NorthShore Slavery


Darius, s. Isaac and Marcy, Apr. 29, 1744.

Isaac, s, twin, Isaac and Marcy, June 2, 1745.

Mary, d. twin, Isaac and Marcy, June 2, 1745.

David, s. Isaac and Marcy, June 20, 1747.

Samuel, s. Isaac and Marcy, Aug. 11, 1750.

Thomas, s. Isaac and Marcy, Oct. 7, 1752.

Daniel, s. Isaac and Mary, Aug. 5, 1754.

Marcy, d. Isaac and Marcy, Oct. 16, 1756.

Jacob, s. Isaac and Marcy, Feb. 15, 1759.

Israel, s. Isaac and Marcy, Feb. 7, 1761.

Daniel, Oct. 17, 1775. GR1

Edwin Strong, s. Daniel and Sophia, Sept. 14, 180[6. BC]

Julia Maria, d. Daniel and Sophia, July 14, 1809.

Charles Israel, s. Isaac, bp. June 27, 1824. CR2

Sarah Augusta, d. Samuel, bp. June 2, 1839. CR1

Susan Hanson, d. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1839.

Isaac Milton, s. Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1841. BC

Stephen Searle, s. Isaac and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1842. BC

AMES (Eames)

_____ , s. Robart and Bathiah, Feb. --, [1695-6?].

AMEY (Amme)

Abegill [Ammy. CR1], d. John and Abegill, June 15, 172[2 or 3?]. [bp. Oct. 27, 1723. CR1]

AMME (Amey)

Micael, s. John and Abigaell, Nov. 30, 1726.


George, s. Robert B. and Irene, at Salem, NH, Oct. 18, 1828. BC

William H., s. Robert B. and Irene, Nov. 11, 1831. BC

Ephraim F., s. Robert B. and Irene, Apr. 22, 1833. BC

Charles R., s. Robert B. and Irene, Nov. 16, 1835 BC

Martha Jane, d. Robert B. and Irene, Oct. 13, 1837. BC

Rebecca Ann, d. Robert B. and Irene, Apr. 4, 1841. BC

David Mighill, s. Robert B., and Irene, Sept. 10, 1842.

David Mighill, s. Robert B., blacksmith, and Irene, Oct. 29, 1843.

ANDREW (Andrews)

Anna, d. Joseph, bp. Nov. 7, 1714. CR1

Hannah, d. John and Patiance, Apr. 28, 1715.

Ruth, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. --, 1715. CR1

Thomas, s. John and Patiance, Sept. 4, 1717.

Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Oct. --, 1717. CR1

Mary, d. John and Peatiance, Mar. 25, 1720.

James, s. Roburt and Debora, Mar. 19, 1721.

Roburt, s. Roburt and Debara, Nov. 8, 1722.

Nathaniel, s. Thomas, bp. Sept. 18, 1726. CR1

Samuel, d. John, bp. May 28, 1727. CR1

Jeremiah, s. John [3d. CR1] and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1727.

Leuey [Levi. CR1], s. Thomas and Ruth, Aug. 27, 1727.

Daniell, s. John [3d. CR1] and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1729.

Samuell, s. Roburt and Deberah, May 27, 1731.

Mary, d. Thomas, bp. --- --, 1745. CR1

ANDREWS (Andrew, Andros, Andrus)

Jerusha, d. Thomas and Ruth, Sept. 8, ----. [bp. Sept. 15, 1734. CR1]

Abigail, d. Thomas and Ruth, Apr. 9, 17[--]. [bp. Apr. 18, 1742. CR1].

Nathaniel, s. John and Patience, Apr. 24, 1722.

Nathaniell, s. Thomas and Ruth, Nov. 3, 1723.

Samuell, s. John and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1725.

Mary, d. John and Patience, Apr. 26, 1725.

[Na. BC]then, s. Robert and Deborah, May 25, 1726.

Abigail, d. John and Patience, Nov. 29, 1727. [bp. Nov. 26. CR1].

Debora, d. Robert, bp. Sept. --, 1728. CR1

Sarah, d. Thomas and Ruth, Oct. 8, 1729.

Lelbon [Lilburn CR1], s. Thomas and Ruth, Oct. 25, 173- [bp. 1736 CR1]

Susanna, d. Thomas and Ruth, Oct. 30, 173-. [bp. between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 1738. CR1].

Hannah, d. John [jr. CR1] and Hannah, June 13, 1732.

Lydia, d. Thomas and Ruth, July 22, 1732.

Mary, d. twin, John and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1734.

Sarah, d. twin, John and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1734.

John, s. John and Hannah, Mar. 9, 1736-7.

Rachel, d. John, bp. Mar. 23, 1739-40. CR1

[Lucy. BC], d. Oliver and Mehetabel, Jan. 9, 1740-41.

David, s. Thomas and Margaret, Sept. 4, 1740.

Sarah, d. Joshua and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1741.

Jonathan, s. Thomas and Margaret, Nov. 24, 174[2. BC]

Apphia, d. Joshua and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1744.

Anna, d. Joshua and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1746-7.

Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Margaret, Mar. 22, 1746[-7. BC].

John, s. James and Ruth, Nov. 13, 1748.

Mary, d. Thomas, bp. June 23, 1749. CR1

Mary, d. Thomas and Margaret, July 8, 1749.

Samuel, s. James and Ruth, Aug. 12, 1750.

Joshua, s. Joshua and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1750.

Robert, s. James and Ruth, Oct. 5, 1752.

Deborah, d. Nathan and Mehetable, Oct. 19, 1752.

Nathan, s. Nathan and Mehitable, Nov. 11, 1754.

James, s. James and Ruth, June 12, 1755.

Lydia, d. Nathan and Mehetable, Oct. 21, 1756.

Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1757.

Lydia, d. Levi and Bridget, Jan. 14, 1758.

Amasa, s. James and Ruth, May 13, 1758.

John, s. Nathaniel and Mary, Nov. 7, 1758.

Mehitable, d. Nathan and Mithitable, Sept. 23, 1759.

Abner, s. Asa, bp. July 27, 1760. CR1

Asa, s. Asa, bp. July 27, 1760. CR1

Lelburn, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1760.

Ann, d. wid. Hannah, bp. Oct. 5, 1760. CR1

Joshua, s. wid. Hannah, bp. Oct. 5, 1760. CR1

Lydia, d. Levi, bp. Nov. 15, 1761. CR1

Mary, d. Levi, bp. Nov. 15, 1761. CR1

Jacob, s. Jacob and Mary, Aug. 9, 1762.

Jeremiah, s. Asa, bp. Dec. 5, 1762. CR1

Thomas, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, at Derry, Apr. 12, 1763.

Mary, d. Jacob and Mary, Feb. 27, 1764.

Ruth, d. James and Elisabeth, Aug. 26, 1765.

Nathaniel, s. Jacob and Mary, Sept. 5, 1765.

Betty, d. Jacob and Mary, Mar. 30, 1767.

Betsey, d. James and Elisabeth, July 23, 1767.

Mary, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1767.

Hannah, d. Jacob and Mary, June 15, 1769.

Dolley, d. Jacob and Mary, Dec. 25, 1770.

James, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1773.

Anna, d. Jacob and Mary, Feb. 23, 1774.

Joshua, s. Jacob and Mary, Nov. 30, 1775.

Hester, d. Jacob and Mary, Dec. 16, 1777.

Esther, d. Jacob, bp. Dec. 21, 1777. CR1

Lydia, d. Joshua and Deborah, bp. Mar. 5, 1780. CR1

Jacob, s. Joshua and Deborah, bp. June 16, 1782. CR1

Mehetable, d. Nathan [jr. CR1] and Easter, July 23, 1784.

Robert, s. Nathan [jr. CR1] and Easter, July 31, 1785.

Mehetable, d. Nathan, jr. and Esther, June 13, 1788.

Samuel, s. Nathan, jr. and Eunice, Sept. 18, 1793.

Esther, d. Nathan, jr. and Eunice, Mar. 15, 1795.

Daniel, s. Nathan, jr. and Eunice, Apr. 13, 1797.

Dean, s. Nathan, jr. and Eunice, July 12, 1800.

Eunice, d. Nathan, jr. and Eunice, Mar. 13, 1803.

Nathan, s. Asa, yoeman, and Louisa, Sept. 17, 1843.

Emily A., d. Dean, farmer, and Harriet A., July 25, 1845.

Maria L., d. Asa, laborer, and Louisa, Mar. 6, 1846.

Olive Vinal, d. Asa, laborer, and Louisa, Dec. 17, 1848.

ANDROS (Andrews)

_____ , d. Thomas and Rebackah, Mar. 29, [1690-1?].

James, s. John and Sarah, July 14, 1707.

ANDRUS (Andrews)

_____ , d. Thomas and Rebackah, Feb. 16, [16-- BC; 1694-5?].

_____ , s. Josaph and Sarah, Sept. 13, [168- BC; 1687-8?].

[Joseph Andrews. CTR], s. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1686.

[Rebecca. BC], d. Thomas and Rebakah, Apr. 14, [1686. BC].

[Joshua BC; Lydia CTR], d. [sic] John and Sarah, Apr. 20, 16[87. BC]

_____ , s. Thomas and Rabackah, Oct. 1, [1687-8?].

[Rebecca. BC], d. John and Sarah, Mar. 24, [1691-1?].

Thomas, s. Thomas and Rebackah, Dec. 18, 169[4. BC; 1696?].

John, s. John and Sarah, May 27, 16[97?].

Liddiah, d. Josaph and Mary, Sept. 3, 1697.

Oliver, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1699 [-1700?].

Mary, d. Josaph and Mary, Apr. 19, 1[699?].

Hannah, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1701-1.

Josiah, s. John and Sarah, July 26, 1704.


Henry French, s. Henry, farmer, and Dorcas, June 11, 1848.


Hannah, d. Elijah and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1777.


Samuel Frank, s. Samuel N., carpenter, and Lucy F., Aug. 9, 1847.