NorthShore Slavery


James, and Rachel Hawks, Nov. 8, 1798.*


Aseneth, Mrs., and Augustus Upton of Danvers, Jan. 18, 1844.*

LARRABEE (Larribee)

Ephraim, and Sarah Bragg, Oct. 15, 1807.*

Hannah, and Martin Green of Stoneham, int. Aug. 23, 1805.

Hepsibah, and Stephen Putney of Danvers, at Danvers, Dec. 11, 1788.

Lydia, and Stephen Mackentire of Danvers, at Danvers, July 12, 1787.

Mehetable, and Ebenezer Aborn, Feb. 5, 1784.

Mercy, and Ebenezer Lawrence, Apr. 27, 1802.*

Rebekah, and Nathaniel Gowing, int. Feb. --, 1808.

Tama, and Ezra Hatch of Andover, int. June 8, 1822.

William, and Polly Jemmeny, July 4, 1790.*

LARRIBEE (Larrabee)

Mary, of Lynn, and John Jeffrey, int. Apr. 24, 1812.


Rufus [of Lynn. int], and Timna Mansfield, Oct. 29, 1807.*


Dolly, and Noah Newhall, Aug. 11, 1785.

Dolly, and John Newhall of Danvers, int. Mar. 1, 1828.

Ebenezer, and Mercy Larrabee, Apr. 27, 1802.*

Ebenezer, jr., and Joann Perkins, at Danvers, May 20, 1830.*

Mercy, and Samuel Fergeson of Salem, int. Sept. 18, 1824.


Joshua Orne [of Marblehead. int.], and Dolly Newhall, Jan. 14, 1810.*


Lemuel, and Sarah Gowing, Oct. 20, 1785.

Sally, of South Reading, and Nathan Dotan, Nov. 16, 1834.

LINDSEY (Lyndsey)

Benjamin, of Lynn, and Mary Perkins, int. Aug. 7, 1824.


Lucinda, and Hamon [Hermon. int] Macintire, Mar. 10, 1844.*

LYNDSEY (Lindsey)

Phebe, of Lynn, and Jonathan Newhall, int. Mar. 8, 1795.