NorthShore Slavery


_____, wid., bur. Feb. 26, 1822. CR6

James, asthma, Dec. 29, 1807, a. 70 y. CR1

William, s. James, bur. Oct. 18, 1817, a. 2 y. CR6

LAIGHTON (Leighton)

Patience, d. Samuel and Patience (Grover), --- --, ----. [bet. 1750-1752.]


James Hadlock, s. Martha, at the workhouse, Jan. 22, 1815, a. 6 m.


Harriet Ann, d. John and Maria Antoinette, June --, 1841.

John, b. Ipswich, m., mariner, s. John and Mary, consumption, Oct. 16, 1848, a. 37 y. 4 m. 16 d.


William, Esq., from Summerworth, NH, school teacher, apoplexy, Dec. 11, 1824, a. 45 y.


_____, Mr., father of Mrs. Oliver Whitrige, Jan. 31, 1807. CR3

_____, wid. _____, bur. May 13, 1815. CR3

Anna, wid., bur. Sept. 15, 1843, a. 78 y. CR6

Daniel, bur. Mar. 11, 1824. CR6


_____, ch. _____, bur. Nov. 20, 1813. CR6

John, s. John, burnt, bur. Dec. 10, 1814, a. 2 y. CR6


_____, d. Solomon, Sept. 12, 1805, a. 4 or 5 y. CR3

_____, ch. Capt. Gideon, Nov. 8, 1805. CR3

_____, s. George and Sally (Goss), July 31, 1806. PR567

_____, inf. ch. David, jr., Oct. 3, 1806. CR3

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan, Oct. 27, 1808. CR1

_____ [s. PR564 ], inf. ch. David [and Abigail. PR564 ], jr. Sept. --, 1809. CR3 [ Sept. 21. PR564 ]

_____, twin s. David and Abigail, Aug. 8, 1810. PR564

_____, ch. David, jr., Mar. 7, 1811. CR3

_____, ch. David, jr. Apr. 7, 1811, a. abt. 8 m. CR3

_____, twin s. David and Abigail, Apr. 15, 1811. PR564

_____, ch. Jonathan, --- --, 1812. CR3

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan, bur. Apr. 28, 1815. CR3

_____, ch. Jonathan, Nov. --, 1816. CR3

_____, s. George and Sally, July 17, 1820. PR567

_____, inf. ch. David, jr., Aug. --, 1821. CR3 [Aug. 24. PR564 ]

_____, ch. Epes and Sally Humphreys (Woodbury), Mar. --, 1825. PR561

_____, inf. ch. Capt. Gideon, bur. Oct. 19, 1828. CR3

_____, ch. Charles, May 16, 1829. CR3

_____, s. George and Eliza (Tarr), Aug. 24, 1829. PR581

_____, s. George and Delia Sawyer (Rowe), Nov. 3, 1831. PR581

_____, inf. ch. Capt. Gideon, Mar. 28, 1832. CR3

_____, inf. ch. T., bur June 27, 1836. CR1

_____, ch. Mr. _____, --- --, 1838. CR1

_____, inf. ch. David, bur. May 26, 1844. CR6

_____, ch. Cyrus and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1844, a. 7 d.

_____, b. Rockport, s. Esther, fits, Apr. 20, 1847, a. 2 m. 21 d.

Abigail, d. Solomon and Abigail, fever, Sept. 30, 1774, a. 5 m. CR3

Abigail, w. Solomon, consumption, Jan. 1, 1777, a. 38 y. CR3 [Dec. 26, 1776. PR555 ]

Abigail, d. David and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1801, in her 17th y. GR3

Abigail, w. David [Feb. 22, 1812, a. 32 y. 10 m. 16 d. PR564 ]

Nabby, w. David, jr., Feb. 22, 1812. CR3

[Adeline. different ink.], d. Theodore and Clarissa, consumption, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 1 m. 19 d.

Agnes H., d. E. and Betsey, Oct. 3, 1834, a. 3 y. GR1

Alexander, s. Capt. Gideon, at St. Thomas, West Indies, Aug. 5, 1821. CR3

Amanda, twin d. Gideon and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1838. PR571

Ammi, Nov. 5, 1787. PR555

Andrew, s. Andrew and Mary (Tarr), Jan. 20, 1772. PR558

Andrew, h. Mary (Tarr), Jan. 24, 1791, a. 45 y. PR558

Anna, w. Gideon, bur. June 7, 1821. CR3

Benjamin, complication of disorders, Mar. 12, 1773, a. 72 y. CR3

Benjamin, s. William and Abigail, consumption, Jan. 13, 1849, a. 4 y.

Caleb, Feb. 10, 1783, a. 54 y. GR2

Caleb, jr., June 8, 1814. PR559

Charles, s. Caleb and Abiah (Saville), Nov. 7, 1796. PR559

Clara, d. Frederick and Judith Story [(Sanborn). PR585 ], d. Aug. 21, 1842. GR9

Clarissa, d. Theodore and Clarissa, June 25, 1836. AC

Clifford, s. Oliver G. and Charlotte [Phippen. PR574 ], Mar. 26, 1832. [a. 2 m. GR5 ]

Clifford, s. James M. and Elizabeth H., d. --- --, 1846. GR9

Cornelius, bur. July 9, 1805. CR3

David, dropsy, Sept. 3, 1777, a. 56 y. CR3

David, s. David and Abigail, Aug. 19, 1801, a. 30 d. GR3

David, Capt., May 30, 1825, a. 75 y. CR3 [a. 74 y. 6 m. 18 d. GR3 ]

David, jr., h. Abigail 1st, Mary (Gott), 2d, Mary (Taylor) 3d, May 15, 1835, a. 59 y. PR564

David, s. David and Lydia Ann, lung fever, May 25, 1844, a. 2 y. 5 m. 11 d.

David, m., s. Epes and Susan, suicide, Dec. 9, 1848, a. 45 y.

Deborah, d. Joseph and Deborah, May 17, 1722, a. abt. 5 m.

Debborah, d. John and Dorcis, May 9, 1729, in her 27th y.

Deborah, d. John and Darcos, May 9, 1729, in her 27th y. GR3

Dorcas, w. John, Feb. 9, 1754, in her 93d y. GR3

Dorcas [B. GR2 ], w. Capt. Gideon [3d. GR2 ], Oct. 15, 1817. CR3 [Oct. 16. GR2 ]

Dorcas B. [d. Gideon and Eliza H. (Peabody). PR572 ], Dec. 13, 1824, a. 10 m. GR9

Dorcas B. [d. Gideon and Eliza H. (Peabody). PR572 ], Oct. 13, 1828, a. 2 m. GR9

Edward, s. Epes and Mary, d. July 17, 1841. GR3

Eliza (Tarr), w. George, Sept. 7, 1829. PR581

Elizabeth, wid. _____, asthma, Sept. 11, 1779, a. 70 y. CR3

Betsy, wid., Jonathan, Sept. --, 1808, a. 60 or 70 y. CR3

Betsey Gott, d. George and Sally, 2d w., June 11, 1835.

Elizabeth, Dec. 1, 1842. PR137

Betsy, w. Edward, consumption, Dec. 14, 1843, a. 36 y. 3 m. 14 d. [Dec. 13. GR1 ]

Elizabeth A., d. James M. and Elizabeth H., d. --- --, 1847. GR9

Elizabeth H., w. James M., d. --- --, 1848. GR9

Elisabeth, w., d. Joseph and Elisabeth Harvey, consumption, Dec. 15, 1848, a. 27 y.

Epes E[dward. PR576 ], s. Epes and Mary, d. Mar. 22, 1836. GR3

_____, [S. PR569 ], inf. ch. William [and Polly. PR569 ], Dec. 22, 1811. CR3

Esther, wid. Mark, July 10, 1827. CR3

Fitz William, s. Solomon, deceased, June 15, 1818, a. 5 y. CR3

Francis [G. GR5 ], s. Oliver G. and Charlotte, fever, Mar. 12, 1846, a. 6 y.

George Washington, at the West Indies, Apr. --, 1810. CR3

George Newton, s. George and Delia Sawyer (Rowe), Nov. 7, 1833. PR581

George, h. Lucy (Tarr), Apr. 10, 1838. PR567

Gideon, Capt., Nov. 28, 1821, a. 57 y. CR3 [Nov. 21. GR9 ]

Gideon, bur. Mar. 27, 1838, a. 76 y. CR6

Hannah Center, w. Stephen H., --- --, ----. [bet. 1832-1838?]

Hannah, d. Joseph, insane, June 21, 1819. CR3

Hannah, w. Stephen, bur. Nov. 2, 1834, a. 42 y. CR6

Hannah, wid. Gideon, lung fever, Mar. 29, 1848, a. 62 y. 4 m. 15 d.

Harriet, d. wid. S. Lane, Feb. 13, 1821, a. 18 y. CR3

Harriet, wid. Capt. David, Nov. 30, 1840, a. 86 y. 10 m. GR3

Henry Lyman, s. Henry W. and Loisa [(Saunders). PR583 ], dropsy, Oct. 11, 1844, a. 7 y. 3 m.

Irene, m., d. Walter and Martha Butler, consumption, Oct. 26, 1844, a. 26 y. 11 m. 17 d.

James, s. James and Ruth, May 14, 1729, in his 18 y.

James, Dea., Apr. 20, 1751, a. 69 y. GR3

James, unm., master of a fishing schooner belonging to Daniel Gibbs, Esq., never heard of since they were on the Banks in 1753, rec. Dec. 27, 1754.

John, s. John and Mary, Apr. 6, 1721.

John, killed by the Indians, near Penobscot [fox harbour dup.], June 22, 1724, a. 36 y.

John, s. James and Judith, Apr. 14, 1732, in his 7th y. GR3

John, Jan. 24, 1737-8, a. 86 y. GR3

John, s. Benjamin and Hannah, killed in an engagement with a British Ship May 29, 1778, a. 19 y. CR3

John, Feb. 2, 1824, a. 49 y. CR3

John Preston, s. John S., jr. and Mehitabel, Oct. 4, 1844.

John P., s. John S. and Mehitable, lung fever, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 1 y. 19 d.

John J., s. Stephen [H. GR1 ] and Judith [D. GR1 ; Elizabeth. dup.], dysentery, Sept. 7, 1849, a. 7 m. 7 d. [ Sept. 11, a. 8 m. GR11 ]

Jonathan, fever, Aug. 25, 1816. CR1

Joseph, s. Joseph and Deborah, Mar. 9, 1725-6, a. above 10 m.

Joseph, Apr. 24, 1743, in his 15th y.

Joseph, --- --, 1776. CR5

Joseph, s. Caleb, drowned, Dec. 5, 1819. CR3

Joseph, s. Joseph [and Elizabeth. PR137 ], drowned, Dec. 12, 1819, a. 17 y. CR3

Joseph, 3d, bur. Jan. 1, 1827, a. abt. 31 y. CR3

Joseph [h. Elizabeth. PR137 ], May 2, 1832. CR3

Josiah, Nov. 23, 1747, in his 59th y. GR3

Judith, w. Dea. James, Aug. 23, 1770, in her 86th y. GR3

Judith, d. David and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1801, in her 12th y. GR3

Judith, w. James, puerperal fever, Nov. 21, 1825, a. 19 y. CR3

Julia Augusta, d. Capt. Gideon, Nov. 30, 1813, a. 5 y. CR3

Julia, d. Epes and Sally H. [umphreys (Woodbury). PR561 ], 2d w., Mar. 7, 1821.

Lara, m., mariner, s. Joseph and Betsy, consumption, Aug. 14, 1843, a. 35 y. 3 m. 6 d.

Laura, d. George and Sally, 2d w., July 31, 1829.

Leba A., d. James and Elisabeth, dropsy, Dec. --, 1847, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Lucy [(Tarr). PR567 ], w. George, Aug. 25, 1802.

Peggy, w. Jonathan, bled at the lungs, July 30, 1824. CR3

Mark, June 15, 1826. CR3

Mary (Tarr), w. Andrew, Jan. 23, 1772. PR558

Mary, w. Gideon, consumption, Jan. 8, 1779, a. 34 y. CR3

Mary, wid. _____, Jan. --, 1789. CR5

_____, [Mary. PR137 ], ch. Joseph [and Elizabeth. PR137 ], Dec. --, 1805. CR3

Polly, w. William, very suddenly in a fit, June 20, 1824. CR3

Mary, d. William and Polly, May 28, 1826. [May 27. CR3 ]

Mary (Taylor), 3d, w. David, Feb. 13, 1834. PR564

Matilda, d. John S., jr. and Mehitabel, Oct. 6, 1843.

Mercy, pauper, old age, Aug. 5, 1807, a. 87 y. CR1

Nancy, d. _____, bur. June 19, 1823, a. 15 y. CR6

Nathaniel, s. Solomon, Aug. 19, 1805, a. 3 y. CR3

Nathaniel, Dec. 11, 1812. CR3

Nathaniel, m., stone cutter, s. Nathaniel, consumption, Dec. 14, 1845, a. 44 y.

Olive [E. GR2 ], w. Moses, Feb. 13, 1823. [Feb. 11., a. 30 y. CR3 ; Feb. 12. GR2 ]

Oliver G., h. Charlotte Phippen, Dec. 20, 1822. PR574

Otis, mariner, s. Epes and Sally, consumption, Mar. 21, 1847, a. 20 y. 2 m.

Patiance, d. John and Mary, July 12, 1715.

Peter, s. Benjamin, Oct. 30, 1772, a. 19 y. CR3

Rachel, d. Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1718-19, a. abt. 10 y.

Rachel, wid. Josiah, supposed of a fit, Oct. 3, 1774, a. 84 y. CR3

Rachel, d. Samuel and Sally (Wilcome), Dec. 23, 1824. [Dec. 24., a. 3 y. CR3 ]

Rebecca, July 26, 1849, a. 42 y. GR2

Ruth, w. James, Aug. 18, 1711, in her 21st y.

Ruth, d. John and Mary, May 6, 1718, a. abt. 15 d.

Samuel, Dec. 30, 1724, a. above 60 y.

Sally, d. Caleb and Abiah (Saville), May 9, 1801. PR559

Sarah Ann, d. Jonathan D. and Sally, Oct. 25, 1808.

Sally, wid. Solomon, May 27, 1818. CR3

Sally, d. George and Sally, 2d w., June 26, 1829.

Sally, wid. William S., consumption, Sept. 11, 1845, a. 47 y. 7 m. 1 d.

Sally W. (Harrden), w. Samuel, at Chelsea, Oct. 25, 1846. PR443

Sally H., Mar. 21, 1847, a. 20 y. 2 m. 11 d. GR3

Solomon, Sept. 8, 1797. PR555

Solomon, Aug. 28, 1817. CR3

Stephen, h. Anna (Haskell), drowned with Capt. Jonathan Dennison, at Scituate, Dec. 28, 1774.

Susanna, w. Epes, Sept. 5, 1811. CR3

Theodore, s. Theodore and Clarissa, Mar. 26, 1836. AC [bur. Mar. 18, a. 2 y. 6 m. CR6 ]

Theresa Burnham, d. Samuel and Sally (Wilcome), July 30, 1820. [July 31. CR3 ]

Thomas, s. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Sept. 10, 1726, a. 5 d.

Thomas, m., mariner, b. Cape Cod, drowned at sea, Oct. 6, [1849. in pencil.], a. 26 y.

Wintworth [Riggs. GR2 ], Aug. --, 1809, a. 42 y. CR3 [Aug. 6. GR2 ]

William, s. William and Lydia, in France, a. 18 y.

William, s. William and Deborah, lost at sea in a storm, May --, 1778, a. 17 y. CR3

William Pets, May 9, 1798. PR555

William S., h. Sally, lost at Sea, Apr. 24, 1837.

William H., s. William and Sally (Pool), May 29, 1839, a. 1 y. 7 m. 10 d. PR570

William H., s. William and Sally (Pool), May 29, 1839, a. 1 y. 7 m. 10 d. PR570

William, s. William and Margaret, consumption, Jan. 13, 1849, a. 2 y.

Zaccheus, h. Rebecca, May 2, 1819. [a. 48 y. GR2 ]

Zacheus, a singular disorder, bur. May 4, 1820. CR3


Charles, in the W. Indies, received notice, Apr. 4, 1819. CR6

Charles, bur. May 5, 1824, a. 2 y. CR6

Delia, b. Georgetown, d. David and Sarah C., typhus fever, May 7, 1846, a. 3 y. 2 m. 5 d.

Elizabeth, wid., bur. Sept. 14, 1834, a. 64 y. CR6

LANGFORD (Langsford)

Martha [of Annisquam CR6 ], at the poorhouse, Nov. 12, 1832, a. 78 y. [a. 80 y. CR6 ]

LANGSFORD (Lancksford, Langford, Lanksford)

Abigail, w. Andrew, July 16, 1828, a. 26 y. GR3

Charles, July 7, 1838, a. 41 y. 3 m. GR14

Eliza, w. Andrew, formerly, w. Daniel Sargant, d. W. and S. Sargant, Dec. 14, 1834, a. 31 y. GR3

Hannah, w. John, Aug. 8, 1826. CR3 [Aug. 7. 69 y. GR3 ]

John, jr., drowned, Oct. 14, 1823. PR587

John, Dec. 12, 1827, a. 80 y. CR3 [a. 81 y. GR3 ]

Mary [(Rowe). PR587 ], wid. Richard, consumption and dropsy, Aug. 7, 1774, a. 83 y. CR3


_____, inf. ch. Benjamin, Mar. 4, 1811. CR1

Clara F., d. Henry and Elisabeth, consumption, Apr. 16, 1847, a. 4 y.

Eliza, d. Benjamin, bur. July 2, 1819, a. 6 y. CR6

Eliza, d. Benjamin and Lydia, July 2, 1821.

Henry, m., mariner, s. Benjamin and Lydia, consumption, Aug. 31, 1847, a. 37 y. 9 m. 1 d.

John Lancy, s. Henry and Elisabeth, June 24, 1839.

Mary F., d. Benjamin and Mary, consumption, Apr. 4, 1848, a. 4 m. 4 d. [1847. dup.]

Mary F., b. Boston, d. Henry and Elisabeth, consumption, Apr. 16, 1848, a. 4 m.


William, m. mariner, b. England asthma, May 12, 1849, a. 43 y. 2 m. 12 d.


Eunice, a chronic disorder, Mar. 1, 1772. CR2

Samuel, upon his passage from Bilboa, smallpox, --- --, 1777, a. abt. 25 y. CR3

Sarah, fever, Apr. --, 1776. CR2

LEIGHTON (Laighton)

Benjamin, s. Andrew and Ann Maria, consumption, May 24, 1848, a. 8 m. 24 d.

Dolly, at the poorhouse, Sept. 4, 1830, a. 87 y.

Esther [w. Capt. Samuel. GR1 ], Aug. 16, 1833. CR10 [Aug. 6, a. 74 y. GR1 ]

Patience, w. Capt. Samuel, Apr. 8, 1777, in her 43d y. GR1

Samuel, s. Tobias and Betsy, July 15, 1812.

Samuel, s. Tobias and Betsy, Jan. 15, 1815.

Tobias, s. Tobias and Betsy, drowned, Apr. 18, 1838.

William, Feb. 3, 1762. PR422


_____, ch. William, Nov. 3, 1805. CR1

_____, wid., bur. Dec. 11, 1825. CR6

Ezra, Rev. pastor of Universalist church, lung fever, Apr. 22, 1832, in his 58th y. CR3 [a. 57 y. 7 m. GR2 ]

John McCoy, s. James McCoy and Susan, Dec. --, 1842.

Warren Augustus, s. [Rev. CR3 ], Ezra and Nancy, at Philadelphia, July 10, 1825. [a. 13 y. 11 m. 21 d. CR3 ;, a. 14 y. GR2 ]

William, bur. Jan. 31, 1829, a. 28 y. CR6

LERVY (Lurvey)

Jacob, bur. Nov. 23, 1813. CR6

John, aged, at the workhouse, bur. Aug. 8, 1812. CR6


Ebed, Jan. 4, 1817, a. 69 y. CR1 [Jan. 24. GR1 ]

P., Rev., consumption, at Hingham, June 20, 1811, a. 34 y. CR1

Lydia, wid. Eben, Mar. 10, 1825, a. 60 y. GR1

Richard [consumption CR6 ], June 10, 1804, a. 44 y. GR1


Caroline, d. George and Pamela, croup, Nov. 5, 1843, a. 3 d.

Tammy Pew, d. George and Pamela, croup, Sept. 2, 1845, a. 19 d.


_____, ch. _____, bur. June 13, 1756.

_____, ch. Mr. _____, Sept. --, 1775. CR2

Isaac, s. Joseph, Dec. 11, 1733, a. abt. 1 m.

Lydia, d. Joseph and Elizabeth [after Nov. 27, 1754?]

Richard, Capt., Oct. 27, 1805, a. 49 y. GR1

Sarah, wid. Capt. Richard, Sept. 27, 1822, a. 77 y. GR1


_____, inf. ch. _____, bur. Nov. 6, 1812. CR6

_____, d. John, bur. Apr. 5, 1824, a. 9 m. CR6

_____, inf. s. Samuel, bur. Feb. 22, 1825. CR6

_____, s. Samuel, bur. June 2, 1836, a. 2 w. CR6

John, m., ropemaker, Feb. 1, 1839, a. 49 y. [a. 48 y. CR6 ]

Sally, w. Samuel, bur. Jan. 7, 1840. CR6


Martha, w. Joseph, Nov. 17, 1796, a. 23 y. 6 m. GR1

Martha, d. Joseph and Martha, deceased, Jan. 22, 1797, a. 8 m. GR1

LOFFKIN (Lufkin)

Susanna, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1720, a. abt. 14 y.


John, Dec. 17, 1804, in his 62d y. GR1

Susanna, w. David, of Boston, Apr. 4, 1789, in her 81st y. GR1


Lucy, at the poorhouse, May 17, 1836, a. 66 y.


Charles H., May 5, 1836. PR833

Francis W., ch. Francis M. and Eliza B., --- --, 1835. GR5

Harriet E., Mar. 18, 1824, a. 12 y. PR833

Harriet A., d. --- --, 1835, _____. GR5

Josephine A., Mar. 6, 1844, a. 7 m. GR5

Josephine Adelaide, d. Francis and Eliza, canker on the bowels, Sept. 21, 1845, a. 6 m. 15 d.

Winslow F., d. --- --, 1838. _____. GR5

LOUFKIN (Lufkin)

Abraham, s. twin, Thomas and Mary, Feb. 20, 1677.

Isaac, s. twin, Thomas and Mary, Feb. 20, 1677.

LOUVY (Lurvey)

Samuell, s. Jacob and Saruh, July 2, 1733.

LOVEKIN (Lufkin)

Mary, Nov. 21, 1690.

Thomas, sr., Nov. 3, 1708.

LOVKIN (Lufkin)

Ann, Jan. --, 1844. CR8

John, s. Thomas, jr., Nov. 24, 1690.

LOW (Lowe)

_____, s. twin, David and Elizabeth (Rogers), Aug. 28, 1797. PR611

_____, inf. d. James L., bur Oct. 4, 1820. CR6

_____, s. Carter and Ellen, dysentery, Sept. 8, 1845, a. 1 m.

Abigail, w. Jonathan, Jan. 5, 1818, a. 62 y. GR5

Abigail, June 15, 1835. PR278

Anna, d. John and Mary, Dec. 27, 1741.

Ann P. [rentiss. PR611 ;, d. David and Lucy GR1 ], Feb. --, 1843. CR9 [Feb. 21., a. 25 y. GR1 ]

Charles, June 20, 1809, a. 22 y. GR1

Charles, s. John and Lucy (Rogers), June 10, 1810, a. 23 y. PR610

Cornelius, s. Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Fellows), --- --, ----, [ Sept. 7, 1767, a. 4 m. 1 d. GR1 ]

Daniel R[ogers. PR611 ], s. David and Elizabeth [(Rogers). PR611 ], at Porto Rico, Dec. 4, 1821. GR1

Daniel Warner, bur. Sept. 4, 1833, a. 35 y. CR6

David, s. John, jr. and Sarah (Gee), --- --, ----. [Mar. 28, 1840. GR1 ]

David, of Essex, h. Hannah (Haskell), at see, July 12, 1797, a. 43 y. PR609

David, jr., s. David and Elizabeth [(Rogers). PR611 ], d. at Havre, France, Dec. 2, 1829. GR1

Deborah, d. Symonds and Deborah, Apr. --, 1727, a. abt. 3 m.

Dorcas, w. William, Sept. 27, 1766, in her 35th y.

Edward, b. Feb. 6, 1791, d. Aug. 24, 1821. GR1

Edward, s. John and Lucy (Rogers), Aug. 24, 1821, a. 30 y. PR610

Eliza, d. David and Eliza[beth (Rogers). PR611 ], Mar. 20, 1794, a. 3 y. 8 m. 22 d. GR1

Eliza, d. David and Elizabeth (Rogers), Oct. 21, 1796. PR611

Elisabeth, w. Nathaniel, --- --, ----. [Aug. 11, 1770, in her 31st y. GR1 ]

Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1765, a. 5 y. 2 m. 19 d. GR1

Elisabeth [Rogers. GR1 ], w. David [d. Daniel and Eliza. GR1 ], Feb. 23, 1810.

Elizabeth, consumption, Feb. 23, 1810, a. 46 y. CR1

Elizabeth, w. John, bur. Apr. 21, 1829, a. 64 y. CR6

Francis, of Manchester, bur. Aug. 3, 1838, a. 90 y. CR6

George Rogers, s. John and Lucy (Rogers), drowned, Oct. 15, 1801, a. 18 y. PR610

Isaac, s. Capt. David and Elisabeth [(Rogers). PR611 ], Sept. 12, 1788. [a. 12 d. GR1 ]

Isaac, s. John and Lucy (Rogers), Feb. 10, 1821, a. 32 y. PR610

Isaac, Feb. 25, 1824, a. 35 y. GR1

John, Esq., suddenly, Nov. 3, 1796, a. 68 y. GR1

John [Merchant. GR1 ], Feb. 10, 1801, [in his 48th y. GR1 ]

John [s. John and Lucy (Rogers). PR610 ], June 1, 1803, a. 21 y. GR1

John S. [s. Capt. Fredrick. CR6 ], d. --- --, 1830. GR5 [bur. Dec. 1., a. 3 y. 4 m. CR6 ]

John, s. Francis, of Manchester, bursting of a gun shattered his head, bur. July 19, 1832, a. 23 y. CR6

John G., s. David and Elizabeth [(Rogers). PR611 ], perished in Steamer Lexington, June 13, 1840 GR1 ; [a. 43 y. 22 d. PR611 ]

Jonathan, dysentery, Aug. 6, 1786, a. abt. 23 y. CR2

Jonathan, Feb. 22, 1815, a. 56 y. GR5

Joseph, s. John and Mary, Dec. 17, 1729, a. 7 w.

Joshua Gee, s. John, jr. and Sarah, --- --, ----. [after 1760?]

Joshua Gee, h. Lydia, "summer of 1799. "

Lucinda, w. David, d. John and Anna Davis Pool, Dec. 1, 1842, a. 38 y. PR770

Lucy, w. John, jr. [d. Daniel Rogers, Esq.], Feb. 7, 1793, a. 32 y. [in her 33d y. GR1 ]

Lucy, d. John and Lucy (Rogers), Oct. 7, 1845, a. 65 y. PR610

Mary, d. Nathaniel and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1724.

Mary, w. Dea. John, May 3, 1748, in her 41st y. GR1

Mary, d. John, Esq., and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1775, a. 18 y. GR1

Mary, d. William and Mary (Gee), Nov. 10, 1805. PR370

Mary, d. --- --, 1831. GR7

Moses Allen, s. David and Elisabeth [(Rogers), Jan. 13, 1804. PR611 ]

Sarah, w. Symonds, Aug. 6, 1724, a. 27 y.

Sarah, w. John, Esq., Oct. 7, 1775, a. 49 y. GR1

Symonds, June 9, 1767, in his 49th y. GR1

Solomon Gorham, s. John and Lucy (Rogers), Dec. 30, 1822, a. 30 y. PR610

Thomas, Feb. 8, 1697-8.

Thomas, s. Symonds and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1720, a. 1 m.

William [jr. PR370 ], d. --- --, 1849. GR7 [Apr. 7. PR370 ]

William, yeoman, dropsy, Apr. 7, 1849, a. 69 y.

LOWE (Low)

Alphonso, s. Alphonso and N. Oakes, consumption, Oct. 9, 1844, a. 5 m. 10 d.

Ebeneser, old age, Mar. 30, 1849. CR5

Galba, ch. John, jr. and Marcy [(Turner). PR608 ], July 8, 1826.

John, widr., merchant, old age, Oct. 30, 1845, a. 85 y. 3 m. 7 d.

Lucy, spinster, cancer, Oct. 7, 1845, a. 65 y. 3 m.

Maria, d. wid. Lidia, consumption, bur. Mar. --, 1809, a. 17 y. CR6

Maria (Pool), w. Eben, Mar. 18, 1838. PR614

Mary, consumption, Dec. 24, 1807, a. 46 y. CR1

Susannah, palsey and old age, Mar. 24, 1848. CR5

LUFKIN (Loffkin, Loufkin, Lovekin, Lovkin, Luffkin)

_____, wid. _____, Nov. --, 1779. CR2

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, Oct. --, 1798. CR2

_____, ch. _____, burned, Dec. 16, 1816, a. 2 y. CR1

_____, ch. Moses, Oct. 2, 1826. CR1

_____, Capt., suddenly, Sept. 28, 1827, a. 75 y. CR1

_____, s. David, bur. Oct. 2, 1836, a. 7 m. CR6

_____, d. Christopher, bur. Mar. 10, 1837, a. 6 m. CR6

_____, d. stillborn, David and Loisa, Sept. 16, 1843 [bur. Sept. 11. CR6 ]

_____, inf. ch. David, bur. Oct. 2, 1844. CR6

Aaron, at the poorhouse, June --, 1842, a. 78 y. [bur. June 4, a. 73 y. CR6 ]

Albert Fernando, s. David and Loisa, Oct. 2, 1844, a. 2 m.

Albert, s. [twin. GR1 ], Samuel, jr., and Elizabeth, dropsy on the brain, May 15, 1849, a. 9 m. 22 d. [May 14. GR1 ]

Alfred, s. [twin. GR1 ], Samuel, jr., and Elizabeth, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 1 y. 1 m. 12 d. [ Sept. 2, a. 13 m. 5 d. GR1 ]

Ann, w. Elisha, consumption, Nov. 5, 1843, a. 18 y. 6 m. 5 d.

Avery, s. Daniel and Harriet, dysentery, Nov. 17, 1849, a. 11 m. 1 d.

Caleb, Jan. 29, 1776. CR2

Charles, unm., fisherman, s. Thomas, smallpox, Mar. 1, 1846, a. 22 y.

Charles, H., s. Charles and Mary, scarlet fever, June 13, 1849, a. 1 y. 9 m. 10 d.

Christopher, s. Christopher and Sally, Mar. 9, 1837.

Daniel, May 6, 1779. CR2

Elisha [h. Emiline T. (Oakes). PR621 ], mariner, s. Moses and Mary, sailed on the schooner Canton, supposed to have been drowned on George's Bank in the gale, Nov. 25, 1846, a. 27 y. 9 m. 22 d.

Francis A., s. David, jr. and Eliza, consumption, Oct. 5, 1848, a. 1 y. 2 m. 23 d.

George, unm., fisherman, s. Christopher and Sarah, drowned on George's Bank, Oct. 15, 1845, a. 21 y. 5 m. 8 d.

George, at sea, Feb. 11, 1846, a. 21 y. 4 m. GR5

Henery, Mar. 13, 1724-5, a. abt. 40 y.

James, s. Moses, jr. and Polly, Oct. 22, 1828.

John, s. Moses, jr. and Polly, Sept. --, 1825.

John Francis, s. David and Loisa, Oct. 1, 1836.

Joseph, Nov. 12, 1730, a. abt. 56 y.

Judith, w. Samuel, June --, 1830.

Judith, wid. Thomas, Oct. 2, 1842, a. 83 y. GR6

Lemuel, s. Thomas, jr. Sept. --, 1797, a. abt. 11 y. CR2

Levi, smallpox, Nov. --, 1809, a. abt. 25 y. CR2

Levi, jr., m., blacksmith, s. Levi and Lucy, brain fever, Mar. 15, 1848, a. 37 y. 1 m. 22 d.

Lucinda Grover, d. Moses, jr. and Polly, July --, 1842. [bur. July 8., a. 8 y. CR6 ]

Martha [Giddings. GR5 ] b. Essex, wid. Moses, inflammation of the bowels, Sept. 25, 1846, a. 84 y. 7 m.

Mary, wid. Thomas, Dec. --, 1730, a. abt. 86 y.

Mary, consumption, Jan. 10, 1806, a. 25 y. CR1

Mary, dropsy, Apr. 24, 1807, a. 48 y. CR1

Mary Elizabeth, d. Zebulon and Mary (Norwood), Feb. 16, 1839. PR628

Michael, Oct. 13, 1843, a. 51 y. GR6

Moses, m., yeoman, b. Ipswich, s. Moses and Sarah, old age, [a soldier throughout the Revolution. GR5 ], June 7, 1846, a. 90 y.

Moses, s. Moses, jr. and Eliza, croup, July 22, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. 9 d.

Nancy N., w. William [B. GR5 ], consumption, May 9, 1847, a. 26 y. 11 m. 25 d. [May 8., a. 27 y. GR5 ]

Ruth [w. Aaron. CR6 ], at the poorhouse, Mar. 7, 1837, a. 63 y.

Sarah, d. Ebenezer [and Sarah. GR4 ], July 21, 1736, a. abt. 27 y. [in her 28th y. GR4 ]

Sally, Mar. 25, 1806, a. 25 y. CR1

Susan Eliza, d. Moses, jr. and Polly, Dec. --, 1819.

Susannah, d. Ebenezer, Aug. 17, 1720, in her 14th y. GR4

Thomas, Feb. 16, 1842, a. 88 y. GR6

Tristram, drowned near the bar of Chebacco River, Oct. 1, 1784, a. 16 y. CR2

LURVEY (Lervy, Louvy, Lurvy)

_____, ch. Abram, --- --, 1812. CR3

_____, inf. ch. twin, David, --- --, 1823. CR3

_____, inf. ch. David, --- --, 1823. CR3

_____, ch. David, Nov. 28, 1827, a. 2 y. CR3

Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Mary, --- --, ----. [after 1747?]

David, jr., Nov. 2, 1825, a. 17 or 18 y. CR3

Eliezer, s. Eliezer and Sarah (Pool), Sept. 16, 1752.

Evalina, d. Joseph, bur. Mar. 24, 1834 [1835?], a. 22 m. CR6

Hannah, w. David, --- --, ----. [bef. 1828?]

Hannah, Jan. 9, 1822. CR3

James, s. Jacob and Sarah, May 1, 1746.

James, s. Jacob and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1752.

James D., mariner, s. Joseph and Susan, bilious fever, bur. at Cayeane, June 18, 1844, a. 28 y. 4 m. 7 d.

John, at the workhouse, Aug. 8, 1812.

Love, May 28, 1709.

Lydia (Smith), w. William, June 29, 1839, a. 59 y. PR622

Peter, June 18, 1721, a. abt. 44 y.

Sarah, d. Eliezer and Sarah (Pool), July 30, 1743.

LURVY (Lurvey)