NorthShore Slavery

UMPHERY (Humphrey)

Nabby, of Marblehead, and James Fuller Lewis, int. Oct. 4, 1801.


William, of Yorktown, NY, a. 27 y., farmer, s. William and Phebe G. [of Yorktown. CR1], and Miriam Hoag, a. 19 y., d. Enos and Maria [of North Berwick, ME, both deceased. CR1], 10: 6m: 1847.


Betsey, and Charles Howarth, Dec. 1, 1836.*

UPHAM (Upum)

Hannah, and James Roots, jr., of Saugus, Mar. 28, 1832.*

Jesse, and [Mrs. PR6] Sarah James, Apr. 2, 1767.*

Jesse, of Chelsea, and Sarah James, at Chelsea, Apr. 2, 1769.

John, of Malden, and Sarah Burnall, Nov. 3, 1727.*

John, of Malden, and Deliverance Foul, May 15, 1750.*

Joshua 2d [of Malden. int.], and Betsey B. Ireson, Sept. 30, 1830.*

Phebe, and Phineas Watts of Malden, Apr. 28, 1782.

Sally Hill, see Hill, Sally.

Sarah, and Amos Pratt [of Malden. int.], Apr. 30, 1761.*

Susanna, of Malden, and Henry Silsbee, int. Oct. 20, 1833.

Tamsin [of Malden. int.], and Jonathan Willey, Aug. 30, 1750.*

Timothy [of Malden. int.], and Mary Chever, Dec. 24, 1739.*

Willard, of Royalston, and Sophronia Sherman, Apr. 21, 1839.*


Caleb, and Mary Stewart of Reading, int. Feb. 24, 1744-5.

Frances, of Reading, and Edde Herrick, int. Aug. 3, 1740.

John, and Sarah Pool, May 5, 1768.*

John, of Lynnfield, and Hannah Nickols, int. Oct. 12, 1800.

Mary, of Reading, and Shubal Sterns, int. Apr. 27, 1705.

Mary P., wid., teacher, d. Joshua Putnam, and Samuel Graves, widr., a. 48 y., farmer, s. Samuel and Susanna, June 26, 1845.*

Phebe, and Joseph Emerson of Reading, at Reading, Dec. 7, 1749.*

Sophia, and John F. Hilton, shoe manufacturer, Apr. 5, 1846.*

Susannah, and Jonathan Newhall, jr., June 15, 1779.*

William, of Reading, and Sarah Herick, int. Dec. 30, 1749.

Zerviah, of Reading, and Daniel Townsend, at Reading, Jan. 24, 1764.*

UPUM (Upham)

Mary, Mrs., of Chelsea, and Amos Farington, Sept. 26, 1788.*


James M., and Pamelia Pray of Salem, int. May 27, 1838.

Leonard B., and Lydia M. Jacob, May 11, 1843.*

Roland G., a. 21 y., and Caroline M. Mudge, a. 22 y., June 5, 1844.*