Nancy, and Mishael West Larcom of Beverly, int. Nov. 20, 1802.
Benjamin [jr. int.], of Wenham, and Sukey [Sally. int.] Roberts, Mar. 12, 1812. CR*
Benjamin, Capt., of Wenham, and Abigail Roberts, June 10, 1834.*
Martha A., of Westford, and John Whittredge, int. May 5, 1838.
Polly, and Luke Dodge of Grotton, int. June 22, 1798.
Fanny, and Henry Larcome of Beverly, Nov. 27, 1800. CR*
Eunice, of Rowley, and James Brown, int. Apr. 23, 1796.
Hiram, and Lois Bean of Somersworth, NH, Oct. 9, 1834. CR*
Lucy, and Harry Wilson, Sept. 10, 1815. CR*
Mary Jane, of Beverly, and Herbert Dodge, Oct. 22, 1842.*