NorthShore Slavery


_____, s. wid. Sally, Feb. 5, 1826.

Daniel, s. Samuel and Prisilla, Oct. 30, 1792.

David, s. Samuel and Priscilla, Feb. 5, 1786.

Ephraim, s. Samuel and Priscilla, Mar. 23, 1790.

John, Oct. 15, 1750.

John, s. Capt. John, June 24, 1785.

Martha, w. John, Oct. 11, 1768.

Martha, d. Capt. John, Aug. 31, 1792.

Nathaniel, s. Capt. John, Oct. 10, 1787.

Priscilla, w. Samuel, Apr. 8, 1759.

Samuel, July 25, 1755.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Priscilla, Sept. 13, 1784.


_____, ch. Ebenezer, --- --, 1810.


_____, s. Reuben, Oct. --, 1802.

_____, ch. John, --- --, 1807.

_____, s. William, Oct. 30, 1838.

_____, s. Ammi, July 7, 1841.

Alvin, s. John, jr., Aug. 14, 1833.

George, s. John, jr., Aug. 30, 1839.

George Pliny, s. William McK., b. Ipswich, cordwainer, and Lucy, Jan. 22, 1849.

[Hannah Dodge. CR], d. John, --- --, 1811.

Polly, d. Reuben, jr., May 17, 1801.

Mary, d. John, bp. May 27, 1804. CR

Mary Elizabeth, d. George, Apr. 8, 1833.

Samuel, s. John, Nov. --- --, 1801.

William Brown, s. William McK., cordwainer, and Lucy, Apr. 23, 1847.


_____, ch. Azor, --- --, 1810.

_____, s. John and Martha Woodberry, Sept. 5, 1813.

Abigail, d. Azor, Oct. 5, 1816.

John, s. Azor, Aug. 19, 1814.


_____, s. Samuel, Nov. 16, 1812.

_____, s. Samuel, Apr. 11, 1815.

_____, s. Samuel, June 30, 1817.

_____, s. Samuel, May 19, 1821.

_____, s. Samuel, Jan. 10, 1824.

_____, d. Samuel, Mar. 3, 1826.

_____, s. Samuel, June 13, 1828.

_____, s. Samuel, jr., May 9, 1840.

Elizabeth, d. Samuel, Jan. 6, 1831.