NorthShore Slavery

ORDWAY (Ordaway, Ordoway, Ordwey)

Abigail, d. Joseph, bp. May 12, 1751. PR1

Alanson Oscar, s. Samuel and Sally, Jan. 13, 1817.

Anna, d. Moses and Anna, Mar. 27, 1751. [May 27. dup.]

Anna Maria, d. Newell and Elizabeth, 22: 5m: 1844. CR3

Benjamin, s. James and Elizabeth, Nov. 17, 1733.

Bradshaw, s. Nehemiah and Patience, Sept. 24, 1749.

Charles Wheeler, s. Newell and Elizabeth, 3: 10m: 1848. CR3

Daniel, d. John and Hannah, June 16, 1773.

Dorothy, d. Moses and Anna, July 17, 1759.

Elizabeth, d. twin, Jeams and Elisabeth, Feb. 6, 1728-9.

Elisebeth, d. Moses and Anna, Apr. 17, 1757.

George Newell, s. Newell and Elisabeth, 17: 1m: 1841. CR3

George Newell, s. Newell and Elizabeth, 11: 1m: 1846. CR3

Hannah, d. Nehamiah and Patience, bp. Aug. 4, 1734. CR1

Hannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, July 6, 1747.

Hannah, d. Nehemiah and Patience, Jan. 15, 1752.

Hannah, d. William and Lucy, Apr. 22, 1818.

John, s. Jemas and Elisabeath, Mar. 16, 1731-2.

John, s. Nehemiah and Patiants, Feb. 15, 1736-7.

John, s. Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1772. [Jan. 12. dup.]

Joseph M., s. Samuel and Sally, Nov. 8, 1809.

Lucy An Fittz, d. William and Lucy, Nov. 22, 1811.

Martha, d. Moses and Anna, Mar. 28, 1753.

Mary, d. Moses and Anna, Dec. 7, 1754.

Marcy, d. Nehemiah and Patiants, June 6, 1741.

Moses, s. Jems and Elisabeth, Apr. 11, 1721.

Moses, 1st, s. Moses and Anne, July 24, 1747.

Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Patiance, Feb. 28, 1742-3.

Nehemiah, s. Jonathan, bp. Jan. 21, 1749-50. PR1

Richard, s. Nehemiah and Patiants, Jan. 20, 1738-9.

Ruhamah F., d. Wiliam and Lucy, Jan. 5, 1810.

Samuel, s. Nehemiah and Patience, Feb. 25, 1746. [Feb. 23, 1745-6. dup.]

Samuel, s. Samuel and Selley, Mar. 12, 1808.

Sarah, d. twin, Jeams and Elisabeth, Feb. 6, 1728-9.

Sarah, d. Moses and Anna, May 25, 1749.

Sarah, d. John and Hannah, May 8, 1763.

Sally, d. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 3, 1814.

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Newell and Elizabeth, 1: 8m: 1842. CR3

Stephen, s. John and Hannah, July 27, 1771.

Thomas, s. Nehemiah and Patience, July 1, 1755.

Thomas, s. William and Lucy, at Raymond, NH, Nov. 3, 1814.

William, s. John and Hannah, May 18, 1765.

ORDWEY (Ordway)

Hannah, d. John and Hannah, July 24, 1768.


Elizabeth, d. Jonathan and Easter, 12: 7m: 1781. CR3

Easter, w. Jonathan, 29: 12m: 1750. CR3

John, s. Jonathan and Easter, 28: 2m: 1786. CR3

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Easter, 31: 12m: 1783. CR3

Luecresa, w. Robert, 25: 5m: 1764. CR3

Patience, d. Jonathan and Easter, 11: 8m: 1788. CR3

Samuel, s. Jonathan and Easter, 10: 1m: 1779. CR3

OSBORN (Orsborne, Osburn)

Daniel, s. Moses, 28: 4m: 1787. CR3

Ellen M., w. Jonathan H., 30: 9m: 1836. CR3

Mary, d. Moses, 2: 6m: 1785. CR3

Patience, d. Moses, 16: 12m: 1790. CR3

Ruth, w. Moses, 26: 9m: 1765. CR3

Ruth, d. Moses, 4: 10m: 1792. CR3

Samuel, s. Moses, 29: 3m: 1789. CR3


Abigail Colby, d. Enoch and Hannah P., Jan. 6, 1835.

Adda Lothrop, d. William, farmer, and Rebecca, at Pleasant Valley, June 8, 1848.

Charles, s. Samuel, carpenter, and Elizabeth, at Ferry, Feb. 25, 1846.

Clarissa, d. Thomas and Mary, Dec. 8, 1814.

Dolly, d. Abel and Sarah, July 20, 1795.

Elbridge B., s. Timothy and Lodicy, July 25, 1836.

Elenor, d. Stephen and Ruth, at Salisbury, May 7, 1791.

Betsy, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, June 22, 1797.

Elizabeth Otis, d. Dr. Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. June --, 1812. CR2

Enoch, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1812.

Frances P., s. Timothy and Lodicy J., Jan. 12, 1835.

Jonathan, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1803.

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, 29: 1m: 1809. CR3

Jonathan S., s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1814.

Joseph, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1801.

Joseph, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1804.

Joseph Henry, s. Joseph and Mary Ann, Aug. 30, 1829.

Lydia, d. Jonathan and Mary, 13: 3m: 1807. CR3

Molley, d. Timothy and Elisabeth, Dec. 15, 1795.

Mary E., d. Timothy and Lodicy J., Aug. 7, 1842.

Mary Knapp, d. Samuel, ship carpenter, and Elisabeth, at Amesbury Ferry, July 14, 1844.

Mary Winkley, d. William, farmer, and Rebecca, at Pleasant Valley, Aug. 8, 1845.

Rebeckah, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, Apr. 27, 1799.

Rebecca Ellen, d. Joseph and Mary Ann, Nov. 10, 1835.

Richard, s. Richard and Mary, Feb. 12, 1804.

Ruth Currier, d. Andrew B., bp. July 5, 1846. CR5

Sarah, d. Samuel and Anna, May 12, 1791.

Stephen, s. Abel and Sarah, July 6, 1799.

Timothy, s. Timothy and Betsy, June 24, 1794.

Timothy, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Mar. 4, 1810.

Timothy I., s. Timothy and Lodicy J., May 1, 1839.

OSILOWAY (Osliway)

Daniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1717.

Daniell, s. Amos and Eliseabeth, Aug. 20, 1740.

John, s. John and Mary, Feb. 22, 1722-3.

Jonathan, s. Amos and Eliseabeth, Mar. 6, 1738.

OSLIWAY (Osiloway)

Amos, 2d, s. John and Mary, Feb. 4, 1718-19.

David, s. Daniel and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1735-6.

Jacob, s. John and Mary, Dec. 2, 1725.

John, s. Daniel and Sarah, May 2, 1733.

Joseph, s. Daniel and Sarah, June 9, 1721.

Mary, d. John and Mary, Mar. 7, 1720-21.

Mary, d. Daniel and Sarah, Jan. 14, 1722-3.

Sarah, d. Daniel and Sarah, Mar. 14, 1726-7.

William, 1st, s. John and Mary, Apr. 29, 1717.