NorthShore Slavery

DAE (Day)

_____, ch. Wingate N. and Mary, Aug. 21, 1826.

DALEY (Dayley)


Sally, w. Peter O., d. Joseph Duncan, Sept. 7, 1818, a. 20 y.


Samuel, s. James and Joannah, Aug. 31, 1716. CR1

Joannah, --: 7m: 1722. CR1

Joannah, w. James, --: 4m: 1730. CR1

Henry, s. Benjamin, Sept. 1, 1743, a. 2 y. 3 m. 6 d. GR1

James, --: 5m: 1750. CR1

Martha, wid. Benjamin, jr., June 26, 1762, a. 31 y. GR1

John, s. Benjamin and Eliner, Jan. 22, 1775, a. 20 y. 11 m. GR1

Benjamin, sr., June 12, 1777, a. 66 y. 9 m. GR1

Joseph, s. Benjamin, deceased, Feb. 12, 1809.

David, Nov. 28, 1835, a. 28 y. [Nov. 26. GR4]


Thomas, s. John and Lydia, bur. Aug. 5, 1736. CR3

Sarah, w. William, Sept. 6, 1797, a. 47 y. 1 m. 21 d. GR2

Job, Sept. 1, 1802, a. 53 y. 8 m. GR4

William, jr., s. William and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1803, a. 5 y. 21 d. GR4

William, 3d, s. William and Hannah [consumption. PR1], May 1, 1812, a. abt. 9 y. [May 2. PR1]

John, "Suddenly, at the lower end of the Town, formerly of Boston," Sept. 18, 1819.

John, "of Convulsion Fits," July 21, 1827.

William, "drowned Out of the Scho Friendship," at Sandy Bay, rec. Nov. 23, 1830, a. 60 y. [1831. PR8]

Elisabeth, at the poorhouse, Aug. 1, 1836, a. 60 y. [a. 45 y. CR3]

_____, s. John, Oct. 8, 1838, a. 28 d.

Joseph, brother of Samuel, lost at sea, Sch. Mary and Hannah, --- --, 1839. PR8

Samuel, brother of Joseph, lost at sea, Sch. Mary and Hannah, --- --, 1839. PR8

DAY (Dae)

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Hannah, consumption, Oct. 25, 1848, a. 1 y. 10 m. 17 d.

Samuel K., s. Benjamin and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1848, a. 7 m.


Eleanor, wid. Jonathan, at the poorhouse, Feb. 7, 1817. [a. 88 y. PR1]

Mary, d. the late Jonathan and Eleanor [cancer. PR1], at the poorhouse, Feb. 27, 1817. [a. 50 y. PR1]

Jonathan, consumption, Nov. 8, 1819, a. abt. 63 y. [a. 68 y. PR1]

Deborah, wid. Peter, Mar. 23, 1831, a. 64 y.

Deborah, Apr. 17, 1838, a. 72 y.


Mary, Oct. 4, 1837, a. 60 y.

DENIS (Dennis)

Sally, wid. [Capt. GR1] Daniel, lung fever, Apr. 4, 1844, a. 56 y. 2 m.

DENNIES (Dennis)

John, sexton, Dec. 27, 1831, a. 53 y.

DENNIS (Denis, Dennies)

James, sr., --: 9m: 1730, a. 94 y. CR1

Sarah, --- --, 1735. CR1

Mary, d. Capt. John D. and Rebecca, Oct. 11, 1769, a. 2 y. GR1

Mary, d. Capt. John D. and Rebecca, Aug. 25, 1775. GR1

Hannah, w. John, d. Edward and Elizabeth Fettyplace, July 15, 1778, a. 24 y. GR1

John, bur. May 12, 1781. PR18

Mary, d. Jonas and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1781, a. 1 y. 10 m. GR1

Sally, d. Jonas and Sarah, Sept. 1, 1792, a. 2 w. GR1

Johannah, w. Amos, jr., Sept. --, 1795. CR1

James, s. Capt. John D. and Rebecca, Oct. 26, 1795, a. 19 y. GR1

Elizabeth, w. Benjamin, Apr. 27, 1796, a. 24 y. 6 m. 11 d. GR1

Sarah, wid., at Newbury, VT, July 17, 1798. CR1

Mary, d. Jonas and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1802, a. 20 y. GR1

Rebecca, w. Capt. John D., d. Capt. Edward Hales, deceased, Aug. 9, 1807.

Daniel, Capt., "of the Brig Washington, at the Havanna," rec. Jan. 27, 1811.

_____, ch. William and Mary, Sept. 7, 1811.

Edward, s. Capt. John D. and Rebecca, "Drowned out the Privateer Schooner Industry, Joseph Mudge Capt," rec. Oct. 1, 1812. [ Sept. 30, a. 20 y. PR1]

_____, ch. John, 3d and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1813.

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Grace, Feb. 3, 1814. [Feb. 10, a. 5 d. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. John, Aug. 23, 1814. PR1

Betsey, d. Capt. Jonas [and Sarah. GR1], consumption, Mar. 2, 1815. [Mar. 1, a. 30 y. 6 m. GR1]

Jonas, jr., s. Capt. John D. and Rebecca, "Drowned out of Capt Widgers Sloop on Odiornes point, near Portsmouth," rec. Jan. 10, 1816.

John Devereux, Capt., "of a Paralitick Complaint," Sept. 15, 1816, a. 77 y.

Hannah, wid. James, nurse, Dec. 15, 1817. [a. 70 y. PR1]

Sarah, w. Capt. Jonas, consumption, June 26, 1818, a. 70 y. [June 24, a. 66 y. 6 m. GR1;, a. 50 y. PR1]

John, "Mate of the Brig Joseph, John Johnson, Master," at Martineco, rec. Oct. 11, 1818.

Abigail, w. William, d. Nicholass [and Susannah. GR2] Quiner [childbed. PR1], Nov. 3, 1818. [a. 27 y. 1 m. 7 d. GR2]

John Devereux, s. John D. and Sally, Jan. 2, 1819. [Jan. 8, a. 2 y. PR1]

James, s. John D. and Lois, "in the Schooner with Capt. Stevenson," rec. Sept. 6, 1819.

John, grand s. the late Valentine Tedder, consumption [fits. PR1], Nov. 17, 1820. [Nov. 16, a. 38 y. PR1]

John, illegitimate, grand s. the late Hannah, Nov. 25, 1820.

_____, ch. John and Anna [quinsy. PR1], Dec. 15, 1820, a. abt. 2 y. [a. 3 y. PR1]

William, at sea, --- --, 1821, a. 39 y. GR1

Mary, w. Capt. William, childbed, June 28, 1821. [a. 28 y. PR1;, a. 32 y. GR1]

Benjamin, "in an Advanced Age" [cancer. PR1], Oct. 5, 1821. [a. 85 y. PR1]

William, "Master of Scho Boys, Never heard of after Sailing from Charlestown, a year ago," rec. Feb. 17, 1822.

Mary, wid. James, Jan. 15, 1823. [a. 70 y. PR1]

Thomas, "of a Lingering disorder," Feb. 11, 1823. [a. 50 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Mary, Oct. 27, 1823.

_____, wid. Benjamin, Dec. 12, 1823, a. 81 y. [a. 79 y. PR1]

Lydia, d. John and Sarah, lung fever, Feb. 9, 1825, a. 18 y. [a. 17 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Benjamin and Louisa, Aug. 21, 1825.

Jonas, fever, at Havanna, Oct. --, 1825, a. 25 y. PR1

Sarah, wid. Capt. James, at the poorhouse, May 2, 1826.

John, mortification, Mar. 19, 1827, a. 83 y.

Lois, w. John D., consumption, Mar. 2, 1828, a. 58 y.

Charity, unm., at the poorhouse, Aug. 30, 1830.

John D., lost at sea, Sch. Splendid, --- --, 1831. PR8

Betsey, Feb. 20, 1834, a. 84 y.

Jonas, Apr. 4, 1835, a. 88 y. 15 d. [Apr. 2. GR1]

_____, ch. John, Apr. 9, 1835, a. 4 y.

[Loisa Jane. CR3], d. Benjamin, June 19, 1836, a. 4 m.

_____, ch. still born, James, Dec. 28, 1837.

_____, d. Jonas, Aug. 18, 1841, a. 2 y.

David, s. David and Ruth, suddenly, June 11, 1842, a. 2 y. 3 m.

John, seaman, consumption, at Portsmouth, rec. Aug. 6, 1842, a. 38 y.

John, s. David and Ruth, disease of head, July 21, 1843, a. 7 y.

_____, d. Humphrey and Abigail, consumption, Feb. 23, 1845, a. 2 m.

Samuel H., s. Benjamin and Louisa, croup, Apr. 16, 1845, a. 4 y. 1 m.

_____, d. still born, Humphrey and Margaret, Oct. 5, 1845.

_____, d. Benjamin and Louisa, canker, Feb. 9, 1846, a. 17 d.

Franklin, s. Benjamin and Louisa, croup, Feb. 18, 1846, a. 3 y.

_____, s. David and Ruth, whooping cough, May 8, 1846, a. 14 d.

Sarah Lydia, d. John C. and Louisa, consumption, May 28, 1846, a. 4 y. 24 d.

_____, twin sons, Benjamin and Louisa, "infantile," Oct. 1, 1846, a. 1 d.

_____, s. still born, David and Ruth, July 10, 1847.

Mary Elisabeth, d. Humphrey and Margaret, spasms, Oct. 29, 1847, a. 1 y.

Samuel F., s. Benjamin and Louisa, dysentery, Sept. 14, 1848, a. 5 m.

Thomas, unm., mariner, s. Benjamin and Louisa, cholera morbus, Sept. 23, 1848, a. 20 y.

_____, s. still born, David and Ruth, Jan. 6, 1849

_____, s. still born, Humphrey and Margaret, Feb. 7, 1849.

Rebecca, wid. Jonas, dysentery, Sept. 21, 1849, a. 71 y. 1 m.


_____, wid., Mar. 25, 1842.

DEVEREUX (Devereaux)

Humphrey, Dr., Dec. 3, 1773, a. 42 y. 11 m. 22 d.

John, jr., s. Joseph, Jan. 3, 1788, a. 39 y. GR2

Ruth Ruddock, d. Nathaniel K. and Tabitha, Sept. 10, 1795, a. 1 y. 1 m. GR1

Joseph, Feb. 20, 1796, a. 70 y. GR2

Mary, w. John, Oct. 26, 1796, a. 41 y. GR2

Mary K., d. Nathaniel King and Tabitha, May 17, 1802, a. 1 y. 4 m. 3 d. GR1

Ruth, wid. Ralph, Feb. 27, 1809, a. 97 y.

Ralph, Capt., s. the late Robert, "at Martineco, with Capt Nathl Thrasher, Recd the News," Oct. 6, 1809.

Elisha G., s. Benjamin P. and Elizabeth Gatchel, "on board Scho Tom, Heny Quiner," rec. Oct. 12, 1810.

John, Capt., "of a Lingering Disorder [palsy. PR1], Dec. 14, 1812 [a. 37 y. PR1;, a. 36 y. GR2]

Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel K. and Tabitha [consumption. PR1], Oct. 11, 1814. [Oct. 14, a. 22 y. PR1]

Sarah, wid. Burrill, June 9, 1816.

James, s. Nathaniel and Tabitha, "thrown out of a Carriage," rec. Nov. 25, 1819.

_____, inf. ch. Robert and Alice B., Feb. 25, 1821. [a. 2 1/2 y. PR1]

_____, w. Samuel, Jan. 20, 1822, a. 66 y.

Samuel, old age, May 20, 1822, a. 83 y.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin P. and Elizabeth, suddenly, July 3, 1822. [a. 37 y. PR1]

[Ruth. PR1], wid. Robert [Nathaniel. PR1], suddenly, Jan. 4, 1823. [a. 84 y. PR1]

Susanna, wid. Joseph ["the oldest person in town. " PR1], Mar. 20, 1823. [a. 93 y. PR1]

Betsey [Hill, d. John Leach. GR4], wid. Capt. John, consumption, Sept. 26, 1826. [ Sept. 25, a. 48 y. GR4]

Mary, d. Capt. John and Mary, May 6, 1828, a. 49 y.

Mehitable, w. [Capt. GR3] Nickelson B., fever, June 25, 1828, a. 44 y. [June 24. GR3]

[Mary. GR3], d. [Capt. GR3] Nicholson B. and Mehitable, July 19, 1828, a. 4 m. [a. 6 m. GR3]

Benjamin Potter, fever, Nov. 16, 1831, a. 77 y.

Robert, jr., lost at sea, --- --, 1834. GR1

Robert [jr. PR8], "at sea, Schr Van Buren," Jan. 2, 1836. [1835. PR8]

Joseph N., "on board Ship Asia," Oct. 6, 1836, a. 26 y. GR2

Elisabeth, wid. Benjamin, Apr. 23, 1841, a. 83 y.

Alice, wid. Ralph, fits, Oct. 4, 1845, a. 69 y. 8 m.

Robert, unm., fisherman, s. Robert, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Pacific," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 17 y.


William, at sea, --- --, 1809, a. 30 y. GR6

Betsey, d. William and Betsey, consumption, Oct. 17, 1817. [a. 12 y. PR1]


Michael, "on board Schr Bold Runner, Capt. Young," Feb. 2, 1842.

DISMORE (Dessmore, Dissmore)

John, s. Joseph Peach, Sept. 23, 1806.

Joseph Peach, bilious disorder, Oct. 5, 1817, a. 63 y. [a. 65 y. PR1]

Sarah, wid. Joseph, consumption, June 25, 1825. [a. 70 y. PR1]

William, at St. Jago de Cuba, June 26, 1827.

_____, ch. Thomas and Mary, suddenly, Apr. 26, 1832.

_____, ch. Joseph, July 27, 1832, a. 6 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas, Aug. 8, 1834, a. 1 y. 3 m. 13 d.

_____, ch. Thompson, Sept. 7, 1836, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. Thomas, Sept. 28, 1837, a. 9 m.

_____, ch. Jonathan T., June 23, 1838, a. 3 y. 6 m.

[James B. CR3], s. Joseph, jr., Sept. 14, 1838, a. 2 y. 2 m.

_____, ch. Thomas, Apr. 20, 1839, a. 10 m.

_____, ch. still born, J.T., May 26, 1839.

Mary B., w. Joseph, dropsy, Feb. 5, 1843, a. 49 y.

_____, d. Jonathan T. and Elisabeth, croup, Nov. 4, 1844, a. 3 y.

DISSMORE (Dismore)

Betsey, w. Thomas, Dec. 31, 1828, a. 25 y. 5 m. 17 d. GR3

James B., s. Joseph and Polly, July 26, 1832.

Mary, w. Thomas, Apr. 14, 1840, a. 26 y. 25 d.

Francis [B. CR5], w. James, Aug. 6, 1840.

_____, inf. ch. Thompson, Aug. 16, 1840, a. 2 d.

Benjamin P., unm., cordwainer, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, consumption, Dec. 18, 1846, a. 25 y.

Benjamin, s. Thomas, dropsy in the head, Nov. 16, 1848.

Betsey Atkins, d. Thomas and Mary, consumption, Sept. 24, 1849, a. 19 y. 3 m. [ Sept. 22 CR5]

DIXCY (Dixey)

John, Dea., Aug. --, 1737, a. 85 y. CR1

Sarah, Aug. --, 1737, a. 82 y. CR1

Lois, d. David and Annis, May 9, 1756, a. 2 y. 9 m. 27 d. GR1

David, s. David and Annis, July 3, 1756, a. 6 m. 27 d. GR1

John, suicide, Aug. 12, 1807.

Rebeckah, wid. Capt. Richard, Nov. 9, 1807. [a. 61 y. GR1]

John, small, s. Thomas and Cinthia, Apr. 14, 1808.

_____, ch. Edward, May 13, 1808, a. abt. 18 m.

John, s. John, Aug. 29, 1808, a. abt. 16 y.

_____, d. John, May 24, 1809.

Peter, s. Peter and Mary, "Drowned at New York, Out of Gun Boat, No 8 being Overset," rec. Aug. 4, 1814. [Aug. 9, a. 15 y. PR1]

Thomas, s. the late Capt. John and Tabitha, suddenly [fever. PR1], Sept. 11, 1814. [a. 40 y. PR1]

Mary, w. Peter, consumption, May 12, 1816.

John T. [Lt. PR1], s. the late Capt. John and Tabitha, at Wilmington, NC, Mar. 6, 1817. [a. 25 y. PR1]

William Ovid, s. [Capt. PR1] John and Rebeca, Jan. 19, 1818, a. 3 y. 5 m.

_____, wid. William, "formerly at the Ferry," Mar. 2, 1819, a. 89 y. [Mar. 5, a. 91 1/2 y. PR1]

Woodward, s. Capt. John and Tabitha, "on his passage from Havanna," rec. June --, 1824.

_____, inf. ch. Peter and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1825. [a. 1 w. PR1]

_____, ch. Capt. Walston and Eliza, measles, June 1, 1826.

Rebeca, w. Capt. John, "Drowned in the harbour," June 25, 1826.

_____, inf. ch. Peter and Hanah, Oct. 13, 1826.

Peter, consumption, Aug. 6, 1827.

_____, inf. ch. Peter and Hannah, Jan. 11, 1828.

_____, Mrs., at the poorhouse, bur. Jan. 24, 1837, a. 84 y. CR3

DIXEY (Dixcey, Dixcy)

Mary, w. Capt. Thomas, Feb. 2, 1757, a. 35 y. 1 m. GR1

David, s. Capt. David and Anes, Mar. 29, 1760, a. 2 y. 9 m. 15 d. GR1

Rebecca, d. Capt. Richard, July 2, 1776, a. 2 y. 8 m. GR1

Rebecca, d. Capt. Richard, Oct. 27, 1780, a. 1 y. 4 m. GR1

Mary, Apr. 2, 1786. CR1

Richard, Capt., Apr. 10, 1800, a. 56 y. 7 m. GR1

_____, inf. ch. Peter and Hannah, July 10, 1809.

_____, wid. "in a Very advanced Age & Mother of the late Capt. Richd Dixey," Apr. 30, 1811.

Hannah Ireson, d. Peter and Mary, suddenly, Oct. 5, 1813.

Francis, s. John and Elizabeth, "Drowned in the Harbour," Aug. 31, 1817.

_____, inf. ch. Peter and Hannah [dysentery. PR1], Oct. 7, 1823. [a. 5 w. PR1]

_____, ch. Edward, jr. and Betsey, Jan. --, 1831, a. abt. 4 y.

[Hannah S. GR1], d. Richard and Sally, Jan. 27, 1833, a. 7 m. [Jan. 22, a. 4 m. 13 d. GR1]

_____, ch. Richard, Sept. 2, 1835, a. 7 d.

_____, ch. Peter, Nov. 28, 1835, a. 4 d.

Edward, s. Edward and Elisabeth, Aug. 21, 1837, a. 6 y.

Elisabeth, w. Edward, Sept. 8, 1837, a. 35 y. 7 m.

John, 3d, at sea, Oct. 4, 1837.

[Mary J. GR1], d. Richard [and Sally. GR1], Oct. 4, 1837, a. 10 m. [Oct. 2, a. 9 m. 29 d. GR1]

_____, ch. Edward H., Feb. 1, 1838, a. 3 m.

_____, d. Edward H., Feb. 10, 1838, a. 3 m. 15 d.

Thomas, s. Edward and Mary, Apr. 12, 1841, a. 1 y.

_____, s. Richard and Sally, Aug. 3, 1841, a. 3 m.

_____, ch. Richard, Aug. 10, 1842, a. 10 d.

Mary Prime, d. John and Sally B., croup, June 7, 1844, a. 4 y. 6 m.

_____, ch. Edward and Sally, rec. Apr. 28, 1846.

Edward, jr., unm. fisherman, s. Edward, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Sch. Senator," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 20 y.

Edward H., jr., m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Sabine," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 45 y.

John, m., seaman, palsy, Dec. 15, 1846, a. 82 y. 6 m. [a. 82 y. 4 m. GR1]

Harriet, d. Peter, jr. and Harriet, consumption, July 12, 1847, a. 14 y. 1 m. 5 d.

Elisabeth, wid. John, old age, "Dropped down Dead," Apr. 22, 1848, a. 82 y. 20 d. [Apr. 23. GR1]

Sarah, d. Richard and Sally, consumption, June 26, 1848, a. 10 m. 17 d.

_____, d. Richard and Tabitha, Oct. 28, 1848, a. 1 d.


Francis, at Batavia, rec. Aug. 24, 1820.


Hannah, w. James, Nov. 4, 1775, a. 26 y. 6 m. GR1

George, "one of Capt. John A. Salkins hands, at St. Bartholomews," rec. Nov. 12, 1809.

Benjamin, Feb. 4, 1822, a. 87 y. [a. 83 y. PR1]

George, s. George and Sarah, at Savannah [at Havanna. PR1], rec. Sept. 23, 1822. [a. 20 y. PR1]

Mary, wid. Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1831, a. 91 y.

Sarah, w. John, July 17, 1832, a. 46 y.

_____, ch. John and Sarah, July 28, 1832, a. 3 w.

Sarah [R. Story. GR4], d. Michael, July 13, 1834, a. 9 y. 3 m. [July 12 GR4]

Mary, d. John, Sept. 29, 1835, a. 15 y. 7 m.

Benjamin, s. John, Nov. 20, 1836, a. 19 y.

Sarah, wid. George, Dec. 22, 1836, a. 65 y.

Michael, Jan. 11, 1837, a. 41 y. [1836 GR1]

Mary, Mar. 24, 1842, a. 79 y. [Mar. 21, a. 79 y. 20 d. GR1]

Elisabeth, unm., palsy, Nov. 28, 1846, a. 80 y. 10 m.

Elisabeth, unm., d. John, consumption, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 24 y. 8 m.


_____, wid. Thomas, at the poorhouse, Jan. 1, 1822.


Alice, w. Joseph, d. Bartholomew J. Martin, Sept. 10, 1819. [a. 25 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Henry, Dec. 10, 1834, a. 1 d.

_____, ch. Henry H., July 28, 1835, a. 8 m.

DOD (Dodd)

Sarah, --: 7m: 1717. CR1

Priscilla, w. Joseph, --- --, 1730-31. CR1

Sarah, w. Samuell, Aug. 19, 1794. CR1

DODD (Dod)

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 25, 1803, a. 3 m. GR4

Anna, w. Benjamin, d. John and Grace Gibbons, Oct. 1, 1804, a. 42 y. 10 m. GR4

Elizabeth, wid., in the workhouse, Oct. 20, 1806.

Benjamin, "in an advanced age," Sept. 25, 1807.

Benjamin, jr., s. Cornelius P. and Tabitha, Mar. 25, 1809.

_____, grandson Nathaniel and Elizabeth, at the poorhouse, Mar. 18, 1817.

_____, s. Samuel and Jane, May 25, 1818, a. abt. 2 y. [June 1, a. 1 1/2 y. PR1]

Mary, wid. Samuel, d. Thomas Grant [at the poorhouse. PR1], Feb. 6, 1819. [a. 79 y. PR1]

Thomas, s. Cornelius P., "in the ship Saco," rec. Apr. 19, 1820.

_____, s. Cornelius, at sea, Sept. --, 1820, a. 27 y. PR1

Philip, s. Cornelius P. and Tabitha [lung fever. PR1] Oct. 19, 1820, a. 35 y. [a. 36 y. PR1]

Abigail, w. Benjamin N. [formerly Mrs. Nowland. PR1], consumption, Apr. 8, 1822.

Cornelius, jr., s. Cornelius, at Batavia, rec. Apr. 27, 1823.

Mary Owen, d. Thomas [and Mary. GR1; Samuel. PR1], Oct. 4, 1823. [a. 10 y. PR1; Oct. 5, a. 15 y. 10 m. GR1]

Susanna, wid. Thomas, Nov. 20, 1823 [a. 75 y. GR1;, a. 73 y. PR1]

Sally, w. Benjamin, Oct. 2, 1824. [a. 46 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, "of a Daughter of Samuel and Jane Dodd," Sept. 1, 1826.

_____, ch. Samuel and Esther, Sept. 4, 1828, a. abt. 9 m.

Cornelius P., suddenly, Mar. 28, 1829.

Elizabeth, unm., Sept. 17, 1829, a. 74 y.

_____, wid., consumption, Sept. 26, 1829, a. 83 y.

Abigail, Aug. 4, 1832, a. 18 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas, 2d, Apr. 24, 1839, a. 2 y. 2 m.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, May 13, 1841, a. 1 y. 1 m.

Benjamin, at the poorhouse, July 25, 1841, a. 71 y.

_____, d. Samuel, Aug. 12, 1841, a. 1 y. 3 m.

Elisabeth, at the poorhouse, Apr. 26, 1844, a. 82 y.

Jane, w. Samuel, consumption, May 26, 1844, a. 65 y. 4 m. 22 d. [May 27. GR1]

_____, ch. Benjamin and Mary, croup, Jan. 18, 1845, a. 4 m.

William [G. GR6], m., seaman, s. Cornelius and Sally, drowned [Sch. Dorchester. PR8], rec. Feb. 18, 1846, a. 40 y. [1845. PR8]

Benjamin, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Warrior," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 37 y.

Samuel, jr., m., fisherman, s. Samuel and Jane, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Sabine," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 44 y.

Sarah, wid. Cornelius, consumption, Feb. 10, 1847, a. 79 y.

Benjamin N., unm., cordwainer, consumption, Feb. 23, 1847, a. 60 y.

Elisabeth, w. Robert, old age, Mar. 2, 1848, a. 75 y.


Caroline, d. Simeon, July 7, 1840, a. 20 y. 9 m.

_____, d. Simeon, Jan. 10, 1842, a. 2 d.

DOLIBER (Doliver, Dollabar, Dolliber, Dolliver)

Thomas, May 11, 1760, a. 62 y. 6 m. GR1

Sarah, w. _____ (m. 1st. Henry Codner), July 29, 1796. CR1

Thomas, Jan. 10, 1799, a. 36 y. 2 m. 19 d. GR6

Francis, Jan. 29, 1806, a. 47 y. 3 m. GR1

Joseph, jr., Capt., at Boston, May 29, 1807.

_____, w. Joseph, d. John Dennis, deceased, June 18, 1807.

Peter, "in an advanced Age," Sept. 26, 1807. [ Sept. 28, a. 82 y. GR1]

Polly, d. Thomas, Oct. 18, 1807, a. 21 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Francis, July 19, 1808.

_____, inf. ch. Francis and Nancy, Oct. 9, 1808.

Thomas, 3d, "Drowned at Sea Out of the Brig Washington of Salem," rec. Jan. 12, 1810.

Benjamin, s. the late Francis and Martha, "on board the John Adams," rec. Dec. 25, 1814.

Jane, wid. Peter, "in an Advanced Age," Apr. 22, 1815.

Thomas, s. the late Dea. William, consumption, Apr. 30, 1815, a. 58 y.

_____, s. Francis, "went out a Fishing in whale boat on Monday morning last, and it is Supposed lost in a heavy Squall," rec. Sept. 23, 1815.

William, s. the late Francis and Martha, at New Orleans, rec. Sept. 30, 1815.

William, s. the late Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1815. [a. 32 y. GR2]

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Sarah, June 24, 1816.

Richard, s. Capt. John, "at Sea on Board the Ship Saco of Boston," rec. Sept. 8, 1820. [a. 27 y. PR1]

_____, s. John, jr., suddenly, Dec. 6, 1822. [a. 5 y. PR1]

Francis, s. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1823. [a. 14 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Benjamin S. and Lydia, Aug. 27, 1824, a. abt. 2 y.

_____, s. Francis and Nancy, Aug. 14, 1825, a. abt. 6 y.

Joseph, Capt., at the poorhouse, Mar. 3, 1826, a. 77 y.

_____, ch. Benjamin S. and Lydia, July 12, 1826.

_____, ch. Benjamin, sr. and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1826.

William, drowned at sea, Nov. 20, 1826.

Mary, d. Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1827, a. abt. 52 y.

Mary, w. Thomas, jr., consumption, Apr. 4, 1827.

Grace, w. John, jr., suddenly, Aug. 26, 1828, a. 42 y.

_____, ch. John and Grace, Aug. 26, 1828, a. 1 d.

_____, ch. Thomas, Nov. 26, 1831, a. 8 d.

_____, ch. Thomas, July 23, 1832, a. 16 m.

Richard, July 18, 1833, a. 37 y.

Hannah [E. GR1], d. Samuel and Hannah, disease of the spine [b. Oct. 28, 1833. GR1], d. Dec. 8, 1842, a. 9 y. [Dec. 6, a. 9 y. 3 m. GR1]

Richard, Dec. 10, 1833, a. 11 m.

Sarah, Aug. 17, 1835, a. 74 y.

John, suddenly, May 8, 1836, a. 40 y.

William, sr., lost at sea, Sch. Mary and Hannah, --- --, 1839. PR8

William, jr., s. William, skipper, lost at sea, Sch. Mary and Hannah, --- --, 1839. PR8

[John B. GR1], s. Samuel [b. May 5, 1839. GR1], d. Nov. 20, 1840, a. 1 y. [Nov. 25, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR1]

Samuel, s. Samuel, Oct. 25, 1839, a. 1 y. 3 m.

Benjamin, "one of the Crew of Schr Ocean, lost on the passage from Grand Bank," abt. Nov. 8, 1840.

John W., s. Samuel, b. Apr. 12, 1841, d. Nov. 11, 1841, a. 7 m. GR1

Mary E., b. Aug. 2, 1841, d. Oct. 14, 1844. GR1

Elisabeth, wid. [Thomas. GR4;, d. Knott and Anna Martin. GR6], lung fever, May 4, 1843, a. 76 y. [a. 77 y. 5 m. GR6]

_____, d. Samuel and Hannah, croup, Oct. 11, 1844, a. 1 y. 2 m.

Peter, s. Peter and Abigail, dropsy, Mar. 11, 1845, a. 5 y.

Mary C., w. William, consumption, May 29, 1846, a. 75 y.

Thomas, unm., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank Schr Liberty," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 50 y.

Sarah, unm., d. Benjamin and Lydia, consumption, Oct. 2, 1846, a. 18 y.

Joseph, m., seaman, consumption, May 17, 1847, a. 77 y. 4 m. 5 d.

Abigail, w. Thomas, consumption, Dec. 28, 1847, a. 47 y. 6 m.

Sarah, wid. William, old age, Mar. 1, 1849, a. 98 y. 3 m. 22 d.

Sarah, wid. John, palsy, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 81 y.

Elizabeth, w. Thomas, --- --, 1853, a. 46 y. GR4

DOLLIBER (Doliber)

Hannah, w. Peter, jr., July 23, 1797. CR1 [a. 66 y. GR1]

_____, ch. William, jr. and Betsey, measles, Nov. 1, 1821. [a. 2 y. PR1]

Joseph, s. Joseph, measles, "at the Havanna," rec. Nov. 15, 1821.

Mary, w. Thomas P., dysentery, Oct. 10, 1822, a. abt. 65 y. [a. 60 y. PR1]

Betsey, w. William, jr., Nov. 25, 1825.

John, Capt., consumption, Jan. 8, 1829, a. 60 y.

Thomas, Sept. 4, 1830, a. 75 y.

Thomas [lost at sea. GR1], Jan. 30, 1833, a. 42 y. [a. 44 y. GR1]

_____, ch. Richard, Dec. 20, 1833, a. 1 y.

Sally, --- --, 1844. CR4

DOLLIVER (Doliber)

_____, diarrhoea, Aug. --, 1819, a. 3 y. PR1

_____, Mrs., dysentery, Oct. --, 1823, a. 84 y. PR1

_____, ch. Richard L. and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1828, a. 14 m.


Frederick, jr., unm., fisherman, "Drowned near Sable Island Schr Salus," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 17 y.


Elizabeth, wid. Edward, at the poorhouse, Aug. 18, 1819.


William, jr., "Drowned at Sea by falling Overboard," rec. Oct. 12, 1809.

William, at the workhouse, Dec. 4, 1813.


Robert, s. John, "Drowned out of the Schr John, Benjamin Stacey, master, on his Passage home from Bilboa, Recd the News," Nov. 4, 1807.

Hannah, d. John, deceased, June 9, 1808.


William, consumption, Oct. 10, 1825. [a. 58 y. PR1]

Elisabeth, wid. William, Dec. 29, 1845, a. 65 y. 6 m.


John, "on Board the Brig Mentor, at quarentine," June 24, 1816.

DUNKINS (Duncan)

Mary [Mrs. CR3], at the poorhouse, Jan. 31, 1836, a. 42 y.

DUPAH (Dupey)

_____, w. Eli, suddenly, May 9, 1818.

Ann, Jan. 27, 1834, a. 49 y.

DUPEY (Dupah, Dupuy)

Thomas, Capt., "of a lingerin disorder," Nov. 12, 1809.


Stephen, b. Aux Cayes, brain fever, Jan. 15, 1845, a. 18 y. 2 m.

DYAR (Dyer)

_____, ch. Edward and Elisabeth, Sept. 8, 1808.

DYER (Dyar)

Edward, consumption, Apr. 6, 1816.

Edward, s. the late Edward and Elizabeth, "at the Havanna," rec. June 24, 1830.