NorthShore Slavery

OAKES (Oaks)

_____, inf. ch., --- --, 1811. PR1

_____, ch. Jacob and Jane, Aug. 23, 1817, a. bet. 2 and 3 y.

George, lost overboard at sea, July --, 1817. PR1

Jacob, "fell from a Brig's Deck on the Deck of a Lighter," Feb. 2, 1810.

Samuel, s. George and Abigail, May 25, 1795, in his 27th y. GR1

OAKS (Oakes)

Sally, w. Samuel G., cancer, Oct. 8, 1848, a. 52 y.

OGLEBY (Oglebee)

_____, wid. Capt. Nicholass, Dec. 23, 1810.


_____, ch. Thomas and Deborah, Sept. 25, 1827, a. abt. 1 y.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Deborah, June 22, 1831.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Diborah, Apr. 24, 1832.

Diborah, w. Thomas, Apr. 24, 1832, a. 25 y.

Betsey, d. Dr. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 1785, a. 4 y. 4 m. 4 d. GR2

Hannah Maria, d. Richard and Mary, croup, May 18, 1843, a. 2 m. 25 d.

Hannah, wid. James, lung fever, Mar. 22, 1849, a. 77 y. 6 m. 22 d.

James, Mar. 2, 1840, a. 67 y. 11 m. 16 d.

Lucy, d. Isaac, bur. Mar. 20, 1745-6. CR3

Miriam, Jan. 20, 1838, a. 82 y. [Jan. 18. GR4]

Richard, s. Richard and Mary, cholera infantum, Sept. 19, 1845, a. 4 y. 7 m.

Richard, s. Richard and Mary, whooping cough, Mar. 16, 1847, a. 4 m.

Sarah, w. James, d. Capt. Richard Martin [consumption. PR1], Dec. 25, 1823. [a. 50 y. PR1]

Sarah, wid. James [John Brown's wife's mother, influenza. PR1], Feb. 18, 1825, a. 84 y.

Sarah, wid. Thomas, consumption, Jan. 26, 1828, a. 74 y.

Thomas, m., seaman, s. James and Sally, insanity, Dec. 24, 1844, a. 43 y.

Thomas Power, s. Richard and Mary, bowel complaint, Aug. 31, 1845, a. 8 m. 2 d.

O'NEAL (O'Neil)

Catherine, Apr. 9, 1836, a. 12 y.

Rosanna, d. Mr., Dec. 30, 1835, a. 12 y.

O'NEIL (O'Neal)

Terence, "a native of Ireland" laborer, dropsy, Aug. 31, 1843, a. 54 y. 7 m.


Richard, "at the Hospital at Charlestown," consumption, rec. Jan. 5, 1815.

ORN (Orne)

Elizabeth, w. Joshua, Oct. 16, 1753, a. 66 y. CR1

Joshua, July 14, 1758, a. 87 y. CR1 [July 16. GR1]

Joshua, jr., Dea., Nov. 22, 1772, a. 64 y. CR1

Sarah, w. Joshua, jr. [17: GR1], 8m: 1743. CR1 [a. 37 y. GR1]

ORNE (Orn)

_____, young ch. John, jr. and Abigail P., Jan. 31, 1823. [a. 5 m. PR1]

_____, ch. Mr., sudden, Nov. --, 1823, a. 8 m. PR1

_____, ch. John, jr. and Abigail P., Sept. 23, 1824. [a. 14 m. PR1]

_____, ch. Robert and Martha H. [dysentery. PR1], Aug. 2, 1825, a. abt. 2 y. [a. 3 1-2 y. PR1]

_____, ch. illegitimate, Jonathan and Hannah Fisher, Sept. 13, 1828, a. 13 m.

_____, ch. Robert, Dec. 24, 1831, a. 4 m.

_____, ch. Robert, Feb. 18, 1834, a. 15 m.

Abigail, unm., "in an Advanced Age," Jan. 12, 1810. [a. 60 y. GR1]

Abigail P., w. John, jr., consumption, Mar. 25, 1825. [a. 25 y. PR1]

Agnes [Annis, w. Joshua, Esq. GR1] (Gallison, 1st m.), July 14, 1771, a. 61 y. CR1

Azor, Hon., Esq., at Boston, June 6, 1796. CR1

Azor, eldest, s. Col. Joshia and Lucretia, "killed at Margaretta in a Duel," rec. Apr. 19, 1820.

Benjamin, s. Joshua and Elizabth, Aug. 23, 1726. [a. 17 d. GR1]

Calab, s. Joshua and Elizabth, Sept. 1, 1728.

David S., s. William W. and Mary, consumption, June 24, 1848, a. 13 y. 10 m.

George H., s. Col. Joshua and Lucretia, "in the Chesapeak Frigate," rec. Apr. 12, 1813.

John, s. Joshua and Elizabth, Dec. 11, 1722. [a. 1 y. 2 m. GR1]

John, 4th, d. John, jr., "of a Small Pox, at Salem, Caught it at Philadelphia," Dec. 12, 1823.

John, very suddenly, Mar. 31, 1827, a. abt. 61 y.

Jonathan, Esq., July 16, 1758, a. 87 y. GR1

Jonathan, bur. Mar. 29, 1803. PR18 [Mar. 26, a. 58 y. 3 d. GR1]

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Priscilla, Feb. 9, 1804, a. 34 y. 5 m. 9 d. GR1

Jonathan, s. John and Mary [dysentery. PR1], Sept. 25, 1820, a. 14 y.

Joanthan, Sept. 25, 1833, a. 37 y.

Joshua, s. Joshua, June 2, 1772, a. 6 m. GR1

Joshua, Nov. 22, 1772, a. 64 y. GR1

Joshua, s. Joshua, Jan. 27, 1785, a. 37 y. GR1

Joshua, Esq., "at Bourdeaux, in France," Dec. 25, 1805.

Joshua, unm., gentleman, Oct. 15, 1847, a. 62 y.

Lucretia, wid. Col. Joshua, d. the late William Bourne, Esq., Dec. 2, 1818.

Martha Russell, b. Aug. 9, 1801, d. Sept. 26, 1843. GR6

Mary, w. [Joshua. GR1] (m. 1st, Benjamin Stacey), June 30, 1778, a. 66 y. CR1

Mary, w. John, June 30, 1835, a. 60 y. 6 m.

Nancy, wid. Jonathan, Dec. 16, 1826, a. abt. 60 y.

Oliver, s. Joshua and Lucretia, "killed by Lightening on bord the Ship Camillus of Boston," Mar. 19, 1821.

Rebecca, wid. John, at the poorhouse, Mar. 31, 1829, a. 90 y.

Samuel, "hanged himself," Sept. 11, 1764. PR22

Sarah, w. Joshua, jr., Oct. 17, 1743, a. 37 y. GR1

Sarah, wid. John, old age, Aug. 8, 1846, a. 76 y.

Simon, Sept. --, 1761. CR1

Susanna, w. Joshua, May 6, 1772, a. 28 y. 4 m. GR1

William, "lost at sea with Skipper William Cole, Sch. Panther," --- --, 1830. PR8


Sarah, d. John and Deborah, Nov. 17, 1724.