NorthShore Slavery


Thomas, Nov. 24, 1650.


Betsy, w. Enoch, and d. Josiah and Prudence Bartlett, Oct. 25, 1807, a. 30 y. GR6

Hannah, Mrs., Sept. 20, 1782, in her 72d y. GR6 [a. 71 y. 7 m. CR4]

Sarah, wid. William, May 30, 1834, a. 47 y.


Charles, drowned, between the breakwater and shore, Aug. 13, 1838.

Joseph, Feb. 10, 1728, in his 78th y.

Joseph, Feb. 10, 1728-9, in his 38th y.


J., bur. Jan. 26, 1796. PR1


Hardy P., Mar. 13, 1841, a. 36 y.

Joseph, Sept. --, 1834, a. 27 y.


Rebecca, Oct. 15, 1657.


John, Nov. 23, 1653.

ELIOT (Elliot)

_____, w. Skipper, childbirth [bef. Dec. 16, 1750]. CR3

Sarah, d. Skipper and Mary, Sept. 20, 1742, a. 6 w. GR16

Skipper, s. Skipper and Mary, July 17, 1738, a. 1 d. GR16

ELLIOT (Eliot)

Jonathan, Maj., Nov. 24, 1811, a. 38 y.

Mary, d. Capt. Jeremiah, Aug. 9, 1815.

Sophronia, d. Maj. Jonathan, Dec. 8, 1811.

Sophronia E., d. Benjamin C. and Sophronia, Sept. 10, 1849, a. 9 m. 12 d. GR14

Susanna H., w. Jeremiah, Aug. 4, 1820, a. 32 y.


_____, ch. Hannaniel, June 21, 1740, a. 3 m. CR2

_____, w. Hananiel, July 18, 1762.

Abel, Aug. 16, 1806.

Ann, wid. Joseph, Dec. 27, 1798.

Hananiel, Dec. 7, 1776.

John, Lt., Mar. 6, 1745, a. 88 y. [a. 85 y. CR2]

Joseph, s. John and Judith, Dec. 17, 1783, a. 86 y.

Molly, d. Watts, May 11, 1847, a. 85 y.

William, s. Jesse and Mary, Sept. 20, 1824, in his 3d y.

EMERY (Emrey)

_____, wid. John, Mar. 11, 1773, a. 76 y.

_____, w. John, bur. Mar. 11, 1785. PR1

Abigail, w. David, Aug. 29, 1758, in her 38th y. GR7

Amos, s. Moses and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1810, a. 52 y. 5 m. 27 d.

Ann, wid. Amos, Nov. 19, 1818. [a. 61 y. GR7]

Anthony, s. Edward and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1730.

Anthony, s. Jonathan and Mary, Apr. 6, 1765, a. 80 y. 4 m. 23 d. [Apr. 16, in his 82d y. GR2]

Benjamin, s. Stephen, 3d and Hannah, May 13, 1736. [a. 1 y. GR15]

Charles Horace, Sept. 16, 1808, a. 2 y. 5 m. GR8

Daniel, Jan. 28, 1729, in his 36th y. GR15

Daniel, Jan. 24, 1760, in his 26th y. GR15

David, s. David and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1734.

David, s. Edward and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1735.

David, s. David and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1737.

David, s. John and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1778, in his 69th y. [a. 68 y. 9 m. CR4]

David, Oct. 28, 1785, a. 22 y. 6 m. CR4 [Oct. 21. GR7]

Eliphalet, Dr., s. Stephen, 3d and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1773, a. 25 y. 3 m.

Elizabeth, w. John, Jan. 28, 1791, a. 46 y. GR7

Elizabeth, w. Thomas, May 29, 1803. PR37

Betsey Caroline, Feb. 9, 1810, a. 1 y. 2 m. GR8

Enoch, s. Capt. Stephen, Jan. 30, 1760.

Eunice Mary, Feb. 17, 1832, a. 23 y. PR36

Flavius, s. Flavius and Elizabeth, Feb. 22, 1830, a. 8 m. PR37

Flavius, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, Mar. 5, 1830, a. 32 y.

Hannah, w. Daniel, Oct. 15, 1719. [in her 41st y. GR15]

Hannah, w. John, Oct. 4, 1732, in her 51st y. GR7

Hannah, d. Stephen, 3d and Hannah, Nov. 7, 1737.

Hannah, w. Anthony, Apr. 6, 1760, a. 77 y. 5 m. 24 d.

Hannah, w. Col. Stephen, Jan. 11, 1779.

Jane, d. [Lt. GR15] John, jr. and Mehitable, June 19, 1736. [in her 7th y. GR15]

John, sr., Nov. 3, 1683.

John, July 14, 1730. [in his 74th y. GR15]

John, s. John, jr. and Mehitable, Aug. 1, 1736. [Aug. 16, in his 15th y. GR15]

John, jr. [Lt. GR15], June 30, 1750. [in his 64th y. GR15]

John, s. Jonathan, Aug. 24, 1759, in his 82d y.

John, s. David and Abigail, June 15, 1772, a. 37 y. 4 m. 29 d.

John, bur. Dec. 8, 1794. PR1

John, July 27, 1821, a. 52 y. PR1

Jonathan, Sept. 29, 1723.

Joseph, s. Stephen, 3d and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1740.

Josiah, Mar. 16, 1718. [in his 39th y. GR15]

Josiah, s. John, jr. and Mehitable, June 4, 1736.

Judith, Apr. 2, 1845, a. 83 y. GR2

Lucy Emily, Feb. 8, 1813, a. 3 m. 19 d. GR8

Lydia, wid. Lt. Moses, July 11, 1800, a. 83 y.

Margaret, w. John, Aug. 12, 1788, in her 43d y.

Mary, wid. John, sr., Apr. 28, 1694.

Mary, w. John, Nov. 3, 1699.

Mary, wid. Sergt. John, Feb. 3, 1709.

Mary, w. Jonathan, Sept. 13, 1723.

Mary, w. David, Sept. 12, 1778, in her 66th y.

Mehitabel, d. John [and Mehetabal. GR15], June 29, 1739, a. 15 y. CR2

Moses, May 24, 1784, a. 36 y. 11 m. CR4

Moses, Lt., s. John, 3d and Mehetable, Apr. 11, 1789, a. 73 y.

Nathan, s. Moses and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1777, a. 27 y. 3 m. 19 d.

Nathaniel, s. Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1812. PR36

Nathaniel, s. Stephen, 3d and Hannah, at West Newbury, July 14, 1821, a. 80 y. 10 m. 21 d.

Rebekah, w. John, Oct. 19, 1753, in her 74th y.

Rufus, Nov. 13, 1819. PR36

Ruth, wid. Stephen, Jan. 9, 1764, a. 92 y.

Samuel, s. Daniel and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1720. [Mar. 13. dup.]

Sarah, w. Stephen, jr., Nov. 4, 1777, in her 36th y.

Sarah, w. Lt. Nathaniel, Dec. 22, 1783, in her 30th y.

Stephen, s. Jonathan, Oct. 8, 1688.

Stephen, Ens., s. John and Mary, Feb. 3, 1747, a. 80 y. 4 m. 27 d.

Stephen, Col., s. Stephen and Ruth, Sept. 16, 1795, a. 85 y. 2 m.

Stephen, s. Stephen, jr. and Lydia, Apr. 16, 1799, a. 79 y. 5 m. 4 d.

Tappan, s. Moses and Sarah, May 14, 1777, a. 6 y. and abt. 4 m. CR4

Tappan, inf. ch. Moses, July 18, 1777,. CR4

Thomas, s. David and Abigail, Nov. 21, 1770, in his 21st y. GR7

EMREY (Emery)

Josiah, s. John and Mehitebel, Dec. 8, 1729, in his 12th y. GR15


Abigail, w. Stephen, Aug. 20, 1774, a. 41 y. CR4

Hannah, d. Stephen, Jan. 29, 1780, a. 19 y. 1 m. CR4

Hannah, w. William [and d. Caleb and Mary Morss,. GR7], Mar. 15, 1814, in her 32d y.

Stephen, July 26, 1776, a. 4 y. CR4


Tamzene, Miss., on her way to California, --- --, 1846 or 7. CR1

William, Capt., "a Revolutionary pensioner," Feb. 15, 1843, a. 87 y.


_____, ch. Thomas, bur. Dec. 22, 1787. PR1

_____, ch. Thomas, bur. Oct. 10, 1802. PR1

_____, ch. David, bur. Jan. 20, 1820, a. 1 y. PR1

_____, inf. ch. William, bur. Sept. 10, 1823. PR1

_____, ch. David, jr., bur. Nov. 17, 1834, a. 16 m. PR1

Henry, s. Thomas and Prudence [at sea. GR2], Sept. 27, 1807. [a. 23 y. GR2]

Margaret M., d. Thomas and Prudence, Dec. 21, 1786, a. 4 m. GR2

Mary G., w. David, at Newburyport, July 14, 1839, a. 57 y.

Prudence, w. Thomas, July 7, 1837, a. 74 y. GR2

Richard S., s. Thomas and Prudence, May 3, 1788, a. 4 m. GR2

Samuel Thomas, s. Thomas and Prudence, Aug. 12, 1801. [a. 1 y. GR2]

Samuel Thomas, s. Thomas and Prudence, Oct. 9, 1802. [a. 10 w. GR2]

Thomas, Mar. 7, 1835, a. 74 y. GR2


_____, w. Thomas H., Jan. 25, 1819.

EWELL (Ewill)

Louisa Lord, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 21, 1839, a. 10 m. GR14

Perez, Mar. 14, 1842, a. 72 y. GR14


Betsey, w. Thomas, Apr. 23, 1843, a. 71 y.

EWILL (Ewell)

John, July ult., 1686.