NorthShore Slavery


Eliza Ann, d. Charles C. and Abigail, Nov. 17, 1803.

Elizabeth Ann, d. Charles C. and Abigail, Nov. 16, 1803, a. 15 m. 22 d. GR1

Jacob Boardman, s. Charles C. and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1791, a. 21 d. GR1

Sarah Coleman, d. Charles C. and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1789, a. 25 d. GR1

Sarah, w. Charles, July 25, 1791, in her 29th y. GR1


_____ , ch. John, Aug. 23, 1778. CR4

_____ , ch. John, --- --, 1785. CR4

Rufus, s. John, Aug. 30, 1781. CR4

RACKLYEFT (Radcliffe, Radcliff, Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, Ratclyft)

Benjamin, s. William and Betsey, June 27, 1809.

Benjamin, Sept. 13, 1821, a. 65 y.

Margaret, d. Edmund and Rebecca, May 10, 1821. [a. 17 y. CR4]

Nelson, Dec. 8, 1795, a. 84 y. GR1

Sarah, w. Nelson, Feb. 27, 1794, a. 77 y. GR1

William Shaw, at sea, "after clinging to the wreck of his vessel 19 ds.," Jan. 19, 1827. CR4

William, July 11, 1831. [a. 50 y. CR2]

RADCLIFF (Racklyeft)

Elisabeth, w. William, Nov. 26, 1846, a. 71 y.

RADCLIFFE (Racklyeft)

Benjamin, Jan. 24, 1834, a. 24 y.


Benjamin, s. Francis, "French people," bur. Sept. 24, 1772. CR2


William, July 15, 1777, a. 37 y. GR1


_____ , ch. Edward, Nov. 2, 1797.

Charles, s. Edward [and Martha. CR2], Oct. --, 1797. [Oct. 31, a. 2 y. GR3]

Charlotte A., w. Rufus, puerpural fever, Mar. 1, 1849, a. 20 y. 9 m.

Edward, Dec. 3, 1829. [a. 79 y. CR2]

George, s. Edward [and Martha. CR2], Aug. 21, 1794.

Isaac, Capt., s. Edward, at Andover, July 14, 1818, a. 34 y.

James R., "killed by falling from the mast of ship Winslow," Feb. 28, 1834.

John, at sea, June 25, 1801.

John, s. Edward and Ruth, July 24, 1811.

Martha, w. Edward, Feb. 27, 1829. [a. 66 y. CR2]

Ruth, w. Edward, bur, Sept. 7, 1789. CR2 [a. 36 y. GR3]

Samuel, Capt., "on his passage home," Dec. --, 1781. CR1

RANDAL (Randall)

_____ , ch. William, May 12, 1816, a. 7 m.

RANDALL (Randal, Randell)

_____ , s. John C. and Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1845.

_____ , s. John C., cholera infantum, Oct. 14, 1848.

Charles William [s. Moses and Sarah. dup.], May 23, 1838, a. 7 m. [May 21. dup.]

Christopher, Apr. 14, 1833, a. 35 y.

Daniel N., Apr. 21, 1833, a. 23 y. GR4

William Young, s. Richard and Amelia, Oct. 2, 1823. [a. 8 m. 5 d. GR1]

William Charles, s. twin, Moses D. and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1842.

RANDELL (Randall)

Sally, w. William, May 20, 1819, a. 35 y.


_____ , d. William, Feb. --, 1830, a. 6 m. CR1

Charles, Nov. 6, 1836, a. 43 y. GR4

George, s. William W. and Susan C., Jan. 31, 1838, a. 5 y. 6 m. GR4

RAPALL (Rappal, Rappall)

Caroline, d. George and Elizabeth, Apr. 5, 1826.

Caroline, d. George and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1827.

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. George, Sept. 3, 1806. [a. 61 y. GR4]

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. George, Jan. 10, 1824.

Francis, s. George and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1828.

George, Capt., Dec. --, 1783. PR71

Susanna, d. George and Eliza, Apr. 10, 1810.

Susannah, d. George and Elizabeth, July 15, 1827.

RAPPAL (Rapall)

_____ , inf. ch. Joseph, June 2, 1816.

George, jr., at Havana, Aug. 16, 1819, a. 20 y.

George, Capt., at sea, Nov. 15, 1822.

RAPPALL (Rapall)

George, June 2, 1839, a. 22 y.

Joseph, Jan. 29, 1845, a. 66 y. GR4

RATCLIFF (Racklyeft)

Robert, s. Aaron and Isabella, Aug. 7, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR6

RATCLIFFE (Racklyeft)

Ann, Nov. 7, 1803.

RATCLYFT (Racklyeft)

Joshua, Apr. 29, 1798. [a. 55 y. GR1]


Charlotte, m. [w. Andrew. GR4], dropsy, Sept. 4, 1849. a. 52 y.


_____ , "at sea on board Schooner Sammoset, by falling from fore mast," --- --, 1832. a. 32 y.

Susanna, w. John, Aug. 13, 1814.

READ (Reed)

Sarah, Mrs., Jan. 13, 1840, a. 60 y.


Joseph, Apr. --, 1784. CR1


Joseph, s. John and Mary, bur. Aug. 21, 1773. CR2


Martin, Feb. 13, 1836, a. 49 y.

REED (Read, Reid)

_____ , d. Philip, Jan. --, 1802, a. 5 y. CR1

_____ , inf. ch. William, jr., Jan. --, 1817. CR3

David, June 26, 1827. [a. 47 y. CR1]

Eliza, d. Michael, from Thomastown, Kilkenny Co., Ireland Sept. 17, 1847, a. 20 y. 9 m. GR4

Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel and Sylvia Crystia, July 17, 1821, a. 8 y.

James Brown, s. David and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1810.

Jane, Miss, June 20, 1837, a. 54 y.

Joseph, July 4, 1817, a. 44 y.

Laclairon, at Manchester, NH, Aug. 31, 1841, a. 6 w. GR6

Lucinda, w. William, Sept. 25, 1822.

Patience, wid. William, Apr. 4, 1820.

Rebecca, w. Joseph, Aug. 4, 1801.

William Moody, s. Micajah and Elisabeth, July 28, 1846, a. 4 m.


Elizabeth, Mrs. [ wid. Capt. John. GR4], Apr. 11, 1838, a. 60 y.

Joseph F., late of Salem, Nov. 18, 1825. [a. 22 y. GR4]

REID (Reed)

Eliza, unm., b. Ireland July 27, 1848, a. 27 y.

REMICK (Remmick)

Abigail, wid. Joseph, Jan. 18, 1823.

George, s. Capt William and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1810.

lchabod, s. Joseph, June --, 1783.

Joseph, Oct. 28, 1782.

Julia Ann, d. William, consumption, May 8, 1844, a. 20 y. 6 m.

Julia Ann, d. Philip K. and Harriett N., Sept. 18, 1844.

Mary E. [d. Capt. William and Mary. GR4], Jan. 3, 1838, a. 8 y. 5 m.

William, Capt., Sept. 18, 1835, a. 63 y.

REMMICK (Remick)

Julianna, d. Philip K. and Harriet, dysentery, Sept. 8, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m.


_____ , inf. d. _____ , "serv't Monsr. Renard," bur. Dec. 2, 1795. CR2

RENNELLS (Runnels)

James, Dec. 27, 1805.


John, Nov. 30, 1803.


Sally, Nov. 16, 1801.


_____ , d. Mrs. Downing, small pox, Oct. --, 1793, a. 37 y. CR1

_____ , Mrs., Aug. 13, 1830.

_____ , s. Daniel and Mercy, Apr. 17, 1835. GR1

Alexander, Capt., "arrived sick from Hayti, d. at Plum Island" July 29, 1817.

Daniel, jr., Apr. 17, 1835, a. 51 y.

Daniel, Capt., Aug. 20, 1835, a. 77 y.

John Delosh Wells, s. James and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1807.

Joseph, h. Judith (Pettingal), --- --, 1769. CR1

Mercy, Mrs., Nov. 24, 1840.

Obadiah, bur. July 31, 1768. CR2

Sybill Sawyer, w. Alexander, Oct. 14, 1816, a. 23 y.

William, s. James and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1805.

William, bur. May 10, 1813, a. 77 y. CR2


_____ , ch. Samuel, Nov. 21, 1798.

_____ , inf. ch. William, bur. Dec. --, 1813. CR2

_____ , ch. Philo, Sept. --, 1837, a. 3 y. CR4

Ann C., m., July 23, 1847, a. 86 y.

Benjamin, s. twin, Henry and Nanny, Oct. 7, 1796.

Benjamin, s. Henry and Nanny, Mar. 4, 1798.

Carriet E., d. Philip H. and Olive, May 6, 1839, a. 19 m. GR6

Deborah, w. Pottle, Apr. 17, 1835. a. 55 y. GR1

Elizabeth, d. twin, Henry and Nanny, Oct. 7, 1796.

Elizabeth, Mrs. [w. Thomas. GR1], Oct. 28, 1835, a. 66 y.

Fanny M., d. Moses and Sophia, Jan. 24, 1845, a. 19 y.

Joseph, Capt., bur. Aug. 4, 1781. CR2

Margaret, bur. Mar. 21, 1786. CR2

Peggy, at the almshouse, bur. Oct. 15, 1828. CR2

Mary, d. Samuel and Phebe, Nov. 22, 1798, a. 2 y. 7 m. GR1

Mary, d. William, Jan. 28, 1823. [a. 37 y. CR2]

Mary Ann C., Mar. 15, 1837, a. 7 y.

Moses, m., typhus fever, Sept. 1, 1849, a. 53 y.

Philip, s. Henry, at sea. Oct. --, 1802.

Pottle, m., lung fever, Jan. 26, 1847, a. 73 y.

Thomas, in Savannah, Aug. 12, 1803, a. 40 y. GR1

William P., Dec. 6, 1838. GR6


Rhoda, Mrs., Aug. 5, 1832, a. 61 y.

William, July 17, 1825.


Stephen, m., b. Truro, Cape Cod, mariner, Aug. 15, 1844, a. 45 y.


[Sarah. CR1], wid., Mar. 29, 1801. [a. 58 y. CR1]


Peter, Mar. 13, 1777, a. 32 y. GR1


Adams Davis, s. Ebenezer B. and Belinda, Dec. 16, 1845.

Amos Adams Davis, Oct. 27, 1841, a. 3 y. 7 m.

Mary Hill, June 21, 1834.


Elizabeth [ wid. Robert. GR1], Mar. --, 1805. [a. 86 y. CR1]

Jane, d. Capt. John and Jane, Aug. 12, 1808. [a. 16 m. CR3]

Jane, d. Capt. John and Jane, Sept. 14, 1810. [a. 14 m. GR4]

John, Capt., Jan. 26, 1811. [a. 35 y. CR3]

Lydia Ann, d. Parker and Edner, June 13, 1839, a. 24 y. GR4

Parker, Capt., Feb. 15, 1815. [a. 43 y. CR1]

Robert, bur. July 4, 1771. CR2 [in his 61st y. GR3]

Sarah, Jan. --, 1798, a. 46 y. CR1

Sally, d. Capt. Parker and Ednar, June 8, 1807.

Thomas, May --, 1782, a. 26 y. CR1


John, consumption, Dec. 4, 1833, a. 48 y.

ROBIE (Roby)

_____ , w. Peterson, Mar. --, 1780. CR1


_____ , ch. wid., Aug. 21, 1800.

_____ , ch. Benjamin W. and Elizabeth, bur. Sept. 25, 1825, a. 7 d. CR2

Annette, d. Harrison and Clara, inflammation of bowels, Feb. 24, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m.

Clara Josephine, d. Harrison and Clara, dysentery, Aug. 9, 1848, a. 3 y. 9 m.

Daniel, Aug. 24, 1825.

Eliza, d. John and Ann, Mar. 8, 1809.

Fanny, d. John H. and Marcy, July 20, 1824.

George W., s. George A. and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 14, 1848, a. 2 y.

John Jackman, s. Thomas, bur. Dec. 2, 1817. CR2

Lucy Ann D., Aug. 21, 1841, a. 10 y.

Martha, d. twin, John and Ann, Mar. 5, 1809.

Martha Adelaide, d. Harrison and Clara, dysentery, Aug. 9, 1848, a. 5 y. 5 m.

Mary, w. Daniel, Jan. 25, 1814.

Sally W., Mrs., Mar. 26, 1843, a. 60 y.

ROBY (Robie)

John, Mar. 10, 1800.


Henry C., s. Henry and Harriett P., dysentery, Sept. 8, 1849.


_____ , ch. Robert, Jan. --, 1776, a. 4 y. CR1

_____ , May --, 1777, a. 25 y. CR1

_____ , ch. Francis, Nov. --, 1781. CR1

_____ , ch. wid. Francis, June --, 1785. CR1

_____ , s. George A., Aug. --, 1811, a. 1 y. CR1

_____ , chn. twins, Eben, Oct. 16, 1819, a. 12 d.

Abigail, Mrs., May 9, 1838, a. 79 y.

Annah C., d. Capt. William, Mar. 5, 1839, a. 15 y. 8 m. GR4

Asa L., "mariner on the passage from Manilla to Boston," Mar. 30, 1836, a. 47 y.

Benaih [s. Robert and Mary. GR1], Apr. 11, 1844, a. 64 y.

Benjamin, Capt., jr., Apr. 27, 1806.

Benjamin, Capt., Apr. 10, 1812.

Charles, Nov. 24, 1831. [a. 38 y. CR1]

[Charles William. CR1], s. C., Jan. 28, 1832, a. 12 y.

Elizabeth, w. Ebenezer, Jan. 6, 1812. [a. 25 y. GR4]

Elizabeth, Apr. --, 1819, a. 72 y. CR3

Elizabeth, wid. Moses, jr., Jan. 17, 1827. [a. 76 y. CR1]

Elizabeth, Mrs., Mar. 25, 1833, a. 80 y.

Francis, Mar. --, 1785, a. 33 y. CR1

Hannah, wid. bur. Sept. 9, 1792. CR2

Harriot, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, May 29, 1828. [a. 17 y. CR4]

John, Mar. --, 1781, a. 75 y. CR1

John, s. John and Mary, July 31, 1794. [a. 9 m. 25 d. GR1]

John, "a young man from Kittery," bur. Sept. 9, 1794. CR2

John, July 17, 1803. [a. 86 y. CR1]

John Somerby, s. Charles and Matilda, Feb. 23, 1824. [a. 2 y. CR1]

John, jr., Oct. 26, 1834, a. 27 y.

Leonard, Jan. 3, 1837, a. 31 y.

Lydia, wid. Moses, Oct. 16, 1805.

Lydia N., w. George, and d. Anne Norton, Sept. 7, 1816, a. 23 y.

Lydia, Miss, Apr. 25, 1819, a. 70 y.

Mary, d. Robert [and Mary. GR1], Apr. 13, 1796. [a. 28 y. GR1]

Mary N., d. Stephen and Abigail Howard, and w. Richard W., at Boston, Feb. 24, 1816, a. 24 y. GR4

Mary Ann, d. Micajah and Abigail, Oct. 19, 1825.

Mary, wid. Robert, Dec. 5, 1827. [a. 86 y. CR4]

Matilda, w. Charles. Aug. 14, 1829. [a. 31 y. CR1]

Miriam, w. Paul, Oct. 22, 1824.

Moses, jr., Oct. 3, 1796. [a. 42 y. GR1]

Moses, s. Robert and Mary at sea, Mar. 9, 1799.

Moses, Aug. 18, 1799.

Rebecca, Mrs., Jan. 11, 1842, a. 76 y.

Richard, s. George A. and Sarah W., Aug. 16, 1811, a. 12 m. 17 d. GR4

Robert, jr., s. Robert and Mary, Jan. 19, 1811. [a. 49 y. CR1]

Robert, at sea, May --, 1816.

Robert, June 19, 1816, a. 79 y.

Sarah, w. Robert, jr., July 10, 1805. [a. 39 y. GR1]

Sarah, 2d w. Robert, May 25, 1848, a. 74 y. GR1

Smith, m., typhus fever, Aug. 24, 1848, a. 44 y.

William, bur. Aug. 13, 1772. CR2

William, bur. Mar. 7, 1779. CR2

William, s. William and Hannah, Sept. 15, 1819, a. 16 m.

William, Capt., lost at sea, Sept. --, 1828, a. 34 y. GR4

ROLF (Rolfe)

Elizabeth, Jan. --, 1830, a. 73 y. CR1

Samuel, Capt., Nov. 11, 1832.

ROLFE (Rolf)

Hannah, d. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 30, 1823.

Henry, "fell into well and taken out dead," Jan. --, 1809, a. 59 y. CR1

Jacob, Oct. --, 1780. CR1

John, Feb. 10, 1849. GR6

Judith, Mrs., Mar. 13, 1838. a. 81 y.

Lydia, d. Capt. Samuel and Mary, May 6, 1825.

Mary, d. Capt. Samuel and Mary, May 31, 1806. [a. 6 y. CR3]

Mary, wid. Samuel, Dec. 4, 1832.

Sally, w. Samuel, May --, 1793, a. 24 y. CR1


_____ , w. John, Dec. 27, 1840, a. 79 y. CR4

John, Feb. 23, 1833, a. 39 y. CR4

John J., Sept. 22, 1841, a. 41 y. GR4

John, July 5, 1845, a. 80 y. CR4

Marietta, July 29, 1844, a. 46 y. CR4

Mary Ann O.P., July 26, 1847, a. 47 y. GR4


Fanny, m., b. Nova Scotia, Jan. 1, 1849, a. 53 y.


James, s. Gabriel, of Youghed, Cork Co., Ireland June 4, 1848, in his 20th y. GR4


Dumornay, "a Frenchman." from Guadeloupe, bur. June 8, 1786. CR2


Israel, s. Joseph and Mehitable, Aug. 25, 1785, a. 2 y. 3 m. GR1

Rufus, s. Joseph and Mehitable, Aug. 29, 1781, in his 2d y. GR1


_____ , Capt., "a stranger from Tortola," bur. June 15, 1776. CR2

Eber, s. Eber, Sept. 18, 1801.

Louisa, d. Eber, Sept. 8, 1794.

Marcy, d. Eber and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1793.


_____ , ch. Jabez, Aug. --, 1807, a. 1 1/2 y. CR3

Albert Alonzo, s. Lorenzo D. and Joanna T., scarlet fever, Sept. 27, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m.

Edmund, s. Capt. John T. and Margaret, July 11, 1808. [a. 2 y. CR2]

Edmund, s. John T. and Margaret, Feb. 12, 1810.

Edward [Edmund. CR2], s. Capt. John T. and Margaret, Feb. 12, 1810. [a. 19 m. CR2]

George William, Sept. 11, 1837, a. 2 y.

John, s. Capt. John T. and Margaret, Feb. 19, 1810. [a. 6 y. CR2]

John, s. John T. and Margaret, bur. July --, 1815, a. 4 y. CR2

John Brickett, s. John and Caroline, Sept. 18, 1825.

Louisa Augusta, d. John and Caroline, Oct. 29, 1820.

Margaret, w. Capt. John T., May 17, 1827. [a. 43 y. CR2]


Benjamin, s. David and Rhoda, Nov. 9, 1824.

Josephine, d. Joseph and Lydia, dysentery, Sept. 13, 1847, a. 7 y. 4 m.


[Joseph. CR1], s. Theodore, drowned, Mar. --, 1835. [Jan. 13, a. 12 y. CR1]

Nancy, June 19, 1836, a. 5 y. CR1

[Theodore. CR1], s. Theodore, drowned, Mar. --, 1835. [Jan. 13, a. 15 y. CR1]


Margery, Mrs., Apr. 1, 1810. [a. 52 y. GR1]

ROW (Rowe)

Frances, d. Joseph and Frances, bur. Dec. 11, 1767. CR2

Frances, w. Joseph, bur. Dec. 1, 1770. CR2

ROWE (Row)

_____ , ch. Isaac, Oct. --, 1772. CR1

_____ , ch. wid., Oct. --, 1776. CR1

_____ , w. Joseph, Mar. --, 1778, a. 71 y. CR1

Francis G., s. John, at sea, Dec. 21, 1801.

Isaac, Oct. --, 1775. CR1

Joseph, Nov. 27, 1797. [a. 89 y. CR1]

Margery, July 22, 1833, a. 88 y. CR1

Solomon, Oct. --, 1775. CR1


Olive, Mrs., Feb. 16, 1809. [a. 80 y. CR3]


Elizabeth, d. James and Elizabeth, of Rochester, May 1, 1824.

Elizabeth Clapp, d. James and Elizabeth, of Rochester, Oct. 29, 1824.

RUNDLET (Rundlett)

Harriet Elizabeth [d. Jonathan D. and Ann G. GR4], Aug. 29, 1841, a. 10 1/2 m.

RUNDLETT (Rundlet)

Adeline, Miss, Apr. 12, 1842, a. 25 y.

Anna G., w. Jonathan D., typhus fever, Dec. 22, 1848, a. 36 y.

Ann Louisa [d. Samuel H. and Clarissa J. GR4], Oct. 8, 1843, a. 6 y.

Ann Louisa, d. Samuel and Clarissa, Oct. 2, 1848, a. 4 y. 4 m.

Harriett L., d. J.D. and A.J., dysentery, Aug. 26, 1849, a. 3 y.

RUNNELS (Rennells)

Hannah, Mrs. [ wid. Capt. Eben. GR4], Dec. 25, 1833, a. 46 y.

RUSSEL (Russell)

Edward, s. Mary, bur. Mar. 10, 1787. CR2

Mary, d. Mary, bur. Oct. 11, 1788. CR2

RUSSELL (Russel)

_____ , inf. ch. Joseph and Eliza, bur. Mar. 19, 1827. CR2

Benjamin, s. Dudley and Mary, Sept. 27, 1809.

Betsey, d. William and Mary, Sept. 22, 1796, a. 20 y. GR1

Elizabeth, unm., d. Capt. William, Sept. 22, 1796.

Elizabeth, w. Porter, Dec. 29, 1815. [in her 29th y. GR4]

James, Oct. 1, 1800.

John, Sept. 30, 1800. [a. 28 y. GR4]

Mary, d. William, June 21, 1800. [consumption, a. 28 y. CR1]

Mary, w. Dudley, Aug. 2, 1809.

Mary, wid. Capt. William, May 6, 1823. [a. 78 y. GR1]

Mary, Mrs. [w. John. GR4], Jan. 2, 1844, a. 75 y.

William, Capt., Mar. 9, 1818, a. 74 y.

William, b. Marblehead, apoplexy, Oct. 10, 1844, a. 62 y.


_____ , Mrs., Feb. 1, 1804.

Francis, s. Francis, at sea, Aug. --, 1799.

Irving, s. Frederick A. and Mary N., May 26, 1848, a. 2 y. GR1

Lydia Ann [d. Frederick A. and Mary. GR1], Sept. 26, 1849. a. 1 y. 4 m.


Alexander, s. Alexander, Aug. 6, 1818, a. 8 y.

Alexander, master mariner, Feb. 21, 1846, a. 79 y.

Edmund, D., m., consumption, Sept. 17, 1849, a. 49 y.

Eliza, d. Joseph, Nov. 11, 1801. [a. 6 m. GR4]

Eliza, inf. d. Capt. Joseph and Ruth, Dec. 30, 1806, a. 18 m. GR4

Elizabeth Chase, d. Joseph, July 1, 1799.

Jane, w. John, May 13, 1814. [a. 48 y. GR1]

John, jr., in Louisville, KY, --- --, 1834. GR1

John, Capt., Nov. 17, 1840, a. 78 y.

Moses D., s. Capt. John and Jane D., at Salem, Apr. 13, 1843, a. 37 y. GR1

Ruth, w. Capt. Joseph, and d. Rev. Moses Chase, of Amesbury, May 3, 1807, in her 38th y. GR4


Henry, Feb. 9, 1805. [a. 56 y. CR2]


[Martha. CR2], w. Henry, Aug. 1, 1801.

RYAN (Ryan)

Ann, Mrs., June 25, 1843, a. 95 y.

Daniel, Mar. 17, 1839. PR40

Ellis, w. Augustus, Aug. 24, 1819, a. 44 y.

Frances, Sept. --, 1841. PR40

George T., Nov. 3, 1844. PR40

James, May --, 1798, a. 10 y. CR3

James, Aug. 22, 1824. PR40

Philip, Capt., Oct. 3, 1831.

Thomas, Mar. 18, 1820. PR40

William Davis, s. Augustus, Sept. 3, 1819, a. 16 d.

RYON (Ryan)

Philip [b. Ireland. CR2], Nov. 17, 1820. [a. abt. 90 y. CR2]