NorthShore Slavery


Samuel, and Elizabeth Stiles, Oct. 5, 1771.


Elisabeth, and Elijah Gould [both of Topsfield. CR], Sept. 17, 1789.

Hannah, of Topsfield, and Eri B. Tyler, int. June 10, 1848.

Lydia, and Benjamin Knight, Oct. 14, 1777.

Silas, and Phebe Batchelder, both of Topsfield, Apr. 17, 1817. CR


Eunice, and Richard Thomas, Dec. 2, 1731.

Mary, and William Bradford, Jan. 18, 1737.

Mary, and Benjamin Wilkins, Aug. 26, 1740.

Molly, and Elijah Upton, Aug. 29, 1753.

Patince, and Solomon Wilkins, Oct. 29, 1730.

Sarah, and Francis Carrol, May 5, 1742.


John, and Eunice Wilkins, June 17, 1741.

John, and Lydia Dale [Deal. int.] of Danvers, at Danvers, Jan. 10, 1789.*

Jonathan, and Betty Wilkins, July --, 1765.

Lydia [Mrs. int.], and John Dale, Jan. 25, 1801.*

Margaret, and William Estey, Nov. 29, 1810.*

Marjery, and Richard Tarr, July 20, 1749.

Martha, and Jeremiah Upton, July 18, 1745.

Sarah, and Asa Wilkins, Oct. 24, 1753.

Winthrop, and Sally Holt of Reading, int. Feb. 26, 1813.


Ebenezer W., and Martha M. Caskin, Jan. 22, 1837.*


Hannah, of Northampton, and Jeremiah Upton, int. --- --, 1845.


Nancy Ann, and Herman Richardson, int. Aug. 30, 1845.


Daniel, and Hannah Marstin, Oct. 31, 1765.

John, jr. [of Andover. int.], and Phebe Berry, July 5, 1827.*


Joshua, and Sarah Perkins, Apr. 3, 1770.

LOVEKIN (Lufkin)

Mehitable, wid., of Andover, and Abner Wilkins, at Andover, July 14, 1785.


Mary Ann, and Nehemiah Balch of Topsfield, int. Mar. 21, 1829.


Thomas [Lowell. DC], and Eunice Putnam, Sept. 19, 1743.


Porter, of Amherst, NH, and Rebecca Smith, int. July 17, 1789.


Stephen, shoemaker, of Stoneham, and Caroline Wilkins, d. Jesse and Peggy, Nov. 23, 1846.*