NorthShore Slavery


_____, ch. John, bur. July 20, 1820, a. 3 y. PR1

_____, d. John, bur. Nov. 7, 1829, a. 5 y. PR1

Abraham, Feb. 10, 1841, a. 30 y.

Catherine w. William, Mar. 18, 1839, a. 48 y.

Joseph, bur. June 25, 1812, a. 18 y. PR1

MAGOWIN (Maygoing)

Elizabeth W., sister of Joseph, May 22, 1838, a. 17 y. GR2

Jane T. w. Joseph, July 19, 1841, a. 23 y. GR2

Joseph, Sept. 1, 1824, a. 36 y. GR2


_____, Mrs., bur. Aug. 29, 1819, a. 60 y. PR1

MANLEY (Manly)

_____, ch. stillborn, Mrss, bur. May 10, 1818. PR1

Elizabeth, wid. _____, and d. Michael and Abigail Cary, Jan. 3, 1826, a. 34 y.

MANLY (Manley)

_____, ch. stillborn, _____, bur. Feb. 19, 1821. PR1

_____, ch. Betty, bur. Aug. 19, 1825, a. 10 m. PR1


Adeline d. Henry, --- --, 1834, a. 19 m.

Henry, Feb. 12, 1833, a. 32 y.


Charity, at the almshouse, Apr. 5, 1836.

Daniel, bur. June 9, 1819, a. 70 y. PR1

Lydia w. John, Sept. 1, 1831, a. 43 y.

Sarah w. David, Jan. 17, 1816. [a. 65 y. PR1]


_____, ch. Capt., bur. --- --, 1789. PR1

Abigail d. Ebenezer and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1777, a. 6 m.

Abigail d. Hon. Ebenezer and Abigail, Aug. 5, 1810, in her 32d y.

Abigail, wid. Hon. Ebenezer, Oct. 15, 1829, a. 86 y.

Angier, Esq., July 18, 1812, a. 39 y. GR2

Anna d. John and Mary, May 28, 1708.

Anna w. Samuel, June 18, 1724. [in her 39th y. GR7]

Anna, small pox, May 30, 1777, a. 27 y. CR4

Anna, wid. Capt. John, at Newburyport, May 23, 1821, a. 59 y. GR2

Anne d. Joshua and Martha, May 30, 1736. [in her 5th y. GR6]

Dorcas w. Hugh, sr., Nov. 22, 1683.

Ebenezer, jr., s. Hon. Ebenezer, Esq. and Abigail, Nov. 15, 1821, a. 40 y.

Ebenezer, Hon., s. Rev. Edmund and Mary, Feb. 11, 1827, a. 81 y.

Ebenezer, s. "late" Ebenezer, jr and Patience, Aug. 27, 1833, a. 12 y.

Edmund, Rev., Mar. 6, 1791, a. 88 y.

Elizabeth d. John and Mary, Feb. 24, 1709.

George Little, s. "late" Ebenezer, jr. and Patience, at Danvers, Apr. 18, 1823, a. 5 y.

Hanah d. Hugh and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1694.

Hugh, sr., Dec. 12, 1693. [Mar. 12. S. dup]

Hugh, s. George and Mary, Mar. 9, 1695.

Hugh, Capt., Feb. 27, 1726. [1727, in his 71st y. GR7]

Hugh, s. Joshua and Martha, Nov. 21, 1736.

Hugh, Dr. [s. Joshua. CR4], Oct. 20, 1782, a. 20 y. GR6

Ichabod, Oct. 19, 1832, a. 53 y.

James White Hale, s. Rev. John C. and Alice L., Oct. 27, 1838, a. 4 y.

John, Esq., s. George and Mary, Aug. 15, 1761, a. 84 y. 11 m. 27 d.

John, Capt., at Newburyport, Feb. 17, 1818, a. 58 y. GR2

John C., Rev., only ch. John and Anna, Sept. 26, 1846, a. 41 y. GR2

Joshua, Apr. 27, 1767, in his 61st y. GR6

Judith w. Hugh, Dec. 14, 1675.

Margery d. Rev. Edmund and Mary, Dec. 17, 1810, a. 78 y.

Martha d. Joshua and Martha, Jan. 5, 1742.

Martha w. Joshua, Feb. 14, 1776, a. 71 y. GR6

Patty d. Joshua, small pox, May 24, 1777, a. 23 y. CR4

Mary d. Georg, Nov. 15, 1678. [Nov. 16. CTR]

Mary w. Rev. Edmund, Mar. 1, 1788, a. 76 y.

Mary E. d. Ebenezer and Patience, consumption, May 7, 1848, a. 29 y.

Mercy d. Jacob and Ruth, Nov. 24, 1752, in her 5th y. GR7

Merrill, s. Joshua and Martha, Nov. 18, 1729. [in his 2d y. GR7]

Merrill, s. Joshua and Martha, Sept. 21, 1736.

Rueben, s. Ebenezer and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1777, a. 3 y.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Anne, Mar. 22, 1714.

Samuel, s. Joshua and Martha, Sept. 14, 1738.

Samuel, Capt., s. Capt. Hugh and Sarah, June 3, 1753, a. 64 y. 3 m. 1 d.

Samuel, s. Dea. Jacob and Ruth, June 16, 1761, in his 8th y. GR7

Sarah, wid., Oct. 25, 1699.

Sarah w. Capt. Hugh, Sept. 10, 1741, in her 78th y. GR7

Sarah Hale d. Rev. John C. and Alice, Oct. 8, 1837, a. 10 m.

Steven, s. George, Feb. 10, 1683.

Trueman, s. Truman and Judea, Oct. 1, 1736, a. 6 y. GR15

Trueman, s. Joshua, July 17, 1745. CR4

Truman, s. Truman and Judith, Oct. 10, 1793, a. 61 y. 1 m. 2 d.


Asa L., Capt., of Hampton, Apr. --, 1843, a. 43 y.


_____, w. _____, bur. Nov. 12, 1811, a. 30 y. PR1

Daniel, s. Capt. _____ and Mary, bur. Sept. 27, 1742. CR7

Daniel, May 31, 1789, a. 89 y.


_____, ch. Joseph, bur. Sept. 2, 1819, a. 1 y. PR1

Elizabeth w. Joseph, July 14, 1843, a. 56 y.


David, at the almshouse, May 25, 1837, a. 65 y.

Richard B., s. Allen M. and Isabella, dropsy, Sept. 20, 1849, a. 10 m. 11 d.

Thomas, s. Peter and Abigaill, Aug. 27, 1689.

Thomas, s. John and Elizabeth H., Oct. 31, 1816, a. 11 d. GR8


Mary Wilder, Miss, Aug. 23, 1845. CR1


_____, ch. Olive, bur. Oct. 16, 1790. PR1

James, Mar. 6, 1819.

Jonathan "formerly of ye Parish, but moved to Lunenburgh & moved back again, and supported by ye town," consumptive disorder, Nov. 6, 1763. CR5

Lucy, Dec. 30, 1801. CR5

Lucy d. James and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1802, a. 17 y.

Oliver, s. Jonathan, fever, July 14, 1760, a. 9 m. CR5

Richard, --- --, 1737. PR2


Thomas, Nov. 28, 1651.


Rhoda, of Chichester, bur. Oct. 10, 1808, a. 21 y. PR1

MATHEWS (Matthews)

_____, d. Hugh, Aug. 22, 1684.

_____, ch. Hugh, Aug. 2, 1685.

MATTHEWS (Mathews)

Margeret, Nov. 22, 1742.

MAYGOING (Magowin)

Josiah, bur. Sept. 2, 1824, a. 37 y. PR1


Joseph, Aug. 12, 1712, in his 73d y.

Sarah w. Joseph, Dec. 1, 1710, a. 50 y. 10 m.


Ann, at the almshouse, May 25, 1820.


_____, w. _____, bur. Aug. 13, 1812, a. 40 y. PR1


James, at the almshouse, Aug. 14, 1830.

McHARD (Mehard)


Alice P. d. John and Susan, croup, Jan. 1, 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m.

Gertrude d. Spofford and Sarah, lung fever, May 19, 1849, a. 2 y. 2d.


Gasper, "indus. " Dec. 8, 1707.


John, s. William and Margreat, Feb. 17, 1747-8, a. 3 y. 6 m. GR16

MENDON (Mendum)

John, inf. s. John S. and Abigail H., Sept. 11, 1839.

MENDUM (Mendon)

Abby Ann d. John S. and Abby H., Aug. 22, 1840, a. 7 w.

MERECK (Mirrick)

Moses, s. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 6, 1744. [a. abt. 6 w. CR2]

MERRICK (Mirrick)

Anna d. Jacob, jr., Dec. 23, 1783.

Timothy, Mar. 15, 1719, in his 53d y.

MERRIL (Merrill)

Nathaniel, Jan. 1, 1682.

Seth, bur. Nov. 28, 1749, in his 5th y. CR7

Susanna d. Abraham, Dec. 15, 1681.

MERRILL (Merril)

_____, d. Nathaniell, Nov. 21, 1669.

Abel, s. twin, Samuel and Ruth, Jan. --, 1737, in her 6th y. GR6

Abel, Dea., Feb. 6, 1759, in his 88th y. GR6

Abel, Apr. --, 1789, a. 80 y.

Abigail w. Dea. Abraham, Aug. 12, 1712, a. 70 y. GR15

Abigail w. Dea. Abel, May 2, 1757, in her 84th y. GR6

Abigail d. Henry and Rebekah, July 24, 1813, a. 37 y.

Abigail C. w. Thomas, erysipelas, Aug. 13, 1849, a. 62 y. 7 m. 2 d.

Abraham, Dea., Nov. 28, 1722.

Abraham D., inf. s. Rev. J.M. and M.A.B., Aug. 12, 1847. GR2

Asa, Mar. 26, 1831, a. 22 y. GR2

Asa, s. Asa and Elizabeth, Mar. 26, 1834, a. 22 y.

Asa, s. Asa and Keturah, Apr. 7, 1834, a. 4 m. GR2

Catherine d. Hon. John, Jan. 7, 1833, a. 2 y.

Deborah w. John, Jan. 21, 1727. [in her 49th y. GR15]

Elizabeth, wid., July 14, 1682.

Elisabeth d. John and Deborah, Nov. 2, 1728.

Elisabeth d. Roger and Mary, Dec. 11, 1739. [a. 1 m. GR6]

Elizabeth d. Jonathan and Sally, Oct. 13, 1811, in her 3d y.

Elizabeth, wid. Asa, June 25, 1821, a. 55 y.

Elizabeth w. Joseph, of Danvers, Oct. 18, 1838, a. 23 y.

Betsy w. _____, and d. Tristram and Anna Coffin, consumption, Sept. 10, 1849, a. 71 y.

Enoch, s. Jacob and Mary, Dec. 16, 1833, a. 39 y.

Esther d. Abell, jr. and Ruth, July 3, 1736.

Ezekil, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Oct. 15, 1731.

George, s. William, Feb. 18, 1825.

George [Franklin. GR12], b. Deerfield, NH, s. Joseph and Nancy, typhoid fever, Nov. 25, 1848, a. 16 y. 10 m.

Hannah w. Benjamin, Apr. 9, 1724, in her 33d y. GR6

Hanna w. Nathaniel, Feb. 3, 1735. [1736, in her 62d y. GR6]

Hannah w. Benjamin, Apr. 9, 1739.

Hannah w. Capt. Orlando B., Mar. 28, 1802, a. 37 y.

Hannah, Miss, at Rowley almshouse, Dec. --, 1831. CR5

Hannah, at the almshouse, Oct. 31, 1836.

Henry, Lt., Jan. 7, 1804, a. 85 y.

Henry, Dea., s. Henry and Priscilla, Apr. 3, 1844, a. 92 y.

Jacob, s. Peter and Priscilla, Sept. 30, 1824, a. 70 y.

Joan, Feb. 8, 1717-18, a. abt. 90 y.

[Joanna. CTR] d. Nathaniell, Oct. 30, 1670. [1669. CTR]

John, Sept. 12, 1673.

John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Sept. --, 1735.

John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Feb. --, 1741.

John, Dea., Apr. 2, 1794, a. 87 y.

John, s. Jacob and Mary, June 18, 1823.

Jonathan, s. Abell, jr. and Ruth, Oct. 5, 1736.

Joseph, s. Roger, Nov. 10, 1751.

Joseph A., Rev., s. Annis and Lydia, fall, July 22, 1849.

Joshua, s. Samuel and Ruth, Dec. --, 1736, a. 11 y. GR6

Judith, at the almshouse, Mar. 12, 1815.

Lydia, at the almshouse, Dec. 9, 1816.

Mary d. Peter, Dec. 7, 1712.

Mary d. Roger and Mary, May 9, 1733, a. 1 m. 10 d. GR6

Mary d. Roger and Mary, May 9, 1735. [1733, a. 1 m. 10 d. GR6]

Mary w. Dea. Roger, Dec. 21, 1773, in her 60th y. GR6

Mary w. Jacob, Aug. 21, 1823, a. 73 y.

Mary Ann d. Orlando B., Esq. and Sally, June 25, 1826, a. 20 y.

Mary, wid., Jan. 10, 1828, a. 78 y.

Mary w. Samuel, jr., dropsy, --- --, 1845.

Mary C. d. Charles N. and Antoinette, Feb. 2, 1845, a. 8 m. 15 d.

Nathan, Nov. 22, 1745.

Nathan, s. Dea. Abel and Anna, July 11, 1785, a. 4 y. 3 m. 8 d. GR6

Nathan, s. Nathan, May 10, 1828.

Nathan, shipwright, s. Nathan and Edna, old age, Jan. 27, 1849, a. 83 y. 11 m.

Nathaniel, s. John and Deborah, July 10, 1724.

Nathaniel, Feb. 22, 1743. [in his 61st y. GR6]

Olive K. w. Capt. Samuel, June 16, 1847, a. 72 y. GR14

Paul, s. Henry and Rebekah, Jan. 2, 1813, a. 31 y.

Peter, Dea., Dec. 17, 1777, in his 75th y.

Priscilla d. Roger and Mary, Dec. 10, 1743. [in her 3d y. GR6]

Rebeckah w. Nathaniell, Dec. 9, 1689.

Rebekah d. Henry and Rebekah, Nov. 22, 1811, a. 20 y.

Rebekah w. Henry, Dec. 10, 1823, a. 73 y.

Roger, s. Roger and Mary, Feb. 21, 1742.

Roger, s. Roger and Mary, Feb. 21, 1744, a. 14 d. GR6

Roger, s. Roger and Mary, Sept. 17, 1744.

Roger, Dea., s. Nathaniel and Hannah, May 12, 1791, a. 78 y. 2 m. "almost".

Ruth d. Samuel and Ruth, Dec. --, 1729, a. 10 y. GR6

Ruth d. Abell, jr. and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1736.

Ruth d. John, jr. and Ruth, Oct. --, 1736.

Ruth d. Abel, May 23, 1746. CR4

Ruth, wid. [Dea. John. GR6], Nov. 7, 1796, a. 84 y. 1 m.

Samuel, s. Capt. Samuel and Olive, Jan. 7, 1825, a. 19 y.

Sarah d. John and Deborah, Nov. 25, 1727.

Tabitha w. Samuell, jr., Nov. 26, 1747. CR4

Thomas, s. Jonathan and Sally, Dec. 2, 1810, a. 2 y. 8 m.

Thomas C., Rev., s. Jonathan and Sarah, bur. Sacremento, CA, d. Oct. 27, 1849, a. 34 y. 5 m. 6 d.

William, s. twin, Samuel and Ruth, Jan. --, 1737, in his 6th y. GR6

William, s. Henry and Rebekah, Nov. 12, 1811, a. 17 y.

William, jr., Aug. 8, 1829.


Sarah, b. Newburyport w. William, fever, Dec. 6, 1848, a. 75 y.


_____, wid. [Ezekiel. CR1], bur. Jan. 22, 1785. PR1

Ezekiel, --- --, 1770. CR1

MILER (Miller)

Lydia, bur. July 7, 1828, a. abt. 50 y. PR1

MILLER (Miler)

Joseph, "a Stranger, suddenly at the Ordinary," July 21, 1681.

Mary, Mrs., Mar. 6, 1663.


Dolly w. Rev. James, Feb. 18, 1824, a. 66 y.

James, Rev., Mar. 23, 1836, a. 81 y.


Robart, Sept. 2, 1712.

MIRICK (Mirrick)

Isaac, Capt., s. James, --- --, 1731, a. 65 y.

Jacob, Jan. 16, 1789, in his 82d y.

Mary w. Isaac, Mar. 11, 1710. [a. 41 y. GR2]

Mary, Aug. 28, 1829.

William, --- --, 1747, in his 40th y. GR16

MIRRICK (Mereck, Merrick, Mirick)

Margaret, wid. Apr. 2, 1708.

MITCHEL (Mitchil, Mitchill)

_____, ch. Stephen, bur. June 9, 1786. PR1

John, bur. Aug. 15, 1748. CR7

MITCHIL (Mitchel)

John, Dec. 27, 1731, in his 81st y.

MITCHILL (Mitchel)

Hanah w. John, Apr. 24, 1689.

William, July 16, 1654.

MOERS (Moore)

Edmund, Feb. 28, 1712.

Peter, s. Peter and Mary, Apr. 17, 1729.

MOLTON (Moulton)

Abigail w. William, July 24, 1723, a. 62 y. GR15

Margerett d. William and Abigael, Sept. 25, 1701.

MOODEY (Moody)

_____, s. John and Hannah, --- --, 1706.

_____, d. Cutting and Judeth, Dec. 9, 1713.

_____, s. stillborn, Joshua, Dec. 12, 1715.

Abner, s. Thomas and Rebecca, June 12, 1744.

Benjamin, s. John and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1708.

Caleb, Sergt., Aug. 25, 1698.

Cutting, Apr. 13, 1747. [in his 74th y. GR16]

Eben, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1747.

Hannah d. John and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1733.

Hannah d. John and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1735.

Hannah d. Cutting, jr. and Dorothy, Mar. 18, 1742. [in her 2d y. CR7]

John, Mar. 5, 1737.

Joseph, s. Caleb, jr. and Tabitha, Sept. 8, 1728.

Judith w. Sergt. Caleb, Jan. 24, 1699-1700.

Judith d. Thomas, jr. and Rebecca, June 1, 1734. [1733. dup]

Judith w. Cutting, Apr. 30, 1761, in her 83d y. GR16

Mark, s. Thomas, jr. and Rebecca, Aug. 19, 1729.

Moses, s. Thomas and Judith, Dec. 21, 1708.

Nathan, s. Thomas, jr. and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1735.

Rebecca d. Samuell and Sarah, Aug. --, 1706.

Rebecca d. Thomas, jr. and Rebecca, Oct. 12, 1730.

Ruth, wid. Moses S., Feb. --, 1839. PR40

Sarah d. Thomas, jr. and Rebecca, May 11, 1733.

William, s. Lt. William, Feb. 23, 1699-1700.

MOODY (Moodey)

_____, wid. Caleb, --- --, 1780. CR1

_____, ch. Moses and Susanna, Jan. 23, 1784.

_____, ch. Jacob, bur. Jan. 26, 1785. PR1

_____, twin chn. Moses S. and Sally, Nov. 10, 1787.

_____, w. William, Oct. 5, 1815.

_____, ch. Sewall, Oct. --, 1829. CR5

Abigail w. William, and d. Caleb and Judith Titcomb, May 3, 1831, a. 44 y.

Alice w. Silas, Esq., Sept. 8, 1840, a. 72 y.

Almira w. William, jr., June 17, 1828.

Amos, Sept. 12, 1800, a. 21 y. GR2

Anna w. William and d. Thomas Hale, Esq., Oct. 21, 1753, a. 44 y.

Anna w. Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1780, a. 69 y. 6 m. CR4

Anna d. William and Anna, Feb. 18, 1834, a. 97 y. 7 m.

Ann Eliza d. Joseph and Hannah, scarlet fever, Sept. 23, 1849, a. 3 y. 9 m.

Benjamin, jr., Aug. 27, 1780, a. 36 y. 10 m. CR4

Benjamin, s. Lt. Caleb and Ruth, Nov. 2, 1781, a. 73 y. 3 m.

Benjamin, s. Caleb, jr. and Dorothy, in Epsom, Feb. 28, 1820, a. 38 y. 9 m. 5 d.

Caleb, May 2, 1741. [a. 74 y. CR2]

Caleb, Jan. 16, 1776, a. 70 y. 2 m. 1 d.

Caleb, s. Caleb, jr. and Dorothy, Jan. 27, 1784, a. 19 y.

Caleb, June 24, 1793.

Charles, farmer, s. William and Almira, consumption, Feb. 10, 1847, a. 21 y. [a. 19 y. dup.]

Daniel Kent, s. Enoch and Ann, Nov. 1, 1803, a. 4 y. 5 m.

David, s. Capt. Paul and Mary, at Boston, Dec. 2, 1832, a. 50 y.

David, s. Sewall and Judith, Feb. 27, 1839, a. 25 y.

Deborah d. Paul, fever, July 22, 1769, in her 3d y. CR5

Dorothy w. Cutting, jr. [and d. Thomas Bartlett. CR7], Oct. 5, 1741. [in her 25th y. GR4]

Dorothy, wid. Caleb, 3d. at West Newbury, Mar. 18, 1826, a. 89 y.

Dolly Rosseau d. Samuel and Olive, Oct. 30, 1843, a. 2 m.

Ebenezer, s. Cutting and Martha, Sept. 15, 1753. [in his 6th y. GR16]

Ebenezer, bur. Jan. 22, 1787. PR1

Ebenezer, s. Jacob and Susanna H., --- --, 1793, a. 2 y. GR2

Elizabeth d. Caleb and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1749, in her 15th y. GR15

Elisabeth w. Caleb, Sept. 14, 1754, in her 47th y.

Elisabeth d. Caleb and Abigail, June 1, 1760, a. 3 y. GR15

Elizabeth, wid. Moses, Feb. 19, 1817, a. abt. 97 1/2 y.

Elizabeth d. Samuel and Olive, scarlet fever, Jan. --, 1845, a. 9 y.

Emeline w. Samuel S., Mar. 15, 1840, a. 29 y.

Enoch William, s. Enoch and Ann, Apr. 21, 1827, a. 19 y.

Enoch, s. Moses and Elizabeth, Dec. 3, 1836, a. 82 y.

Enoch, s. Capt. Paul and Mary, Feb. 22, 1838, a. 65 y.

Eunice w. Capt. Cutting, --- 25, 1769, a. 59 y. GR2

Hannah w. John, Aug. 11, 1719, in her 54th y. GR2

Hannah d. John, jr. and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1734, a. 4 y. 29 d.

Hannah d. John jr. and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1736-7. GR2

Hannah w. John, Oct. 23, 1749.

Hannah d. Cutting [and Martha. GR16], May 19, 1752. [in her 3d y. GR16]

Hannah Sawyer d. William and Abigail, Oct. --, 1819.

Hannah d. William, Dec. 15, 1819.

Hannah w. Cutting, Nov. 1, 1823, a. 72 y.

Jacob, May 7, 1794, a. 42 y. GR2

Jane w. Col. Samuel, Aug. 31, 1778, a. 34 y.

John, Mar. 5, 1737, in his 74th y. GR2

John, s. John, jr. and Hannah, Aug. 25, 1780, a. 48 y.

John Balch, s. Enoch and Eunice, Sept. 12, 1827, a. 7 m.

John, s. John and Mary, Oct. 19, 1836, a. 69 y.

Joseph, s. Caleb, jr. and Dorothy, June 25, 1778, a. 7 m. 14 d.

Joseph, s. Caleb, jr. and Dorothy, --- --, 1805, a. 24 y.

Joshua, s. Caleb and Elisabeth, July 27, 1738, a. 1 y. 5 d. GR7

Joshua, s. Caleb, 3d and Elizabeth, July 27, 1738.

Joshua, s. Cutting and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1778.

Joshua, s. Caleb, jr and Dorothy, Nov. 29, 1781, a. 23 y. 2 m. 18 d.

Judith d. Caleb, small pox, at Salisbury, Jan. 28, 1678.

Judith w. Thomas, Aug. 12, 1757, a. 87 y. GR16

Judith, wid. Dea., Apr. 2, 1783, in her 83d y.

Judith, at the almshouse, June 26, 1837, a. 70 y.

Martha w. Capt. Cutting, Oct. 9, 1765.

Mary d. David and Mary, Nov. 23, 1758.

Mary w. John, and d. Henry and Lydia Little, Aug. 11, 1780, a. 41 y.

Mary, wid. Capt. Paul, Mar. 10, 1825, a. 81 y.

Mary d. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Apr. 23, 1836, a. 8 m.

Mary Francis d. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Sept. 30, 1840, a. 4 m.

Moses, s. Caleb, jr. and Dorothy, Jan. 2, 1818, a. 60 y. 10 m.

Nathaniel, Esq., s. Col. Samuel and Jane, Apr. 18, 1815, a. 46 y.

Paul, Capt., s. Dea. Samuel and Judith, Dec. 30, 1822, a. 80 y.

Paul, s. Capt. Paul and Mary, at Lowell, July 7, 1831, a. 52 y.

Rebackah w. Mos, --- --, 1740. GR16

Rebecca, b. Meredith, NH, w. William, fever, Jan. 28, 1849, a. 58 y.

Richard, s. John, jr. and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1736, a. 13 d.

Ruth w. Dea. Caleb, June 26, 1748, in her 79th y. GR15

Samuell, Apr. 4, 1675.

Samuel, Dea., s. William and Mehetabel, May 27 [25. dup.], 1767, a. 78 y. 2 m. 4 d.

Samuel, s. Samuel, Esq. and Jane, May 21, 1789, in his 22d y.

Samuel, Col., Feb. 14, 1790, in his 59th y.

Samuel, s. Caleb, jr. and Dorothy, June 15, 1801, a. 38 y. 6 m. 15 d.

Samuel, s. Nathaniel, Esq. and Mary, Dec. 14, 1820, a. "almost" 20 y.

Samuel, s. Capt. Paul and Mary, at Hallowell, ME, Apr. 6, 1832, a. 67 y.

Samuel, s. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Apr. 18, 1834, a. 10 m.

Sara w. Caleb, May 25, 1665.

Sara w. William, Jan. 13, 1672-3.

Sarah d. Oliver, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1759, a. 5 y. 4 m. GR16

Sarah d. John and Mary, Sept. 10, 1768, a. 4 y.

Sarah d. Joseph, putrid fever, Mar. 15, 1781, a. 15 y. CR5

Sally w. Moses S., Nov. 14, 1787.

Sarah d. Col. Samuel and Jane, Apr. 2, 1803, a. 24 y.

Sarah, wid. Col. Samuel, Sept. 16, 1822, a. 84 y.

Sarah w. Benjamin, and d. Joseph and Hannah Titcomb, Jan. 4, 1828, a. 26 y.

Sewall, s. Capt. Paul and Mary, July 5, 1820, a. 46 y.

Sewall P., s. Samuel J. and Emeline, Nov. 2, 1829, a. 16 m.

Silas, Rev., of Arundel, Apr. 4, 1816. CR1

Silas, Esq., s. Col. Samuel and Jane, Jan. 20, 1844, a. 68 y.

Stephen, s. Caleb and Elisabeth, Apr. 8, 1768, a. 22 y. 11 m. 14 d.

Stephen, s. Caleb and Dorothy, Apr. 21, 1842, a. 75 y. PR40

Stephen, s. George W., bowel complaint, Sept. 24, 1849, a. 10 m.

Susanna w. Moses S., Jan. 21, 1784.

Susanna H. w. Jacob, Nov. 23, 1803, a. 45 y. GR2

Thomas, Mar. 31, 1737, in his 69th y. GR16

William, Oct. 25, 1673.

William, Dea., in Byfield parish, Feb. 6, 1729-30.

William, Oct. 7, 1761, in his 25th y. GR16

William, s. Dea. Samuel, Mar. 31, 1766, a. 63 y.

MOOR (Moore)

Edmund, s. Edmund, Nov. 8, 1656.

MOORE (Moers, Moor, Moores, Moors, More, Mores)

Hannah w. Samuel, Dec. 8, 1654.

MOORES (Moore)

_____, d. Jonathan, June 18, 1677.

Abner, Mar. 11, 1808, a. 68 y.

Anne w. Edmund, June 7, 1676. [july. S. dup.]

Hanna, Mar. 25, 1665.

Hannah w. Greenleaf, July 30, 1809, a. 34 y.

Jonathan, at the almshouse, June 13, 1820.

Mark, July 4, 1798. CR5

Polly w. Greenleaf, May 23, 1802, a. 31 y.

Sarah w. Mark, consumptive disorder, Sept. 3, 1766, a. near 70 y. CR5

MOORS (Moore)

_____, wid. [Edmund. CR1], bur. Aug. 23, 1785. PR1

Edmund, Corp., sr., Apr. 19, 1699.

Moses, s. Edmund, jr. and Judeth, Mar. 10, 1708.

MORE (Moore)

Abraham, Rev. [of Londonderry, NH. GR2], June 24, 1801. [in his 33d y. GR2]

MORES (Moore)

David, May 14, 1833, a. 78 y.

Mark, jr., "consumption and ulcer of ye Lungs," Dec. 26, 1753, a. abt. 40 y. CR5

Sarah d. Edmund, May 5, 1707.


Miriam d. John, May 18, 1837, a. 50 y.

Sarah, b. Kittery w. _____, and d. John and Sarah Fernald, old age, Sept. 27, 1848, a. 84 y.

MORILL (Morrill)

_____, ch. Benjamin, of Albany, bur. Sept. 26, 1822, a. 9 m. PR1


Joseph, May 8, 1689.

MORISEN (Morrison)

Hanah w. Daniel, Oct. 9, 1700.

MORISON (Morrison)

_____, ch. twin, stillborn, Daniel and Mary, Apr. 2, 1708.

_____, ch. twin, stillborn, Daniel and Mary, Apr. 7, 1708.

Mary w. Daniel, Feb. 14, 1710.

MORRELL (Morrill)

Susanna, b. Pembrook, NH, wid. Ezekiel, old age, May 12, 1847, a. 87 y.

MORRILL (Morill, Morrell)

Isaiah, s. Capt. Jacob and Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1830, a. 21 y. GR2

Jacob, Capt., Jan. 21, 1825, a. 62 y. GR2

Margaret d. Capt. Jacob and Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1827, a. 7 y. GR2

William, Oct. 5, 1837, a. 67 y.

MORRISON (Morisen, Morison)

Hannah, June --, 1716, in her 22d y.

James C., s. Joseph G. and Lydia B., consumption, Oct. 6, 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m. 21 d.

Paulina w. _____, Apr. 6, 1803.

MORS (Morse)

_____, ch. stillborn, Anthony, jr. and Elisabeth, Mar. 18, 1719.

Anthony, sr., Oct. 12, 1686.

Anthony, jr., Jan. 29, 1722.

Elisabeth w. Anthony, jr., Mar. 25, 1719.

Elisabeth w. Samuel, Apr. 20, 1723. [in her 32d y. GR15]

John, s. John and Lydia, Aug. 10, 1736.

Joshua, Apr. 12, 1756, in his 43d y. GR15

Judeth d. Joseph, sr., Mar. 20, 1716.

Judeth d. Stephen and Elisabeth, Oct. 9, 1736. [in her 5th y. GR6]

Lydia d. John and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1736.

Mary d. Joseph, 3d and Rebecca, Aug. 14, 1736.

Mary w. John, jr., Sept. 16, 1750.

Moses, s. William, Feb. 15, 1714.

Rebecca w. Joseph, 3d, Aug. 26, 1737.

Sarah d. Anthony and Sarah, Nov. 13, 1686.

Sarah d. Anthony and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1687-8.

Sarah, wid. Anthony, Jan. 2, 1717-18.

Sarah d. Stephen and Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1736. [in her 2d y. GR6]

MORSE (Mors, Morss)

_____, ch. Anthony, jr. [Dec. 7, 1676. S. dup]

_____, ch. Joseph, small pox, Feb. 5, 1678.

_____, d. William, jr., Aug. 17, 1745. CR4

_____, s. William, drowned, July --, 1748. CR4

_____, w. Philip, Nov. 28, 1748. CR2

_____, inf. ch. Daniel, Nov. 26, 1781. CR4

_____, ch. Edmund, bur. --- --, 1789. PR1

_____, d. Stephen, Mar. 3, 1792, a. 3 m. CR4

_____, ch. _____, bur. Sept. 24, 1796. PR1

_____, wid., bur. Sept. 13, 1827, a. 58 y. PR1

Amelia d. Joshua, May 3, 1836, a. 21 y.

Amos, s. John, sr., Oct. 15, 1775, a. 19 y. CR4

Amos Currier, s. Merrill and Hannah, July 21, 1810, a. 11 m. 16 d.

Anna, bur. --- --, 1788. PR1

Anne w. Anthony, Mar. 9, 1679-80.

Anthony, Ens., May 17, 1710. [in his 48th y. GR2]

Anthony, s. Caleb, Aug. 14, 1758.

Affe, bur. Oct. 8, 1791. PR1

Charles Sumner, s. Daniel S. and Esther T., Feb. 4, 1849, a. 14 d.

Clary d. Stephen, Jan. 29, 1788, a. 5 y. CR4

Daniel, s. John, Apr. 10, 1792, a. 18 y. CR4

Dorothy w. Timothy, Mar. 9, 1751, in her 50th y. GR7

Edmund, Feb. 15, 1813, a. 8 y.

Edmund, bur. Feb. 1, 1817, a. 47 y. PR1

Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1655.

Elizabeth w. Anthony, jr., July 29, 1667.

Elizabeth w. Lt. Anthony, jr., Feb. 25, 1677.

Betty d. Stephen, Sept. 17, 1776, a. 2 y. 3 m. CR4

Hannah d. John, Dec. 22, 1800, a. 37 y. CR4

Humphrey, s. Joseph and Olive, Apr. 4, 1836, a. 28 y.

John, s. Samuel, Dec. 8, 1745. CR2

John, Sept. 10, 1777, a. 69 y. GR7

John, bur. Dec. 4, 1815, a. 64 y. PR1

Joseph, small pox, Jan. 15, 1678.

Joseph, s. John and Dorothy, at Londonderry on his way home from Halestown, Aug. 10, 1794, a. 19 y. 8 m. CR4

Joseph Warren, farmer, s. Joseph and Olive, consumption, Mar. 24, 1849, a. 28 y. 10 m.

Joshua, s. Joshua, July 1, 1686.

Lidia d. Anthony, May 19, 1645. [1648. S. dup]

Lydia, wid. John, May 7, 1795, a. 83 y. [a. 81 y. GR7]

Lydia, wid. John, and d. Oliver and Lydia Clark, Feb. 24, 1835, a. 80 y.

Maria w. Nathaniel, Sept. --, 1844, a. 25 y.

Mary d. Robert, Nov. 23, 1658.

Mary d. Anthony [sr. CTR], June 14, 1662.

Olive w. Joseph, May --, 1838, a. 51 y.

Robert, s. Robert and Polly, Mar. 24, 1816. [a. 7y. CR1]

Ruth [d. Anthony, jr. CTR], July 24, 1661.

Sara d. Joseph, July 7, 1677.

Sara d. Benjamin, Jan. --, 1678.

Sarah, wid., Caleb, at Salem, NH, Dec. 11, 1814, a. 100 y. 3 m. "wanting" 1 d. [1815. PR7]

Sarah, Feb. 9, 1819.

Sally, --- --, 1843, a. 80 y.

Stephen, Mar. 7, 1740, a. 40 y. CR2 [in his 38th y. GR15]

Susanna w. Benjamin, 3d, Mar. 13, 1709.

Timothy, Dec. 10, 1659.

Timothy, Jan. --, 1789, a. 89 y. 4 m. CR4

William, Nov. 29, 1683.

MORSS (Morse)

Abil, jr., Feb. 5, 1740.

Anthony, Feb. 7, 1729, in his 41st y. GR15

Anthony, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 9, 1736.

Benjamin, jr. July 22, 1743, a. 74 y. 10 m. 26 d. [Oct. 28. CR2]

Benjamin, Oct. 26, 1743, in his 76th y. GR15

Bethiah w. Samuel, June 13, 1726. [in her 29th y. GR15]

Caleb, Apr. 24, 1749. [a. 38 y. 1 m. 8 d. GR7]

Caleb, s. Caleb and Sarah, June 22, 1840, a. 95 y. 5 m. 14 d.

David, s. Moses and Anne, Feb. 27, 1744. [a. 1 y. CR2]

Eliphalet, s. Caleb and Sarah, July 14, 1749.

Elisabeth d. Daniel and Elisabeth, July 1, 1736.

Elisabeth w. Dea. Stephen, Nov. 16, 1762, in her 64th y. GR6

Enoch, July 20, 1738, in her 2d y. GR6

Isaac, Sept. 27, 1754, in his 40th y. GR15

James Ordway, Capt., June 14, 1762, in his 29th y. GR7

John, s. Anthony and Judith, Dec. 2, 1816, a. 73 y. 10 m. 27 d.

Joshua, s. Benjamin, 3d and Susanah, June 26, 1699.

Joshua, s. Benjamin, jr., Aug. 4, 1728.

Joshua, s. Joshua and Rebekah, Mar. 8, 1767.

Judeth d. Caleb and Sarah, June 2, 1749.

Judeth d. John, Mar. 7, 1756.

Lidia w. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1689.

Margaret d. Anthony and Betty, Apr. 28, 1766.

Mary w. Philip, Dec. 29, 1727, in her 83d y. GR15

Moody, "died in Country's service," Dec. 25, 1776.

Prudence d. Joshua and Rebekah, July 15, 1770.

Rhoda d. Caleb and Sarah, June 13, 1749.

Ruth d. Anthony and Jude, Dec. 10, 1728, a. 8 w. GR15

Samuel, s. Joshua and Prudence, Dec. 25, 1759, in his 6th y. GR7

Sarah w. Dea. William, Nov. 20, 1750, a. 74 y.

Sarah, wid. Humphrey, May 2, 1844, a. 87 y. 9 m. 19 d.

Stephen, jr., June 1, 1753. [in his 26th y. GR7]

Stephen, Dea., Jan. 8, 1758, a. 62 y. GR6

Susannah w. Benjamin, Oct. 23, 1733, a. 60 y. GR15

William, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 21, 1736.

William, Dea., May 10, 1749, in his 75th y.

MOULTON (Molton)

_____, w. Aaron, bur. Feb. 15, 1789. PR1

_____, d. Joseph and Henrietta, July 19, 1828.

_____, s. Joseph and Henrietta, Apr. 18, 1829.

_____, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. --, 1841.

Aaron, bur. May 20, 1790. PR1

Abigail, wid. Joseph, and d. Daniel and Abigail Noyes, Sept. 8, 1818, a. 73 y.

Cutting, s. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 29, 1729.

Jabez, s. John and Lydia, lost at sea, abt. Mar. 4, 1768.

Johnathan, Jan. 26, 1717.

Joseph, s. William and Lydia, Mar. 12, 1816, a. 72 y.

Joseph, s. John and Ednah, May 7, 1829, a. 30 y.

Judith w. William, and d. Maj. Samuel and Rebekah Noyes, Oct. 23, 1822, a. 43 y.

Theodore W., s. Horace and Julia A. stoppage, June 15, 1845, a. 6 y.


_____, twin chn., Henry, Aug. 11, 1806.

Lydia w. Henry, Feb. 21, 1802.

Lydia M., Sept. 6, 1811.

MULICKEN (Mulliken)

Samuel, June 4, 1756, a. 36 y. GR16

MULLICAN (Mulliken)

_____, inf. ch. Samuel, bur. June 2, 1813. PR1

MULLIKEN (Mulicken, Mullican)

Nathaniel, b. Newburyport, clerk, s. Samuel and Phebe, consumption, Sept. 17, 1848, a. 45 y.

Phebe Parson d. Samuel and Phebe, Nov. 26, 1828. GR2 [a. 21 y. PR1]

Phebe w. Samuel, and d. Capt. Jonathan, b. Nov. 4, 1776 d. Aug. 29, 1836. GR2


William A., Mar. 14, 1841, a. 22 y.


Sarah, wid. James, consumption, Aug. 24, 1848, a. 72 y. 3 m. 29 d.


Alice d. Patrick and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1780, a. 19 m. GR2


John, Jan. 30, 1669.


An w. Daniell, Apr. 21, 1687.

Daniell, s. Daniell, May 19, 1688.

Daniel, Jan. 18, 1710.

MUZZEY (Muzzy)

Joanna w. Joseph, and d. Mathew and Sarah Pettingell, Apr. 15, 1722, a. 40 y. 2 m. 18 d.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Margaret, June 19, 1801, a. 70 y.

Lydia w. Joseph, June 6, 1799, a. 67 y.

Margaret d. Joseph and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1787, a. 22 y.

Peggy, bur. Dec. 20, 1788. PR1

Sarah d. Joseph, jr. and Margaret, Jan. 19, 1735.

MUZZY (Muzzey)

_____, ch. Joseph, Oct. 20, 1676.

Esther d. Joseph [Mar. 14. S. dup.], 1675-6.

Joseph, Dec. 30, 1680.

MYCALL (Mycalle)

Elizabeth, Mrs., b. Nov. 18, 1759 d. June 1, 1845. GR2

John, Esq., bur. Jan. 24, 1833, a. 83 y. PR1

MYCALLE (Mycall)

John, b. Worcester, Eng., --- --, 1750 d. Newburyport, --- --, 1835. GR2