NorthShore Slavery


Bickford L., of Topsfield, and Eunice Carter, Jan. 23, 1823.*


Abraham, Rev., and Hannah Leavitt of Hampton, NH, int. Jan. 9, 1803.


John, jr., of East Tomastown, ME, and Abigail Edwards, Aug. 1, 1837.*


George, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Harsham, int. Feb. 17, 1764.

RAY (Rea)

Peter W., and Amanda M. Peart, both of Boston, Dec. 21, 1840.


Joanna, of Beverly, and John Lea, 3d, at Beverly, June 16, 1737.*

Mary, and Samuell Lee, jr., int. June 26, 1743.

Ruth [Ruth Lee. int.], and Sewall Tuck of Beverly, May 21, 1772.*

REA (Ray)

Molly, of Beverly, and Samuell Ober, Mar. 6, 1785.*


Joseph, of Cambridge, and Mrs. Levina Bond, Mar. 26, 1778.*

Eben R., a. 23 y., sawer, s. James and Bethiah, and Mahala Standley, a. 18 y., d. Paul and Mahala, June 20, 1847.*


Edward, of Marblehead, and Rachel Bennet, May 7, 1772.*


John, and Anne Bare, June 11, 1793. CR

John, and Betsey Danford, Nov. 24, 1796.*

Betsy, and Thomas Williams, int. Dec. 31, 1819.

Anna, and James Burges, Feb. 1, 1821.*

Lydia, and Samuel S. Hooper, Apr. 13, 1826.*

John, and Hannah Hilton, Nov. 10, 1830.*

Hannah L. [Mrs. CR], and Henry F. Lee, Aug. 19, 1841. TC*


Ruben, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Mary Samples, Dec. 10, 1793. CR

Asa, and Elizabeth Allen, May 29, 1809.*

Asa, jr., and Betsey Preston, July 16, 1835.*

Lydia, and William Godsoe, May 30, 1841. TC*

Nathan, a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, and Mary Elizabeth Butler of Gloucester, a. 18 y., tailoress, d. Daniel and Rhoda, of Gloucester, Oct. 31, 1844.*

Nathan, widr., a. 30 y., blacksmith, a. Asa and Betsy, and Caroline Allen, a. 19 y., d. Azariah and Sally, June 25, 1848.*


Sarah, of Glocester, and John Allen, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1756.

ROBASON (Robinson)

Mary, and Robbert Leach, Mar. 15, 1704-5.


Luther, and Sarah Robinson of Gloucester, int. Nov. 26, 1811.

ROBERDS (Roberts)

Jonathan, jr., of Beverely, and Hanah Badcock, ibt. Oct. 27, 1734.

ROBERTS (Roberds)

William, and Mercy Stanley of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1776.*

Andrew, and Mrs. Molly Morse of Beverly, June 26, 1783.*

Anne, and Phelep Caststeirs, int. May 28, 1791.

Mary, and William Morse of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 19, 1798.*

Andrew, of Beverly, and Eunice Leach, Dec. 26, 1805. CR*

William, and Lucy Sanderson of Beverly, Feb. 27, 1806. CR*

Marcy, and David Goodrich of Beverly, int. Dec. 31, 1809.

Eliza, of Beverly, and James Dow, int. Jan. 3, 1819.

Hannah, and Henry Stone [of Gloucester. int.], May 23, 1830.*

Eunice, and Joseph Killham, Oct. 5, 1830.*

Mehitable, and William Cross, Nov. 26, 1834.*

Louisa, and Samuel Driver, Mar. 3, 1836.*

Andrew, and Mary Ann Ward of Beverly, Nov. 9, 1836.*

Laura A., of Rockport, and Arthur S. Allen, int. Oct. 10, 1846.

Oliver, a. 26 y., fisherman and cordwainer, s. Andrew and Eunice, and Ruth Foss of Beverly, a. 20 y., b. Strafford, NH, d. Enoch and Ruth, of Strafford, NH, Nov. 18, 1847.*

ROBINSON (Robason, Robison)

Mary, of Salem, and Robert Leach, Mar. 15, 1705. TC

Sarah, of Gloucester, and Luther Robbins, int. Nov. 26, 1811.

ROBISON (Robinson)

John, of Salam, and Vilet Kahall, int. July 6, 1798.

RODGERS (Rogers)

Abigail W., and Enoch Allen, June 17, 1834.*

ROGERS (Rodgers)

Nathaniel, of Wenham, and Elizabeth Hill, Oct. 10, 1752.*

Hannah, of Wenham, and Daniel Lee, at Wenham, Dec. 16, 1773.*

Samuel, a. 22 y., varnisher, s. Samuel W. and Mary G., and Adeline Carter, a. 17 y., d. Nathan, jr. and Adeline, Dec. 9, 1847.*


John, and Marthe Hoston of Gloucester, Apr. 4, 1787.


John, and Juday Hooper, int. July 25, 1747.


Martha R., of Boston, and Charles H. Trask, int. Sept. 18, 1849.


Horace, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Ephram and Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and Sarah M. Wheaton, a. 26 y., Cape Breton, d. Joseph and Mary Ann, of Arrowshot, C.B., May 6, 1845.*

ROW (Rowe)

Abram [Abraham. int.], and Olive M. [Maria. int.] Goldsmith, Dec. 2, 1832.*

ROWE (Row)

Nancy, and John Andrews, Jan. 3, 1813. CR*

Martha, of Gloucester, and Samuel Kilham, Dec. 30, 1830.*

RUNNELS (Ronels)

RUSSEL (Russell)

Polly, and Simion [Simion Fedreck. int.] Miller, Nov. 28, 1802. CR*

Betsey, and Capt. George Girdler, int. Dec. 15, 1811.

William [jr. int.], and Nabby Hooper, Nov. 14, 1813. CR*

Joseph, and Elizabeth Hilton of Beverly, int. Mar. 13, 1814.

Sarah, and Azariah Allen, Sept. 14, 1824.*

Lucy, and Michael [D. CR] Monies of Salem, June 20, 1825.*

RUSSELL (Russel)

William, and Judath Killam, int. Oct. 25, 1788.

Isaac, and Elezebeth Lee, int. Aug. 20, 1794.

Elizabeth, and John Easkoot, Aug. 30, 1812. CR*

Judith, and Isaac Lee, jr., June 12, 1814. CR*

William, and Elizabeth Girdler, Oct. 4, 1835.*

Caroline, and Thomas W. Crumby, Oct. 14, 1838.*

Mary, of Beverly, a. 17 y., b. Beverly, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Winthrop Pickering of Gloucester, a. 22 y., yeoman, b. Gloucester, s. Elisha and Mary, of Gloucester, Sept. 6, 1848.


Rachel, of Ipswich, and Moses Bennet, at Essex, Feb. 15, 1739.*

Sarah, of Gloucester, and John Allen, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1756.

Daniel, of Ipswich, and Ruth Belcher, Nov. 10, 1763.*

William C., and Eliza Lee, Feb. 21, 1828.*

Nancy, Mrs., of Lynn, and Joseph Price, int. Dec. 21, 1844.


Moses, of Essex, and Olive Lee, June 7, 1829.