NorthShore Slavery

Cases | Participants | Court Sessions | Timeline

Essex County Massachusetts Freedom Case Participants 1760 - 1783

Richard Whitteridge (1731-1774)


Biography: Summonsed and reimbursed for attendance at ECCP September 1771 for Casar vs Taylor. Housewright born in Beverly. Youngest child Ruth born September 22 1771. Wife Lydia died November 9, 1771. Remarried January 1774 and died falling from steeple of meetinghouse Nov. 1, 1774. Left estate valued at 358 pounds including 12 acres of woodland in Andover.

Comments: ECCP Reimbursed for Travel: 50 miles; Attendance: 5 days 0-15-0

Casar vs. Samuel Taylor (1772) Summonsed and Reimbursed
