NorthShore Slavery


Mary E., and George H. Breed, May 27, 1840.*

Joseph H., and Abigail F. Lewis, int. Sept. 27, 1846.

VANCE (Vans)

William, of Boston, and Lois Robinson, Aug. 3, 1815.*

VANS (Vance)

Janett C., and Benjamin J. Sargent, Mar. 20, 1842.*


Sarah, a. 20 y., d. Daniel, and Joseph W. Nichols, a. 19 y., cordwainer, s. Joseph, Nov. 19, 1848.*


Charles, and Betsey Currier, Apr. 6, 1826.*

VERRY (Very)

Daniel, of Danvers, and Hannah Larabee, at Danvers, Dec. 16, 1778.*

Adaline A., of Salem, and Jonas Weston, int. Apr. 28, 1839.

VERY (Verry)

Benjamin, of Salem, and Jemima Newhall, at Salem, June 9, 1698.*

Abigal, and William Gilford of Leicester, int. Apr. 6, 1760.

Sally, of Danvers, and John W. Tarbox, int. Apr. 25, 1819.

William, resident in Lynn, and Betsy Warden of Salem, int. Apr. 13, 1823.

VIAL (Viall)

Mary, and Nathaniel Boynton, Apr. 6, 1779.*

Samuel, and Susanna Stocker, Mar. 8, 1788.*

Samuel, and Joanna Newhall, Jan. 30, 1814.*

VIALL (Vial)

Sameull, and Mary Tuttell of Chelsea, int. Oct. 21, 1750.

Sarah, and Lemuel Allen, Nov. 29, 1771. CR3*

Boynton, and Lucy Newhall, Oct. 16, 1831.*

Ruth J., and Major Stoddard of New York, int. Mar. 24, 1839.

Micajah N., and Mary Orr, Nov. 9, 1841.*

VICKARY (Vickery)

Jeremiah, and Mary Lindsey, int. May 8, 1831.

David, and Harriett P. Hitchings, Oct. 29, 1832.*

Mary Ann, and Robert Ramsdell, May 7, 1834.*

David, jr., and Mary Ann Burrill, Dec. 14, 1837.*

Otis, and Abigail Guilford, Aug. 23, 1838.*

Eliza, and Robert Newhall, Dec. 23, 1841.*

Clarissa, and John Gibbens, jr., Dec. 15, 1842.*

Joseph, jr., and Ann Maria Graves, Apr. 17, 1844.*

John, and Mary J. Brown, Dec. 15, 1844.*

Robert W., a. 26 y., cordwainer, s. David, and Abby M.S. Phillips, a. 22 y., d. Benaiah, May 31, 1849.


Susanna, of Waltham, and Robert G. Lye, int. June 8, 1834.


Thomas, and Hannah Gilman, Oct. 22, 1838.*

George W., and Julia Stearns, int. Jan. 17, 1841.

George W., and Emeline A. Bickford, Apr. 6, 1843.*

Lucy Ann, and John Nugent, jr., int. Sept. 24, 1843.

VINING (Vinning)

Abigaill, of Boston, and John Downing, int. Mar. 17, 1749-50.

William, of Marblehead, and Martha Lovice, July 3, 1754.*

David W., and Caroline M. Weed, Mar. 8, 1842.*

Thomas V. [W. int.], and Mary E. Lye, d. John, May 1, 1845.*

VINNING (Vining)

Jane, of Salem, and Rand Graves, at Salem, Dec. 6, 1770.*

Samuel, of Marblehead, and Mary Richards, at Marblehead, Dec. 14, 1780.