NorthShore Slavery


_____, ch. still born, William, Aug. 3, 1839.

_____, ch. still born, William, May 17, 1842.


Hannah, w. _____, of Londonderry, Jan. 11, 1807.

FARROW (Pharaoh, Pharo)

_____, s. Timothy and Betsey, Oct. 11, 1818, a. abt. 8 y. [a. 10 y. PR1]

Elizabeth, w. Capt. Timothy, Apr. 21, 1847, a. 71 y. GR2

Luther, brother Capt. Timmothy [phthisis. PR1], June 18, 1818. [a. 21 y. PR1]

Timmothy, Capt., very suddenly, Mar. 15, 1820. [b. May 15, 1783, d. June 19, 1820. GR2;, a. 38 y. PR1]


_____, twin sons, Francis and Hannah, June 20, 1769.

_____, wid. Thomas, Feb. 4, 1822, a. 89 y. [a. 87 y. PR1]

_____, ch. John and Betsey, whooping cough, Mar. 25, 1827.

A. Adams, s. John A. and Elizabeth C., Mar. --, 1826, a. 10 m. GR4

Daniel, s. the late Capt. Francis, Dec. 8, 1816, a. 58 y.

Elias Turner, fourth, s. Francis and Hannah, May 17, 1774, a. 25 m. 8 d.

Elizabeth, wid. Samuel, at the poorhouse, June 1, 1826.

Francis, second, s. Francis and Mehetabel, May 24, 1774, a. 19 y. 9 m. 11 d.

[Francis. GR1], ch. Francis and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1813. [a. 26 m. GR1]

Francis, "out of the Scho William, Joseph Wormsted, Master, at Martineco," rec. Sept. 15, 1821. [a. 44 y. PR1]

James, s. James and Mary, "went out a Fishing in whale boat on Monday Morning last, and it is Supposed lost in a heavy Squall, ' rec. Sept. 23, 1815.

John, --- --, 1777, a. 6 m. GR2

John A., s. John A. and Elizabeth C., Nov. --, 1843, a. 20 y. GR4

John, seaman, "at sea Schr Amazon," rec. Jan. 16, 1844, a. 21 y.

Mary, jr., --: 11m: 1718-19. CR1

Mary, third, d. Francis and Mehetabel, Mar. 11, 1757.

Mary [Polly. GR2], w. John [V. GR2], d. the late Edward Stacey, Feb. 17, 1822. [Feb. 24, a. 32 y. GR2;, a. 24 y. PR1]

Mehetabel, first, d. Francis and Mehetabel, Nov. 30, 1751.

Mehetabel, second, d. Francis and Mehetabel, May 23, 1759, a. 7 y. 3 m. 21 d.

Mehetabel, w. Francis, Aug. 6, 1766.

Sarah, w. John, Feb. 18, 1749, a. 63 y. 6 m. GR1

Thomas, fifth, s. Francis and Mehitabel, at sea, suddenly, June 7, 1782.

Thomas, m., fisherman, at Sea, Schr Mugford, supposed Oct. 6, 1847, a. 56 y.


Archebald, s. Mary, Oct. 26, 1684. CR1

George, "Forreigner at St Thomas with Capt Babbage of Salem," rec. Oct. 22, 1810.

Mary, --- --, 1695. CR1

Nancy, old age, at the poorhouse, Feb. 17, 1844, a. 72 y.

FETTYPLACE (Feteplace)

_____, three, inf. chn., --- --, 1778. GR1

_____, s. still born, William and Nancy, Oct. 12, 1847.

Dimond, --- --, 1771. GR1

Edward [Aug. 7. GR1], 1805. CR1 [a. 84 y. GR1]

Edward, at Salem, Jan. 16, 1827, a. 78 y. GR1

Henry K., s. Capt. Edward and Jane, at Paris, rec. Dec. 17, 1819.

Jane, w. Capt. Edward, "of a Lingering disorder" [jaundice. PR1], Jan. 4, 1823. [a. 66 y. PR1;, a. 64 y. GR1]

John, s. Capt. Edward and Jane, May 15, 1808, a. abt. 19 y. [a. 18 y. GR1]

Sarah, wid. Edward, Esq., Nov. 24, 1806.

Thomas, at Salem, Jan. 22, 1826, a. 41 y. GR1

William, s. Edward and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1789, a. 33 y. GR1

William, "on board the Scho Fly, John Green Master, Martineco," rec. Nov. 4, 1809.


_____, s. George and Elisabeth, bur. July 1, 1736. CR3

George, bur. Nov. 26, 1742. CR3 [a. 55 y. 1 m. 22 d. GR5]

Hannah, w. George, Apr. 4, 1733, a. 40 y. GR1

Rebecca, --- --, 1691. CR1


Daniel, consumption, Oct. 22, 1816, a. 67 y.


_____, inf. ch. William, "an Englishman, lately come here," Dec. 10, 1810.

_____, inf. ch. William, at the Neck, Dec. 31, 1811.

_____, inf. ch. William, "at the Salt Works, at the Neck," Mar. 27, 1813.

John, "Drowned in the Harbour in a Violent Thunder Gust," rec. June 27, 1808.

John, 2d, s. John, "death by burning," Dec. 24, 1835, a. 1 y.

William, seaman, drowned at sea, Dec. 28, 1843, a. 25 y.


Mary, unm., at the poor house, Apr. 5, 1811.


_____, aunt of John, May --, 1818, a. 53 y. PR1

_____, wid. John, "in an advanced age," May 9, 1818.

_____, wid. John, Dec. 31, 1820, a. abt. 90 y. [Jan. --, 1821, a. 92 y. PR1]

_____, two chn. John and Lydia, measles, Oct. 15, 1821.

Alexander, "at Mrs Waltons, a Foreigner," Aug. 6, 1811.

John, s. William and Mary, consumption, Feb. 4, 1829.

William B., "died in Prison in England Saild with Capt Burnham," rec. Oct. 12, 1813.

William M. Marr, s. the late John, Aug. 14, 1832, a. 3 y.


_____, ch. David, Jan. 22, 1824, a. 6 w. PR1

_____, ch. David, July 15, 1832, a. 4 y.

Elisabeth, Mar. 14, 1840, a. 80 y.

Ruth, w. David, Nov. 17, 1835, a. 41 y.

FLORANCE (Florence)

_____, ch. John, jr., Aug. 18, 1806.

_____, Dec. 9, 1829, a. 11 m.

Charles, jr. [East India disorder. PR1], Apr. 6, 1820, a. abt. 34 y. [Apr. 9, a. 40 y. PR1]

David, s. Charles and Sarah, "Sailed in August last in a Scho belonging to Mr Saml Knight for the Grand Bank, and Never been heard of Since," rec. Feb. 24, 1816.

Elizabeth, wid. Charles, jr., dysentery, Sept. 19, 1822. [a. 35 y. PR1]

Humphreys, s. Charles and Sarah, "Sailed in Aug. last in a Scho belonging to Mr Saml Knight for the Grand Bank, and never been heard of Since," rec. Feb. 24, 1816.

John, suddenly [tide waiter, lethargy. PR1], May 31, 1825, a. abt. 72 y. [a. 70 y. PR1]

Mary, w. John, jr., Apr. 8, 1807.

Nicholass, "seaman, in the schooner Jachin, Never heard from after Sailing from here," rec. Jan. 23, 1822.

FLORENCE (Fleury, Florance, Florenence)

Archibald, "missing abroad, Schr Jachin," July --, 1821. PR1

John, s. John and Mary, June 5, 1801, a. 11 m. 3 d. GR1

John, at sea, Schr Borneo, rec. Dec. --, 1834. [1832. PR8]

Lydia, Mar. 25, 1838, a. 70 y.

Mary, d. John and Mary, Nov. 1, 1801, a. 3 y. 5 m. GR1

Nicholas, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Sabine, Sept. 19, 1846, a. 45 y.

William, May 24, 1839, a. 41 y.


Charles [Job PR8], "Sick and Died at Grand Bank" [Sch. Franklin. PR8], May 24, 1833, a. abt. 70 y.

FOLLET (Follett)

Henry [B. PR1], s. Thomas and Mary, "lost out of a Prize, to the Thorn, Privateer, Francis G. Selman, Prize Master," rec. Nov. 4, 1812. [a. 19 y. PR1]

Philip, mason, suddenly, May 8, 1807. [May 7, a. 28 y. 9 m. GR1]

FOLLETT (Follet)

Elizabeth, wid. Philip, Feb. 27, 1814, a. 89 y. [a. 90 y. PR1]

Elizabeth, unm., "of a paralitick Schock," June 26, 1821, a. 65 y.

Nathaniel, s. Thomas and Mary, "at NY in the Hospital," rec. Dec. 20, 1810.

Thomas [seaman. GR1], Sept. 9, 1840.

William, "Died on Board the Prison Ship in England" rec. May 29, 1814. [a. 25 y. PRI]


_____, ch. Peter and Rachael, suddenly, June 7, 1820, a. abt. 2 y. [June 4. PR1]

_____, ch. Peter, Aug. 4, 1838, a. 8 m.

Peter [yellow fever. PR1], "on his passage from Cuba to Philadelphia with Capt Francis Hiter," rec. Aug. 7, 1820. [a. 43 y. PR1]


_____, young ch. Francis and Betsey [dysentery. PR1], Oct. 10, 1823. [a. 4 m. PR1]

Anna (Goodell, Grant), Feb. 21, 1799, a. 91 y. 6 m. CR1

Elizabeth, w. Francis, consumption, July 21, 1818.

Francis, jr., consumption, June 7, 1823, a. 30 y. [a. 27 y. PR1]

Mary, --- --, 1734, a. 90 y. CR1


_____, inf. ch. twin, Samuel and Tammy, July 10, 1822. [a. 1 w. PR1]

_____, ch. Samuel and Tammey [dysentery. PR1], Aug. 7, 1825. [a. 14 m. PR1]

_____, ch. Thomas, Feb. 10, 1839, a. 11 m.

_____, ch. Samuel, Sept. 3, 1842.

_____, d. Samuel and Hannah, dysentery, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 1 y. 8 m.

Ann, Oct. 8, 1835, a. 24 y. [Oct. 6. CR5]

Ann, w. Thomas, consumption, Apr. 18, 1844, a. 31 y. 2 m. 15 d.

Joseph, at sea, rec. July 19, 1839, a. 24 y.

Joseph, s. Samuel and Hannah, bur. Aug. 17, 1845, a. 6 m. CR3 [Aug. 5. GR4]

Lydia Ann, d. Samuel, bur. Sept. 12, 1848, a. 4 m. CR3

Lydia, d. Samuel, June 19, 1849, a. 4 m. GR4

Samuel, consumption, July 29, 1830, a. 46 y.

Samuel, s. Samuel [and Hannah. CR3], Sept. 2, 1837, a. 2 y. 1 m. [ Sept. 1. GR4]

Samuel, Aug. 15, 1845, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Thomas, s. Thomas and Ann, consumption, May 7, 1843, a. 9 y. 1 m. 10 d.

Thomas, s. Thomas and Ann, cholera morbus, Sept. 18, 1843, 4 m. 2 d.

William, s. Samuel, Sept. 2, 1842, a. 4 m. GR4

William, s. Samuel, June 6, 1843, a. 5 m. GR4

William, s. Samuel and Hannah, whooping cough, Jan. 6, 1844, a. 6 m. [a. 4 m. CR3]

FOSTER (Forster)

_____, Mrs., suicide, --- --, 1811. PR1

_____, ch. John S., at Salem, rec. Feb. 13, 1839.

Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1754, a. 1 y. 1 m. GR1

Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1757-8, a. 1 y. 4 m. GR1

Elizabeth, w. Ebenezer, --- --, 1764. CR1 [ Sept. 27. PR22]

Elizabeth, w. Ebenezer, Oct. 8, 1767, a. 25 y. 3 m. 19 d. GR1

Ellin, d. Seth and Nancy, Apr. 1, 1820, a. 2 y.

Sarah, unm., Sept. 20, 1832, a. 60 y. [ Sept. 18. CR5]


_____, inf. ch. Abraham and Elisabeth [neglect. PR1], Dec. 5, 1813. [a. 6 m. PR1]

_____, ch. still born, James, Oct. 12, 1840.

Bartholomew, "lost Overboard out of the Schooner [Friendship. PR8], Samuel Thompson Skiper, on Grand Bank," Nov. 11, 1831.

Eliza, d. Christopher and Elisabeth, consumption, July 5, 1817, a. 20 y.

Elisabeth, w. Capt. Christopher [d. Capt. Richard and Rebecca Dexey. GR1], Oct. 16, 1806. [Oct. 15, a. 35 y. GR1]

Frances, w. James, Jan. 24, 1839, a. 45 y.

Mary R., d. Christopher and Nancy, rec. Mar. 12, 1833, a. 17 y.

Mary, wid. Bartholomew, cholera, Dec. 7, 1841, a. 57 y.

Oliver, s. the late Richard and Elizabeth, at Batavia, rec. Oct. 15, 1819, a. 22 y.

Richard, butcher, Feb. 8, 1808.

Richard, dysentery, Aug. 14, 1825.

Samuel, at the workhouse, very suddenly [Epilepsy. PR1], Apr. 15, 1824, a. 22 y. [a. 24 y. PR1]

William, lost at sea, --- --, 1833. GR1

William, Feb. 5, 1841, a. 20 y.


Sarah, w. Charles, "froze to Death on Salem Turnpike," Feb. 4, 1829.


Francis, at sea [Sch. Perseverance. PR8], rec. Oct. 22, 1837, a. 42 y. [1836. PR8]

Sarah, w. Francis, suddenly, Aug. 22, 1829, a. 29 y.


_____, inf. ch. twin, William and Remember, Sept. 27, 1824. [a. 14 d. PR1]

_____, d. William, jr. and Jane B., "Infantile," June 3, 1849, a. 13 d.

FREETO (Freetoo, Freto)

_____, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, July 5, 1821.

_____, Sept. --, 1825, a. 1 y. PR1

_____, d. James and Grace, Aug. 14, 1832, a. 22 m.

James, s. James, July 17, 1834, a. 1 y. 7 m.

John, "in an advanced age," Sept. 25, 1807.

Philip, s. the late Francis and Jane, "lost out of the Scho Alpha, Thos P. Hammond, bound on a Fishing Voyage," rec. June 7, 1823.

[Sarah R. PR7], ch. John and Mary, Sept. 8, 1828, a. 11 m.

[Sarah R. PR7], ch. John, Dec. 18, 1831, a. 2 y. [Dec. 15. PR7]


Ann W., d. Ralph H., Esq., rec. Feb. 12, 1831, a. 14 y.

[Charles. CR3], ch. Ralph H., Esq. and Elizabeth W., May 29, 1826. [a. 18 m. CR3]

Sarah, w. Ralph H., Esq., "cramp in the Stomach," Oct. 26, 1818. [Oct. 28, a. 31 y. CR3]

FRETO (Freeto)

_____, ch. Capt. Francis and Elizabeth D., quinsy, Apr. 19, 1826.


_____, ch. Mr., Dec. --, 1820. PR1

_____, d. William and Hannah, consumption, Feb. 19, 1828, a. 19 y.

_____, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, suddenly, Mar. 1, 1828, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. Richard, Feb. 10, 1834, a. 2 y.

_____, ch. Joseph P., May 2, 1834, a. 4 y.

_____, ch. Charles T., May 4, 1837, a. 2 m. 3 d.

_____, s. Charles T., July 11, 1840, a. 1 y. 8 m.

Caroline, d. Joseph, Aug. 16, 1832, a. 10 m.

Eliza Ann, w. William [2 d. GR1], typhus fever, Apr. 3, 1847, a. 26 y. 6 m.

Hannah, w. William, consumption, Oct. 14, 1847, a. 74 y.

John, Jan. 15, 1837, a. 48 y.

John Garney, s. William, 2d and Mary, typhus fever, Oct. 16, 1848, a. 3 y. 5 m.

Joseph, s. Joseph P., May 3, 1834, a. 19 m.

Joseph B., s. Joseph B., Sept. 26, 1839, a. 3 m.

Joshua Orne, s. Amos T. and Mehitable, "Infantile," Oct. 7, 1847, a. 15 d.

Mary Garney, d. William and Mary [Eliza Ann. GR1], disease of head, Apr. 21, 1844, a. 1 y. 10 m. 8 d. [a. 2 y. GR1]

Richard, s. Richard and Mary E., croup, Mar. 17, 1848, a. 1 y. 11 m. 23 d.

Richard, m., farmer, old age, Dec. 27, 1849, a. 80 y. 4 m. 25 d.

Sarah, wid. John, at the poorhouse, Feb. 24, 1832, a. 77 y.

Sarah L., w. Joseph B., Sept. 22, 1835, a. 47 y. 4 m.

Sarah T., d. Charles T. and Elisabeth, scalding, Dec. 14, 1844, a. 2 y.

Sarah M. [T. GR1], d. Amos T. and Mehitable, dysentery, Aug. 30, 1848, a. 3 y. 5 m.

Thomas W. Dorr, s. Charles T. and Elizabeth, cholera infantum, Aug. 20, 1846, a. 1 y. 3 m.

William, s. Joseph P. and Rebecca, fits, Sept. 15, 1847, a. 1 y. 1 m. 12 d.


Thomas, "in an Advanced Age, at the great Neck," Mar. 1, 1807.


James Prince, s. James and Mary, Mar. 26, 1787, a. 11 y. 7 m. 21 d. GR2

John, s. James and Mary, Dec. 26, 1777, a. 6 w. GR2

Mary, d. James and Mary, Sept. 6, 1784, a. 1 y. 2 m. 15 d. GR2

Mary, w. Thomas, Oct. 22, 1803, a. 37 y. GR3

Rebecca, wid. Thomas, Nov. 16, 1807.


Nicholass, "drowned on his Passage to Grand Banks, Recd the News," May 8, 1807.

FURNASS (Furness)

_____, wid. "in an advanced age," July 14, 1807.

Elias, s. Anthony and Sarah (Furnace), "at the Havanna," rec. Nov. 8, 1810.

FURNESS (Furnace, Furnass, Furnes, Furnis)

Mary, d. David and Elisabeth, bur. Aug. 27, 1736. CR3

Sarah, d. David and Elisabeth, bur. Sept. 12, 1731. CR3

Sarah, d. David and Elisabeth, bur. June 25, 1733. CR3

Sarah, old age, Oct. 30, 1843, a. 92 y.