MEMBER, Nan, and John Sweed, Feb. 9, 1715-16.*
SWEED, John, and Nan Member, Feb. 9, 1715-16.*
Jane, mulatto freewoman, and John Small, mulatto freeman, both of Ipswich, Nov. 14, 1727. CR7
SMALL, John, mulatto, freeman, and Jane, mulatto freewoman, both of Ipswich, Nov. 24, 1727. CR7
Cuffe, servant ot Dea. William Morss, and Pegge, Indian servant, to John Holeman, Nov. 8, 1732.*
Pegge, Indian servant to John Holeman, and Cuffee, servant to Dea. William Morss, Nov. 8, 1732.*
Bess, servant to Samuel Merrill, and Hanibal, servant to Rev. Moses Hale, Nov. 30, 1732.
Hanibal, servant to Rev. Moses Hale, and Bess, servant to Samuel Merrill, Nov. 30, 1732.*
Cudjo, and Lydia Dier, servants of Benjamin Coker, May 21, 1733.*
DIER, Lydia, and Cudjo, servants of Benjamin Coker, May 21, 1733.*
Amme, servant to Benjamin Porter of Boxford, and John, servant to Joseph Noyes, int. June 9, 1733.
John, servant to Joseph Noyes, and Amme, servant ot Benjamin Porter of Boxford, int. June 9, 1733.
Molle, servant of Rev. Jedediah Jewet of Rowley, and Toney, servant of Daniel Noyes, int. Nov. 1, 1740.
Toney, servant of Daniel Noyes, and Molle, servant of Rev. Jedediah Jewet of Rowley, int. Nov. 1, 1740.
Margaret, servant of Nicholas Gilman, Esq. of Exeter, and Thomas, servant of Peter Coffin, int. June 12, 1742.
Thomas, servant of Peter Coffin, and Margaret, servant of Nicholas Gilman, Esq. of Exeter, int. June 12, 1742.
Cook, and Leucey, servants of John Little, jr., int. Sept. 28, 1745.
Leucy, and Cook, servants of John Little, jr., int. Sept. 28, 1745.
Andrew, servant of Nathan Wheeler, and Prince, servant of Moses Little, Oct. 3, 1745.*
Prince, servant of Moses Little, and Andrew, servant of Nathan Wheeler, Oct. 3, 1745.*
HALL, Pero, and Catherine Small of Ipswich [mulattoes. CR2], Aug. 14, 1746.*
SMALL, Catherine, of Ipswich, and Pero Hall [mulattoes. CR2], Aug. 14, 1746.*
Rose, servant of Benjamin Harris, and Scipio, servant of Dea. Samuell Moody, Oct. 13, 1749.*
Scipio, servant of Dea. Samuell Moody, and Rose, servant of Benjamin Harris, Oct. 13, 1749.*
Lucy, lately servant to late Rev. Mr. Plant, and Thomas Newfield, Aug. 14, 1754. CR8
NEWFIELD, Thomas, and Lucy, lately serv't to "late" Rev. Mr. Plant, Aug. 14, 1754. CR8
CHADDICH, John, servant of Henry Rolfe, and Elisabeth Whitte, servant of Capt. William Ilsley, int. Oct. 5, 1754.
WHITTE, Elisabeth, servant of Capt. William Ilsley, and John Chaddich, servant of Henry Rolfe, int. Oct. 5, 1754.
Lucy, servant of John Little, and Robbin, servant of late Rev. Mr. Plant, Mar. 2, 1755. CR8
Robbin, servant of late Rev. Mr. Plant, and Lucy, servant of John Little, Mar. 2, 1755. CR8
COLMEY, Jane, and Robert Jenkins, May 24, 1758. CR9
COTENEY, Jane, and Robert Jenkiins, free negroes, May 24, 1758.*
JENKINS, Robert, and Jane Coteney, free negroes, May 24, 1758.*
BURNAM, Scipio, of Ipswich, and Lucy Robin, Apr. 16, 1761. CR8
ROBIN, Lucy, and Scipio Burnam of Ipswich, Apr. 16, 1761. CR8
Katharine, servant of wid. Abigail Noyes, and Peter, mulatto servant of wid. Mary Morgaridge, int. Nov. 22, 1766.
Peter, mulatto servant of wid. Mary Morgaridge, and Katharine, servant of wid. Abigail Noyes, int. Nov. 22, 1766.
Joel, servant of Mrs. Sarah Weed, and Priscilla, servant of Dr. Morrill of Salisbury, int. Nov. 18, 1768.
Priscilla, servant of Dr. Morrill of Salisbury, and Joel, servant of Mrs. Sarah Weed, int. Nov. 18, 1768.
Phillis, servant of Capt. Joseph Hale, and Tymon, servant of Dr. Thomas Chadwick of Boxford, int. Apr. 6, 1769.
Tymon, servant of Dr. Thomas Chadwick of Boxford, and Phillis, servant of Capt. Joseph Hale, int. Apr. 6, 1769.
BROOKS, Susanna, of Methuen, and Peter Waters, mulatto servant of wid. Mary Morgaridge, int. Feb. 23, 1771.
WATERS, Peter, mulatto servant of wid. Mary Morgaridge, and Susanna Brooks of Methuen, int. Feb. 23, 1771.
Cambridge, servant of Col. Moses Little, and Cate, servant of wid. Moses Sawyer, int. May 5, 1779.
Cate, servant of wid. Moses Sawyer, and Cambridge, servant of Col. Moses Little, int. May 5, 1779.
Cambridge, of Newbury Cohoss, NH, and Dinah Tevit, resident in Newbury, Mar. 3, 1784.*
TEVIT, Dinah, resident in Newbury, and Cambridge Little of Newbury Cohoss, NH, Mar. 3, 1784.*
MOOR, Titus Austin, and Betsy Phillips, Nov. 8, 1807.*
PHILLIPS, Betsy, and Titus Austin Moor, Nov. 8, 1807.*
_____, Jonathan, and Mary Long, Oct. 24, 1676.
_____, Mary, and Daniel Chase, Jan. 22, 1722-3. CR7
_____, Sarah, and Robert Robinson, June 24, 1724. CR7
_____, Martha [Carr. int.], of Salisbury, and Benjamin Willet, at Salisbury, Oct. 4, 1748.*
_____, _____, and Sarah Chase, "married out," bef. 8th m. 1773. CR6
_____, _____, and Lydia Chase, "married out," bef. 21: 9m: 1775. CR6
_____, Mar--, of West Newbury, and Toppan Pearson, int. Aug. 14, 1830.
_____, Diardamy, of Newburyport, and William Stanwood, int. Sept. 30, 1848.