NorthShore Slavery


Abigail, d. twin, Epharem and Martha, Aug. --, 1755, a. 3 w. 3 d.

Mehitable, w. Ephraim, Oct. 22, 1840, a. 88 y.



Mary, w. Lawrance, June 18, 1707.


Larance, May 28, 1729, a. abt. 85 y.


John [b. Boston. CR1], Dec. 17, 1828, a. 74 y.

George A., typhus fever, July 17, 1846.



_____, Mrs. Of Boston, at Capt. Zebediah Holts, Mar. 6, 1817, a. 38 y.


[Joan Ayer. GR5], w. Jonathan, Nov. 7, 1824. [Nov. 11, 1824, a. 29 y. GR5].



Joanna [wid. Col. John. CR2], of Manchester, Oct. 26, 1810, a. 93 y.

John, Capt., Mar. 26, 1812, a. 74 y.

David, Oct. 31, 1817, a. 31 y.

John, s. David and Deborah [consumption. CR2], May 3, 1840. a. 25 y.


Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1826, a. 17 y.

LEVETT (Leavitt)

Rufus, b. Boston, Baker, s. Edward, consumption, Apr. 12, 1847, a. 22 y.


James, s. Barzilla and Sally [dysentery. CR1], Sept. 6, 1817, a. 8 y. [5 y. CR1].

[Rufus. CR1], s. Barzilla and Sally [dysentery. CR1], Sept. 12, 1817, a. 3 y. [a. 2 y. CR1].

Dorcas, d. Barzilla and Sally. Sept. 13, 1817, a. 5 y.

Erie, Dec. 15, 1833, a. 31 y.

Dinah, wid. Brazillai, Jan. 1, 1837, a. 92 y.


Daniel, at John Poors, jr., May 17, 1825.

LION (Lyon)

_____, ch. David and Fanny, Sept. 30, 1824, a. 7 d.

LISCOMB (Luscomb)

Daniel Trow [Luscomb. PR94], s. Samuel, Dec. 12, 1811, a. 6 m. [Dec. 8. PR94].


Abigail, wid. [w. Stephen. GR4], b. Gilmantown, dropsy in chest, May 17, 1847, a. 33 y.

John M., s. Stephen W. and Abigail, Aug. 21, 1847, a. 18 w. GR4


William, b. England, ship fever, June 18, 1848, a. 40 y. [a. 42 y. dup.].


David, s. James and 1st w., Salisbury, b. June 16, 1791 d. at sea, Apr. 30, 1811. GR2

Hiram M., d. James and 1st w., of Salisbury, b. Deb. 12, 1800 d. at sea, Sept. 28, 1820. GR2

Sally, w. Capt. James [cancer. CR2], Sept. 17, 1835, a. 63 y. [a. 66 y. CR2].

James, widr., innholder [indigestion. CR2], Apr. 20, 1845, a. 82 y. [a. 83 y. GR2].

_____, ch. George, thrush, Aug. 27, 1846, a. 1 m.


Robert [h. Sarah. Dup.], Aug. 18, 1749.

_____, d. Sarah, wid., Sept. 16, 1749.

John, Sept. 20, 1808.

Joshua, at the almshouse, bur. July 20, 1809, a. 49 y. CR2

Hannah [(Stiles). CR1], wid. John [apoplexy. CR1], Mar. 27, 1811. [a. 75 y. CR1].

Charllottee [consumption. CR1], Feb. 1, 1818.

Molly, w. Josiah, at the almshouse, Dec. 2, 1820.

Rachel, at the almshouse, Sept. 15, 1821.

Harriot E., d. John and Mary, Sept. 4, 1822, a. 1 y. 11 m.

_____, ch. Elijah and Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1822.

_____, ch. John and Mary, Oct. 13, 1822. [a. 9 y. CR1].

Josiah, at the almshouse, Dec. 31, 1822.

Elijah, June 26, 1829.

Stephen [Revoluntionary soldier. CR1], Sept. 9, 1832, a. 71 y. [a. 84 y. CR1].

John, May 18, 1835, a. 64 y.

Sarah Jane, d. wid. Elujah, June --, 1836, a. 8 y. CR1

Jane, d. Elijah and Elizabeth, July 19, 1836.

_____, ch. William, Dec. --, 1841, a. 6 w. CR1

Mehitable, d. John and Mary, murdered, Oct. 20, 1842, a. 42 y.

_____, wif., ch. Elijah, fit, Sept. --, 1843. CR1

Mary, wid. [John. CR1], d. Samuel and Susanna Barker, inflammation of brain, Mar. 3, 1846, a. 67 y.


Edward, s. Jonathan and Betty, June 22, 1846, a. 9 h. GR6

James, s. Jonathan and Betsy, June 22, 1846, a. 5 h.


Sally Pickman, w. Rev. Bailey [consumption. CR1], July 18, 1835, a. 39 y.

Sarah, wid. Thomas, consumption, June 10, 1848, a 65 y. [a. 64 y. CR2]

Ellen M[aria. CR1], b. Danvers, w. 1. Osgood, consumption, bur. at Danvers, Mar. 5, 1849, a. 24 y.

LOVEJOY (Lovjoy)

Mary, w. John, July 15, 1675.

John, jr., July 14, 1680.

Benjamin, s. John and Mary, "a Souldier att Pemyquid," --- --, 1689.

John, Nov. 7, 1690.

Caleb, s. William and Mary, Apr. 26, 1691.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1697-8.

William, s. Henry and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1722.

Joshua, s. Benjamin and Susannah, Aug. 26, 1723.

Andrew, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Mar. 21, 1724-5.

Joshua, s. Benjamin and Susannah, Apr. 2, 1724.

Jonathan, Mar. 25, 1725.

Elezebeth, w. Jonathan, Mar. 30, 1725.

Jerusha, d. Henry and Sarah, July 15, 1725.

Abiel, s. Christopher and Mary, Mar. 15, 1728-9.

Elizebath, d. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1728-9.

Mary, d. Christopher and Mary, Dec. 10, 1729.

Abiel, s. Henry and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1731-2.

Christopher, jr., Mar. 21, 1731-2, in his 45th y.

Mary, d. Timothy and Mary, Aug. 10, 1731.

Christopher, Mr., Mar. 17, 1736-7, in his 76th y.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, July 29, 1736.

Abijah, s. Benjamin and Susanna, Aug. 7, 1738.

Obadiah, s. Benjamin and Susanna, Aug. 11, 1738.

Peter, s. Benjamin and Susanna, Aug. 14, 1738.

--rah, wid. Joseph, June 20, 1739, a. 72 y.

Andrew, s. John and Hannah, Aug. 6, 1739, in his 11th y.

John, s. John and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1739, in his 16th y.

Asa, s. John and Hannah, Sept. 12, 1739, in his 6th y.

James, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 15, 1739.

Mary, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 15, 1739.

Naomie, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 15, 1739.

Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 20, 1739.

Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, Nov. 9, 1739.

Mary, w. Lt. William, Dec. 25, 1739.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Mehetable, Sept. 26, 1740.

Mehetable, d. Joseph and Mehetable, Oct. 10, 1740.

Allice, d. Lt. William and Mary, July 25, 1741.

Ezekiel, Apr. 13, 1742.

William, s. William and Hannah, July 8, 1747.

Sarah, w. Capt. William, Oct. 17, 1747, in her 62d y. GR2

Wiliam, Dea., July 9, 1748. in his 92d y.

Jonathan, s. Nathaniel, jr, and Elezebeth, Jan. 5, 1749-50, in his 2d y.

Asa, s. Joseph and Mehetebel, Sept. 30, 1749, a 3 y. 6 m.

Samuel, Dec. 3, 1749, a. 56 y. 7 m.

Nathaniel, Mar. 7, 1752, in his 85th y.

John, May 10, 1758.

Ebenezer, May 15, 1760, a 86 y.

Mehetabel, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 14, 1761, a 24 y.

William, Capt., Mar. 8, 1762.

Mary, wid. Ebenezer, Oct. 5, 1763.

Lemuel, s. Isaac, sr. and Deborah, Oct. 26, 1763.

Elizabeth, wid. Nathaniel, consumption, June 21, 1770, a. 6013 y. GR1

_____, s. Nathaniel, Esq. and Elizabeth, June 21, 1771. GR1

Sarah, wid. Capt. William, Oct. 9, 1772, in her 85th y. GR2

Ebenezer, Sept. 18, 1773, in his 77th y.

Peter [cancer. CR2], Feb. 5, 1774, a. 48 y.

Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, May 8, 1774. [a. 11 m. 9 d. GR1]

Hannah, wid., bur. July 7, 1774, a. 70 y. CR2

Elizabeth, w. Capt. Nathaniel, Apr. 24, 1775, a. 31 y.

Sarah, bur. July 15, 1775, a. 75 y. CR2

Hannah, d. Daniel, jr., bur. Sept. 16, 1775, a. 4 y. 8 m. CR2

Lois, d. Daniel, jr., bur. Sept. 18, 1775. CR2

Henry, bur. Feb. 2, 1776, a. 92 y. 2 m. CR2

Phoebe, d. Daniel, jr., bur. Jan. 3, 1777, a. 1 y. 6 m. CR2

John, "died in ye Service," --- --, 1778. CR2

David Boynton, s. Nathan, bur. Jan. 2, 1778, a. 1 y. 1 m. CR2

Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell and Elizabeth [2d, w. GR1], Sept. 26, 1784, a. 8 1/2 m.

Elizabeth [2 d. GR1], w. Nath aniell, Esq., Nov. 19, 1788, a. 38 y. 5 d.

Mary, wid., old age, bur. July 11, 1795, a. 98 y. 2 m. CR2

Patty, d. Isaac, 4th, canker, bur. Mar. 1, 1796, a. 6 y. 9 m. CR2

Samuel, s. Isaac, 4th, lung fever, bur. June 6, 1796, a. 3 m. CR2

Hannah, d. Joseph and Mary [nervous fever. CR2], Dec. 25, 1797, a 19 y. GR2

Joseph, jr., consumption, bur. Sept. 23, 1799, a 24 y. 1. m. CR2

Isaac [old age and fever. CR2], Dec. 3, 1799 [1800. GR3], a. 76 y.

Sarah, d. Jeremiah and Dolly [fever. CR2], Dec. 7, 1799, a. 31 y. GR3[and 5 m. CR2]

Mary, w. Isaac, old age, bur. Jan. 15, 1803, a. 79 y. 10 m. CR2

Joseph [consumption. GR2], Feb. 7, 1803, a. 59 y.

Abner [s. Joseph and Mary. GR2; consumption. CR2] Sept. 24, 1805, a. 22 y. 5 m.

Josiah Johnson, apoplexy, bur. Oct. 31, 1805, a. 22 y. CR2

Amos [consumption. CR2], Apr. 15, 1806, a. 24 y. 10 m. [a. 26 y. 6 m. GR2]

Jere, Oct. 4, 1806, a. 68 y. GR3 [and 7 m. CR2]

Lydia, w. Joshua, lung fever, bur. Sept. 11, 1807, a. 84 y. CR2

Phebe, d. Eben and Phebe, Nov. 2, 1807, a. 2 1/2 y. GR3

_____, d. Ebenezer, burn, bur. Nov. 27, 1807, a. 2 1/2 y. CR2

Mary, wid. Joseph [consumption. CR2], Aug. 17, 1808, a. 63 y.

Dolly, w. John, fits and nervous fever, bur. June 26, 1809, a. 21 y. CR2

Isaac, bur. Nov. 23, 1811, a 79 y. CR2

Joshua, Feb. 2, 1812, a. 91 y.

Nathaniel, Esq., apoplexy, July 5, 1812 [1813. GR1], a. 68 y. 2 m. 6 d.

[Dorothy. CR2], wid. Jeremiah, Oct. --- --, 1813. [Oct. 19, a. 72 y. GR3]

Joshua, bur. Jan. 2, 1813, a. 93 y. CR2

Deborah, wid., May 25, 1813, a. 89 y.

James, Jan. 14, 1816, a 94 y.

Pursus, w. John, Feb. 18, 1816.

John, Feb. 26, 1817.

_____, ch. Isaac, 3d, Nov. 6, 1822.

_____, ch. Josiah, Mar. 23, 1827.

Dorcas Jane, d. Eben, jr. and Delina, Sept. 29, 1827, a. 14 m. GR3

Isaac, jr., Oct. 9, 1827.

Moody, s. Samuel and Harriet, Dec. 31, 1827, a. 5 m.

Laura Ann, d. Samuel and Harriot, Sept. 20, 1829, a. 5 m.

Charles [A. GR3], s. Henry and Betsy [Elizabeth. GR3], Dec. 15, 1829, a 2 y. 8 m.

Ruth, wid. Isaac, Apr. 25, 1830, a. 77 y.

Josiah Otis, s. Josiah, May 9, 1830, a. 15 m.

Harriot [B. GR2], w. Samuel, July 4, 1830, a. 26 y. [a. 28 y. GR2]

Lucinda, d. Bodwell [and Sally. GR3], Nov. 28, 1832, a. 17 y.

Bodwell, s. Isaac, Dec. 2, 1832, a 51 y. [a. 50 y. GR3]

Isaac, Dec. 8, 1832, a. 75 y.

Betsy, w. Henry, Aug. 5, 1833.

Elizabeth, w. Henry, Aug. 5, 1833, a. 40 y. GR3

Henry, s. Isaac, Oct. 28, 1836, a. 43 y.

Mary F[rances. GR3], d. John and Mary F., Aug. 24, 1838, a. 1 y. [and 27 d. GR3]

Martha, d. James [B. GR3] and Hannah, Oct. 2, 1838. [a. 20 y. GR3]

William, s. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1839-40.

Ephraim, Oct. --, 1840. CR1

Daniel Fox, s. Sylvester and Clarissa, May 1, 1842, a. 2 y. 4 m. GR3

Phebe F., d. Orlando and Abiah, June 13, 1842, a. 16 y.

Abiah, w. Orlando, dropsy, Dec. 17, 1843.

Margaret M., unm., d. William and Phebe, typhus fever, Sept. 17, 1845, a. 19 y. 6 m. 25 d.

Warren, s. Stephen and Lydia, consumption, Jan. 6, 1847, a. 8 y. 7 m. 8 d.

Moses A., s. Moses and Sarah, cholera infantum, Sept. 15, 1848, a. 10 m. 6 d.

Josephine, d. William B. and Mary A[nn. GR3], dysentery, Jan. 16, 1849, a. 12 y. 10 m.

Calvin, s. William B. and Mary A., dysentery, Jan. 26, 1849, a. 4 y.

Julia, d. Stephen and Lydia, measles, July 2, 1849, a. 10 m. 8 d.


Mary, d. William and Sarah, measles, Nov. 1, 1849, a. 11 m. 8 d.

LUMMAS (Lummus)

Margaret, d. Joseph and Sarah, July 14, 1819.

LUMMUS (Lummas)

Mary, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1813. a. 7 w.

Benjamin, s. Joseph, Oct. 3, 1817.

LUSCOMB (Liscomb)

Lydia, d. Richard and Rhoda, Sept. 29, 1820, a. 7 m.

Samuel, Aug. 8, 1826, in his 49th y. PR94

Richard, s, Richard and Rhoda, Dec. 17, 1826, a. 8 m.

Rhoda, w. Richard, July 10, 1832.

_____, ch. Richard and Lydia, May 23, 1839, a. 6 y.


_____, killed on railroad, Aug. 16, 1837.

LYON (Lion)

Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1829, a. 80 y.