NorthShore Slavery

BAILEY (Baly, Bayley)

_____, wid. John, July 10, 1813.

_____, ch. John R. and Catharine, measles, Oct. 13, 1821., a. 2 y.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Eliza, "Sometime Since," rec. Oct. 9, 1824.

Catharine, w. John, consumption, Oct. 1, 1830, a. 38 y.

Edward L., Oct. 7, 1834, a. 12 y.

John, s. Capt. John and Mary, Aug. 3, 1786, a. 2 y 11 m. GR1

John, s. Capt. John and Mary, Aug. 30, 1789. [ Sept. 30, a. 10 m. GR1]

John, Capt., "after a long Confinement," Apr. 22, 1828, a. 67 y.

Mary, d. Capt. John and Mary, Sept. 30, 1789, a. 10 m. 8 d. GR1

Mary, d. Capt. John and Mary, Aug. 4, 1790.

Mary, wid. Capt. John, May 13, 1840, a. 79 y. 7 m. 13 d.

Russell, m., ticket master, s. John and Mary, dysentery, Oct. 20, 1848, a. 44 y. 5 m. 15 d. [Oct. 28. GR6]

Thomas, s. Capt. John and Mary, "Suddenly," Oct. 9, 1824.


Ruth, see Barker, Ruth.


Anna, wid. Jonas, d. George Barker, deceased, Oct. 31, 1813.

Elisabeth, bur Oct. 2, 1734. GR3

Elizabeth, wid. John, Dec. 6, 1808.

Meriam, wid. Apr. 17, 1809, a. 78 y.


Sarah Ellen, w. Samuel, consumption, May 14, 1848, a. 29 y.


Martha [wid. PR1;, w. John. CR1], "an eminent School mistress for many years," [old age. PR1], Jan. 24, 1812. [Jan. 23, a. 74 y. PR1]

Miriam, "a noted School Mistress," Jan. 30, 1830.


_____, s. Capt. George and Abigail, Feb. 29, 1801.

_____, ch. Capt. George an Rebecca, Nov. 9, 1813, a. abt. 8 m.

_____, inf. ch. Joseph and Grace, June 9, 1816.

_____, inf. ch. Capt. George [2 d. PR1], and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1821. [a. 2 y. PR1]

Burrill, s. Capt. George and Abigail, fever and ague, at Syracuse, NY, rec. May 4, 1830, a. 33 y.

Eleanor, Aug. 5, 1839, a. 87 y.

Elizabeth, d. Capt. Thomas and Martha, Feb. 15, 1798, a. 12 y. 8 m. GR2

C., of Pittstown, ME, "Drowned at the entrance of Our Harbour," Aug. 26, 1828.

George, s. Capt. George and Abigail, Dec. 31, 1798.

George, s. George and Abigail Burrill, Nov. 8, 1800.

George, 3d, s. Francis, deceased, "one of Capt. Thomas Elkins, jr, hands, at St. Bartholomews," rec. Nov. 12, 1809.

Grace, wid. Joseph, Sept. 4, 1837, a. 45 y.

Hannah, d. Capt. Joseph, Feb. 8, 1808, a. abt. 17 y.

Hannah, Mrs., wid. Joseph, Oct. 24, 1827, a. 91 y.

Hannah, d. John and Ruth, rec. Oct. 16, 1832, a. 86 y.

John, "on board the Ship Ganges," Sept. --, 1828, a. 17 y.

Joseph Nathaniel, s. [Capt. dup.] George and Abigail Burrill, Dec. 29, 1813.

Joseph, Capt., "of a lingering Disorder," Apr. 27, 1817, a. 57 y. [a. 52 y. PR1]

Joseph, at Bombay, Oct. 14, 1831.

Martha, w. Capt. Thomas, "Suddenly," [bilious colic. PR1], Feb. 17, 1822, a. 71 y. [a. 76 y. PR1;, a. 71 y. 3 m. 8 d. GR2]

Remember, Sept. 27, 1835, a. 77 y.

Ruth, wid. John, Jan. 8, 1817, a. 98 y. 7 m.

Ruth, d. the late Capt. Joseph and Mary, consumption, Mar. 29, 1819, a. 21 y. [a. 22 y. PR1]

Ruth, unm., Oct. 24, 1829, a. 90 y.

Sally, d. Capt. Joseph and Mary, consumption, May 31, 1815, a. 22 y.

Sarah, wid. Joseph, jr., "Suddenly," [cold and bleeding. PR1], Dec. 23, 1821. [a. 72 y. PR1]

Thomas, Capt., Jan. 24, 1834, a. 83 y.


_____, d. George B. and Abigail, dysentery, Sept. 13, 1848, a. 11 m.

Anna, w. Rev. John, Aug. 24, 1774, a. 78 y. GR1

Eunice, w. George B., fever, June 15, 1846, a. 21 y.

John, Rev., Jan. 24, 1770. [See bio on page image.]


William, printer, "at the Neck, from Boston on a Visit," June 29, 1813.


Hannah, d. Jeremiah and Eleanor, nervous fever, Dec. 29, 1827.

BARTLETT (Bartlet)

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, "at the Neck," Apr. 20, 1807.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Mehitabel, Apr. 27, 1809.

_____, inf. ch. Abijah B., Jan. 29, 1810.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1811.

_____, ch. still born, Mary, Jan. 16, 1812. PR1

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Sarah, at the poorhouse, June 12, 1813.

_____, ch. Mary, at the poorhouse, Nov. 20, 1814, a. abt. 4 y. [Nov. 14. PR1]

_____, ch. Eli V. and Rebecca [fever. PR1], Mar. 21, 1818, a. abt. 1 y.

_____, Mrs., palsy, at the almshouse, Mar. 31, 1819, a. 65 y. PR1

_____, ch. Peter and Jane, Jan. 11, 1820, a. abt. 5 y. [Jan. 10. PR1]

_____, ch. John, "at the Farms," Sept. 15, 1820. [ Sept. 16, a. 2 y. 7 d. PR1]

_____, two chn. Nathaniel and Mary, measles, Dec. 10, 1821.

_____, ch. Peter and Jane, May 20, 1826.

_____, ch. still born, Capt. George, Nov. 19, 1828.

_____, ch. Dr. John S., Oct. 28, 1834, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Abigail, w. John, 4th, consumption, Nov. 6, 1817. [a. 28 y. 10 m. GR1]

Abijah B., "in the Hospital at New York," June 13, 1813.

Bethiah, w. John, Apr. 22, 1718, a. 69 y. GR1

Bethias Hooper, d. Faithful and Ann, June 21, 1742, in her 35th y. GR2

Devereux, s. Devereux, Sept. 11, 1834, a. 2 y.

Eli, s. Eli and Rebeckah, Mar. 20, 1818, a. 10 m. GR4

Elizabeth, wid. William, "in the Farms," Oct. 11, 1824, a. 77 y. [a. 76 y. GR4]

Elizabeth, d. the late William and Tabitha, putrid fever, Apr. 1, 1828, a. 51 y.

Elizabeth, wid. William, consumption, Aug. 25, 1845, a. 76 y. 10 m.

Elizabeth, wid. John, consumption, May 27, 1846, a. 68 y.

Esther, w. Nathaniel, d. John Green, May 18, 1810.

Faithful, Jan. 10, 1748-9, in his 66th year. GR2

George B., Capt., Mar. 9, 1838, a. 56 y.

Hannah, wid. John, d. the late George Oakes, Sept. 14, 1811. [a. 50 y. PR1]

Hannah, w. Capt. George, Nov. 22, 1828.

Hannah, wid. Capt. Nicholas, Jan. 14, 1833, a. 75 y.

Jane, wid., mortification, Apr. 25, 1845, a. 65 y.

John, s. John, sexton, "at the Havana," rec. Nov. 22, 1814. [Nov. 18, a. 23 y. PR1]

John, sexton [palsy. PR1], Dec. 4, 1820. [a. 74 y. PR1]

John [P. PR1], Capt. "came home sick from the West Indies," May 21, 1821. [a. 56 y. PR1]

John, "Mate of the Ship Sally, of Salem, Josiah Orne, Jun., Master, at Havanna," June 9, 1825. [a. 40 y. PR1]

John, at the Farms, Feb. 8, 1839, a. 55 y. 3 m. [Feb. 6. CR5]

John, s. the late Capt. George B., Dec. 17, 1839, a. 20 y. 8 m.

John S., Dr., Mar. 15, 1840, a. 27 y. 9 m.

John, Rev., m., clergyman, Feb. 3, 1849, a. 64 y. 8 m. 9 d.

John A., d. Joseph E. and Nancy T., dysentery, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 1 y. 10 d.

Joseph, Feb. 27, 1835.

Mary, d. Abijah B. and Elisabeth [parturition. PR1], Jan. 21, 1812. [a. 17 y. 9 m. PR1]

Mary, d. the late Jonathan and Alice, at the poorhouse, Sept. 15, 1815.

Mary, wid. Capt. John [old age. PR1], Mar. 20, 1820. [a. 78 y. PR1]

Mehitabel, w. Thomas, at the Neck, Apr. 24, 1809. [a. 44 y. 5 d. GR4]

Nathaniel, Aug. 1, 1835, a. 56 y. [a. 50 y. CR1]

Nathaniel, farmer, rupture blood vessel, May 30, 1843, a. 21 y.

Nicholass, Capt. "of a Paralitick Shock," Apr. 20, 1819. [a. 69 y. CR3; Apr. 21, a. 74 y. PR1]

Peter, "Drowned Out of a Dory in the Bay," Mar. 1, 1828.

Rebekah, Nov. --, 1752, a. 76 y. CR1

Richard, s. William and Mary, bur. Nov. 29, 1728. CR3

Ruth, w. John, Feb. 4, 1803, a. 52 y. GR1

Ruth Ann, d. John and Remember, dysentery, Sept. 14, 1849, a. 1 y. 4 m. 23 d.

Tabitha, Mar. 20, 1838, a. 89 y.

Thomas, bur. July 17, 1781. PR18

William, bur. May 30, 1749. CR3

William J., --- --, 1804, a. 38 y. GR4

William, fisherman, "suddenly," Jan. 2, 1808.

William, "drowned at Sea, out of the Privateer Schr Success, John D. Dennis, Jn., in Boarding at Brig," July 6, 1812. [a. 34 y. PR1]

William, jr., June 19, 1813, a. 31 y. GR4

William, "at the Farm," Feb. 10, 1823, a. 82 y. [a. 83 y. PR1]

William, June 16, 1834, a. 49 y.

William, seaman, s. Peter and Jane, drowned [Sch. "Good Exchange. " PR8], rec. Feb. 18, 1846, a. 34 y. [1845. PR8]

William H., s. William, dysentery, Sept. 18, 1848, a. 2 m. 14 d.

BARTOLL (Bartol)

_____, inf sons, twins, Samuel, jr., June 19, 1809.

_____, inf. ch. Samuel and Sally, Jan. 22, 1817.

_____, ch. Samuel and Sally, [measles. PR1] Dec. 10, 1821, a. abt. 15 m. [a. 17 m. PR1]

_____, ch. Capt. William and Martha, Aug. 2, 1832, a. 2 y. 6 m.

Alston, s. William T. and Sally, consumption, June 7, 1849, a. 1 y.

John, Capt. Oct. 8, 1771, a. 58 y. GR1

Joseph, s. the late William and Lydia, at Liverpool, May 15, 1827.

Martha Ann, d. William, July 19, 1839, a. 6 y. 11 m. 4 d.

Mary, w. William, --- --, 1708. CR1

Mary, w. Capt. John, Apr. 23, 1766, a. 50 y. 7 m. GR1

Mary B., Nov. 26, 1831, a. 21 y.

Mary Devereux, d. John and Hannah, abcess, Nov. 18, 1846, a. 10 m.

Samuel, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1759, a. 20 y. 7 m. GR1

Samuel, Dec. 28, 1837, a. 51 y.

Sally, w. Samuel, childbed, Feb. 2, 1827.

Sally, Oct. 14, 1835, a. 61 y.

Sarah [Sarah Louise. GR1], d. William T. and Sally, croup, Jan. 16, 1844, a. 6 y. [Jan. 17, a. 6 y. 7 m. GR1]

Tabitha, wid. William, Oct. 25, 1827, a. 72 y.

William, Nov. 2, 1690. CR1

William, "of a lingering Sickniss," Feb. 28, 1817. [Mar. 1, a. 70 y. PR1]

William jr., "in the Hospital at Charlestown," dropsy, Nov. 17, 1817, a. 41 y.


_____, wid. "Very Aged," Jan. 27, 1832, a. 97 y.


_____, Jan. 2, 1783. PR17

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Tabitha ["neglect. " PR1], Mar. 21, 1818

_____, d. Matthew and Tabitha [dysentery. PR1], Oct. 2, 1823.

_____, ch. Thomas, Aug. 29, 1837, a. 6 y.

_____, inf. ch. John, Sept. 25, 1837.

_____, s. Thomas, Dec. 14, 1838, a. 8 y. 8 m.

_____, ch., wid. Elisabeth, heart disease, July 5, 1842.

Betsey, w. John, June 19, 1836, a. 45 y. 5 d. [June 18. GR4]

Elisabeth, w. Eli, lung fever, Jan. 24, 1842, a. 32 y.

James C., m., seaman, s. Samuel C. and Mary, drowned, [Sch. Dorchester. PR8], rec. Feb. 18, 1846, a. 30 y. [1845. PR8]

John, s. Michael and Tabatha, Apr. 27, 1785, a. 12 m. GR2

John, "in a Very Advanced Age, Supposed about 91," Nov. 10, 1808.

John, s. Matthew and Elizabeth [fever. PR1], Oct. 12, 1823. [a. 16 y. PR1]

John, "Suddenly," [typhus fever. PR1] Jan. 15, 1824. [a. 46 y. PR1]

John, s. the late Thomas, July 1, 1840, a. 7 y.

Joseph S., s. Michael and Tabatha, Jan. 30, 1779, a. 3 m. GR2

Machial, 12: 11m: 1748-9. PR22

Mary, w. John, Jan. 6, 1789, a. 58 y. GR1

Michael, Sept. 30, 1820, a. 66 y. [a. 68 y. PR1]

Nancy P., d. Michael and Tabitha, Jan. 16, 1780, a. 5 w. GR2

Samuel, s. Matthew and Elizabeth, at Samarang, rec. Oct. 13, 1822, a. 24 y.

Samuel P., Feb. 23, 1841, a. 60 y.

Tabatha, w. Michael, May 15, 1798, a. 41 y. GR2

Tabitha, w. Matthew, Feb. 4, 1837, a. 44 y.

Thomas, Dec. 24, 1839, a. 34 y. 2 m.


[Peter, s. Peter. GR4], May 1, 1838. [Apr. 29, a. 1 y. 11 m. 22 d. GR4]

Peter, s. Peter and Elisabeth, croup, May 22, 1844, a. 2 y. 6 m.

Samuel S., s. Peter, croup, May 21, 1844, a. 1 y. 11 m. 10 d. GR4


_____, "a Boy," at the poorhouse, Nov. 25, 1820, a. abt. 13 y.

John, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Sch. Pacific," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 30 y.

Joseph, "lost Overboard out of a Coaster," rec. Oct. 17, 1829.

BATTES (Battis)

Mary, wid. John, old age, Feb. 20, 1848, a. 77 y.

BATTIS (Battes, Battist, Bettis, Bittis)

_____, ch. John and Elizabeth, measles, Nov. 1, 1821.

BATTIST (Battis)

John, lost at sea, rec. Dec. --, 1824.

BAYLEY (Bailey)

John R., Oct. 4, 1832, a. 42 y.

BEAL (Beale, Beall, Beals)

_____, ch. John and Judith H., Oct. 6, 1825. [a. 13 m. PR1]

_____, ch. William R., rec. Sept. 1, 1832, a. 1 y.

Bridgett, d. William, sr. and Martha, Aug. 5, 1683.

Elizabeth, w. William, sr., Nov. 5, 1683

John, consumption, rec. Mar. 20, 1832.

Mary, wid. Samuel Oct. 16, 1832, a. 75 y. [Oct. 14, a. 74 y. GR2]

Mary, wid. William P., cancer, Apr. 14, 1848, a. 43 y.

William, --- --, 1694. CR1

William R., --- --, 1833. CR5

BEALE (Beal)

Anne, d. William and Martha, Sept. 2, 1675.

Martha, sr., w. William, sr., Apr. 6, 1675.

Moses, s. William and Martha, Apr. 27, 1663.

BEALL (Beal)

George, 8th, s. William, sr. and Martha, Jan. 23, 1690-91.

James, 2d, s. William, sr., and Martha, Mar. 25, 1690-91.

BEALS (Beal)

Caroline, d. Mary, consumption, May 17, 1843, a. 13 y. 9 m. 15 d.

BEAN (Beans)

Hannah, wid. William, jr., Dec. 19, 1839, a. 34 y. 6 m. [Dec. 17, a. 30 y. GR4]

James, "went a Fishing in a Whale Boat and lost in a Violent Gale of Wind that Sprung up Suddenly," June 23, 1814. [June 24, a. 70 y. PR1]

Mary, wid. James, old age, at the poorhouse, Mar. 15, 1849, a. 90 y. 6 m.

Sarah, wid. William, old age, May 26, 1848, a. 93 y. 5 m.

William, palsy, Nov. 14, 1829, a. 25 y.

William, unm, s. William and Hannah, ulceration of the ear, July 1, 1847, a. 18 y. 7 m.

BEANS (Bean)

William, "Revolutionary Pensioner," Sept. 19, 1837, a. 83 y. 3 m. 24 d.

BECKFORD (Bickford)

_____, ch. Leander, Sept. 18, 1837, a. 6 m.

Eliza, at the almshouse, Apr. 1, 1838, a. 25 y.


Steephen, Jan. 10, 1835, a. 73 y.


Rebecca, Jan. 10, 1835, a. 73 y.


_____, Mrs., "from Boston, was born at Braintree, died at the House formerly Cuttail," Dec. 5, 1817.


_____, Oct. 6, 1835, a. 8 m.


John T., s. John, Sept. 12, 1805, a. 11 m. GR1

Mary, d. John, Aug. 31, 1805, a. 3 y. 11 m. GR1


Ebenezer, consumption, Feb. 6, 1817. [a. 45 y. 6 m. 18 d.]

Ebenezer, consumption, Feb. 6, 1817. [a. 45 y. 6 m. GR1; Feb. 10, a. 42 y. PR1]

Betsey, w. Andrew, consumption, Mar. 20, 1829.

Betsy, wid. Ebenezer, cancer, Apr. 1, 1849, a. 71 y. 6 m. 18 d.

BESOM (Bessom)

_____, ch. Richard and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1810.

_____, ch. William B. and Nancy, Nov. 20, 1813.

_____, ch. Richard and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1817.

_____, ch. Joseph and Annis O., Sept. 13, 1821, a. 11 m. [a. 1 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Jonas, Nov. 18, 1831, a. 2 y.

_____, ch. Margaret, rec. Nov. 26, 1831, a. 22 y.

_____, grandch. Capt. Philip, Feb. 16, 1834, a. 10 w.

Annis O., w. Joseph [childbed, at Newton. PR1] Oct. 15, 1820.

Elizabeth, w. Nicholass, consumption, July 9, 1827, a. 65 y.

Betsey, d. Phillip, Aug. 6, 1833, a. 21 y.

Hannah, d. [Capt. GR2] Philip and Ruthy, Oct. 20, 1795. [a. 5 y. 11 m. 18 d. GR2]

Hannah, w. Richard, jr., "suddenly," Dec. 13, 1810.

James Laskey, s. Nicholas and Elizabeth, "Murdered by the Pirates in the West Indies," rec. Apr. 3, 1822. [a. 29 y. PR1]

John Russell, s. Capt. Philip and Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 1810. [Apr. 6, a. 2 y. 11 m. GR2]

John, consumption, Dec. 6, 1822. [a. 58 y. PR1]

John, s. the late John and Hannah, fits, Nov. 16, 1826.

John, s. Nicholass and Elizabeth, consumption, Oct. 4, 1827.

Mary, d. Nicholass and Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1815, a. 18 y.

Miriam Lewis, d. Philip and Betsey, Aug. 31, 1802.

Nicholass, s. Nicholass and Elizabeth, at sea, rec. Nov. 19, 1827.

Phillip, Sept. 4, 1797, a. 66 y. GR1

Philip, jr., s. Philip and Betsey, "Mate of the Ship Gloucester," at Batavia, rec. Sept. 23, 1822. [a. 28 y. PR1]

Philip, s. the late Joseph and Rebecca, at sea, rec. Sept. 11, 1824.

Richard, "in an Advanced Age" [dropsy. PR1], Feb. 4, 1812. [Feb. 3, a. 84 y. PR1;, a. 81 y. GR1]

Richard, jr., s. Richard and Hannah, at New Orleans, rec. Oct. 31, 1820.

Sarah, w. Richard, Sept. 17, 1802, a. 70 y. GR1

Sarah, w. Philip, Dec. 12, 1802, a. 66 y. 2 m. GR1

BESSOM (Besom)

_____, ch. Joseph, Feb. 16, 1835, a. 1 d.

_____, ch. still born, Joseph, Sept. 9, 1837.

_____, ch. Joseph, Sept. 11, 1837, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. Philip, Apr. 22, 1838, a. 2 y. 10 m.

_____, ch. Philip, Aug. 31, 1838, a. 4 m. 14 d.

_____, ch. John, Sept. 8, 1838, a. 1 m. 19 d.

_____, wid. Nicholas, apoplexy, Mar. 17, 1848.

Ann, w. Joseph, insanity, Oct. 24, 1844, a. 32 y.

Betsey, wid. Philip, dysentery, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 78 y. 1 m.

James L., "2 Mate of Cap William Blackler, jr. " at sea, Apr. 11, 1829.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Rebecca, July 18, 1790, a. 2 y. GR1

Joseph, "at sea, Drowned from Barque Mary Kimball," rec. May 7, 1837.

Joseph, widr., seaman, at Frankfort, ME, Nov. 26, 1849, a. 39 y. 8 m. 14 d.

Nicholos, June 17, 1838, a. 82 y. 6 m.

Philip, 2d, "son-in-law of Dick Master, suicide, drowned at sea," May --, 1824, a. 38 y. PR1 [Jan. GR4]

Philip, Capt., Mar. 10, 1836, a. 75 y. 7 m. 25 d.

Philip, Apr. 26, 1839, a. 35 y.

Philip, s. Richard and Eliza, croup, Nov. 14, 1844, a. 2 y. 6 m.

Rebecca, wid. Joseph, June 28, 1837, a. 77 y.

Richard M., rec. Nov. 12, 1832, a. 1 y.

Richard Martin, s. Philip and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1832, a. 9 y. 6 m. GR4

Robert, s. Robert, Mar. 6, 1840, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Ruth, w. Capt. Philip, June 3, 1794, a. 31 y. 5 m. GR2

Sarah, wid. Richard, old age, July 19, 1842, a. 83 y. 9 m.

William Gray, at Batavia, Sept. 6, 1833. PR4

William [H. GR4], Feb. 7, 1836, a. 56 y. 10 m. 3 d.

BETTIS (Battis)

_____, ch. Jonas, Oct. 3, 1839, a. 28 d.

Lucy Ann, d. Jonas A., consumption, Mar. 10, 1848, a. 7 y. 5 m.

BEVERAGE (Beveridge)

Mary, at the poorhouse, Sept. 21, 1810.

BEVERIDGE (Beverage)

Jane, "from the Poor House," June 12, 1810.


[Olive Vincent. GR4], w. [Simeon. GR4], "Preceptor of the Academy in this Town," [d. David and Esther Morse of Chareaugay, NY. GR4], Mar. 16, 1824. [a. 32 y. PR1;, a. 25 y. GR4]


John Henry [Bumsted. PR1], "in an Advanced Age," Apr. 21, 1816.

BISBY (Bixby)

_____, ch. Noah, Jan. --, 1831, a. 5 m.

BITTIS (Battis)

_____, ch. Jonas L. and Sally, Sept. 16, 1819, a. abt. 10 m. [a. 1 1/2 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Jonas L and Mary, Sept. 18, 1822. [a. 16 m. PR1]

Mary, wid. John, consumption, Nov. 17, 1818. [a. 60 y. PR1]


_____, inf. ch. William, jr. and Betsey, Sept. 30, 1808.

_____, young ch. Capt. William and Elizabeth [fever. PR1], Mar. 20, 1812. [a. 1¼ y. PR1]

_____, ch. Capt. John C. and Ann, Aug. 19, 1816.

_____, ch. Samuel and Margart, July 23, 1832.

_____, ch. Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 21, 1846.

Ann, w. Capt. John C., consumption, July 1, 1821. [a. 35 y. PR1]

Charity, bur. Jan. 15, 1729-30. CR3

Henry, Capt., "at Martineco, Master of the Brig Ruth," rec. Dec. 15, 1816.

Jone, --- --, 1701. CR1

John, jr., s. William and Ann [fever. PR1], "at the Havanna, Some time Since," rec. Sept. 19, 1822. [a. 17 y. PR1]

John C., Sept. --, 1843, a. 67 y. GR6

Lucy, w. Capt. John C., d. Richard and Lucy Harris, Apr. 21, 1803, a. 20 y. GR2

Lucy Ann, d. Capt. John [and Ann. GR6], Sept. 1, 1831, a. 21 y. [July --, a. 23 y. GR6]

Mary O., wid. Ward, cancer, Aug. 12, 1843, a. 57 y.

Nancy, d. Capt. William and Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1800, a. 17 y. GR2

Rebecca, wid. Capt. William, Dec. 28, 1823, a. 71 y.

Samuel, jr., m., fisherman, s. Samuel, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Zela," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 31 y.

Sarah, bur. Mar. 15, 1732-3. CR3

Ward, s. Capt. John C. and Nancy, Nov. 10, 1809.

Ward, Capt., "on his passage from Boston to Martineco in the Sch Tyger of Boston," rec. Oct. 28, 1815.

Ward, s. Capt. John C. and Ann, consumption, Aug. 3, 1830, a. 24 y.

William, Capt., June 15, 1818, a. 78 y. [May 18. GR6; June 16. CR3;, a. 79 y. PR1]

William, m., fisherman, s. Samuel, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Warrior," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 28 y.


_____, inf. ch. John and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1808.

_____, wid. John, at the poorhouse, Dec. 5, 1828.

Benjamin [Robert. PR11], umn., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Liberty," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 50 y.

David, s. the late John [carbuncle. PR1], Feb. 25, 1825. [a. 47 y. PR1]

John, "Suddenly, went Out in the morning a Fishing and was brought home Dead," Feb. 24, 1816.

John, m., cordwainer, s. Samuel and Lucy, lung fever, Mar. 26, 1848.

Samuel, "drowned out of the _____ last Saturday," rec. Oct. 11, 1818.

Thomas Chittenden, s. John and Lucy, Jan. 20, 1812. [a. 1 y. 2 m. PR1]


_____, ch. David and Ann, Mar. 28, 1824, a. 2 d. [a. 1 d. PR1]

Hannah, d. Jesse and Sarah, June 26, 1805, a. 3 y. 11 m. GR4

Isaac, s. Jesse and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1800, a. 1 y. 2 m. 21 d. GR4

Jesse, "suddenly," Nov. 23, 1830, a. 60 y.

[Joseph B. GR4], s. Jesse [and Sarah. GR4], Aug. 26, 1811, a. abt. 2 y. [Aug. 25, a. 1 y. 10 m. 2 d. GR4]

Sarah, w. Jesse [B. PR1], butcher, consumption, Nov. 1, 1822, a. 49 y. [a. 59 y. PR1]

William [R. GR4], s. Jesse [and Sarah. GR4], dysentery, Sept. 17, 1820. [a. 8 y. 7 m. 6 d. GR4; Sept. 16. PR1]


_____, ch. still born, Oliver, Jan. 31, 1834.

Hannah, w. Oliver [d. Capt. William and Mary Pedrick. GR3], Aug. 2, 1827. [a. 42 y. GR3]

Oliver Edmund, s. Oliver, jr. and Lucy, bur. Dec. 24, 1844, a. 3 1/2 y. CR3

BLANEY (Blany)

_____, ch. William and Nancy, July 19, 1810.

_____, d. William and Nancy, Oct. 22, 1811, a. abt. 8 y.

_____, d. William and Nancy, Nov. 28, 1811, a. abt. 11 y.

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan, cabinet maker, Oct. 5, 1816.

_____, ch. David and Mary, Mar. 6, 1831, a. 7 m.

_____, ch. Nathaniel R., Mar. 18, 1841.

_____, ch. Nathaniel, Mar. 21, 1841, a. 2 y.

_____, d. Jonathan, Sept. 25, 1841, a. 2 m.

Asa, lost at sea, Sept. --, 1811. PR24

Asa, trader, mortification, June 8, 1843, a. 76 y. 5 m.

Ellen [Ellen Maria. GR6], d. David and Ellen, Mar. 29, 1841, a. 4 y. 6 m. [Mar. 28. GR6]

Emma, w. Asa, Oct. 2, 1836, a. 73 y. [ Sept. 30. PR4]

Harriet, w. Jonathan, Aug. 19, 1841, a. 30 y.

Joanna, d. Asa and Joanna, Jan. 24, 1798. PR24

Joanna, 1st, w. Asa, Oct. 29, 1798. PR24

Joanna, d. Asa and Joanna, Sept. 24, 1803. PR24

Jonathan C., cabinet maker, hemorrhage, Mar. 10, 1844, a. 67 y. 7 m.

Mary, wid. Captain Stephen, May 5, 1831, a. 94 y.

Nathaniel R., m., trader, s. Asa, "Cholera in Mexico on the way to California" [in Brownsville, Texas. PR24], Mar. 30, 1849. [a. 37 y. 6 m. 26 d. PR24]

Rebecca R., w. Thomas R., "Suddenly," Sept. 30, 1831, a. 27 y.

Ruth, wid. Capt. William, Feb. 5, 1830.

Sally, w. David, consumption, Apr. 7, 1831, a. 34 y.

BLANY (Blaeny)

Abigail, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1723-5.

Andrews, s. Benjamin and Abigail, June 2, 1772.

Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Mar. 30, 1729. [Mar. 31, a. 8 y. 2 m. 17 d. GR2]

Hannah, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 1, 1729. [a. 5 y. 10 m. GR2]

Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1729. [a. 10 m. 22 d. GR2]

Joseph, Col., Jan. --, 1762. PR22

Susannah, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1737.


Frederick, at Boston, June 7, 1823.

Rebecca, unm., d. Elijah and Sarah, consumption, Dec. 27, 1845, a. 30 y. [Dec. 25. GR4]

Sarah Ann, d. Elijah, June 18, 1832, a. 21 y. [June 22. GR4]

Thomas J., segar maker, s. Frederick and Nancy [s. Sally B. Richardson. GR4], consumption, May 9, 1844, a. 21 y. 11 m.


Aaron, at Portland rec. Oct. 28, 1815.


Hannah, wid., d. John and Elizabeth Peach, July 27, 1812.


_____, ch. Joseph and Hannah [fever. PR1], Dec. 2, 1814, a. abt. 9 m. [Dec. 3, a. 1 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Thomas and Alice M., Sept. 1, 1825, a. abt. 3 y. [a. 2 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Miriam, Jan. 21, 1830.

Allice M., w. Thomas, consumption, Sept. 30, 1828, a. 32 y.

Francis, baker, "Suddenly," Mar. 31, 1823. [a. 56 y. GR1]

Miriam, w. Thomas, Feb. 11, 1833, a. 37 y.

Richard, "Died in the Hospital at Platsburg," June 19, 1814. [June 30, a. 31 y. PR1]

BODEN (Bowden)

_____, Mrs., "suddenly," July --, 1819. PR1

_____, Mrs., Oct. --, 1825, a. 50 y. PR1

Alice, consumption, at the poorhouse, Oct. 20, 1828.

Ambrose, June 1, 1728, a. 62 y.

Benjamin, "about three o'Clock, afternoon," June 9, 1777, a. 78 y. 2 m.

Benjamin, s. Capt. Benjamin, deceased, "Drowned on his passage to Bilboa, Rec the News" Mar. 18, 1808.

Eleanor, d. the late _____, Aug. 7, 1816.

Elizabeth, w. Benjamin, "of a Saturday Morning between Seven and Eight of ye Clock," Oct. 11, 1766.

Elizabeth, wid. Abijah, Jan. 15, 1807.

Betsey [Elizabeth A. PR1; Elizabeth Ambrose GR5], d. the late William and Mary [Sarah. GR5; fever. PR1], Nov. 20, 1812, a. 17 y. [Nov. 19. PR1]

Betsey [Elizabeth Hooper Boden. PR1], d. the late Capt. Benjamin and Lydia [consumption. PR1], at Lynn, May 6, 1819. [Apr. 29, a. 24 y. PR1]

Elizabeth, wid. "suddenly," Aug. 21, 1830, a. 65 y.

James, s. Capt. John and Ruth, Nov. 25, 1819, a. abt. 12 y.

John, Capt. Nov. 5, 1835, a. 63 y. 9 m.

Lydia, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, July 23, 1727.

Lydia, wid. Ambrose, Mar. 31, 1746, a. abt. 80 y.

Lydia, d. Capt. Benjamin and Lydia, Mar. 15, 1798, a. 17 y. GR2

Martha, d. Capt. Benjamin, deceased, June 4, 1807, a. abt. 16 y.

Mary [Bours. GR5], d. the late William and Sally [Sarah. GR5], Oct. 11, 1813. [a. 24 y. GR5]

Mary, d. the late William and Lydia [phthisis. PR1], Sept. 18, 1818, a. 23 y.

Michael C. [Coombs. GR5], Capt., s. William and Sally [Sarah. GR5], consumption, July 10, 1830, a. 28 y. [July 11. GR5]

Nancy Bours [d. William and Sarah. GR5], Aug. 16, 1796. [Aug. 15, 1795, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR5]

Nancy [Bours. GR5], d. the late William and Sally, consumption, July 25, 1827, a. 27 y. [July 24. GR5]

Peter Bours, s. William and Mary, Dec. 26, 1762.

Ruth, wid. Samuel [dropsy. PR1], Feb. 26, 1819, a. 80 y. [Feb. 25. PR1]

Ruth, wid., Feb. 19, 1841, a. 66 y. 1 m.

Samuel, Dec. 7, 1807, a. 69 y.

Sally [Coombs. GR5], d. the late William and Mary [Sarah. GR5], consumption, Apr. 17, 1825, a. 33 y.

Tabitha, w. Benjamin, Nov. 17, 1776, a. 75 y. 5 m. 21 d.

William, Mar. 11, 1803, a. 36 y. GR5

William, s. the late William and Sally [Sarah. GR5], "lost at Sea, going from Boston to the Chesapeak," rec. Mar. 20, 1820. [Mar. 7, a. 22 y. GR5]


Ann, wid. J., consumption, June 3, 1842, a. 45 y.

Clarissa, unm., d. James and Anna, consumption, Feb. 29, 1848, a. 20 y.

James, at the poorhouse, Aug. 21, 1841, a. 60 y.

Joseph, unm., seaman, s. James B. and Anna, "at sea on the passage to Manilla," rec. Nov. 17, 1848, a. 24 y.


_____, s. Thomas, bur. Sept. 9, 1741. CR3

Mary, d. Susanna, bur. July 8, 1748. CR3


Hannah, see Bowling, Hannah.

BOLINE (Bowling)

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, Nov. 30, 1809.


David, s. Rec. Matthew [dysentery. PR1], at Milford, NH, rec. Oct. 15, 1824, a. 13 y.


Roland m., machinist, b. Boston, lung fever, June 11, 1847, a. 51 y. 7 m.


Deborah, wid. Col. William, May 30, 1810. [a. 77 y. GR5]

Sarah, --- --, 1764, a. 33 y. GR5

William, Hon., --- --, 1770, a. 47 y. GR5


[Peter. PR22], Rev., Feb. 24, 1762. CR3 [a. 36 y. GR5]

BOWDEN (Boden, Bodin)

_____, inf. ch. Samuel, 3d, Nov. 24, 1809.

_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Eliza, Mar. 8, 1822.

_____, ch. James and Betsey, Nov. 16, 1823, a. 20 m.

_____, ch. James, Aug. 26, 1827, a. abt. 1 y.

_____, inf. ch. Joseph and Sally, Aug. 26, 1828.

_____, ch. Thomas, Dec. 16, 1831, a. 22 m.

_____, ch. Joseph, Mar. 5, 1834, a. 4 w.

_____, ch. Twisden, June 30, 1834, a. 1 y.

_____, s. Joshua O., jr., Sept. 22, 1837, a. 4 y.

_____, ch. James, Mar. 27, 1838, a. 4 m. 15 d.

_____, ch. Joseph, July 14, 1838, a. 1 y. 10 m.

_____, ch. William, Aug. 2, 1838, a. 2 m.

_____, ch. John D., Sept. 9, 1838, a. 1 y. 1 m.

_____, s. the late James and Lucretia, July 20, 1840, a. 1 y.

_____, s. Joseph and Sally, croup, Sept. 27, 1844, a. 5 y.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, "lost out of the Sch Happy Couple, Charles Treadwell, Master, bound to the Mediteranean," rec. Sept. 15, 1815.

Benjamin, fever, at Havana, Sept. --, 1822, a. 19 y. PR1

Benjamin, consumption, May 15, 1826.

Benjamin, seaman, "at Pt. Praya," Nov. 10, 1843, a. 34 y.

Deborah, d. Francis and Deborah, Jan. 9, 1808.

Deborah, w. Francis, "of a Paralitick Shock," Aug. 17, 1823. [a. 78 y. PR1]

Elizabeth, w. Benjamin, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Graves, Sept. 19, 1794, a. 21 y. 10 m. GR1

Betsy, measles, Dec. --, 1821, a. 12 y. PR1

Betsy, at the poorhouse, May 4, 1838, a. 76 y. [a. 80 y. CR3]

Elizabeth, wid. James, palsy, Feb. 12, 1845, a. 57 y.

Elisabeth, wid. Joshua O., palsy, Sept. 15, 1849, a. 72 y. 7 m. 26 d.

Francis, --: 12m: 1759. CR1

Francis, Feb. 7, 1825, a. abt. 75 y.

Francis, at sea, "and Carried on Shore and Buried at Shelburn, Nova Scotia," rec. May 25, 1827.

Grace, w. John, "suddenly," Feb. 13, 1822.

Hannah, d. Samuel and Sarah [phthisis. PR1], Feb. 6, 1822, a. 26 y. [a. 27 y. PR1]

Hannah, d. Twisden and Ellen, teething, May 2, 1843, a. 11 m. 14 d.

James, s. Ambrose, bur. June 20, 1749. CR3

James, jr., "lost at sea from Schr Salus," rec. Nov. --, 1838, a. 40 y. [1837. PR8]

James G., cordwainer, consumption, Sept. 19, 1843, a. 30 y. 11 m.

James, s. William C. and Angeline, croup, Nov. 4, 1847, a. 1 m.

Jeremiah, s. Thomas and Tabitha, "lost out of the Frolic, N. Lindsey, at Portsmouth," rec. May 2, 1813.

John, s. Benjamin and Sarah, "drowned, Out of Sch Essex," at Curacoa, rec. Feb. 6, 1822. [a. 17 y. PR1]

John James, s. Joshua and Ann, Nov. 13, 1840, a. 1 y. 3 m.

John, s. Joseph and Mary Ann, measles, Feb. 7, 1844, a. 6 m.

John, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Zela," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 38 y.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Sally, rupture, Mar. 19, 1843, a. 7 y.

Joseph C., m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Trio," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 43 y.

Joshua O., Esq., shoreman, debility, Dec. 29, 1843, a. 64 y. 4 m.

Lucy, d. James and Lucy, July 28, 1832, a. 8 m.

Lydia, Aug. 21, 1838, a. 2 m. GR6

Lydia S., d. William and Mary, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 3 y.

Mary, w. Francis, --- --, 1748. CR1

Mary, wid. Michael, Sept. 20, 1799, a. 80 y. GR2

Mary, [Sarah. PR1], wid. Elias H. [debility. PR1], Feb. 21, 1812. [a. 56 y. PR1]

Mary, unm., d. Michael and Mary, "suddenly," Dec. 5, 1823, a. 75 y.

Mary, wid. John, Jan. 9, 1828, a. 73 y.

Mary, w. John, rec. Dec. 7, 1830, a. 53 y.

Mary H., Sept. 2, 1833, a. 59 y.

Mary, w. William, July 2, 1839, a. 75 y. [a. 65 y. CR3]

Michael, Sept. --, 1761. CR1

Michael, Aug. 19, 1792, a. 74 y. GR2

Michael, Capt., "of a distressing Illness," Nov. 24, 1823. [a. 43 y. PR1]

Priscilla, wid. Samuel, Feb. 17, 1826, a. 84 y.

Rebeckah, w. _____, (m. 1st, Samuel Chin), May 30, 1798. CR1

Rebecca, wid. Edmund, Feb. 1, 1821. [a. 86 y. PR1]

Rebecca C., d. James, Mar. 2, 1833, a. 14 y.

Richard, "the Oldest Man in Town," Feb. 7, 1809.

Ruth, w. Joseph, dropsy, July 29, 1849, a. 76 y. 10 m.

Samuel, carpenter, July 25, 1813, a. abt. 70 y.

Samuel, 2d, carpenter, "after a lingering sickness," Feb. 11, 1840, a. 69 y. 10 m.

Samuel, widr., shoreman, old age, Feb. 6, 1849, a. 98 y. 2 m. 9 d.

Sarah, wid., Oct. 2, 1789. CR1

Sarah, w. Samuel, consumption, Apr. 16, 1823. [a. 69 y. PR1]

Sally, Feb. 22, 1836, a. 66 y. 7 m.

Sarah, wid. Francis, apoplexy, Apr. 18, 1847, a. 72 y. 1 m.

Thomas, s. Twisden, Oct. 4, 1771, a. 3 y. GR1

Thomas, jr., at the poorhouse, consumption, Sept. 22, 1829.

Thomas, "suddenly," at the poorhouse, rec. Feb. 12, 1831.

Twisden, young, s. Joshua Orne, Apr. 31, 1807.

William, jr., s. William and Mary, "at the Havanna," rec. Sept. 23, 1822.

William, s. the late Samuel and Priscilla, Jan. 16, 1829, a. 53 y.

William S., m., seaman, s. Joshua O. and Ann, drowned [Sch. Fox. PR8], Oct. --, 1844, a. 25 y.

William, widr., pauper, old age, Oct. 21, 1848, a. 79 y.


_____, wid. William, Oct. 24, 1806.

_____, ch. Thomas M. and Miriam, Nov. 29, 1815.

Ashley, Feb. 2, 1813, a. 85 y. [a. 86 y. CR3]

Benjamin, s. illegitimate, Mary, "in the West Indies [with Capt. Quiner in Schr Regulator. " PR1], rec. Jan. 15, 1820, a. 22 y.

Edmund, Oct. 5, 1796, a. 75 y. GR2

Edward, "Coming from N. York," Jan. 13, 1777.

Edward, 2d, Nov. 27, 1805, a. 27 y. GR2

Elizabeth, w. Edward, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth Boden, July 3, 1761.

Elizabeth, w. Nathan, May 18, 1797. CR1 [a. 36 y. GR2]

Hannah, w. Joseph, --- --, 1805, a. 27 y. GR2

Hannah, d. the late William, at the poorhouse, rec. Dec. 11, 1811.

Hannah, w. William, "suddenly," July 29, 1819.

Hannah, d. Nathan, Esq. and Elizabeth, consumption, Nov. 25, 1819. [a. 27 y. PR1]

Mary, d. Nathan, Esq. and Elizabeth, consumption, May 15, 1818. [a. 26 y. PR1]

Mary, wid. Nathan, Esq., May 22, 1838, a. 80 y. 8 m. [May 21. GR2]

Miriam, w. Capt. Thomas M., consumption, May 25, 1824. [a. 39 y. PR1]

Nathan, Dec. 23, 1776, a. 79 y. GR2

Nathan, Dea., Aug. 11, 1837, a. 84 y. 9 m. [Aug. 9. GR2]

Sarah, w. Nathan, Sept. 18, 1740.

William, 2d, s. Edward and Elizabeth, July 3, 1761.

William, May 7, 1806.

William, "of a Paralitick Shock," May 16, 1830.


_____, ch. William and Mary [dysentery. PR1], Aug. 9, 1819. [a. 1 y. PR1]

Caleb, unm., baker, abcess, Feb. 10, 1847, a. 61 y. 10 m.

Betsey [Polly. PR1], "Sister of James Bowler, baker, Suddenly," [phthisis. PR1], Mar. 14, 1823, a. 60 y.

[Betsey. CR4], d. William, jr and Mary [dysentery. PR1], Sept. 23, 1824, a. abt. 20 m. [a. 2 1/2 y. PR1]

Elizabeth, wid. James, Mar. 2, 1833, a. 68 y.

Ezekiel Cooper, s. William and Mary, Aug. 9, 1819, a. 11 m. 8 d. GR4

James, "of a lingering disorder," Jan. 26, 1830, a. 78 y.

James, May 12, 1835, a. 50 y.

Lydia, d. James and Betsey [Elizabeth. GR4; consumption. PR1], Feb. 10, 1825. [a. 26 y. PR1;, a. 28 y. GR4]

Mary, d. James and Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1806, a. 3 y. 5 m. 16 d. GR4

Sarah Jane, d. William and Mary, Sept. 23, 1824, a. 1 y. 9 m. 13 d. GR4

William, old age, at the poorhouse, Jan. 2, 1843, a. 82 y.

BOWLIN (Bowling)

_____, w. Thomas, "suddenly," Aug. 22, 1811.

BOWLING (Boline, Bowlin)

Hannah [Boler. PR1], w. Thomas, "Suddenly," Feb. 15, 1816.


_____, Mrs., wid., at the poorhouse, Dec. 30, 1820.

BRADEEN (Bredeen)

Joseph, at the poorhouse, Feb. 10, 1823.

Mercy, w. Joseph, Mar. 11, 1813.


_____, ch. Rev. Simon, --- 22, 1762, a. - y. 7 m. 16 d. GR2

Mary, w. Rev. Simon, Oct. 18, 1768, a. 51 y. GR2

[Simon. GR2], Rev. Oct. 5, 1771. CR2 [a. 63 y. GR2]

BRAGDEN (Bragdon)

Frederick [W. GR4], s. John T. and Julia Ann, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 5 y. [a. 4 y. 8 m. GR4]

William R. [A. GR4], s. John T. and Julia A., lung fever, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 2 y. 6 m. 27 d.


_____, inf. ch. John and Sarah, June 20, 1819.

_____, Mrs., mother of Capt. Edmund, dysentery, Sept. --, 1822, a. 74 y. PR1

_____, ch. John, jr., Oct. --, 1825, a. 9 m. PR1

Alice, w. Robert, --- --, 1753. CR1

Benjamin, Capt., "Drowned off Braces Cove in a gale of Wind Comeing in from India, Vessell & Cargo lost," [leaving a wife and 2 children. GR1], rec. Feb. 28, 1807. [Mar. 1, a. 32 y. 18 d. GR1]

Edmund, s. Edmund and Sally, bur. at the Island of Java, Aug. 20, 1835, a. 36 y. GR3

John, s. Capt. Edmund and Sally, consumption, Mar. 30, 1826.

John W., s. J.W., Aug. 14, 1839, a. 8 y. 8 m.

Sally, w. Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1801, a. 22 y. 7 m. GR1

Sarah, w. Capt. Edmund, d. the late Knott Pedrick [consumption. PR1], Apr. 10, 1814. [a. 40 y. PR1]

Sally, d. Capt. Edmund and Sally, consumption, July 28, 1826.


_____, ch. Joseph, bur. July 12, 1760. PR23

_____, Mrs., fever, July --, 1821, a. 30 y. PR1

Hannah, d. Robert and Mary, July 30, 1821, a. 16 y.

Mary, wid. Robert, "suddenly, being found Dead in her Bed in the Morning," June 26, 1825. [a. 40 y. PR1]


_____, s. Elias and Mary, bur. Jan. 15, 1727-8. CR3

Annis, wid. Elias, Sept. 13, 1828, a. 76 y.

Elizabeth, unm., June 9, 1827, a. 97 y. 2 m.

BRIDGE (Bridges)

[Eliot. GR4], wid. [Joseph, of Lexington. GR4], late of Woburn, and "Mother of Jefse Blanchard's Wife," Oct. 14, 1807. [a. 70 y. GR4]

Polly, wid. Francis, Nov. 11, 1836, a. 56 y.

BRIDGEO (Bridgo)

_____, w. George, Nov. 11, 1806.

_____, inf. ch. Philip and Jane, June 27, 1808.

_____, s. Philip, jr. and Jane, Feb. 20, 1816, a. abt. 1 y.

_____, inf. ch. Mr., Jan. 30, 1817. PR1

_____, ch. Philip and Jane, Mar. 19, 1818. [Mar. 20. PR1]

_____, inf. d. twin, George and Nancy, Mar. 20, 1823. [a. 6 w. PR1]

George, consumption, July 15, 1832, a. 65 y. [July 17, a. 64 y. GR1]

George, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Warrior," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 42 y.

Hannah, d. George, Oct. 7, 1795, a. 1 y. 7 m. GR1

Hannah, wid. Philip, old age, Nov. 4, 1845, a. 87 y. 2 m. 18 d.

Mary, d. George, Aug. 18, 1794, a. 1 y. 10 m. GR1

Mary, d. George, Aug. 13, 1796, a. 8 m. GR1

Mary, d. Philip and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1805, a. 20 y. 2 m. 26 d. GR1

Mary, w. George, Nov. 11, 1806, in her 29th y. GR1

Philip ["lost at sea. " GR1], lung fever, Oct. 31, 1820, a. 61 y. [a. 64 y. PR1]

Philip, m., master mariner, s. Philip and Hannah, drowned at sea, June 11, 1844, a. 61 y. 9 m. 14 d.

Philip, m., mariner, fits, Jan. 19, 1849, a. 39 y. 3 m. 25 d.

William G., m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Trio," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 32 y.

BRIDGES (Bridge)

_____, ch. Thomas, bur. June 21, 1747. CR3

_____, ch. Capt. Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1828.

Francis, Jan. --, 1834, a. 60 y.

Mary, Dec. 1, 1833, a. 57 y. [Nov. 29. PR2]

Obadiah, bur. Nov. 29, 1732. CR3

Obedier, s. Obedier, June 23, 1751. CR3

BRIGGS (Brigs)

_____, ch. Dr. Calvin, June 26, 1832, a. 1 y.

_____, d. stillborn, James C. and Harriett, Feb. 12, 1849.

BRIGS (Briggs)

_____, inf. ch. Dr. Calvin and Rebecca, July 13, 1811.

BRIMBLECOM (Brimblecome)

_____, small ch. Joseph, Aug. 1, 1807.

_____, ch. Nathaniel and Jane, Sept. 18, 1810, a. abt. 17 m.

_____, wid. Thomas, at the workhouse, June 29, 1815.

_____, ch. Betsey, Sept. 11, 1829, a. 1 w.

_____, ch. Nathaniel, jr. and Hannah, "suddenly," June 24, 1830, a. 4 y.

Charity, wid. Nathaniel, consumption, Apr. 3, 1823, a. 72 y.

Cornelius, s. Cornelius P. and Eleanor, Dec. 2, 1810, a. 4 y.

Cornelius P., Capt. [complication of disorders, died abroad. PR1], Apr. 30, 1812. [a. 37 y. PR1]

David, s. David and Elizabeth, "lost in the United States Sloop of War, Wasp," rec. Mar. 31, 1816.

Eleanor, wid. Cornelius, d. John Harris, drowned in Bowden's Spring, Aug. 24, 1823, a. 49 y. [a. 52 y. PR1]

Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 6, 1708-9, a. 3 w. 5 d. GR1

Elizabeth, w. Samuel, July 2, 1753, a. 70 y. 11 mo. 20 d. GR1

Hannah, d. the late David and Sarah [dropsy. PR1], Nov. 8, 1823, a. 17 y. [a. 16 y. PR1]

Hannah, wid. Nathaniel, jr., consumption, Sept. 12, 1832, a. 30 y.

Hannah, Mar. 2, 1837, a. 87 y. 5 m.

Jane, w. Samuel, May 19, 1803, a. 61 y. GR1

Jane, w. Nathaniel, d. Mark Haskell, at the Ferry, Oct. 8, 1813.

John P., "Drowned up the Bay by falling off the Bowsprit, Supposed in a fit, Received the News," Aug. 19, 1807.

John S., "at Sumatra, with Capt. Michael Power," rec. May 5, 1832.

Lucy, w. Samuel, jr., "and seven small children buried by her side," June 12, 1757, a. 39 y. 1 m. 30 d. GR1

Mark, s. Nathaniel and Jane, Dec. 5, 1823. [a. 19 y. PR1]

Mary, "A Single Woman, Very Suddenly," Dec. 7, 1826.

Miriam, w. Seaward [d. Richard and Jane Pedrick. GR4], consumption, Jan. 28, 1817, a. 75 y. [Jan. 30, a. 76 y. PR1; 75 y. 6 m. GR4]

Nathaniel, jr., "suddenly," Mar. 4, 1829.

Philip, --- --, 1768. GR1

Philip, sr., Apr. --, 1797. GR1

Philip, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1807, a. 2 m. 13 d. GR1

Philip, s. Philip [and Hannah. GR1; fever. PR1], Feb. 1, 1824, a. 38 y. [a. 37 y. 2 m. GR1;, a. 42 y. PR1]

Rebecca, at the poorhouse, Sept. 5, 1827.

Ruth, d. Nathaniel and Jane [fever. PR1], Oct. 4, 1823. [a. 16 y. PR1]

Samuel, Mar. 6, 1807. [Mar. 4, a. 64 y. 4 m. 8 d. GR1]

Sarah, wid. David, "suddenly," Feb. 6, 1818.

Seaward, jr. [s. Philip and Hannah. GR1], "at Martineco with Capt. Nicholass Tucker in the Schooner Spring bird," rec. July 2, 1818. [June 17. GR1]

Seaward [s. Seaward and Alice. GR4; gravel. PR1], Oct. 26, 1823, a. 85 y. [Oct. 23. GR4;, a. 84 y. PR1]

William, s. Joseph and Mary, "Seaman, on board the Scho Alpha, on his Passage from Matanses to Salem," rec. June --, 1824. [a. 27 y. PR1]

BRIMBLECOME (Brimblecom)

Hannah, at the poorhouse, June 9, 1834.

Hannah, at the poorhouse, May 6, 1835, a. 70 y.

John, Mar. 29, 1837, a. 29 y.


Lydia, wid. Samuel, at the poorhouse, May 25, 1827.

BRODEN (Broughton)

Margaret, w. William, Jan. 21, 1760, a. 34 y. GR2

William, s. William and Margaret, Dec. 21, 1758, a. 3 y. 1 m. 21 d. GR2


_____, wid. Benjamin, Apr. 30, 1808.

Edmund, s. Edmund and Mary, "at the Havanna," rec. June 8, 1817. [a. 28 y. PR1]

Edmund, seaman, old age, at the poorhouse, Jan. 21, 1844, a. 80 y.

Edward, bur. Nov. 7, 1842, a. 67 y. CR3

Elisabeth, w. Edmund, June 5, 1839, a. 77 y. 2 m.

Hannah, wid. William, "found in the Dock at Boston," June 26, 1820.

John, Capt., paralitick shock, May 8, 1813.

Remember, wid. Capt. John, "in an advanced Age," Dec. 6, 1815.

William, "Drowned at Marshfield by being Drove on Shore in a Gale of Wind in the Brigatine _____," Nov. 19, 1811.


_____, inf. ch. Capt. Nicholson and Debby [quinsy. PR1], Jan. 3, 1821. [a. 4 w. PR1]

_____, s. twin, Nicholas and Nancy, June 21, 1840, a. 1 d.

Debby W., w. Capt. Nicholson, oldest, d. Jon. Nathaniel Hooper [childbed. PR1], Dec. 2, 1820. [a. 27 y. PR1]

Frederick, s. Capt. Nicholson [chronic diarrhoea. PR1] Oct. 21, 1820. [a. 19 y. PR1]

Glover, Apr. 4, 1825, a. 54 y. 3 m. 28 d. PR6

Glover, s. Capt. Glover and Lydia, "suddenly," June 5, 1830, a. 1 y. 8 m.

Glover, jr., s. Glover and Lydia, "Fell from Main Top Mast head of Ship Harriet Irvin, to the deck, 85 feet," Dec. 11, 1848, a. 18 y. 5 m. 9 d.

Lydia H., d. Glover, master mariner, Sept. 16, 1836, a. 2 y. 2 m.

Nicholson, Aug. 3, 1798, a. 73 y. 7 m. GR3

Nicholson D., seaman, "lost in U.S. Brig Grampus," rec. Sept. 22, 1843.

Norman, s. the late Capt. Nicholson and Susanna, "lost overboard on his passen from hence to New York," July 27, 1825. [a. 31 y. PR1]

Samuel Ingersoll, s. Nicholas and Nancy, July 14, 1840, a. 23 d.

Sarah, w. Nicholson [d. Joseph and Sarah Pedrick. GR3], June 17, 1793. CR1 [June 18, a. 62 y. 9 m. GR3]

Susanna, w. Capt. Nicholson, d. John Glover, Sept. 9, 1796, a. 26 y. 6 m. GR2 [a. 29 y. 6 m. GR6]

BROWN (Browne)

_____, wid. John, Oct. 4, 1807.

_____, ch. John and Lois, Jan. 30, 1813.

_____, inf. ch. Peter and Ruth, July 3, 1813, a. 2 d.

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan and Mary, July 25, 1814. [July 27. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 24, 1818. [a. 3 d. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Samuel B. and Martha, Apr. 9, 1818.

_____, Mr., at sea, Sept. --, 1818. PR1

_____, inf. ch. Samuel B. and Mary, Sept. 11, 1818.

_____, ch. Jonathan and Elizabeth, consumption, Aug. 17, 1821, a. abt. 10 m.

_____, ch. Eli and Eleanor [dysentery. PR1], Oct. 18, 1823, a. abt. 9 m.

_____, ch. Amos D. and Hannah [dysentery. PR1], Aug. 30, 1825.

_____, ch. Joseph, "in the Farms, of Fits," Apr. 10, 1828, a. 15 m.

_____, d. Samuel B. and Martha, Aug. 12, 1828, a. abt. 8 y.

_____, ch. William P., jr. and Rebecca, Sept. 24, 1829, a. 3 m.

_____, ch. Benjamin and Emma, Jan. 20, 1830, a. abt. 3 1/2 y.

_____, ch. Jonathan, Jan. 31, 1832, a. 14 m.

_____, ch. William P., and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1832, a. 6 m.

_____, d. Benjamin B., Feb. 11, 1832, a. 6 m.

_____, d. Benjamin B., Feb. 24, 1832, a. 2 y. 4 m.

_____, ch. John, Aug. 19, 1835, a. 2 y.

_____, ch. Increase H., Jan. 8, 1837, a. 17 d.

_____, ch. John, July 2, 1838, a. 3 y.

_____, ch. Ambrose J., Sept. 25, 1838, a. 4 m.

_____, s. Thomas, Dec. 26, 1840, a. 7 m.

_____, s. William P. and Rebecca, Sept. 9, 1844, a. 3 d.

Abigail, w. William P., Jan. 4, 1817. [a. 42 y. PR1;, a. 37 y. GR3]

Ambrose J., consumption, Mar. 6, 1842, a. 58 y. 1 m. [Mar. 5. CR4]

Amey, wid. Capt. John, Feb. 27, 1826, a. 87 y. GR1

Anna, w. Peter, Dec. 27, 1810. [a. 26 y. GR1]

Anna, wid. Jonathan, June 10, 1814, a. 90 y.

Ann Jetson, d. Ambrose J., Aug. 16, 1832, a. 8 m.

Caleb S., s. [Capt. GR1] Richard and Mary [dropsy. PR1], Sept. 14, 1814. [ Sept. 29. dup; Sept. 28. GR1; Sept. 30, a. 1 y. PR1]

Ebenezer, Sept. 18, 1834, a. 78 y. 7 m.

Edmund, "a Complication of Disorders," [at the farms. PR1] Aug. 12, 1823. [Aug. 10, 1825, a. 57 y. 8 m. GR4;, a. 56 y. PR1]

Edward, s. the late Capt. Edward and Hannah, "a prisoner in England" rec. Sept. 15, 1814. [ Sept. 20, a. 28 y. PR1]

Eli, "fell from Mast head at Charlestown, South Carolina, and was drowned," rec. Sept. 5, 1827.

Eliza, w. Increase, June 8, 1827.

Eliza, w. Dr., of Philadelphia, d. N. Hooper, Dec. 12, 1836.

Elizabeth, w. William, d. the late Capt. Joseph Skilling [consumption. PR1], Nov. 6, 1814. [Nov. 7, a. 49 y. PR1]

Elisabeth [Mrs. CR3], at the almshouse, Feb. 11, 1836, a. 72 y.

Elisabeth, d. William P. and Rebecca, croup, July 23, 1846, a. 22 d.

Emma [Amy. GR1], wid. [Capt. GR1] John, Feb. 27, 1826. [a. 87 y. CR1]

Hannah, w. Joseph, Feb. 16, 1805, in her 27th y. GR2

Hannah B., d. John and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1805, a. 12 y. 6 m. GR1

[Hannah. GR1], w. John, jr., "Suddenly," May 3, 1806. [May 4, a. 49 y. GR1]

James Oliver, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1798, a. 2 y. 4 m. 20 d. GR1

James O., m., s. John and Sarah, chronic diarrhoea, Sept. 20, 1849, a. 48 y. 3 m.

Jane, wid. John, sail maker, at the poorhouse, Dec. 8, 1810.

John, Capt., "Suddenly," Sept. 10, 1816, a. 79 y.

John, 4th, s. Ebenezer and Ruth, "run over by The Waggon he was driving on the Turkpike in Lynn, Comeing from Boston with a load," Oct. 5, 1818.

John, consumption, Nov. 16, 1826, a. 66 y. [Nov. 15. GR1]

John, "Of a Complication of Disorders," July 1, 1827, a. abt. 76 y.

John, m., master mariner, drowned, [Sch. Dorchester. PR8] rec. Feb. 18, 1846, a. 42 y. [1845. GR1]

John, m., cordwainer, s. Thomas and Sarah, consumption, Sept. 10, 1849, a. 43 y. 3 m.

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Eliza, suddenly [supposed by eating some poisonous vegetable. PR1], May 23, 1824. [a. 13 y. PR1;, a. 12 y. 5 m. GR4]

Joseph, s. Joseph and Mehitable, Sept. 20, 1807.

Joseph, "mate of Schooner William, Jos. L. Wormsted, at Martineco" [yellow fever at St. Pierres. PR1], rec. Aug. 18, 1821. [a. 40 y. PR1]

Joseph, Apr. 8, 1834, a. 85 y. GR1

Joseph, "brought from Lynn," Oct. 5, 1834, a. 6 m.

[Lydia. GR4], wid. Edmund, consumption, July 14, 1828, a. 65 y. [July 13. GR4]

Lydia, w. Seth, cancer, Nov. 4, 1842, a. 55 y. 3 m. [a. 58 y. 3 m. CR3]

Margarett [Mrs. PR1], at the workhouse [consumption. PR1], Mar. 24, 1824, a. 76 y. [a. 68 y. PR1]

Mary, w. Thomas, Jan. 30, 1791. CR1

Mary, w. Capt. Thomas, May 12, 1802, a. 44 y. GR1

Mary [2 d. GR1], w. John, jr., Feb. 20, 1811. [a. 54 y. GR1]

Mary, w. Samuel, d. Elisha and Mary Gatchell, Nov. 11, 1816, a. 75 y.

Mary, wid. William, late of Salem, "suddenly," Feb. 13, 1818.

Mary A.H., d. William P. and Abigail, June 15, 1818. [June 12, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR3]

Mary, wid. John, 4th, diarrhoea, Oct. 28, 1842, a. 68 y.

Mary Abigail, d. Samuel H. and Elisabeth, croup, Apr. 18, 1844, a. 2 y. 18 d.

Mary, wid. [Thomas. dup.] apoplexy, May 27, 1844, a. 76 y.

Mary, unm., d. Ambrose J. and Mary, typhus fever, July 17, 1849, a. 20 y.

Mehitable, wid. Joseph, Dec. 15, 1815.

Peter, s. [Capt. GR1] Richard and Mary "suddenly," June 8, 1817, a. abt. 6 y. [a. 5 y. 5 m. GR1]

Peter D., s. P.D., Apr. 30, 1839, a. 6 m.

Peter Sparhawk, s. Benjamin and Emma, June 22, 1841, a. 4 y. 2 m. 11 d.

Peter, s. Peter, disease of head, Feb. 12, 1843, a. 10 y.

Peter, m., s. Peter and Ruth, lung fever, Feb. 18, 1845, a. 25 y.

Rachel, w. Peter, jr., June 25, 1835, a. 26 y. 4 m.

Rebecca, w. William, jr., d. the late Capt. Richard [and Rebecca GR1] Dixcy, Aug. 5, 1807. [Aug. 4, a. 26 y. 4 m. GR1]

Richard [Capt., h. Mary. GR1], consumption, Aug. 29, 1827. [Aug. 30, a. 44 y. 10 m. GR1]

Robert, s. William P. and Abigail, Feb. 5, 1821, a. 6 y. [a. 6 y. 4 m. GR3]

Robert P., --- --, 1824, a. 1 y. 4 m. GR3

Ruth, w. Ebenezer, "suddenly," [erysipelas. PR1], May 19, 1825. [a. 65 y. PR1]

Ruth, w. Peter, consumption, Sept. 15, 1830, a. 44 y.

Samuel [dropsy in the chest. PR1], at the Farms, Dec. 17, 1819, a. 81 y.

Samuel C., s. the late Capt. Edward [fever. PR1], "at the Havana," rec. Feb. 2, 1821. [a. 26 y. PR1]

Samuel, jr., s. Samuel, "Farm," Dec. 18, 1835, a. 16 y.

Sarah, w. James P., May 9, 1847, a. 42 y. GR6

Sally, wid. John, old age, July 7, 1847, a. 84 y. 1 m.

Sally, wid. Eli, old age, Mar. 2, 1848, a. 80 y. 2 m. [Feb. CR5]

Tamson, Mrs., May 12, 1804, a. 67 y. 9 m. GR1

Thomas, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1806, a. 2 y. GR1

Thomas, "a Swede," Dec. 31, 1806.

Thomas G., b. May 13, 1829, d. Oct. 2, 1843. GR6

Thomas, at the poorhouse, Mar. 12, 1833, a. 85 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas, June 17, 1834, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Thomas, Apr. 9, 1837, a. 69 y.

Timothy, Capt., consumption, May 31, 1832, a. 27 y.

William, Nov. 17, 1786, a. 55 y. 3 m. GR1

William, s. William P., jr., Sept. 22, 1837, a. 4 y.

William P., "drowned in Selman's Cove," Aug. 17, 1838, a. 58 y. 4 m.

William B., seaman, s. Peter and Remember, drowned [Sch. Good Exchange. PR8], rec. Feb. 18, 1846, a. 21 y. [1845. PR8]

William, widr., blacksmith, b. East Sudbury, consumption, June 10, 1847, a. 78 y.

BROWNE (Brown)

_____, d. John, --- 6, 1718-19. GR1

_____, s. John, bur. Nov. 10, 1729. CR3

Anne, Dec. 27, 1718-19, a. 26 y. GR1

Betthia, bur. June 23, 1735. CR3

Giles, s. Capt. John, Dec. 21, 1707-8, in his 11th y. GR1

John, Feb. 17, 1702-3, a. 13 y. GR1

John, Capt., May 17, 1707, a. 47 y. GR1

Legg, ch. Elizabeth, Mar. --, 1695-6. CR1

Sarah, d. Samuel and Deborah, bur. Mar. 4, 1729-30. CR3


_____, wid., d. the late Jedediah, Blaney, "in an advanced age," Oct. 9, 1811. [a. 80 y. PR1]

David [Capt. GR1], s. Capt. David and Sarah, "Suddenly," [fever and ague. PR1], Dec. 21, 1822. [a. 30 y. GR1;, a. 26 y. PR1]

David, Capt., Nov. 7, 1828, a. 61 y.

Joseph, jr., s. Joseph and Mary, "lost Over Board at Sea," rec. Dec. 17, 1819.

Joseph, at sea, rec. Apr. 3, 1822. [a. 49 y. PR1]

Thomas, "drowned Sitin a Net at Cape Ann," Nov. 13, 1823. [a. 18 y. PR1]

William, s. Capt. David and Sarah, at Batavia, rec. Dec. 23, 1821.


_____, inf. ch. twin, John and Tabitha, July 4, 1822, a. 1 d.

_____, inf. ch. twin, John and Tabitha, July 10, 1822, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. John, rec. Mar. 20, 1832.

_____, d. John, July 14, 1838, a. 1 y. 3 m.

Abigail, wid. Peter, d. the late John Chipman, Esq., May 30, 1815.

Christopher, June 30, 1789, a. 83 y. GR1

Deborah, wid. William, Sept. 18, 1808. [a. 62 y. GR1]

Eliza, w. John, Apr. 4, 1841, a. 37 y. 6 m. 11 d.

Elizabeth, d. Peter and Abigail, Aug. 13, 1786. GR2

Jane, wid. Benjamin, consumption, Oct. 25, 1830, a. 70 y.

John, s. Peter and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1772. GR2

John, s. Peter and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1777. GR2

Joseph, Capt., Dec. 20, 1783, a. 45 y. 11 m. 18 d. GR1

Joseph, s. John, deceased, and Hannah, at Calcutta, rec. Apr. 18, 1810.

Margaret, w. Christopher, Feb. 2, 1782, a. 73 y. GR1

Mary, w. Peter, Aug. 28, 1768, a. 24 y. 7 m. GR2

Ruth, [wid. Capt. John. GR1] Jan. 13, 1791. CR1 [a. 56 y. GR1]

Sarah, d. Peter and Mary, Aug. 8, 1781, a. 18 y. GR2

Sophia Mellen, d. Peter and Abigail, Oct. 22, 1780. GR2

Tabatha, w. John [U.S.N. GR3], d. Knott and Mary Pedrick, July 16, 1822. [a. 25 y. PR1; Oct. 16, a. 30 y. GR3]


John, see Birchstead, John.


John, "at Point Petre, Cadaloupe, in the Schooner Regulator, John Quiner, Master," rec. Sept. 18, 1818.

BURCHSTEAD (Birchsted)


_____, inf. ch. William and Deborah, Nov. 21, 1813.

_____, wid. William, old age, June 10, 1846, a. 76 y.

William, jr., "died at Sea on board Schr Miriam, John Boden, Master," rec. May 7, 1811.


_____, inf. ch. Robert, Sept. 15, 1840.

Eliza, w. Robert, Sept. 18, 1840.

John, s. Robert and Sarah [fever. PR1], "on board the Brig Union Benj Graves," rec. June --, 1824. [a. 22 y. PR1]

Robert, "of a Violent Fever," Mar. 19, 1821. [a. 50 y. PR1]


_____, ch. _____, "an Englishman lately come to Town," Aug. 27, 1811, a. abt. 2 y.


_____, w. Dea. Joseph, Dec. 20, 1807.

_____, ch. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 13, 1828, a. 9 m.

Benjamin, lung fever, at New Bedford, rec. June 24, 1830.

Eleanor, w. Benjamin, Oct. 13, 1815.

Henry, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1827.

Jane, d. Thomas and Mary, measles, Oct. 27, 1821.

John, s. Dea. Joseph, "Drowned by the Vessell Overseting," Oct. 12, 1809.

John, s. the late Thomas, at the poorhouse, Oct. 3, 1831.

John, June 14, 1832, a. 40 y. [June 13, a. 36 y. 5 m. GR6]

John, s. John and Hannah M., croup, July 21, 1844, a. 2 y. 2 m. 23 d.

Joseph, Dea., "suddenly," [cholera. PR1], Oct. 16, 1812, a. 71 y. [Oct. 15, a. 72 y. PR1]

Joseph, s. the late Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1817. [a. 21 y. PR1]

Maria, d. John and Hannah M., "Infantile," Mar. 1, 1848, a. 18 d.

Martha, Jan. 19, 1835, a. 44 y. [Jan. 16. CR4; Jan. 15. GR4]

Mary, wid. John, d. Dea. Joseph Butman, Oct. 11, 1814. [Oct. 12, a. 56 y. PR1]