NorthShore Slavery


Amelia, d. Frederick and Sally, Sept. 16, 1848, a. 17 y. 11 m. GR2

Frederick, Dr., Dec. 2, 1840, a. 42 y. GR2


James, formerly of Newburyport, Feb. 24, 1839, a. 70 y.

RODGERS (Rogers)

D[aniel of Boxford. PR1], consumption, June 29, 1843, a. 30 y. [a. 33 y. PR1]

Lewis (Rogers), s. Stephen and Elisabeth, scarlet fever, Mar. 22, 1847, a. 1 y. 6 m.


_____ , inf. ch. Jeremiah, Esq., still born, June 12, 1838.

Lydia, of Boston [wid., d. B.S. Pickett, at Boston. PR1], Apr. 18, 1841. [a. 43 y. PR1]