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- Dated Nov. 13, 1771. Sworn, signed testimony that Bolt did business - buying and selling skins . with Casar in July 1770. Heard in August 1770 that TAylor had sold Casar and Taylor paid Casar's note. Citation: Samuel Taylor vs Casar, Superior Court of Judicature June 1772, 15. Suffolk # 132190.
Transcription:I James Bolt of lawfull Age testify that about the Month of July 1770 Casar a Negro man belonging to Mr. Samuel Taylor came to my Shop in Salem and offered to sell some Skins, which I bought of him and paid him for afterwards. I sold said Casar some deer Skins which he said Casar gave his Note for, payable in one month that about a fortnight after the Note was given I heard that Said Taylor had sold him, after that I sent to Mr. Taylor for the pay, which Mr. Taylor afterward came and Paid. That at the Time Casar bot the Skins he told the Deponent he had agreed with his said Master for his Time and wanted Cash for the Skins in order to get money to pay his said Master Essex Salem Nov 13 1771 James Bolt Sworn to Before Peter Frye Justice of the Peace PFrye