NorthShore Slavery


_____, ch. Dr., --- --, 1832. CR6

James Davis, only, s. Jonas, M.D., and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1833, a. 5 y. GR7

Sarah, w. Jonas, M.D., June 23, 1834, a. 27 y. [a. 26 y. GR7]


Sarah, Miss, July 3, 1819, in her 56th y. GR2

_____, s. Samuel and Lydia, July 30, 1821.

_____, s. Abiel and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1821.

Abiel, Aug. 15, 1831. [a. 74 y. GR2]

Samuel [killed in sawmill. CR2], Apr. 24, 1834. [a. 38 y. CR2]

Abigail [A. CR2], w. Abiel [consumption. CR2], May 22, 1834. [1833. PR98; a. 43 y. CR2]

George W., s. George and Elizabeth, paralysis, Feb. 16, 1843, a. 13 y. 9 m.

Edward W[ilson. GR2], s. Edward C. [and Eliza B. GR2], throat distemper, Jan. 26, 1844, a. 2 y. [19 d. GR2]