NorthShore Slavery

VANBEBBER (Van Bibber)

Isaac, Capt., and Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, wid., int. Jan. 22, 1738.

VARNEY (Varny)

Rachel, and John Fellows, at Chebacco, Oct. 14, 1692.

Abigail, and Caleb Low [both of Chebaccco. int.], at Chebacco, Jan. 8, 1732-3.*

Thomas, and wid. Ann Low, at Chebacco, Dec. 27, 1739.

John, and Sarah Jones [Elizabeth Jones, resident in Ipswich. int.], Dec. 31, 1747.*

Thomas [jr. int.], and Dorothy Stone [of Gloucester. int.], at Gloucester, Sept. 10, 1751.*

Ann [wid. int.], and Moses Foster, Dec. 10, 1767.*

John, and Mrs. Sarah Burnam, int. Feb. 18, 1769.

John, and Mary Clark of Gloucester, int. Dec. 17, 1807.


William [Venan. int.], and Mary Marshall [jr. int.] of Wenham, at Wenham, Apr. 10, 1760.*

VARREL (Varrell)

Richard, and Mary Day, at Gloucester, Jan. 12, 1727.

John H., and Catharine B. Spiller, May 21, 1840.*

VARRELL (Varrel, Varrill)

Richard, and Mary Day of Gloucester, int. Dec. 17, 1726. CR4

Thomas, and Susanna Dolliver of Gloucester, int. Feb. 24, 1727.

Dorothy [Deborah. int.], and Richard Stevens of St. Georges River, June 11, 1730.*

Samuel, and Sarah Stephens of Gloucester, int. Oct. 31, 1730.

Mary, and Thomas Maybe, jr., int. June 21, 1746.

Mary, and David Ireland int. Aug. 6, 1748.

VARRILL (Varrell)

Susanna, and Thomas West, int. 27: 10m: 1718.


Abigail, Mrs., of Portsmouth, and Nathaniel Shannon, int. 23: 8m: 1714.


Frances A., and Nathaniel Lord of Bangor, ME, int. Sept. 19, 1835.


Thomas, and Tryphena Bigsby, int. Sept. 15, 1722.


Sarah N., of Rowley, a. 19 y., d. Jacob and Sarah S., and William P. Smith of Charlestown, a. 32 y., cordwainer, s. Charles and Mary A., Sept. 21, 1848.


John, of Boston, and Elisabeth D. Lord, Oct. 6, 1819.*