CR11

Joseph, phthisis pulmonalis, Nov. 20, 1824, a. 30 y.

Joshua, s. Thomas, bur. Apr. 20, 1817, a. 19 y. NR9

Mary, sudden, Apr. 18, 1825, a. 67 y.

Mary E[lizabeth. NR9], d. George and Amelia, whooping cough, May 26, 1848, a. 16 m.

Richard, b. Bradford, ship carpenter, h. _____ (Eulen), apoplexy, Dec. 17, 1802, a. 53 y. CR4

Richard T., b. Beverly, s. Richard G. and Joanna F., killed by being thrown from a wagon, June 30, 1845, a. 15 y.

Sarah, heart complaint, Feb. 20, 1840, a. 50 y. [a. 48 y. NR9]

Silvia E[lizabeth. NR9], d. Francis P. and Silvia, whooping cough, Dec. 7, 1844, a. 15 m.

Thomas, pneumonia, Jan. 30, 1829, a. 75 y.

William [formerly of Marblehead. NR9], suicide, at the almshouse, July 26, 1825, a. 50 y.

William H[enry. NR9], s. Francis P. and Silvia, whooping cough, Dec. 11, 1844, a. 4 y.

GOULD (Goold, Gooll)

_____, 2 chn. William, Jan. 2, 1796. CR1

_____, ch. Mr., bur. Aug. 27, 1807. PR61

_____, Mr., formerly of Topsfield. Issue of June 25, 1813. NR9

Adeline, d. Dr. Abbot, Dec. 8, 1828, a. 31 y. CR1

Catharine, w. Patrick, a. 33 y. Issue of Apr. 6, 1832. NR9

Catharine, w. Patrick, a. 24 y. Issue of Aug. 31, 1838. NR9

Dolly, formerly of Topsfield, Jan. 25, 1835, a. 34 y. NR9

Eliza, d. Capt. Solomon and Betsy, Aug. 18, 1803, a. 4½ y. GR8 [a. 5 y. NR9]

Elizabeth, wid. haemoptysis, Feb. 15, 1827, a. 55 y.

Elizabeth, July 1, 1827, a. 3 m. GR1

Elizabeth, w. Patrick, consumption, Sept. 12, 1843, a. 26 y. [a. 69 y. GR9]

Esther, Mrs., a. 75 y. Issue of Apr. 29, 1788. NR8

George W[ashington. GR7], cordwainer, h. Mary A. (Radford), consumption, Nov. 28, 1844, a. 40 y.

Harriot, d. Thomas, a. 4 y. Issue of Sept. 28, 1810. NR9

James, s. Josiah, June 2, 1790, a. 23 y. GR7

James, Dea., July 18, 1810, a. 74 y. GR7

Loisa, Mrs., Feb. 4, 1815, a. 72 y. PR55

Louisa B., d. Charles P. and Naomi, infantile, Sept. 14, 1844, a. 6 m.

Lydia, wid. Dea. James, Oct. 20, 1815, a. 74 y. GR7

Mary, Mrs., a. 68 y. Issue of Sept. 7, 1802. NR9

Mary, wid. James W[ood. NR9], d. Robert and Hannah Watts, age, Sept. 10, 1849, a. 86 y.

Nancy, d. _____, bur. July 16, 1790, a. 6 y. 7 m. CR11

Nathaniel, a. 36 y. Issue of Apr. 30, 1799. NR9

Nehemiah, fit, Apr. 27, 1774. NR4

Robert, on board the barque Malay, at sea, Nov. 22, 1839, a. 13 y. NR9

Sarah wid. Josiah, May 24, 1814, a. 75 y. GR7

Sarah, wid. Daniel, of Boxford, Dec. 3, 1831, a. 76 y. NR9

Solomon, s. Solomon and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1797.

Solomon, white swelling, Feb. 15, 1823, a. 58 y.

GOVER (Grover)

Bethiah, Mrs., a. 22 y. Issue of May 27, 1788. NR8

Mary [wid., school mistress. NR9], old age, at the workhouse, Apr. 4, 1819, a. 87 y. [a. 80 y. NR9]

GOWAN (Gowen)


Nabby. Issue of Oct. 16, 1804. NR9

Charles, bur. Apr. 8, 1812, a. 59 y. NR9

Daniel, s. Charles, accident, a. 13 y. Issue of Oct. 18, 1803. NR9

John, late of Lynnfield, a. 23 y. Issue of May 17, 1808. NR9

Susan [wid. Charles. NR9], chronic enteritis, Feb. 10, 1829, a. 74 y.

GRAFTON (Graften)

Ann, a. 75 y. Issue of May 31, 1803. NR9

Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 10, 1691, a. 4 y. GR1

Elizabeth (Palfrey), w. Joseph, Oct. 28, 1717.

Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Elizabeth (Palfrey), Feb. --, 1718-19.

Elizabeth, wid., decay, bur. Feb. 26, 1817, a. 92 y. CR11

Easther, Sept. 8, 1761. PR57

Esther, Apr. 20, 1767. PR57

George W., master of brig Fawn, at sea --- --, 1826, a. 40 y.

Jehoadan, d. John and Seeth, Dec. 5, 1707, a. 38 y. GR1

John, sr., s. Joseph, sr., deceased, Nov. 24, 1715, a. 77 y. GR1

Joseph, h. Elizabeth (Browne), at Barbadoes, Feb. --, 1670. CTR

Joseph, sr., --- --, 1683. GR1

Joseph, July 11, 1709, a. 51 y. GR1

Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary (Orne), Oct. 4, 1721.

Joseph, suicide, at Savannah, Dec. --, 1794, a. 39 y. CR1

Joseph, only son Martha, lately an under graduate of Harvard University, a. 17 y. Issue of Jan. 3, 1806. NR9

Joshua, s. Joseph and Mary, Sept. 3, 1702, a. 11 m. GR1

Joshua [merchant. NR8], decay, bur. Oct. 23, 1787. CR11 [a. 33 y. NR8]

Lydia, wid. Capt. Joshua. Issue of Jan. 19, 1796. NR9

Mary, w. Joseph, Nov. --, 1674. CTR

Mary, July 11, 1745. PR57

Mary [Molly. PR79], bur. Oct. 23, 1802, a. 78 y. NR9

Nathaniell, at Barbadoes, 11: 12m: 1670. CTR

Patience, wid. [Capt. Woodbridge. NR9], bur. June 1, 1834, a. 78 y. CR11

Susannah, a. 79 y. Issue of Oct. 21, 1794. NR9

William, s. Joseph and Mary, June --, 1697, a. 2 y. GR1

William, s. Woodbridge, bur. July 18, 1793. CR11


_____, w. Daniel, Nov. 4, 1760. CR1

_____, w. Francis, palsy, July 20, 1787, a. 62 y. CR1

_____, d. Henry, scarlet fever, Jan. 29, 1839, a. 2 y.

Charles H[enry. NR9], s. Samuel, dropsy, Nov. 29, 1840, a. 3 y. 3 m.

Charles H., s. Joseph and Fanny, consumption, Jan. 16, 1847, a. 34 y.

Daniel, a. 77 y. Issue of May 24, 1774. NR4

David, a. 37 y. Issue of Mar. 18, 1831. NR9

Dolla, d. Jonathan, May 13, 1790, in her 6th y. GR7

Edward, s. Joseph, at New Orleans, Sept. 6, 1837, a. 21 y. NR9

Elias, jr., s. Capt. Elias, suddenly, at Beverly, a. 22 y. Issue of Nov. 20, 1804. NR9

Elias, Cpat., bur. Aug. 3, 1808. PR61

Elizabeth, Mrs., Nov. 26, 1834, a. 92 y. NR9

Betsey, w. John, d. Asa and Mary Reeves, apoplexy, Aug. 23, 1846, a. 68 y.

Esther P., d. Henry, Apr. 30, 1836, a. 17 y. NR9

Francis, jr., mate on Adeone, a Guinea vessel, fever, Sept. --, 1791, a. 25 y. CR4

Francis, mariner, h. _____ (Smith), at the charity house, mortification, Aug. 22, 1798, a. 66 y. CR4

Hannah [d. James. NR9], decay, bur. Feb. 28, 1790. CR11

Hannah, Sept. 14, 1795. PR234

Hannah, d. Capt. Elias and Mary, Oct. 7, 1796, a. 13 y. 11 m. 24 d. GR7

Hannah (Polly), 2d [ch. Joshua, jr. NR9], Sept. 10, 1802. PR234

Hannah, w. Joshua, jr., a. 53 y. Issue of Mar. 8, 1814. NR9

Henry, merchant, h. Esther (Pope), accident, at New Orleans, Nov. 16, 1843, a. 57 y.

John, shoemaker, s. Joshua and Sarah, consumption, Sept. 17, 1845, a. 78 y.

Joseph, constable, at Ipswich, July 17, 1849, a. 71 y.

Joshua, bur. Mar. 15, 1815, a. 77 y. NR9

Joshua, phthisis pulmonalis, May 24, 1826, a. 67 y.

Maria, d. John and Mary, consumption, Nov. 7, 1845, a. 48 y.

Mary, wid., palsy, Feb. 20, 1782, a. 80 y. CR1

Polly, May 5, 1790. PR234

Mary, wid. [Lt. James. NR9], [wid. Capt. CR11], dysentery, Apr. 18, 1792, a. 59 y. CR1

Mary, wid. Francis, d. Robert and Mary Smith, cancer, Mar. 6, 1799, a. 75 y. CR4

Polly [w. John. NR9], Aug. 23, 1816. CR13

Mary, June 10, 1835, a. 70 y. GR7

Nancy (Tuttle), of Lynn, w. Joshua, consumption, at Lynn, Feb. 9, 1848, a. 56 y.

Samuel, Capt., a. 54 y. Issue of Apr. 15, 1794. NR9

Samuel, --- --, 1839. tomb. GR7

Sally [d. Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth. GR1], hectic, Sept. 16, 1789, a. 25 y. CR1

Sarah, wid. [Capt. Elias. NR9], pneumonia, Dec. 25, 1823, a. 67 y.

Sarah [wid. Joshua. NR9], old age, Sept. 13, 1829, a. 97 y.


Augustus, s. Amos E., a. 7 m. Issue of Mar. 22, 1833. NR9

Edward, Mar. 3, 1747. PR488

Jacob, Oct. 26, 1764. PR488

Margaret, May 11, 1772, a. 63 y. PR488

Maria, d. _____, a. 7 y. Issue of Jan. 8, 1833. NR9

Nathaniel Benjamin, s. A.E., a. 7 m. Issue of May 26, 1835. NR9

Richard, of Maryland, mariner, at the charity house, West India flux, Sept. 7, 1807, a. 26 y. CR4

Samuel O[akes. PR235], 1st officer of the sch. Triumph, of Beverly, on his passage from Boston to Aux Cayes, Feb. 26, 1847. NR9

Susanna, Mar. 24, 1776. PR488

GRAY (Graye, Grey)

_____, w. Benjamin, Jan. 3, 1759. PR22

_____, d. William, pertussis, May 17, 1786, a. 3 m. CR1

_____, ch. William, Aug. --, 1798, a. 19 m. CR1

_____, Mr., Nov. --, 1801. CR1

_____, ch. S., burnt, Feb. 1, 1803. PR79

_____, ch. Albert. Issue of Mar. 11, 1803. NR9

_____, Mr., bur. June 11, 1805. PR61

_____, ch. Mr., bur. Apr. 15, 1809. PR61

_____, ch. Samuel, hydrocephalus, June --, 1809, a. 8 y. CR1

_____, ch. Samuel, a. 3 y. Issue of June 23, 1809. NR9

_____, ch. W.S., bur. Nov. 10, 1810, a. 18 m. CR11

_____, w. William, dysentery, at Boston, Sept. 29, 1823, a. 63 y. CR1

Abigaile, d. Samuell and Abigaile, --- --, 1672. CTR

Abigail (Mazury), w. John, Nov. 4, 1715.

Abigail, d. Dea. [Abraham. NR9], hectic, Nov. 6, 1790, a. 33 y. CR1

Abraham [merchant. NR8], s. Dea., hectic, Aug. 6, 1788, a. 35 y. CR1

Abraham, --- --, 1790. GR1

Andrew, drowned at sea, Mar. 7, 1782, a. 22 y. CR1

Anna, w. Samuel [merchant. NR9], June 3, 1797, a. abt. 30 y. [a. 38 y. NR9]

Ann, formerly of Saco, Mar. 18, 1811, a. 45 y. GR7

Anne, Mrs., formerly of Saco, a. 84 y. Issue of Mar. 22, 1811. NR9

Ann K. (Morland), of Cambridge, b. Newport, wid. William S., age, at Cambridge, Nov. 1, 1848, a. 73 y.

Benjamin, s. twin, William and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1761, a. 12 d. PR68

Benjamin, May 10, 1765. PR68

Benjamin, at Nashville, TN, a. 30 y. Issue of Nov. 26, 1812. NR9

Caroline, d. John and Elizabeth, consumption, Dec. 18, 1838, a. 37 y. 11 m. 17 d. PR68

Catherine A., d. Benjamin A., typhus fever, Oct. 17, 1843, a. 6 y.

Daniel, July 1, 1827. PR237

Edward, s. Robert and Elizabeth, May --, 1657. CTR

Edward, s. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 1, 1800, a. 1 y. 5 m. 21 d. PR68

Edward Augustus, s. John [merchant. PR61], and Ruth, May 9, 1814, a. 16 m. GR7

Elias, Capt., bur. Aug. 3, 1808, a. 54 y. NR9

Elisabeth, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1732. PR68

Betsey, d. John and Elizabeth, dropsy in the head, Jan. 7, 1792, a. 4 y. 10 m. 20 d. PR68

Elizabeth (Browne), wid. John, fever, May 15, 1806, a. 33 y. CR4

Elizabeth, w. John, Aug. 17, 1814, a. 47 y. GR1

Elizabeth, d. John, jr., Aug. 17, 1823, a. 4 m.

Ephraim, accident, Nov. 27, 1830, a. 53 y. [a. 50 y. NR9]

Ephraim, printer, h. Susan S. (Prentiss), dropsy, Jan. 23, 1844, a. 43 y.

Francis Calley [s. Dea. Abraham. NR9], hectic, Apr. 27, 1790, a. 27 y. CR1

Gordon, at the poorhouse. Issue of Oct. 2, 1810. NR9

Hannah, d. Robert and Sarah (Grover), June 15, 1695.

Hannah, d. Dea., hectic, Sept. 14, 1791, a. 40 y. CR1

Hannah, w. William, jr., bur. Oct. 27, 1809, a. 59 y. NR9

Hannah, peripneumonia, Mar. 25, 1825, a. 68 y.

Henry, seaman on board the brig Mary Helen, at Mansanilla, Cuba, May 8, 1841, a. 20 y. NR9

James, on board the ship Janus, at Havanna. Issue of May 30, 1820. NR9

John, drowned, Apr. 11, 1750. PR57

John, s. William and Susannah, Feb. 8, 1776. PR68

John, mate of a ship, h. _____ (Browne), grand s. John Baton, at Batavia, fever, received news, July 31, 1802, a. 31 y. CR4

John, s. John and Elizabeth, "a soldier in Capt. Saunder's Co.," at Eastport, ME, Jan. 20, 1824. PR68

John, s. John, jr., dysentery, July --, 1827, a. 3 y.

John, Dec. 9, 1838, a. 78 y. GR1

Lydia, wid. Capt. William. Issue of Sept. 22, 1795.

Marianne [d. James. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Nov. 23, 1829, a. 20 y.

Martha Elizabeth, d. Peter Frye, deceased, consumption, Oct. 7, 1843, a. 45 y.

Mary, w. Dea. Abraham [atrophy. CR1], Nov. 27, 1788, in her 66th y. NR8

Mary, w. John, d. Capt. Robert Foster, at Beverly. Issue of July 14, 1789. NR8

Mary H. (Holman), wid. John, heart complaint, Oct. 2, 1844, a. 76 y.

Mary W. (White), m. [wid. Ephraim. NR9], diarrhea, July 30, 1849, a. 68 y.

Nancy, w. Samuel, hectic, May 27, 1797, a. 37 y. CR1

Richard, s. Richard and Betsey, Sept. 5, 1787. PR68

Richard Mattoon, s. William and Sarah, "on his passage home from Aux Cayes," Dec. 10, 1796. PR68 [a. 33 y. NR9]

Robert, h. Elizabeth, 23: 11m: 1661. CTR

Robert, s. Robert and Sarah (Grover), May 3, 1697.

Robert [brother Capt. Caleb Cook. PR61], bur. Nov. 17, 1807, a. 30 y. NR9

Robert N., 1st officer of brig Oriental, at Bissau, Africa, Oct. 1, 1843, a. 31 y. NR9

Ruth (Ropes), w. Samuel, palsy, Mar. 5, 1844, a. 75 y.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Ruth, killed by lightning, July 5, 1804. PR69 [a. 14 y. NR9]

[Samuel. PR175], ch. Samuel, bur. Jan. 10, 1811. PR61

Samuel, Jan. 21, 1816. PR55

Samuel, --- --, 1829. tomb. GR8

Sarah, w. Benjamin, "grandmother of Benjamin," Jan. 3, 1758. PR68

Sarah, d. William and Susannah, June 28, 1777. PR68

Sally, d. William and Sarah, May 23, 1787. PR68 [a. 33 y. NR9]

Sally Ropes [d. Samuel and Ruth. PR69], Mar. 19, 1797. PR175 [a. 9 y. PR69]

Sarah, w. William, Apr. 19, 1801, a. 74 y. PR68

Sally, d. Samuel, hectic, Sept. --, 1805, a. 14 y. CR1 [Issue of Sept. 17. NR9]

Sarah (Whitefoot) [wid. NR9], 2d w. James, fever, Mar. 15, 1810, a. 65 y. CR4

Sarah [d. John and Elizabeth. GR1], phthisis pulmonalis, May 6, 1830, a. 45 y.

Susannah, w. William [3d. NR9], Apr. 25, 1796. PR68

William, Capt., Nov. 18, 1785, in his 41st y. NR7

William, Dec. 24, 1805, a. 78 y. PR68

[William Morland, s. William Shepherd. NR9], s. S., bur. May 11, 1808, a. 8 y. CR11

William, consumption, Nov. 16, 1819, a. 69 y.

William, Esq., old age, at Boston, Nov. --, 1825, a. 75 y. CR1

William H[enry. NR9], s. Benjamin A. and Mary K., cholera infantum, Sept. 3, 1848, a. 15 m.

Winthrop, merchant, lockjaw, at Calcutta, Apr. 23, 1800. NR9

GRAYE (Gray)


Nathaniel, Oct. 27, 1806, a. 29 y. GR8

Philip, blockmaker. Issue of Apr. 19, 1816. NR9

Philip, pneumonitis, Feb. 5, 1830, a. 26 y.

GREEN (Greene)

_____, s. stillborn, Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1700. CR2

_____, d. Thomas and Catharine, from Liverpool, Eng., dysentery, Sept. 1, 1800, a. 3 w. CR4

_____, d. _____, suffocated, Apr. 20, 1807, a. 11 y. PR34

Benjamin, s. Capt. John, deceased, from burns, a. 4 y. Issue of Dec. 2, 1817. NR9

Catharine, d. Patrick, Jan. 24, 1848, a. 3 y. NR9

Elizabeth, wid. Thomas, a. 68 y. Issue of Aug. 23, 1831. NR9

Francis, s. Moses, of Beverly, drowned at sea. Issue of Mar. 19, 1813. NR9

James H[ayward. NR9], b. Gloucester, s. James and Emily [T. NR9], croup, bur. at Gloucester, d. Nov. 15, 1846, a. 1½ y.

John [Capt. CR1], consumption, Nov. 9, 1829, a. 76 y.

John, seaman, on board brig Rotund, at Boston, burstion of a blood vessel, Aug. 15, 1831, a. 34 y. NR9

Joseph, merchant, at Surinam. Issue of Jan. 6, 1775. NR10

Louisa, wid. Rev. Samuel, of Boston, d. Samuel Ropes, deceased, a. 49 y. Issue of Apr. 5, 1842. NR9

Lydia, w. Capt. John, a. 30 y. Issue of Mar. 6, 1792. NR9

Lydia Page, d. Capt. Nathan, a. 3 y. Issue of Aug. 22, 1817. NR9

Martha, wid. [Capt. John. NR9], hectic, May 21, 1835, a. 65 y. CR1

Nathan, drowned, at New York, --- --, 1825, a. 38 y. [Issue of Feb. 25. NR9]

Peter, b. Africa, "accompanied the justly celebrated Maj. Gen. Nath'l Green, while in his military sevice during the American war," a. above 60 y. Issue of Nov. 24, 1815. NR9

Primas, old age, Nov. 17, 1815, a. 80 y. PR35

Samuel, s. wid. Hamilton, drowned, Oct. 9, 1831, a. 45 y. CR1

Sally, typhus fever, at the workhouse, Dec. 12, 1821, a. 33 y.

Sarah, wid., consumption, Sept. 12, 1822, a. 67 y.

Sarah, Mrs., formerly of Marblehead, a. 68 y. Issue of May 11, 1841. NR9

Thomas [a native of Ireland. NR9], intemperance, July 26, 1819, a. 60 y.

William, jr. [chief mate of the brig Susan, Capt. Brookhouse, at St. Helena. NR9], consumption, July 28, 1830, a. 23 y.

William, a. 62 y. Issue of July 2, 1833. NR9


Charles H., brother of Alfred, at Brooklyn, NY. May 18, 1838, a. 32 y. NR9

[Joanna. NR9], wid., d. _____ Obear, bur. June 3, 1811. CR11 [a. 54 y. NR9]

John, carpenter, on ship Suffolk, at sea, --- --, 1827, a. 26 y.

Samuel, master of ship Two Brothers [on her passage from New York to Calcutta. NR9], at sea, --- --, 1825, a. 22 y. [Issue of May 27. NR9]

Timothy, drowned in Dover river, NH, July 2, 1824, a. 50 y.

William, at New York, --- --, 1829, a. 25 y.


Lydia, b. New Hampshire, w. William, consumption, Apr. 5, 1846, a. 46 y.

William, b. New Hampshire, laborer, s. Daniel and Huldah, apoplexy, May 2, 1845, a. 49 y.


George, on the Laura Towne, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 16 y.


_____, ch. Thomas, bur. May 21, 1759, a. 2 y. CR1

Charles, at Batavia, ship Hercules, James King, jr., master, --- --, 1822, a. 25 y.

John Adams, s. Ebenezer, seaman on board the brig Lucilla, Capt. Perkins, at sea, fever, May 25, 1845, a. 19 y. NR9

John H., s. John and Mary, scarlet fever, Dec. 8, 1849, a. 9 10-12 y.

Mary, consumption, Oct. 16, 1843, a. 84 y.

Nathaniel, yellow fever, Feb. --, 1835, a. 21 y. CR1

Thomas, of Boston, fits, Oct. 2, 1842, a. 24 y.

William, phthisis pulmonalis, bur. at Marblehead, July 25, 1830, a. 52 y.

GRIFFITH (Griffiths)

William W[illiams. NR9], s. Thomas, bowel complaint, Oct. 12, 1840, a. 17 m.


Levi, pneumonia, Mar. 20, 1827, a. 32 y.

Lucy, Jan. 27, 1821, a. 45 y. PR492

Lucy, wid. [mother of Levi. NR9], pnuemonia, Mar. 22, 1827, a. 73 y.

Obadiah, housewright, suddenly, a. 59 y. Issue of Dec. 9, 1803. NR9


[Eliza. NR9], wid. Rev. Ebenezer, of Harvard, d. Rev. Peter Clarke of Danvers, Nov. 23, 1804. [a. 67 y. NR9]

GROVER (Gover)

_____, ch. Stephen. Issue of July 26, 1811. NR9

Hannah, wid. Stephen, d. Stephen Driver, deceased, consumption, Nov. 12, 1844, a. 69 y.

Harriet, d. John and Eliza, scarlet fever, Dec. 14, 1848, a. 5 y.

Mary E[liza. NR9], d. John, jr. and Rebecca, whooping cough, Nov. 30, 1848, a. 8 m.

Norris, s. John, cholera infantum, Sept. 20, 1830, a. 2 y.

Peter, Nov. 9, 1833, a. 63 y. GR7

Peter [carrier of the Salem Gazette. NR9], constitution destroyed, bur. Sept. --, 1834. CR11 [a. 60 y. NR9]

Rebecca, d. John, a. 3 y. Issue of July 11, 1837. NR9

Sara, d. John and Sara (Barney), 26: 9m: 1662. CTR

GROVES (Grove)

_____, s. Richard H. and Sarah E[lizabeth. NR9], infantile, Aug. 23, 1848, a. 1 d.

Richard, mate of brig Indus, at Batavia, --- --, 1824, a. 36 y. [Issue of Dec. 21. NR9]

Thomas, from Baltimore, Ireland, mariner, derangement, Dec. 6, 1807, a. 28 y. CR4

Thomas, on board sch'r. Fanny, at Point Petre, Guad., Jan. 24, 1817, a. 23 y. NR9


Hanah S[alter. GR8], b. Marblehead, w. John H., d. Joseph and Elizabeth Salter, cancer, Jan. 21, 1849, a. 59 y.

[Michael. NR9], s. John, convulsions, Nov. --, 1821, a. 9 m. [Issue of Nov. 27. NR9]


Joseph, s. Joseph, from the West Indies and Sara (Crispin), atrophia infantilis, May 29, 1813, a. 4 d. CR4

Joseph, s. Joseph, a Frenchman, and Sara Johnson, atrophy, May 22, 1814, a. 3 w. CR4

GUNNERSON (Gunnison)

John, of Kittery, palsy, Mar. 9, 1786, a. 64 y. CR4

Samuel, s. John and Susannah, fever and chin cough, July 30, 1786, a. 10 m. CR4

GUNNISON (Gunison, Gunnerson)

_____, d. stillborn, Elisha and Mary, June 24, 1786. CR4

Elisha [mariner. NR8], m., consumption, Dec. 6, 1789, a. 33 y. CR4

Elisha, s. John and Susannah, influenza and measles, Aug. 26, 1790, a. 16 m. CR4

Elisha, s. Elisha, angina pectoris, Jan. 15, 1818, a. 3 m.

John, bur. Jan. 10, 1806, a. 22 y. NR9

Kennet, drowned by falling from Union wharf, June 10, 1822, a. 40 y.


Rebecca F., of New York, b. Andover, wid. James, consumption, at New York, June 17, 1844, a. 43 y.


_____, inf. d. James, spasms, Apr. 15, 1826.

_____, s. George F., hydrorachitis, Apr. 29, 1827, a. 1 m.

Edward, s. Thaddeus and Mercy, b. Aug. 4, 1801, d. Nov. --, 1802. GR8

Elizabeth, w. James, consumption, July 22, 1822, a. 24 y.

Mercy, w. Thaddeus, dropsy, Oct. 18, 1819, a. 54 y.

Sally [ch. James. NR9], dropsy in the head, Mar. --, 1820, a. 9 w. [Issue of Mar. 7. NR9]

Sally Ann, d. James, a. 26 m. Issue of Oct. 1, 1833. NR9

Thaddeus, chronic inflammation of ye liver, May 10, 1829, a. 66 y.

Thomas, Dea., Oct. 31, 1837, a. 54 y. NR9

[Thomas Lefavour. NR9], Thomas S., b. Charlestown, s. James S. and Hannah, croup, Jan. 23, 1849, a. 3 2-3 y.

William, mate of ship Congress, at Batavia, --- --, 1825, a. 26 y.