NorthShore Slavery

YEATEN (Yeaton)

Jacob, and Elizabeth Collier, Feb. 5, 1756.

YEATON (Yeaten, Yeatton, Yetten)

Margaret [Mrs. int.], and Thomas Cummins, July 26, 1778.*

YEATTON (Yeaton)

Hannah, and Stephen Field of Portsmouth, int. June 30, 1798.


Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Bartlett, Apr. 14, 1741.

Molly, of Salem, and Israel Eaton, int. July 3, 1794.

Polly, and John Nimblet, int. Apr. 13, 1803.

Polly, and Robert Atkins, Sept. 22, 1805.*

YETTEN (Yeaton)

Richard, and Mary Gould, Feb. 28, 1771.*


Deborah, and Benjamin Diamond, Aug. 2, 1752.


George, and Ann Murfy, June 16, 1696.

Jacob, and Rachel Ferguson, Jan. 4, 1763.

Stephen [of Providence. int.], and Elizabeth Osburn, Dec. 8, 1786.*

David S., and Eliza Thayer, Nov. 8, 1831.*

Melinda, and John Phillips, Apr. 29, 1841.*