NorthShore Slavery


_____, Bristol, and Violet, "Capt. John Forster's," Feb. 5, 1762.

_____, Dilla [Dele. int.], and Stephen "Sarvents to Samuell Lee, jr.," Mar. 6, 1734.* [1733-4 CR]

_____, Greace, and Rachal Clarke, Sept. 5, 1788.*

_____, Phelis, and Seser, "Belonging to Capt. Samuell Lee," Apr. 9, 1778.*

_____, Seser, and Philes, "Belonging to Capt. Samuell Lee, Apr. 9, 1778.*

_____, Stephen, and Dilla [Dele. int.], "Sarvents to Samuell Lee, jr.," Mar. 6, 1734.* [1733-4. CR]

_____, Violet and Bristol, "Capt. John Foster's," Feb. 5, 1762.*

CAHALE, Violet, and John Roberson of Salem, Aug. 9, 1798.

CONAWAY, Seaser, of Ipswich, and Dina Cheever, int. Nov. 11, 1804.

CHEEVER, Dina, and Seaser Conaway of Ipswich, int. Nov. 11, 1804.

CLARKE, Rachal, and Greace, Sept. 5, 1788.*

LEE, Rachel, and Parker Lemons of Essex, Dec. 8, 1822.*

LEMONS, Parker, of Essex, and Rachel Lee, Dec. 8, 1822.*

ROBERSON, John, of Salem, and Violet Cahale, Aug. 9, 1798.