NorthShore Slavery

KEALEY (Kelley)

Stephen, s. Richard and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1740.

KEALY (Kelley)

Eliseabeth, d. Daniel and Marcy, Nov. 25, 1735.

KELEY (Kelley)

Stephen, s. Richard and Hannah, Aug. 29, 1732.

KELLEY (Celly, Kealey, Kealy, Keley, Kelly)

Abigail, d. Jonathan [3 d. PR1] and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1766.

Abigail Bartlet, d. Stephen and Hannah, June 23, 1835.

Amasa, s. Stephen and Lois, May 9, 1765.

Anna, d. Samuel and Elisebeth, Mar. 23, 1755.

Anne, d. Stephen and Loes, Feb. 4, 1771.

Benjamin Atkinson, s. Stephen and Hannah, June 3, 1832.

Caleb, s. Stephen and Loes, Feb. 22, 1769. [Jan. 22. dup.]

Deborah, d. Danel and Deborah, Jan. 4, 1743.

Ebenezear, s. Jonathan and Hannah, June 3, 1745.

Ebnezer, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1768.

Edmund, s. Richard and Judith, bp. Oct. 11, 1789. CR2

Edmund [Edward. PR72], s. Stephen and Eunice, Dec. 8, 1790.

Eliza, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, Mar. 14, 1806.

Elizabeth, d. Richard and Hannah, Dec. 26, 1728.

Elisabeth, d. Samuell and Elisabeth, Feb. 22, 1757.

Bettey, d. Richard and Judith, bp. Oct. 11, 1789. CR2

Emeline, d. Stephen and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1821.

Emoline, d. Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 19, 1823.

Enoch, s. Jonathan [3 d. PR1] and Sarah, June 25, 1764.

Esther, d. Jonathan and Hannah, July 10, 1735.

Easter, d. Richard and Hannah, Apr. 20, 1743.

Eunice, d. Stephen and Eunice, Oct. 15, 1796.

Francis Chase, s. Stiphen and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1839. [1829. PR72]

Gyles Merrill, s. Jacob and Mary, Nov. 19, 1813.

Hannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Mar. 9, 1734.

Hannah, d. Stephen and Loes, Jan. 19, 1768. [Feb. 19. dup.]

Hester, d. Samuell and Elisabeth, May 25, 1766.

Jacob, s. John and Elisabeth, Dec. 10, 1772.

John, s. Jonathan and Hannah, July 14, 1739.

John, s. John and Elisebeth, Feb. 22, 1763.

John, s. Richard and Judith, bp. Oct. 11, 1789. CR2

John, s. Ezekel and Betity, bp. Aug. --, 1802. CR2

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1736.

Joseph Bartlett, s. Stephen and Hannah, Mar. 23, 1816.

Judeth, d. Richard and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1738.

Judith, d. John and Elizebeth, Jan. 1, 1761.

Judith, d. Stephen and Lois, Oct. 26, 1775.

Louis [Lois. dup.], d. Stephen and Louis, Nov. 15, 1762.

Lucy Cushing, d. Jacob and Mary, June 29, 1815.

Martha, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 3, 1752.

Mary, d. Richard and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1730.

Mary, d. Daniell and Marcy, May 31, 1739.

Mary, d. Daniel and Marcy, June 3, 1742.

Mary, d. Jonathan and Hannah, May 18, 1743.

Molly, d. Stephen and Lois, Dec. 7, 1778 [bp. Dec. 6. PR1]

Mary, d. Jacob and Mary, bp. May --, 1812. NCTR

Marcy [Mary. PR1], d. Benjman and Rebecka, June 25, 1738.

Moses, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 2, 1748.

Moses, s. Richard and Hannah, Aug. 12, 1748.

Moses, s. John and Elisabeth, Dec. 28, 1767.

Nathan, s. Stephen and Loes, Oct. 7, 1766.

Nehemiah, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Mar. 19, 1760. [1761. dup.]

Nyrha, s. Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1826.

Richard, s. Richard and Susannah, Nov. 7, 1727.

Richard, s. Richard and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1734.

Richard, s. Jonathan and Hannah, June 29, 1750.

Richard, s. Stephen and Lois, Mar. 13, 1774.

Ruth, d. Benjman and Rebecka, Sept. 9, 1740.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1748.

Sarah, d. Benjman and Rebecka, Apr. 15, 1743.

Sarah, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, May 2, 1762.

Stephen, s. Stephen and Eunice, Jan. 2, 1789.

Stephen Lorenzo, s. Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 19, 1818.

Timothy, s. Jonathan [3 d. PR1] and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1761.

William, s. Richard and Susannah, Oct. 5, 1725.

KELLY (Kelley)

Abigail, d. Jonathan, bp. Mar. 8, 1740-41. PR1

Ann, d. Stephen and Eunice (Sargent), Jan. 3, 1802. PR72

Anthony, s. Daniel, bp. Dec. 10, 1752. PR1

Clarena Erskina, d. Giles M., farmer, and Abigail G., at Birch Meadow, July 31, 1849.

Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary [Marcy. dup.], May 18, 1747.

Ebenezer, s. John and Mary, Sept. 9, 1768.

Elisabeth, d. Joseph, jr. and Elisabeth, bp. June 12, 1743. PR1

Betty, d. John and Elisabeth, June 9, 1765.

Betsey, d. Stephen and Louis, Oct. 22, 1784.

Eunice, d. Samuell and Mary, bp. May 16, 1773. PR1

Eunice, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 7, 1773.

Eunice, d. Stephen and Lois, May 27, 1777.

Hannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Mar. 9, 1754.

Hannah, d. John and Elisabeth, July 24, 1783.

Hannah, d. Jacob and Mary, Apr. 21, 1821.

Henry Smith, s. Joseph B., house joiner, and Hannah, at Birchy Meadow, May 15, 1847.

Israel, s. John and Elisabeth, May 4, 1775.

Jacob, s. Daniel, bp. Nov. 4, 1750. PR1

John, s. Richard and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1736.

Lois, d. Stephen and Eunice (Sergent), Dec. 5, 1804. PR72

Lydia, d. Daniel, bp. Aug. 20, 1758. PR1

Mary, d. Joseph, bp. May 24, 1741. PR1

Molly, d. Samuel and Elisebeth, Feb. 6, 1769.

Marcy, d. Daniel and Marcy, Sept. 10, 1737.

Mercy, d. Daniel, bp. Mar. 21, 1756. PR1

Micajah, s. Daniel, bp. May 24, 1761. PR1

Moses, s. Daniel and Deborah. Sept. 11, 1745.

Moses, s. Daniel and Martha [Marsey. dup.], Jan. 16, 1748.

Nehemiah, s. Samuel, bp. Mar. 24, 1751. PR1

Rebeco, d. Richard and Susannah, Dec. 20, 1722.

Richard, s. John and Hannah, bp. Aug. 19, 1750. PR1

Richard, s. John and Elisebeth, Dec. 11, 1758.

Richard, s. Stephen and Louis, Mar. 18, 1770.

Ruth, d. Damuel and Elisebeth, Mar. 12, 1764.

Sarah, d. John, bp. Sept. 17, 1780. PR1

Sarah Orinda, d. Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 12, 1838. PR72

Simeon, s. John and Elisebeth, Mar. 26, 1770.

Stephen, s. Daniel, bp. July 21, 1754. PR1

Stephen, s. Stephen and Louis, Apr. 24, 1764.

William, s. John, bp. Nov. 23, 1777. PR1

KENDRECK (Kendrick)

Dudley, s. Samuel and Hannah, May 7, 1741.

George Francis, s. George W. and Mary C., at West Amesbury, May 3, 1844. [Nov. 5. PR19]

James, s. Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1739.

John, s. John and Susanna. Dec. 12, 1730.

Mary, d. John and Susanna, Mar. 18, 1747. [bp. Mar. 22, 1746-7. PR1]

Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1737.

KENDRICK (Kendreck, Kinderick, Kindreck, Kindrick, Kinreck)

Anna, d. Enos and Anna, Feb. 1, 1808.

Ann E., d. George W. and Mary C., Feb. 28, 1849. PR19

Cyrus Eaton, s. Samuel and Nancy, Dec. 23, 1831.

Enos [Enoc. PR1], s. John and Susanna, Apr. 1, 1745.

Enos, s. Seth and Hannah, May 10, 1782.

George W., s. Enos and Anna, Nov. 5, 1821. PR32

Hannah, d. Enos and Anna, Oct. 18, 1805.

John, s. Enos and Anna, Jan. 23, 1810. PR32

John, s. Enos and Anna, May 16, 1814.

Lucretia Ann, d. George, shoemaker, and Mary, at Landing, Feb. 28, 1847.

Mary, d. Samuel and Rhoda, May 29, 1805.

Mary Ann, d. Samuel and Nancy, Oct. 3, 1830.

Mary Viletta, d. John, shoemaker, and Mary Anna, at Ferry, Aug. 13, 1847.

Rufus Henry, s. Woodman C., farmer, and Harriet Maria, at Landing, Oct. 10, 1845.

Sarah, d. Enos and Anna, Apr. 12, 1817.

Stephen Clement, s. Enos and Anna, Aug. 1, 1803.

Woodman C., s. Stephen [C. PR32] and Judith, July 8, 1826.


Bathshabe, d. John and Huldah, 5: 12m: 1731-2. CR3

Mary, d. John and Huldah, 22: 1m: 1733-4. CR3


Elizabeth Alice, d. Edward and Elizabeth, Mar. 3, 1838.

George Edward, s. Edward and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1834.

KIMBAL (Kimball)

Abraham, s. John and Martha, Sept. 19, 1755.

Charles Otis, s. John and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1835.

John, s. John and Merriam, May 10, 1760.

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1770.

Joseph, s. Benjemin and Eliseabath, Feb. 21, 1732-3.

Joseph, s. Nathan and Hannah, May 28, 1747.

Josiah B[achilder. dup.], s. Josiah and Mary, Feb. 26, 1775. [Feb. 6. dup.]

Martha, d. John and Martha, Sept. 11, 1748.

Martha Ann, d. Caleb and Martha, June 10, 1829.

William Henry, s. Caleb and Martha, Apr. 26, 1827.

KIMBALL (Cimbol, Kimbal, Kimbel, Kimbl, Kimbol)

_____, d. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1772.

Aaron, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, June 25, 1744.

Abigall, d. John and Mary, June 12, 1669. CTR

Abraham, s. Jonathan and Lydia, July 1, 1734.

Adlaide G., d. Cromwell and Mirriam, Mar. 24, 1837.

Adaline, d. Alfred R. cordwainer [shoemaker. dup.] and Sarah, at Creek, June 29, 1846. [Jan. 18, 1847. dup.]

Alfred Russell, s. John and Sally, Jan. 5, 1814.

Alfred, s. Alfred R. and Lydia F., Nov. 20, 1837.

Benjamin, s. John and Mary, Aug. 23, 1673. NCTR

Benjaman, s. John and Hanah, Apr. 14, 1699.

Benjemin, s. John and Hanah, May 27, 1707.

Charles Leonard, s. Caleb and Martha, Apr. 20, 1825.

Daniel, s. John and Marthah, Jan. 2, 1743.

Daniel, s. John and Sally, Aug. 24, 1818.

Debora, d. John and Mary, Jan. 22, 1674. NCTR

Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1746.

Ester, d. Nathan and Hannah, May 7, 1750. [Oct. 10. dup.]

George H., s. John and Sally, Jan. 30, 1823.

Hannah, d. Nathan and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1748.

Isaac, s. John and Miriam, Oct. 29, 1764.

James, s. John and Sally, Mar. 10, 1816.

James Warren, s. John and Sally, Oct. 18, 1837.

John, s. John and Mary, Jan. 8, 1671. NCTR

John, s. John and Hanah, Apr. 18, 1712.

John, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1736.

John, s. John, jr. and Martha, June 9, 1737.

John, s. Daniel and Molley, Mar. 5, 1777.

John Burton, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1832.

Jonathen, s. John and Hanah, Nov. 23, 1702.

Jonathan, s. John and Martha, Sept. 17, 1746.

Jonathan, s. Daniel and Molley, Oct. 30, 1775.

Joseph, 1st, s. Joseph and Bethiah, Aug. 25, 1717.

Joshua, s. Joseph and Bethiah, Sept. 27, 1719.

Joshua, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Jan. 21, 1734.

Josiah Batchelder, s. Nathan and Hannah, May 23, 1747.

Judeth, d. John and Hanah, Mar. 1, 1704-5.

Judith, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, May 12, 1739.

Judith, d. Josiah and Mary, June 9, 1771.

Lydia, d. Jonahan and Lydia, Nov. 24, 1724.

Marriam [Miriam. dup.], d. John and Marriam, Feb. 1, 1762.

Martha, d. John and Martha, July 23, 1750.

Mary, d. John and Hanah, Feb. 24, 1709-10.

Molly, d. Daniel and Mary, Aug. 13, 1772.

Moses, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1741.

Nathan, s. Jon and Hannah, June 21, 1719.

Nathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1768.

Rhoda, d. Joseph and Martha, June 1, 1746.

Samuel, s. Jonathan and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1730.

Samuel Challis, s. John and Sally, Sept. 17, 1820.

Sarah, d. John and Hanah, Nov. 15, 1700.

Sarah, d. Joseph and Bethia, Aug. 4, 1722.

Thomas, s. Nathan and Hannah, July 13, 1753.

KIMBEL (Kimball)

Judeth, d. Jonathan and Lidea, May 30, 1732.

Martha, d. John and Martha, Apr. 9, 1738.

KIMBL (Kimball)

Abagal, d. Benjmin and Eliseabath, Aug. 13, 1731.

David, s. Benjmian and Eliseabath, Dec. 5, 1730.

KIMBOL (Kimball)

Joseph, s. Joseph and Martha, Apr. 20, 1744-5.

Judith, d. Nathan and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1751.

KINDRECK (Kendrick)

Elizabeth, d. John and Susannah, Apr. 16, 1734.

Molley, d. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 15, 1775.

KINDRICK (Kendrick)

Abner, s. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 31, 1768.

Anna, d. Samuel and Molly, Mar. 23, 1780.

Daniel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1747.

Betsey Jones, d. Samuel and Rhoda, Feb. 27, 1807.

Betsy J., d. Samuel and Rhoda, May 29, 1810.

Enoch Moody, s. Samuel and Rhoda, Mar. 26, 1815.

Hannah, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 9, 1772.

Hannah T., d. James and Mary D., Sept. 24, 1818.

James, s. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 5, 1763.

James, s. Samuel and Mary, June 12, 1782.

Jane Hills, d. Samuel and Nancy, Aug. 31, 1833.

John, s. Samuel and Hanah, Aug. 21, 1745. [Aug. 22. dup.]

John, s. Samuell and Mary, Dec. 17, 1764.

Maria, d. James and Mary D., Apr. 5, 1817.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Molly, Sept. 18, 1784.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Rhoda, July 20, 1808.

Sarah, d. John and Susannah, Jan. 23, 1737-8.

Stephen, s. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 24, 1770.

Stephen, s. Samuel and Rhoda, Mar. 16, 1818.

Susan F., d. Samuel and Rhoda, Apr. 28, 1813.


Alice Jane, d. Henry W., harness maker, and Sarah, at Upper Corner, Dec. 15, 1848.

KINGSBURY (Kingsberry)

Albert M[ordough. CR5], s. Joseph, operative, and Eliza, at Mills, Feb. 19, 1845.

Caroline Payson, d. _____, bp. June --, 1839. CR5

Helen Augusta, d. Joseph, bp. Sept. 2, 1849. CR5

Joseph Warren, s. _____, bp. July 23, 1843. CR5


Hannah G[reely. dup.], d. Moses and Dorothy, July 27, 1774.

KINRECK (Kendrick)

Seth, s. John and Susanna, Oct. 31, 1741.

KOPP (Copp)

Elenor, d. Solomon and Elisabeth, bp. Apr. 17, 1748. PR1

Ruhamah, d. Solomon and Elisabeth, bp. May 31, 1752. PR1

KOPPS (Copp)

Anna, d. David, bp. July 3, 1737. PR1

Elisabeth, d. David and Ann, bp. May 11, 1735. PR1

Mary, d. David and Ann, bp. May 11, 1735. PR1