NorthShore Slavery


David, and Nancy Holt, June 23, 1808. CR2*

Betsey, and William Kimball, Oct. 10, 1798.*

Joseph, and Olive Maria Rogers, July 31, 1843.*

Susanna, and William Whitney, int. Oct. 31, 1838.


Elijah D., of Madison, ind., and Lydia P. [R. int.] West, Sept. 22, 1835.*


Catharine, a. 26 y., and Lawrence Whittaker, a. 21 y., mechanic, Dec. 12, 1844.*

Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Peabody, Nov. 3, 1802.*

John C., of Salem, NH, and Mary E. Faulkner, int. May 18, 1834.

Sarah M., of Derry, NH, and Leonard Farnham, int. Oct. 9, 1830.


Aaron, and Hannah Abbot of Billerica, at Billerica, Jan. 21, 1787.

Almira, and Richard Kimball [jr. int.] of Bradford, Feb. 2, 1818.*

Amanda, of Cavendish, VT, and Asa H. Brown, int. Sept. 26, 1829.

Anna, of Bradford, and Nathaniel Parker, at Bradford, Sept. 20, 1770.*

Anne, and John Bragg, May 8, 1753.*

Asa, and Sarah Marbel, Feb. 27, 1752.*

Asa, and, wid. Apphia Spofford of Rowley, at Rowley, Mar. 1, 1780.

Augusta, and Enoch Stevens, Feb. 26, 1835.*

Benjamin, and Sarah Chadwick [of Boxford. int.], Sept. 19, 1727.*

Benjamin, and Lucy Pushard of Dresden, int. Aug. 20, 1800.

Benjamin, of Malden, and Mary Ann Tucker, Apr. 27, 1841.*

Carlton, and Susannah Holt, Apr. 18, 1776.*

Carlton, of Charlestown, and Mary Abbot, Apr. 4, 1822.*

Carlton, jr., and Patience M. Newell of South Berwick, ME, int. Apr. 5, 1843. [dup. int. Mar. 27, 1845.]

Charles S., painter, s. Carleton, and Catharine H. Lord, Feb. 19, 1846.*

Charlotte, and Dr. Stephen Huse of Methuen, June 14, 1826.*

Clarisa B., and John Baldwin of Billerica, Nov. 15, 1810.*

Daniel, of Reading, and, wid. Mary Chandler, Nov. 10, 1779.*

Dolly, and Samuel Foster, of Amherst [NH. int.], Aug. 30, 1798.*

Eliza Jane, and Nathaniel F. Dearborn, Dec. 30, 1841.*

Elizabeth, and John Farnum, Apr. 10, 1684.

Elizabeth [Barker. CTR], and Samuell Hutchinson, Feb. 26, 1686. [Feb. 19, 1687. CTR]

Fanny T., and William Jones of Frankfort, NY, int. Aug. 5, 1826.

Frances M., and Caleb Abbott, jr., Dec. 16, 1834.*

George G., Esq., and Hannah H. Woods, both of Ashburnham, Dec. 26, 1836.

George H., a. 21 y., carpenter, s. Carlton and Mary, and Mary L. Putnam, a. 19 y., d. Alfred and Mary, July 14, 1847.*

Hannah, and John Tyler, Sept. 14, 1682.

Hannah, and Cyrus Marble, Sept. 25, 1760.*

Hannah [Mrs. CR1], and John White, Apr. 10, 1780.*

Hannah, of Concord, and Daniel Bartlett, int. Sept. 4, 1799.

Hannah, and James Yalden, resident in Andover, Oct. 1, 1801.*

Hannah, and Jonathan Griffin of Plattsburg, NY, Nov. 10, 1805.*

Hencher, of Methuen, and Anna Phelps, June 15, 1773. CR2*

James, and Phebe Ingalls, Aug. 12, 1731.*

James, jr., and Mary Lovejoy, Sept. 24, 1765. CR2*

Joanna [of Chelmsford. int.], and [Dr. int.] Nehemiah Abbot, at Chelmsford, Dec. 7, 1748.

John, and Hannah Browne, May 24, 1687.

John, and Abigail Osgood, Feb. 7, 1771.*

John [jr. int.], and Hannah [Joannah. int.] Bailey of Haverhill, at Haverhill, June 27, 1782.

John, and Sophia Gage, int. Aug. 22, 1828.

John B., and Sarah E. Towner, May 18, 1837.*

Jonathan, and Hannah Frie, May 5, 1737.*

Jonathan, of Reading, and Mary Hincher, int. Nov. 17, 1744.

Jonathan, jr., and Hannah Robinson, Feb. 17, 1767.*

Joseph, and Elizabeth Bridges, Oct. 7, 1680.

Joseph, and Abigail Michel [of Haverhill. int.], Feb. 6, 1711-12.*

Joseph, and Mary Emery, Dec. 31, 1722.*

Joseph, and Martha Barker, July 4, 1734.*

Joseph, and Martha Johnson, Apr. 10, 1735.*

Joseph, jr. [3 d. int.], and Hannah Abbot, Apr. 25, 1754.*

Joseph, 3d, and Elezebith Martain, Apr. 26, 1757.*

Joseph, and Lydia Chandler, at Methuen, Dec. 7, 1769.

Joseph, of Billerica, and Lydia Parker, Dec. 30, 1806.*

Julia H., of Dracut, and David N. McClary, int. Mar. 11, 1848.

Kendal, and Joann Floyd of Medford, at Medford, May 20, 1800.

Lois, of Methuen, and Jonathan Noyes, int. Mar. 11, 1809.

Lucretia, of Lynn, and Amasa Holt, int. Aug. 2, 1817.

Luce, Mrs., of Dracut, and Daniel Abbot, jr., int. Mar. 24, 1756.

Lydia, wid., and Thomas Kenny, Apr. 30, 1782.*

Lydia, and Joseph Parker, of Billerica, Dec. 30, 1806.*

Lydia, and Henry Poor, May 14, 1807.*

Martha, and Joseph Tuck [of Beverly. int.], Feb. 2, 1726-7.*

Martha, wid., and Lt. Robert Rusel of Reading, int. Apr. 17, 1755.

Martha, and William Page [of Hampstead. CR1], Oct. 9, 1760.*

Martha [resident in Andover. int.], of Bradford, and Jeremiah Chandler, at Bradford, Oct. 22, 1772.*

Mary, and Benjamin Frie, May 23, 1678.

Mary, and James Bodwell [of Haverhill. int.], Feb. 6, 1710-11.*

Mary, and Joseph Faulkner, Aug. 12, 1731.*

Mary, and Timothy Stevens, jr., May 19, 1774. CR2*

Mary [wid. int.], and Jonathan Cummings, Dec. 30, 1802.*

Mary, of Lowell, and Nathan Parker, Sept. 18, 1836.

Mary, Mrs., and Layfaette Hall of Lowell, int. Nov. 2, 1849.

Mehitable, and Joshua Twing of Danvers [South Danvers. int.], May 5, 1839.*

Michael, and Phebe Farrington, Oct. 11, 1770.*

Michael, jr., and Fanny Town, Dec. 11, 1804.*

Michael, jr., and Mehitable Fox of Dracut, int. Sept. 30, 1815.

Moses, and Hannah [Dorcas. CR2 and. int.] B. Chandler, Dec. 27, 1820.*

Nathan, and Elizabeth Gadge of Bradford, int. Nov. 28, 1730.

Nathan, and Hannah Stevens, June 26, 1735.*

Nathan, and Mary Parker of Lowell, Sept. 18, 1836.

Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Wright, Oct. 6, 1702. CR1

Nathaniel, and Anna Parker of Bradford, at Bradford, Sept. 20, 1770.*

Nathaniel, of Reading, and Mary Woodbridge, Dec. 23, 1824.*

Oliver, of Reading, and Phebe Farnum, Dec. 8, 1823.*

Persis, and Peter French, jr., Oct. 16, 1822.*

Peter, and Hannah Swan, Aug. 14, 1734.*

Peter, jr., and Phebe Marble, June 5, 1766.*

Peter, and Sally K. Lovejoy, Oct. 17, 1831. [Nov. 17. CR1]*

Phineas, and Hannah Chandler, Sept. 21, 1775.*

Phebe, and John Varnum of Dracut, at Dracut, July 15, 1730.*

Phebe, and Seth Kimbal of Bradford, Sept. 11, 1794.*

Phebe [wid. int.], and Israel Wood of Danvers, Aug. 17, 1803.*

Phebe, and Stephen Poor of Greenfield NH, [Hancock, NH. int.], Dec. 30, 1813.*

Rosena, and Seth Kimball, Apr. 27, 1831.*

Ruth, and James Gile of Haverhill, Feb. 21, 1688. CR1

Samuel, and Esther Daves of Billerica, at Billerica, Sept. 18, 1734.

Samuel, of Bradford, and Mary Stevens, May 3, 1742.*

Samuel, Capt., of Barnstable, and Mrs. Mary Freeman, resident in Andover, Sept. 3, 1801. CR2*

Sally, of Harvard, and Joseph Bullard, at Harvard, Jan. 8, 1797.

Sarah, and John Russ of Methuen, June 9, 1802.*

Sally K., and John H. Grush of Boston, Dec. 2, 1838.

Simeon, and Fanney Jeffrey of Reading, int. May 27, 1843.

Stephen, and Mary Marstone [mason (Marstone). CTR], Dec. 1, 1680.

Stephen, and Susanna Devereux of Marblehead, at Marblehead, Jan. 10, 1694-5.

Stephen H., and Anna M. Abbott of Concord, NH, int. Jan. 1, 1842.

Susanna, and Stephen Morse of Methuen, Sept. 9, 1800.*

Tabbatha, and David Frye, June 6, 1769.*

Timothy, of Reading, and Priscilla Carlton, Mar. 18, 1735-6.*

Warren, of Dracut, and Elizabeth Frye, int. Apr. 4, 1800.

Washington, of Methuen, and Fanny Noyes, int. Mar. 25, 1816.

William, and Mary [Mercy. int.] Hovey of Boxford, at Boxford, Aug. 30, 1781.

Winthrop A., of Rochester, NY, and Lucy Lilley, int. Apr. 21, 1843.


Lydia, of Wilton, NH, and Chandler Phelps, int. Feb. 4, 1815.


PARSONS (Parson)

George, and Nancy Marston, int. July 6, 1837.

Phebe S., and Jedidiah C. Ricker, int. Dec. 24, 1840.

Thomas, of South Hampton, and Anne Poor, int. July 22, 1758.


Henry F., and Nancy Abbot, May 24, 1821.*

Nancy Maria, and Hiram Curtis Travis of Roxbury, int. May 12, 1847.


John, of Ipswich, a. 35 y., lawyer, s. John and Judith and Margaret A.G. Poor, a. 22 y., d. Daniel A. and Emily G., June 30, 1846.*

Sarah, resident in Andover, and Joel Marshal of Tewksbury, Feb. 21, 1770.*


Margaret, and William Cheyne, residents in Andover, Jan. --, 1844.


Lois F., of Danvers, and Henry Barker, int. July 23, 1826.

PATTEN (Pattin)

Elijah, and Elsey O'Niel of Methuen [resident in Andover. int.], at Methuen, Dec. 29, 1798.*

Lydia, wid., and Asa Holt, July 5, 1781.*


James, and Elizabeth Holmes of Portsmouth, NH, int. Sept. 4, 1830.


Eliza Jane, and George Poor, engineer, s. Joseph and Mary, June 4, 1848.

Jane [resident in Andover. int.], and Nathan Abbot of Methuen, Jan. 11, 1759.*


Carlton, of Lawrence, trader, and Mary P. Ames, d. Simeon and Dorcas, June 13, 1847.*

Eliphalet, of Wiscasset, and Betsey Bradley, July 15, 1802.*

PEABODY (Pebody)

Allice [of Boxford. int.], and Thomas Holt, Dec. 14, 1708. [Dec. 15. CR1]*

Allice, of Boxford, and Henry Gray, int. May 15, 1736.

Anna, wid., and Abraham Tyler of Boxford, int. Jan. 18, 1812.

Bethiah, and Robert Holt [of Windham, CT. int.], Dec. 13, 1727.*

Bethiah, of Boxford, and Aaron Gray, at Boxford, July 18, 1744.

Charlotte, of Lowell, and Roderick Bailey, Apr. 15, 1827.*

Clarissa [of Lowell. int.], and Omar Bailey, Sept. --, 1827. CR3 [int. Apr. 12, 1828.]*

Deborah, and Stephen Cummings, Mar. 29, 1780.*

Dudley, of Boxford, and Rebecca Town, int. Sept. 10, 1791.

Elizabeth, and Moses Coburn of Dracut, Apr. 15, 1762.*

Fanny, of Middleton, and Samuel Needham, int. Apr. 25, 1817.

Hannah, and Asa Cummings, Jan. 22, 1782. [Mar. 7. CR1]*

Harriett, of Boxford, and Joshua Emery, jr., int. Apr. 17, 1835.

Huldah, of Boxford, and Stephen Elliot, int. Mar. 15, 1827.

Jesse, of Salem. And Susan Leach, Dec. 14, 1823.*

John, jr., and Mary Pearly of Boxford, int. Apr. 24, 1764.

Jonathan [of Boxford. CR1], and Mary [Mercy. CR1] Kimball, Dec. 1, 1767.*

Joseph [of Boxford. int.], and Mary Holt, Oct. 24, 1744.*

Lucy, and James Phillips of Salem, June 30, 1805.*

Lydia, and Robert Gray, May 1, 1728.*

Lydea, and Joshua Foster, jr., May 26, 1756.*

Mehetabel, and Solomon Wood of Boxford, Dec. 17, 1761.*

Moses, and Sarah Holt, June 12, 1728.*

Nathaniel, of Boxford, and Hepzibah Barker, at Boxford, Feb. 26, 1755.*

Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Palmer, Nov. 3, 1802.*

Rebecca, and John Styles of Boxford, int. Nov. 10, 1770.

Rebecca, and Alaxander Montgomery, Dec. 29, 1785.*

Ruth, Mrs. [of Boxford. int.], and David Foster, at Boxford, Dec. 31, 1767.

Samuell, and Lydia Holt, Jan. 27, 1701-2.

Samuell, and Elizabeth Wilkins of Reading, int. June 15, 1765.

Sarah, and James Stevens, Aug. 1, 1745.*

Sarah, and Peabody Dole of Rowley, Mar. 30, 1779.*

Sarah A., of Boxford, and John P. Foster, int. Nov. 14, 1845.

Susanna, and Hermon Towne, Apr. 1, 1833.*

Thomas, and Ruth Cole, Feb. 28, 1738-9.*

Thomas [of Boxford. int.], and Ruth Osgood, Nov. 21, 1738.*

William, jr., and Abigail Dupee, Jan. 22, 1781.*


Alicne [Asenath. int.], of Boxford, and Stephen Barker [jr. int.], at Boxford, Aug. 3, 1791.*

George, and Abigail T. Kimball, both of Boxford, int. Oct. 13, 1825.

Simeon, of Boxford, and Mary Carlton, int. Aug. 15, 1820.

Timothy, of Windham [CT. int.], and Elisabeth Stevens, Aug. 24, 1722.*

PEARLEY (Perley)

Jeremiah, of Boxford, and Eunice Foster, int. May 2, 1778.

PEARLY (Perley)

Eunice [Mrs. int.; of Andover. CR1], and Daniel Gould, both of Boxford, Dec. 25, 1788.*

Mary, of Boxford, and John Peabody, jr., int. Apr. 24, 1764.

Moses [of Boxford. CR1], and Hannah Frie, Feb. 7, 1739-40.*

PEARSE (Pierce)

Mary, of Portsmouth, and David Blunt, int. Apr. 7, 1739.

PEARSON (Pearsons, Peirson, Pierson)

Abiel, Dr., and Polly Adams of York, int. Apr. 21, 1788.

Bethiah, and William Gordon, June 6, 1782.*

Eliphalet, and Priscilla Holyoke, July 17, 1780.*

Eliphalet, and Sarah Broomfield of Harvard, at Harvard, Sept. 29, 1785.*

Elizabeth, and Benjamin Jinkins of Wilmington, Feb. 20, 1793.*

Frances, Mrs., of Haverhill, and Mr. John Johnson, at Haverhill, Sept. 24, 1746.*

Hannah T., a. 30 y., d. Joseph and Sarah, and Albert Bancroft, a. 29 y., stone mason, s. William and Caroline, May 11, 1848.*

James [Preston. CR1] Capt., of Lynn, and Mrs. Hannah Osgood, Nov. 5, 1724.*

John, jr., and Abigail Tyler, Aug. 3, 1769.*

Joseph, and Sally Foster [residents in Andover. int.], Oct. 23, 1814.*

Joseph J., and Dorcas Chadwick, int. Oct. 30, 1847.

Mary H[olyoke. int.], and Rev. Ephraim Abbot of Greenland, NH, Jan. 5, 1814.*

Mary E., a. 23 y., d. Joseph and Sarah, and Josiah H. Currier of Medford, a. 23 y., teamster, s. David and Susan, June 30, 1846.*

Moses, resident in Andover, and, wid. Hephzibah Fish, int. Aug. 17, 1776.

Moses, of Wilmington, and Lois Holt, at Wilmington, Jan. 4, 1785.

Moses, jr., resident in Andover, and Susannah Wimar, int. Aug. 28, 1804.

Rebecca [Mrs. CR1], and Benjamin Ingalls, Aug. 3, 1762.*

Susanna, and William Ingalls, May 26, 1761.*

PEARSONS (Pearson)

Abiel, Dr., and Deborah Sparhawk of Portsmouth, NH, int. June 8, 1816.

Belinda, of Lynnfield, and Benjamin Boynton, int. Mar. 7, 1817.

David S., and Sarah Wildes of Charlestown, int. Oct. 21, 1820.

George, of Reading, and Sarah A. Pearsons, Apr. 14, 1842.

Harriet L., and Silas Buck, mechanic, both of Wilmington, Nov. 28, 1844.

Hepsibeth, of Wilmington, and William Tucker, jr., int. July 14, 1815.

Jabez W., of Boston, and Olive P. Tucker, jr., int. Sept. 15, 1823.

Mary J., and George Pearsons of Reading, int. Mar. 17, 1842.

Sarah A., and George Pearsons of Reading, Apr. 14, 1842.

Thomas, and Lucy Trow, Nov. 21, 1811.*


Daniel [of Enfield. int.], and Abigail Hutchinson, May 6, 1717. CR1*

Robert [of Enfield. int.], and Elizabeth Emery, Feb. 28, 1716-17. CR1*


Lydia, of Kingstown, and Samuel Spafford, int. May 3, 1797.

PEAVE (Pevey)

Peter [of Hampton. int.], and Esther Barker, July 15, 1720.*

PEBODY (Peabody)

Anna, and Joseph Abbot, 3d, Feb. 9, 1748-9.*

Daniel, of Middleton, and Phebe Foster, June 4, 1750.*

Lydea, and Ebenezer Holt, jr., Feb. 15, 1753.*

Oliver, and Sarah Robinson, Nov. 9, 1752.*

Sarah, and Jonathan Frie, Nov. 13, 1753.*


Solomon, Rev., of Amherst, and Elizabeth Sarah Reeves Hooker, May 11, 1826.*


Ann, Mrs. [of Haverhill. int.], and Mr. Samuel Chandler, at Haverhill, Sept. 12, 1738.*

John, of Bradford, and Elizabeth Morse, Feb. 26, 1801.*

Rachel, of Methuen, and Enoch Holt, int. Apr. 13, 1808.


Elizabeth, of Beverly and Jacob Lefavour, at Beverly, Aug. 24, 1749.*


Catherine, a. 28 y., d. John and Margarett, and Alexander Smart, a. 30 y., flax-dresser, s. Alexander and Dorothy, Jan. 19, 1847.*


Elizabeth, and James Taylor, Mar. 17, 1833.*

Joseph, of Hamilton [Ipswich. int.], and Susanna Peel, Aug. 4, 1839.*

Joseph, and Marilla De Putrin of Ware, int. July 8, 1843.

Susanna, and Joseph Peel of Hamilton [Ipswich. int.], Aug. 4, 1839.*

William, manufacturer, and Sarah Jane Reed, spinner in factory, May 1, 1845.*


Josiah, Rev., of Norridgewock, D.M. [ME. int.], and Sarah [A. int.] Herrick, Sept. 8, 1814.*

PEETERS (Peters)

Elizabeth, and James Johnson, Apr. 26, 1692.

Samuel, and Phoebe Frie, Dec. 15, 1696.

Samuel, and Mary Robinson, June 11, 1722.*

PEEVEY (Pevey)

Thomas, and Dorcas Holt, Mar. 22, 1759.*

PEIRCE (Pierce)

Priscilla E. [Mrs. int.], and Loami Baldwin, Nov. 24, 1836.*

PEIRSON (Pearson)

Jonathan, and Tabitha Cowdry of Reading, int. July 11, 1747.


Briget, Mar., of Boxford, and Jeremiah Foster, Aug. 14, 1755.


Almira Ann, of Boxford, and Naom Augustus Fish, int. Nov. 6, 1847.

Andrew [Parkhirst. CR2; and. int.], of Wilton, and Lydia Chandler, Mar. 2, 1784.*

Elizabeth, and David Smith of Salem, at Salem, Dec. 14, 1726.

Betsey, of Middleton, and Kimball Carlton, May 19, 1825.*

Hannah, Mrs. [of Middleton. int.], and Joseph Russel, Nov. 27, 1746.*

Hannah, and Benjamin Berry, jr., May 25, 1784.*

Joseph B., of Boxford, a. 23 y., shoemaker, s. Berry and Betsey, and Julia M. Spofford of Boxford, a. 18 y., d. Aaron and Betsey, Nov. 2, 1848.

Mary, and Ephraim Smith of Wenham, at Wenham, Dec. 30, 1725.

Polly, of Hampton Falls, and Aaron Wood, int. Sept. 10, 1784.

Phebe, of Middleton, and Benjamin Berry, jr., int. Mar. 30, 1770.

Sarah, of Middleton, and Joshua Lovejoy, jr., int. Apr. 30, 1769.

Timothy, and Hannah Buckstone [of Salem Village. int.], Feb. 2, 1713-14.*

William, and Hannah Berry of Salem, at Salem, Apr. 3, 1728.*

PERLEY (Pearley, Pearly)

Henry, and Eunice Hood of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Oct. 27, 1781.*

Leverett S., a. 25 y., machinist, s. Abraham and Betsy, and Phebe F. Taggard, a. 25 y., d. John and Hannah, Sept. 26, 1847.*

Louisa, and Daniel C. [David C. int.] Smith of Georgetown, Oct. --, 1841.*

Sarah, of Boxford, and Dane Robinson, int. Apr. 17, 1725.


Ebenezer, of Reading, and Elizabeth Holt, May 15, 1803.*

Martha A., of Lowell, and William D. Stark, int. Nov. 14, 1843.

Thaddeus [of Lynn. int.], and Anna Hayward, Mar. 29, 1769.*

Thaddeus, of Royalstown [VT.], and Hannah Berry, Sept. 27, 1780.*

William, resident in Andover, and Tamer Whiting of Hingham, int. Jan. 12, 1805.

PETENGILL (Pettengill)

Samuel, and Mary Holt, Nov. 4, 1756.*

PETERS (Peeters)

Andrew, and Elizabeth Farnum, Feb. 8, 1685.

Andrew, and Hannah Kimball, Oct. 18, 1768.*

Benjamin, and Hannah Chickren, Mar. 22, 1753. [Mar. 11. CR1]*

Benjamin, jr., and Martha Brown of Reading, at Reading, Oct. 7, 1783.*

Charlotte, and Abiel Stevens, jr., of Methuen, Jan. 22, 1835.*

Daniel, and Susanna Frye, July 8, 1802.*

Emily [A. int.], d. John and [Col. int.] John Hobart Clark, butcher, s. Hobart, June 1, 1847.*

Hannah, and Nathaniel Frothingham, jr. of Boston, Nov. 24, 1803.*

Hannah, and Isaac Wilson, Dec. 22, 1825.*

Hannah K., and John Howlett of Saugus, July 12, 1838.*

James [of Suncook. int.], and Elisabeth Farnum, Dec. 31, 1736.*

John, and Phebe Carlton, Mar. 20, 1732-3.*

John, and Sarah Stevens, wid. James, Aug. 7, 1759.*

John, and Elizabeth Farrington Davis, Sept. 24, 1801.*

Joseph [Ens. CR1], and Mehitable Adams, Dec. 24, 1795.*

Margret, and James Wilson of Cambridge [Cambridge Farmes. int.], Apr. 17, 1704. CR1*

Mary, and Thomas Chandler, May 22, 1686.

Mary, and Jonathan Richardson of Middletown, Oct. 14, 1779.*

Mehitable, and Daniel Faulkner of Bluehill, Nov. 12, 1795.*

Mehitable, and Daniel Foster, 2d, Dec. 25, 1834.*

Mercy, and John Allen, May 22, 1686.

Phebe, and Daniel Faulkner, Aug. 7, 1760.*

Sarah, and David Gray, jr., Mar. 20, 1834.*

William, of Haverhill, and Jane Lunegen, resident in Andover, int. Dec. 6, 1746.

William, and Elizabeth P. Gardner, Dec. 25, 1838.*

PETTENGELL (Pettengill)

Enoch A., and Sarah B. Odiorne, Jan. 22, 1834.*

PETTENGILL (Petengill, Pettengell, Pettingal, Pettingill)

James, and Betsy Averill, int. Dec. 20, 1810.


Philo C., and Lydia L [Louisa L. int.] Foster, Apr. 8, 1840.*

PETTINGAL (Pettengill)

Nathaniel, and Susannah Abbott, July 14, 1720.*

PETTINGILL (Pettengill)

Dorcas, and Robert Calahan, June 3, 1802.

James, and Ruth Wardwell, Sept. 6, 1818.*

Joseph, and Sarah Farrington, Mar. 22, 1764.*

Susanna, and Joseph Averil of Muddleton, Dec. 12, 1780.*

William, of Wilton, and Rhoda Hagget, Feb. 28, 1782.*

PEVY (Pevey)

Dorcas, and George Smith, Mar. 2, 1794.*


Joshua [Phelps, jr. int.], and Mary Gilson of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Jan. 13, 1796.*

PHELPS (Phelleps)

Abner [Dr. int.], of Reading, and Delia H[ubbel. int.] Clark, Mar. 22, 1814.*

Anna, and Hencher Parker of Methuen, June 15, 1773. CR2*

Annis, and Benjamin Stevens of Haverhill, Feb. 20, 1720-21.*

Austin, Rev., of Boston, and Elizabeth Stuart, int. Aug. 10, 1842.

Chandler, and Lydia Parkhearst of Wilton, NH, int. Feb. 4, 1815.

Chandler, and Hannah T. [F. int.] Ballard, May 7, 1834.*

Deborah, and Stephen Blanchard, Aug. 10, 1724.*

Edward, and Ruth Andrews, Mar. 9, 1682. [-3. CTR]

Elisha, and Rhoda Tay of Wilmington, at Woburn, Oct. 28, 1795.*

Elizabeth, and Jonathan Lovjoy, Dec. 23, 1717.*

Elizabeth A., and Richard Moore, Oct. 26, 1843.*

Francies, and Phebe Holt, Jan. 11, 1742-3.*

Hannah, and Eohraim Abbott, jr., Feb. 14, 1733-4.*

Hannah, and Hezekiah Lovejoy [of Souhegan. int.], Apr. 9, 1751.*

Hannah, and George Flynt, jr. [of Reading. int.], Oct. 18, 1753.*

Hannah, and Benjamin Mooar, Sept. 29, 1767.*

Hannah, and Samuel Osgood, jr., Nov. 22, 1768.*

Hannah, and Nathan Abbot, 3d, Dec. 11, 1792.*

Henery, and Abigail Lovejoy, Dec. 8, 1718.*

Henry, and, wid. Susanna Kittridge of Tewksbury, int. Apr. 24, 1760.

Henry, and Mary Ballard, Oct. 31, 1780.*

Henry, of Methuen, and Eliza Merrill, int. Sept. 29, 1831.

Hermon, and Esther B. Merrill of Lowell, int. Oct. 26, 1841.

Isaac, and Dorcas Ames, Oct. 31, 1799. CR2*

Jacob S., a. 27 y., farmer, s. Chandler and Lydia, and Rebecca Chandler, a. 31 y., d. Joseph and Mary, May 11, 1848.*

Joel, and Lydia A. Thompson of Charleston [Charlestown. int.], Dec. 23, 1824.*

Joel, and Lucinda Favor, Nov. 13, 1842.*

John, and Sarah Andrew [of Boxford. int.], Nov. 4, 1714.*

John, and Deborah Lovejoy, Dec. 16, 1740.*

Jonathan, and Abigail Abbot, Dec. 21, 1811.*

Joseph, and Elizabeth Abbott, Mar. 13, 1710-11.*

Joseph, and Lydea Osgood, June 6, 1749.*

Joseph, and Ruth French of Tewksbury, int. Feb. 2, 1771.

Joseph, and, wid. Abigail Blancherd, Dec. 22, 1772. CR2*

Joseph, jr., and Rebeccah Abbot, June 28, 1798.*

Joshua, and Lowis Ballard, Feb. 17, 1767.*

Joshua, and Dolly Watson of Bedford, int. Mar. 28, 1822.

Lois, of Reading, and Nickless Holt, jr., int. Feb. 7, 1750-51.

Lois, and Isaac Blunt, jr., Dec. 13, 1791.*

Lydia, and [Capt. int.] Jonathan Abbot, jr., Feb. 16, 1826.*

Mary, and John Stevens, jr., Nov. 3, 1737.*

Mary, and John Osgood, 3d, Nov. 29, 1753.*

Mary, and Joseph Chandler, jr., Dec. 18, 1806.*

Mary, and Levi Beane, Mar. 12, 1819.*

Phebe, of Tewksbury, and Jacob Foster, jr., int. Aug. 15, 1772.

Priscilla, and Philemon Dane, July 11, 1769.*

Priscilla F., a. 24 y., d. Jonathan and Abigail, and George Gutterson, of Milford, NH, a. 25 y., farmer, s. Josiah and Phebe, July 29, 1846.*

Prudence, and Daniel Dane, Feb. 21, 1760.*

Ruth, and Thomas Carter of Woburn, Dec. 25, 1706. CR1

Samuell, and Sarah Chandler, May 29, 1682.

Samuell, and Hannah Dane, June 30, 1708.*

Samuel, jr., and Priscilla Chandler, Jan. 22, 1735-6.*

Sarah, and Samuel Field, Feb. 4, 1719-20.

Sarah, and Reubin Muzzey [of Kingstown. int.], May 10, 1743.*

Susanna [Mrs. CR2], and Thomas Kidder [of Billerica. dup.], at Billerica, July 7, 1767.

Thomas, and Mary Blanchard, July 4, 1722.*

Thomas, and Prudence Wimon, Nov. 7, 1727.*

Thomas, and Mary Shattuck, Oct. 17, 1765. CR2*

William, of Salem, and Hannah Holt, Jan. 4, 1781.*


Elizabeth B., and Amos Spaulding, Esq., int. Nov. 20, 1832.

Elizabeth B., and William Stevens, June 20, 1839.*

James, of Salem, and Lucy Peabody, June 30, 1805.*

Julia, and Isaac Tompkins of Chester, NH, July 26, 1842.*

Lydia, Mrs., and Dr. Parker Clarke, May 18, 1742.*

Mary, of Salem, and George Abbot, at Salem, Nov. 29, 1721.*

Mary, and Samuel Appleton [of Haverhill. int.], Oct. 12, 1736.*

Mary Ann, and William Gray Brooks of Boston, Sept. 9, 1833.*

Nathaniel, of Taunton, and Martha Hawley, Nov. 11, 1833.*

Phebe F., and Jonathan Clemant, int. May 6, 1824.

Rosey, and Patrick Gorman, int. Jan. 21, 1848.

Samuell [Rev. int.], and Hannah White, Jan. 17, 1712.*

Samuel [jr. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Elisabeth Barnard, July 11, 1738.*

Samuel, jr., and Phebe Foxcroft of Cambridge, int. June 12, 1773.

Samuel, 3d, and Mehitable Hagget of Bradford, int. Jan. 3, 1788.

Samuel, Maj., and Sarah A. Swett of Boxford, int. Sept. 8, 1827.

Sally [of Boston. int.], and Mark Newman, at Boston, Sept. 29, 1795.*

PHILPS (Phillips)

Elizabeth [Phillips. CTR], and Joseph Ballerd, Feb. 28, 1665.

PHIPPS (Phips)

Abner J., and Elizabeth F. Abbe of Roxbury, Dec. 7, 1842.*

PHIPS (Phipps)

Frances [resident in Andover. int.], and Timothy Trumbal, Jan. 20, 1778.*


Marcia, Mrs., of Rowley, and Joseph Holt, int. Jan. 16, 1825.


Mary F., of Cambridgeport, and Ezra Merrill, int. Jan. 25, 1845.

PIERSON (Pearson)

John [of Lynn. int.], and Rebecca Osgood, June 16, 1732.*


Austin F., of Franklin, NH, a. 26 y., lawyer, s. Uriah and Mary, and Elizabeth Farley, a. 23 y., d. Isaac and Louisa, Aug. 18, 1846.*

John, of Bradford, and Eliza A. Tuck, Dec. 10, 1840.*

Sarah A., and John K. Hall of Boston, at Charlestown, Apr. 30, 1836.*

Willard, 2d m., a. 58 y., tallow chandler, b. Phillipstown, s. David and Joanna, of Phillipstown, and Betsey Hardy, a. 40 y., d. Stephen and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1849.*

PILLSBURY (Pilsbury)

Paul P., widr., a. 50 y., farmer, s. Daniel and Eunice, and Sarah A. Stevens, a. 32 y., d. Daniel and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1848.*

PILSBURY (Pillsbury)

Phebe [Rebecca. int.], of Newbury, and James Dane, at Newbury, June 6, 1799.*


Asa, and Mary C. Kilborn, both of Topsfield, Feb. 3, 1841.

Mary, of Salem, and Nathan W. Hazen, Esq., int. Oct. 2, 1830.


Hannah, wid. [resident in Andover. int.], and Moses Town, Nov. 28, 1791.*

John E., and Susan H. Couch of Newburyport, int. Nov. 14, 1836.


John, and Elizabeth Jorden, Jan. 15, 1792.*


Maria, and Uriah Russel, int. May 10, 1829.

PLATS (Platt)

Ann, of Bradford, and Nathan Barker, int. Dec. 11, 1736.

Ednah, of Boxford, and Joseph Abbot, jr., int. Nov. 1, 1766.

PLATT (Plats, Platts)

Frances, and Warren Mears, int Sept. 21, 1845.

PLATTS (Platt)

Mary, of Rowley, and Henry Abbott, int. Oct. 27, 1721.


Almira E., and Simeon Bordwell, Mar. 16, 1843.*

Elizabeth C., of Lancaster, and Edmund Fletcher, int. Oct. 2, 1840.

Hezekiah Smith, and Betsey Sympson Poor, Apr. 3, 1806.*

Maria [Betsy S. int.], and Sam uel Poor, Nov. 27, 1828. CR3*

Maria Ann, and Franklin Barnard, Apr. 18, 1833.*

Mary, of Londonderry, and Capt. Stephen Poor, int. Aug. 24, 1801.

Moses, and Phebe Poor of Methuen, at Methuen, Nov. 22, 1796.*

Sally, and Nathanael Heriman of Bradford, int. Oct. 5, 1794.

POLLAND (Poland)

Joanna L., and John S.H. Moses of Lincoln, int. Oct. 26, 1844.


Dustin B., of Pelham, NH, and Hannah F. Swan, Apr. 15, 1841.*


Samuel, of Watertown, and Nancy Holt, Apr. 12, 1812.*

POOL (Poole)

Mary, and Michael Sweetser [of Reading. int.], Apr. 9, 1761.*

POOLE (Pool)

Mary, Mrs., of Lynn, and Timothy Osgood, Apr. 11, 1728.*

Sarah, and Ephraim Swan, May 23, 1738.*

POOR (Pore)

Abigail, of Newbury, and Ephraim Foster, at Newbury, Jan. 17, 1715-16.*

Abigail, and Isaac Carlton, Feb. 28, 1750-51.*

Abraham, and Elizabeth Barker, Apr. 19, 1770.*

Anna, and Rev. Joshua Bates of Dedham, Sept. 4, 1804.*

Anne, and Thomas Parsons of South Hampton, int. July 22, 1758.

Ann, and James Shaw of Strafford, VT, Mar. 6, 1821.*

Benjamin, and Phebe Varnam of Dracut, int. Feb. 1, 1752.

Benjamin, of Andover, ME, and Catharine, A. Montgomery, Oct. 30, 1832.*

Catharine, and Joshua Grover of Charlestown, Aug. 3, 1800.*

Cloe, and Nathan Bailey, Jan. 4, 1819.*

Daniel, and Mehetabell Osgood, Apr. 25, 1688. CR1

Daniel, and Dorothy Kimball of Bradford, int. Jan. 19, 1711-12.

Daniel, and Hannah Frye, Mar. 31, 1763.*

Daniel, 3d, and Sarah Kimball, Apr. 18, 1769.*

Daniel, 3d, and Hannah Frye, May 23, 1782.*

Daniel, jr., and Deborah Bower Baker, Dec. 1, 1808. CR2*

Deborah, and Timothy Osgood, May 29, 1689.

Debrah, and James Allin, Aug. 27, 1736.*

Deborah, and Stephen Barker of Methuen, Oct. 18, 1750.*

Dorcas, and Simeon Ames, jr., Nov. 20, 1823.*

Dorathy, and Isaac Robinson, June 19, 1740.*

Ebenezer, and Susanna Varnam of Dracut, int. Feb. 19, 1757.

Ebenezer, jr., and Betsey Stevens, Sept. 8, 1794.*

Ebenezer, Rev., of Beverly, and Clarissa Abbot, Feb. 1, 1825.*

Elizabeth, and Jacob Marstone, Apr. 7, 1686.

Elizabeth, and Peter Coburn [jr. int.] of Dracut [for sometime a resident in Andover. CR2], May 20, 1783.*

Betty, and Timothy Johnson, Apr. 29, 1784.*

Bette, and Nathan Adams, Dec. 1, 1785.*

Betsey Sympson, and Hezekiah Smith Plummer, Apr. 3, 1806.*

Betsey, of Rindge, NH, and Henry Lovejoy, int. Mar. 8, 1816.

Elizabeth, and Isaac Stevens, Nov. 27, 1828.*

Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Betsy, and Washington G. Mathers. [Mathey. int.], mason, Feb. 26, 1846.*

Frances, and Wiley Richardson of Westford, May 15, 1783.*

Frederick, and Mercy Barber of Peterboro, int. July 9, 1801.

George, engineer, s. Joseph and Mary, and Eliza Jane Paul, June 4, 1848.

Hannah, and Francis Deane [Dane. CTR], Nov. 16, 1681.

Hannah, and Phineas Johnson, June 6, 1771.*

Hannah, and Jeduthun Abbot, Nov. 26, 1772.*

Hannah, and Samuel Frye, 3 d., Sept. 21, 1790.*

Hannah, and Ezra Abbot, Apr. 24, 1798.*

Henry, and Lydia Parker, May 14, 1807.*

Isaac, and Lydia Bragg, Apr. 28, 1791.*

Isaac, and Elizabeth Foster, Dec. 12, 1823. [int. Feb. 13, 1824.]*

James, Capt., of Belfast, and Anna Johnson, Oct. 21, 1807.*

John, and Mary Faulkner, Feb. 14, 1715-16.*

John [jr. int.], and Rebecca Stevens, Oct. 18, 1739.*

John, 3d, and Chloe Lovejoy, Dec. 26, 1776.*

John, 3d, and Mary Osgood Bradley, Dec. 28, 1804.*

Jonathan, and Elisabeth Dane, May 24, 1744.*

Jonathan, and Susa Poor, Dec. 5, 1769.*

Jonathan, and Ruth Porter of Boxford, at Boxford, Aug. 25, 1799.*

Joseph, and Rebecca Osgood, May 20, 1725.*

Joseph, and [wid. int.] Ruth Barnard, June 7, 1757.*

Joseph, jr, and Mary Abbot, Dec. 26, 1768.*

Joseph, and Mary Bradley, Apr. 16, 1801.*

Lemuel, and Elizabeth Richardson of Woburn, Dec. 28, 1797.*

Lucy, and Samuel Astin, Oct. 11, 1691.

Lydia, and Ephraim Abbot, Oct. 27, 1774.*

Lydia A., and Solomon Symonds [resident in Andover. int.], Feb. 14, 1815.*

Margaret A.G., a. 22 y., d. Daniel A. and Emily G., and John Patch of Ipswich, a. 35 y., lawyer, s. John and Judith, June 30, 1846.*

Martha, and John Granger, at Chelmsford, Feb. 9, 1679.

Martha [Mrs. int.], and Benjamin Howard of Chelmsford, Jan. 12, 1747-8.*

Mary, and Benjamin Stevens, Oct. 5, 1721.*

Mary, and John Maston, Apr. 3, 1746.*

Mary, and Nathan Stevens, Apr. 22, 1746.*

Mary, and Abial Faulkner, Mar. 5, 1752.*

Mary, and David Farnum [of Pembroke. int.], Jan. 10, 1771.*

Mary, and Abial Lovjoy, Apr. 30, 1776.*

Mary, and Joshua Bradly of Dracut, Nov. 4, 1790.*

Mary, and Aaron Robinson of Boxford, Mar. 24, 1796.*

Mary, and Samuel Johnson, jr., int. Aug. 17, 1799.

Mary, and Joseph Cummings, Dec. 19, 1815.*

Mary O., and Parker Richardson, Oct. 26, 1826.*

Mary, and Joel Russell, jr., Apr. 30, 1827.*

Mary A[nne. int.], and Hosea B. Bryant of Lowell, Oct. 26, 1837.*

Mehetable, and Joseph Frie, Mar. 22, 1732-3.*

Mehetabel, and Jonathan Farnum, May 31, 1733.*

Pamela, and Amos Clark, Oct. 11, 1807.*

Peter, and Sarah Wood of Boxford, at Boxford, Oct. 11, 1753.*

Peter [jr. int.], and Elisabeth Sargent of Methuen, at Methuen, July 23, 1777.

Peter, Lt., and Elizabeth Frye, Mar. 17, 1791.*

Phebe, and John Farington, jr., Nov. 4, 1777.*

Phebe, of Methuen, and Moses Plummer, at Methuen, Nov. 22, 1796.*

Prissilla, and Abraham Moore, Dec. 14, 1687.

Presila, and Benjamin Gage [jr. int.] of Bradford, Feb. 22, 1749-50.*

Rebeca, and Amos Curtis [of Middleton. CR1], Mar. 28, 1749.*

Rebecca, and Jeddediah Farnum, Dec. 26, 1771.*

Rebecca, and David Barnard, 3d, int. Dec. 27, 1833.

Ruth, and John Steevens, Dec. 20, 1689.

Samuel, and Maria [Betsy S. int.] Plummer, Nov. 27, 1828. CR3*

Sarah, and Thomas Russ, July 16, 1730.*

Sarah, and Timothy Stevens, Oct. 15, 1751.*

Sarah, and Zachariah Chickering, int. Nov. 20, 1771.

Sarah, and Rev. James Kendal of Plymouth, July 22, 1800.*

Sally, and Bodwell Lovejoy, Dec. 31, 1805.*

Sarah, of Methuen, and Isaac Mooars, int. Sept. 29, 1825.

Sarah, and Timothy Bailey [2 d. int.], June 7, 1827. CR3*

Sarah W., and Henry Reed [jr., of Danvers. int.], May 23, 1833. CR3*

Sarah B., and Stephen W. Butman, Mar. 9, 1835.*

Stephen, and Betsey Dustin of Winham, int. Oct. 25, 1795.

Stephen, Capt., and Mary Plummer of Londonderry, int. Aug. 24, 1801.

Stephen, of Greenfield, NH [Hancock, NH int.], and Phebe Parker, Dec. 30, 1813.*

Susa, and Jonathan Poor, Dec. 5, 1769.*

Susan, of Lowell, a. 29 y., d. Joseph and Mary, and A. Chipman Turner of Lexington, a. 34 y., railroad conductor, s. Timothy and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1846.

Susannah, and Capt. Luke Wilder of Salisbury, NH, Jan. 23, 1794.*

Theodore, and Sarah Downing, Jan. 12, 1794. [Jan. 2. CR2]*

Thomas, and Mary Adams of Newbury, at Newbury, Sept. 30, 1728.*

Thomas B., and Beular S. French of Tewksbury, int. June 21, 1843.

Timothy, and Mary Stevens, Nov. 20, 1744.*

Timothy, jr., and Mary Sargent of Methuen, at Methuen, Mar. 1, 1781.*

Timothy, and Hannah Bodwell of Methuen, int. Nov. 22, 1823.

Timothy, 2d, and Jane P. Colwell, May 14, 1833.*

William, of Methuen, and Hannah G. White, May 14, 1829.*

PORE (Poor)

Daniel, and Mary Farnum, at Boston, Oct. 20, 1650.


Benjamin, jr. [of Boxford. CR1], and Ruth Foster, Nov. 8, 1744.*

Benjamin, 3d, of Boxford, and Mary Sergant, int. Jan. 21, 1778.

Benjamin, resident in Andover, and Sally Runnels, int. Mar. 31, 1821.

Hannah, and Capt. Peter Osgood, jr., Nov. 27, 1788.*

Hasadiah, of Ipswich, and Anna Johnson, at Chebacco Parish of Ipswich, Mar. 23, 1756.*

Isaac, resident in New York, and Mary Foster, int. May 19, 1811.

Jonathan, of Medford, and Phebe Abbot, Nov. 7, 1790.*

Lucy, of Boxford, and Asa Barker, int. Sept. 9, 1767.

Lydia, of Boxford, and Daniel Farnum, int. Sept. 24, 1768.

Nathaniel, and Sarah Austin, July 21, 1785.*

Nehemiah, of Boxford, and Susanna Robinson, Jan. 7, 1772.*

Phebe [wid. int.], of Danvers, and Michael Carlton, at Danvers, Nov. 14, 1782.*

Ruth, of Boxford, and Jonathan Poor, at Boxford, Aug. 25, 1799.*

Sarah [wid. CR1], of Boston, and Lt. Alexander Montgomery, June 18, 1807.*

Sarah A., and John Averill, Dec. 29, 1825.*

Tyler, of Boxford, and Mrs. Abigail Johnson, at Boxford, Dec. 23, 1779.*


Mary, wid., and John Bridges, Mar. 1, 1677-8.


Elsis, of Ipswich, and Isaac Johnson, int. Jan. 1, 1779.

Eunis, and John Fry, Oct. 4, 1660.


Susanna, of Boston, and Rev. William Symmes, int. July 7, 1774.


Triphenah, of Groton, and Samuel Flood, resident in Andover, int. Oct. 29, 1743.


Francis [of Boston. int.], and Elizabeth G. Irving, Aug. 7, 1849.*


Charles, and Sarah C. Abbot, Nov. 30, 1837.*

Dorothy M.V., and Hiram Hathaway, int. Jan. 28, 1843.

PREBLE (Prable)

PRENTISS (Printis)

Mary A., a. 21 y., and Rev. Erastus B. Claggett, a. 28 y., minister, Feb. 25, 1845.*


Abel, and Eleanor Harvey of Bow, NH, int. July 14, 1819.

Jacob E., and Annah Nichols, int. May 14, 1838.

James C., and Abigail Nichols, int. May 2, 1835.

James M., and Lucy Abbot [int. Nov. 7, 1840.]*

PRESSON (Preston)

Ebenezer, of Wilmington, and Lydia Eavens, at Wilmington, June 13, 1744.*

PRESTON (Presson)

_____, wid., and Nicholas Holt, May 21, 1666.

Ebenezer C., of Boston, and Ruby Bridges, Mar. 3, 1823.*

Elizabeth, and John Holt, Jan. 16, 1705-6.*

Hannah, and Nathaniel Farnem, May 19, 1719.*

Hannah, of Danvers, and Moses Kimball [3 d. int.], at Danvers, July 9, 1793.*

Jacob, and Sarah Willson, June 17, 1702.

Jacob [of Windham. int.], and Sarah Foster, Sept. 21, 1730.*

Jedadiah, of Hillsboro, NH, and Hepzibah Hardy, Feb. 5, 1799.*

John, and Sarah Holt, Nov. 2, 1687. CTR

John, and Mary Heines of Haverhill, Jan. 10, 1706-7.*

Joseph, and Rebecka Preston, Dec. 21, 1709.*

Lydia, and Daniel Holton, int. Jan. 22, 1714-15.

Mary, and Benjamine Russell, Mar. 26, 1702.

Mary, and Christopher Lovjoy, int. Dec. 27, 1718.

Hitty, of Danvers, and Ebenezer Berry, int. Feb. 9, 1808.

Priscilla, and George Holt, Feb. 22, 1714-15.*

Rebecka, and Joseph Preston, Dec. 21, 1709.*

Rececka [wid. int.], and Robert Holt, May 22, 1718.*

Ruth, and Hugh Tayler [a "stranger and sayler. ". int.], June 7, 1710. [June 8. CR1]*

Ruth, and Nathaniel Barnard, May 10, 1733.*

Ruth, of Salem, and Samuel Kimball, at Salem, Jan. 2, 1752.*

Samuell, and Susanna Gutterson, May 27, 1672.

Samuel, and Sarah Bridges, Apr. 2, 1694.

Samuell, sr., and [wid. int.] Mary Blodgett, Sept. 24, 1713.*

Samuel, and Hannah Bridges, Apr. 8, 1728.*

Sarah, and John Stacy of Hampton, Jan. 24, 1723-4.*

Susannah, and James Holt, May 24, 1705*


Ann, Mrs., and Dudly Bradstreet, Nov. 12, 1673.

Elizabeth, Mrs., and Thomas Barnard, Dec. 14, 1686.

William, of Ashford [CT. int.], and [wid. int.] Sarah Preston, Oct. 18, 1722.*


Sarah, and Joseph Lovejoy, May 26, 1685.


Thomas, of Salem, and Hannah Stevens, May 30, 1812.*


Caleb S., and Martha J. Stevens, Nov. 11, 1832.*

PRINTIS (Prentiss)

Charles, and Hannah Stedman, July 4, 1811.*


Elizabeth, and John Bolman, Aug. 25, 1795.*

PROCTOR (Procter)

William, and Mary Ann McAllister, June 22, 1840.*


Benjamin H., and Martha S. [L. int,] Marland, Oct. 14, 1829.*


David, and Ann E. Frye, Jan. 17, 1836.*

Ellen H., and Ebenezer Foster, jr., May 9, 1833.*

Mary, and Fordyce F. Lincoln, Jan. 25, 1824.*


Lucy, of Dresden, and Benjamin Parker, int. Aug. 20, 1800.

PUTNAM (Putnum)

Alfred, and Mary O. Merrill, Nov. 17, 1825.*

Alfred, and [Mrs. int.] Harriet S. Bradley, Dec. 13, 1843.*

Daniel, of Reading, and Hannah Ingalls, Dec. 13, 1744.*

Elezebeth, of Salem, and Daniel Farington, int. July 24, 1731.

George A., of Danvers, and Lydia Osgood, Dec. 11, 1832.*

Hiram, of Danvers, and Elizabeth Osgood, Aug. 6, 1816.*

Israel W., Rev., of Portsmouth, NH, and Harriot Osgood, Dec. 2, 1815.*

Israel W., a. 23 y., trader, s. Israel, and Hannah L. Flanders, a. 26 y., d. Simon, Nov. 9, 1845.*

Israel, and Abigail Hildreth of Lyndeboro, NH, int. Jan. 6, 1846.

Joshua, of Reading, and Eunice Hayward, Apr. 2, 1807.*

Lucy, wid., of Reading, and Jacob Osgood, int. May 25, 1811.

Mary L., a. 19 y., d. Alfred and Mary, and George H. Parker, a. 21 y., carpenter, s. Carlton and Mary, July 14, 1847.*

Nancy Jane, and Luther Jenkins of Reading, int. Apr. 28, 1849.

Phyneas, of Danvers, and Mary Whipple, at Danvers, Aug. 12, 1752.*

Simeon, and Abby B. Fay of Concord, int. Nov. 21, 1816.

Stephen [of Wilton. int.], and Olive Varnum, Oct. 18, 1764.*

Tarant [jr. int.], of Sutton, and Easter Foster, Nov. 11, 1756.*


Damaris, and Nathan Dennis [residents in Andover.], July 6, 1725.*

PUTNUM (Putnam)

Sarah, of Reading, and Henry Ingalls, int. July 10, 1742.