Sabina, d. James, trader, and Catherine, both b. Ireland Jan. 11, 1849.
Margaret, d. Patrick, laborer, and M., both b. Ireland July 4, 1848.
Henry M., s. Horace M., carpenter, b. Hyde Park, NH, and L., b. Lisbon, NH, June 18, 1849.
Sarah Jane, d. John and Mary, Mar. 6, 1849. CR3
Samuel, s. Nugent, mason, and Fanny, both b. Ireland Nov. 29, 1849.
Michael J., s. Michael, trader, and Mary, both b. Ireland Sept. 18, 1848.
Erek [Luke Keogh. CR3], s. William, laborer, and Bridget [(Spelman.). CR3], both b. Ireland Aug. 5, 1849.
Waity F., d. Henry O., and Huldah, Apr. 20, 1847.
Thomas, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 26, 1847.
Michael, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 7, 1847.
Mary Ann, d. John, laborer, and Honora, both b. Ireland Aug. 11, 1848.
James, s. Mathew, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland Dec. 10, 1848.
Catherine, d. John and Mary, Mar. 6, 1849. CR3
Mary A., d. John, laborer, and Honora, Mar. 11, 1849.
Edward, s. Michael and Ellen O'Brien, May 1, 1849. CR3
Ellen, d. Thomas, laborer, and Catherine, both b. Ireland at Hartford, CT, July 2, 1849.
Timothy, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland. Sept. 7, 1849.
Elizabeth, d. William, laborer, and Joanna, both b. Ireland Dec. 7 [5. CR3], 1849.
Catherine, d. James, laborer, and Nancy, both b. Ireland Nov. 1, 1848.
_____, s. Charles, carpenter, b. Derry, NH, and Fidelea, b. Hill, NH, Sept. 1, 1849.
James Edwin, s. John M., carpenter, and [Martha Jane. CR2], Mar. 27, 1848.
John, s. Michael, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland Dec. --, 1849.
Mary, d. Maurice, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 26, 1848.
Michael, s. John, carpenter, and Mary, both b. Ireland June 7 [26. CR3], 1849.
Johanna, d. Cornelius, laborer, and Mary [(Cunningham.). CR3], both b. Ireland July 28 [27. CR3], 1849.
Catherine, d. William, laborer, and Catherine, both b. Ireland Sept. 4 [5. CR3], 1849.
John, s. James and Bridget (Begley), Nov. 23, 1849. CR3
John, s, Patrick and Mary, Dec. 7, 1849. CR3
Michael, s. James and Mary (Daly), July 16, 1849. CR3
Samuel, s. Nugent, mason, and F., Nov. 30, 1848.
Catherine, d. John, carpenter, and Mary, both b. Ireland in New York City, Apr. 28, 1849.
John, s. John, tailor, and Anstes [Anastasia (Tobin.). CR3], both b. Ireland Nov. 12 [13. CR3], 1848.
Charles F., s. Ira, laborer, and Julia, Jan. 23, 1848.
Stephen, s. Michael and Anna (Lynch), Dec. 24, 1848. CR3
_____, d. John, mechanic, and Maria, Mar. 20, 1848.
Helen J., d. William M., overseer, b. Canterbury, NH, and Lucy J., b. Boscawen, NH, Aug. 17, 1849.
Darwin E., s. J.B., spinner, b. Carroll Co., NH, and A.S., b. Berwick, ME, Sept. 12, 1849.
Catherine, d. John and Margaret (Roche), Nov. 10, 1849. CR3
Lucy J., d. Samuel W., capenter and Emily, Dec. 19, 1847.
Emma E., d. Thomas, weaver, and Eliza, both b. England at Dracutt, Dec. 8, 1848.
Arabel, d. Morris, carpenter, b. Northrwood, NH, and Sarah, b. Pittsfield, NH, June 23, 1849.
Lawrence, s. Matthew, laborer, and E., Oct. --, 1848.